The Swarthmorean, 1931-08 | TriCollege Libraries Digital Collections (2024)

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1 1- tc c- IS :0 'e .r It I-S f e ) I t ha.rthll1Q;~ ·.hol1ege Library ~~hmOl'e •. Pa. Vol. IIi, No. 31 DOG QUARANTINE ENDS WITH SHOW Hundreds of Children and enb Enter Canines in Exhibition Par- 35 DOGS PARTICIPATE Swarthmore, Pa., August 7, Two_. Prize Winners 1931 $2.50 Per Year BEGIN NEW TRINITY [SEVEN FILE FO· R CHURCH BUILDING In the presence of a large number of members and friends, work on the new building for the Trinity Protest­ant Episcopal Church was started on Interut Tues(Jay evening of this week. SCHOOL BOARD. Evident in Fou.r cies in School' Board Vacan- A service was held on the lawn con­ducted by the rector, the Rev. J. Jar-den Guenther. Mr. Guenther was as- A Y sisted by the Rev. Fletcher Clark who MOND LAST DAY Sw. .t hmorc's Mg dog show and P",- wansn , tyh e .f i'r''s,to nm inmi ster i.n charge of. . . . I I T "t 1\1" . 1895 The first PetitIOns for candIdates for sc 100 ade marking the end of the ninety day I B k K' I b f th S I I t spadeful of carth was .lifted by W./ board and borough counCIl 11l the B~r-dog quarantine was a howling success. I Vestry. Mr. Kelghton has been trea~- ar er .clg Ito~, a mem er 0 e aotu gthhe ocfo unwtya rcto ImI1m10irse sisotnaertres(' off0i cea rdrIuvre- More than thirty of the borough's fin- urer of the church and a teacher In • k . I . r' h t cst oan;n" gath"ed w;th thek maste... the Sunday "hool sin« 1898. mg thc pa" we~ w,t, nn "atmn, t • and mistresses on the grounds of the I The chairman of the building com- more would arrive over the week-end College avenue "hool bu;lding at 2 0'- mittce announ"d that thc chu<ch hdoce the clo,;',. ho", on Monday. clock Monday afternoon and vokcd would he .. ady fo, oocupan,y bdo'e '1'he fo", ,"cancie, ;n the' "hool .hek saHsla,tion at thek ,cgaincd thc fi,,, of .he yc ... At a re'ent mcct- boa,d ha" altraeled the I .. g«. num-f, cedom. ing of the mtry, A. B. Chap;n was ber of , .. nlida .... PeHtion, are already The popul .. ity of thc demonst,ation elccted a ve"'yman to su" .. d F. P. filed fo, seven ,e,idents of .hc bo,ough was out of all p,opo,tion to what had Byerly who ,c,ioned. Milton Howard and more to come. becn expooted by the p,omotors and, Fu .. cll. )r" was cleeted t,mu,c, of I The seven whose names will appear quarantine or no quarantine, an annual the new church building fund. 1011 the Republican ballot at the primar-dog show and parade will p,obably be- The ,ontrad fo, the eon,t,uction of ios unle" they withdraw in the allotted come a permanent feature In Swarth- the fi"t umt of the complete new 1 time are, af.,habet"ally hsted, mo,c's 'ummer play p'ogram. In the ,hurch building which will co" $-10.000 I Geo'ge F'. Co ,"c. 411 Yale a"enuc. faubtluyr eb, eh ohweledv cr;,n ththe c ,hfoalwl wwhilel n p,othbe- Shawsa rbtheemno rleet. to Clarke and Harvey of I nuWc. illiam Craeme" 422 Han-a,d avc-wca'hc, ;, not so warm. Sunday morning. there will be.. 1<. C. DI,que. 918 S'rath .Ha,.n Ave. doAzetn fdioftgese nw emrei naultr.e.a doyf otnw oth ea scheanlef csleorcvkic. e Mofr . mGou'neninthge rp rwaiyllc ,p raeta ch11. ° _I nuCe.h a,l., A. D,avo. 9'" W ..t dale a,.- and in a few minutes arrivals wer( I . •.. . 1<oland L. Eaton. 239 Dickinsoll ave-comIng f,om every direction ae,o", SLOPES OF UNDERPASS 1 nue. . the playground hehind thc high , MAY PROVE USEFUL Do,othy Day (Mrs. H",don B.) ,ehBoiogl . Ge,man Shepherd dog, d'ag- JoD". o.r, o othtly8 N(Mo ",'h. HCehrebseter.r) rSoa.dn. f o,d. J22 g;ng thei, young mistresses aeross the It hos not been until recenlly with Pa,k .vc. field, English bulls straining at thei, THE DOG COMES INTO HIS OIVN. Child •• n of Swarthmore held the excavating of the underpa" no,.h Il •• yestc,day no "ctitions had leashes, bcau.iful eollics barking a a dog .how of the;r own. Nancy Armitage Is shown wIth Pal<h,. a of the ,ad,oad that Swarthmoreans h .. n filed fo, candidates on the Demo-chorus to the skies, and a legion of fox terrier, declared the friend ll' est d og, W hI' Ie Edw ard B re t z diS -.h ave been able'1 tIo vki suahl ize " how the cratic ticket for either the school board jolly little co*cker spaniels. Some ar- Improvement WI I 00 w en It IS com-, or horough council. ,ived in limou,ine and were b,ought play. Lassie, brown and whil< collie, I"'g""t_ en~.~. . pleted. . Of .he above candida • .,. R. C. DI'quc over to the reviewing stand by liveried -BANKE-RS ~ARN OF ThIS wee~ It became al?parent th?t I is now serving 011 the school board fill- .Ilauffeur" whllc others we,. just HEAVY. SENTENCES Swarthmo, .. unde~a" wdl appm m, In. ou' an unex.,i",1 'erm while Mrs. good natured mu's bent on picking a FOR THREE MEN WORTHLESS CHECKS ~re"er ha,mony ,,:'th thc .,urround- Jones i, al,o • memher of 'hc boa,d fight with every other canine twice mgs because the enltre east Stde except having been a"poin'ed this '''mmer to thei, ,I,.. There were also a goodly The cases of the threc mcn arrested The Dclawarc County Bankers A,- b.'"cath the R. R. tracks "nd 'he. wc,t ,omplele .he 'er", of Mrs. W. Carson number of wired haired terrI", and by Officer Thomas Bateman on May ,odation report, that an individnal "de ~?'th of thc R. R. w,1I ,on'~t of II"n, J,. Scotch terriers, and several beautiful 27 as they were planning to hold up a using the name of Lew Samuels has beoautllllllly IsoddeCd slope~'1 1ft I The other five candidates have all setters S h t fi II d·spos. . n y a t Ire.e- o.ot wa at tie 00 Judg.i ng the dogs was a difficult mat- cdw aorft mlaostr e wsc oerke wwheerne Junad gye AI lbert- been defrauding owners of property of the s.l op. e WIll rise to keep the earth Inh euemnIu . erre s0i fd eynctasr so fa n Sd waa IrIt)h, amvoer e'" I 'fIodr , ena tee as they were not class;fied acco,d- Dutton MaeDade sentenced the leader by pa,,;ng wor.hlcss choeks. f,om sbppmg on,o the ,o.dway of the attending thc "ublic sehool, at 'he itng to brecds but considcred one at a '0 from 20 to 40 years in the Eastern Hi> Method of operation ;s to rent I underpas< The g,adual desecnt of .'''''''' time. t· me as they filed past. . The J'udges Penitentiar.y an d hI'S two assl.s t an s a rootm or apartlment all< 0 ff er t 0 pay I the sidcI s of th. e pass tw ill f mtahk e it a At l)reSellt 0111o"J tllree !)etl'tl'OIIS for were David M. Ulrich, Justice of the from five to twenty years in the county . H more larmOIllOUS par 0 e sur- candidates for as many "acaricies in Peacc, Geo,ge Freseoln, and Office, p,i,on. All threc were fined $500 and two weeks rent III advance. e ten- roundings than would straight con- borough coundl had been filed. Thcse Watkins of thc Swa'thmo" Police. ,osts. dcrs a che,k fo, approximately 'wicc c'ete walls on all ,;d .. such as were "'"" fo, the three mcn now in ,ouneil D,. Geo,gc B. Heckman, Swar.h- Wheo telling Harry Craig. 25. of 132 .he amount of thc rent and requc,ts; n"es •• ,y di,c,lIy opposi.c thc "0'" whose 'erm, expire thi, ye." P'ank II. more physician, was also in attendanct' Putcon avenue, Essing1on, that he that he be given the balance ill .:ash./ along So: Chest~r road. " Reitzel, who is now president of Coun­at the judgcs' booth in case thcC( must ,erve f,om 20 to 40 years in the The man i, not seen again and .hc There" conStderable spcculahon m cil. 1'. E. Hmenh,u,h. and J. A"her should be any casualties in the after- Eastern Penitentiary, Judge Albert check is returned to the victim, mark-I the borough as to what use the grassy Turner. It is said that petitions for sev­noon's shoW. Chief of Police Jolm I Dutton MacDadc vigoron,ly denoune- cd. "No Accouot". ,lopes mar bl~ pur Ma~y Swt':~'~ era I additional candidat" on thc Re­Rogeri was also presesnt to aid in ed bandits who rob' defenseless store- Not only persons having apartments / ~ore';lns ~sua Ize t Ie I t~en; )~~S 0 th' puhlican tickct will he filed hefore 4 "paratlng any quarrelsomc dogs. keepers at the point of a gun. "Men and furn ished ,oom, fo, "nt, hut • v~n.'ng ave men" 1t a t,g et, ! 0 'dock M ond.y. As the dogs arrived they were reg- of your class ought to be put away for merchants and storekeepers are warll- Ploslttonsf mlore r~st u y ~III t Ie gr~~sy i A petition naming David Ulrich as a istered along with the name of their life" declared the court. cd to be very careful for whom they ~ Olf)es 0 ft tel Ull erpass Ian mee ;ng I candidate for re-election as justice of owner, their hreed, and name. They "You men are yellow, when you cash checks. The safest policy is IIl T ront 0 t Ie shtort~s as at prlcsen. I the pcace on the Repuhlican ticket has th ddt th . d hI" t' .. never to cash checks for strangers. Ihe mOist alut eln IC t were en para e pas e. JU rtumfior llowever I also heen filed. Charles Andes the other g~s W 0 point guns at defense ess VIC Ims, I 'bl h' t IS t lat a oca rea es a e rm las se- S I " f later announced the followmg wlllners. said the court "and if you had kept on however p ausl e t ell s ory. d t' f tI f the • wart IIl10re JustIce 0 the peace when E Trim, a white collie owned by Miss you might ha~e been in here facing a •• • curet bank op Itohn forti ~ ~<;e a 0d viii interviewed last night said that he had :l\f B k d h d b N . I'" H R I wes an sou C? Ie II: . n I'. not ~'et • . . a er an s owc yancy sentcnce to the elcct"c c ..t r. AI rs. Chari.. D, "t rower a"" ercate a garden Stgn ,pc tng out ttCt, III deciderd I wheftherl or 'no t he, KIng. the pretHest dog. Frank Cox 24 of Eddystone •• nd fantily, of 115 Gurnsey road, who havc name in orange and blue plant' and Won' ,. a es,,, u atc or re-c eel'on. L",le, brown and white ,ollic owncd Hen,y W. Hedi';ge" 21, of Pro,pcct hcen ,pcndlng the .,.st month at pebbles and adding ,ome ,logan as 0 , 0 abvye .,M arnsd. sMho. wHne brbye rEtd wPaarudl Bofr etOz,g dtheen tPhaer kc,o uCnrtayig p'sr isaossno cfioart etse, rmwse roe f sfeivnet ttoo Quogue, L. I., have returned. (Collti,wed Oil Pagl." Si.r) /KIRK CAND. IDATE FOR lar""'t dog. twenty ycars.. All three men wcre . DISTRICT A TIORNEY Patch, a fox terrier p."P, owned and fined $500 cach, with co"s. Make Y our Summer Vacation Pay; I showed by Nancy Armdag. of South Detcctlvc Geo,gc A. Fccncy .old of In an open letter to .he Republican ,oad, .he f,icndlies' dog. ~ the .do's confession to ,obbing • ,.,.- Write Your Experiences; Cash Prizes i votcrs of Dcfaware Connty. in whkh Flossie, a co*cker spaniel, owned by aurant at 338 East Fifth strCl:t. tillS I he likens to Benedict Arnold all public A,thu, G,over and shown by Loulo city, of about $34 on Ap,il I. and .hc . official, who "sell immunity" '0 erim- Hall, smallest dog. Knopf grocc,y at Twcnty-fou,th .nd I"nee T'" S".,lh n"'"un ;n the /m" 3. AI y mn,' enllght,n i ng cxp", enee inal,. Howa,d K i,k, "edla altorney. Bull Montana, an English bull dog, Chcstnut 'trcci~ of $50 on Ap,il 22. "';n/"-I;n" ;, a ",.,.1 uf «;wl ;1, W;- in the summer of 1931. 'has annonnced his candid",. fo, Di,- • owned by Mrs. Albert N. Garrett, J,., Frank R. Titu" Chi,f of Lan,downe ""," ,ee doing. II" fOel Ihot so m.n,' The Swarthmorean assumes 'he ,igh. ',ict Attorney of the connty: an~ shown by Marcia Garrett, the police. said .hc youths had admilled Swaclh""" .. " do u'h~1 II" .• d<> i" tI~, '0 publi,h any .nd all artid" th" are Predi,t;ng .he downfall of the Gov­ughest dog. th,cc holdnp, in .hat bo,~ugh. Abou. """,,,,, al ,.m, fa, dts/<>nl ~un". m~k" 'uitsbfc " th,y a'. received. Aftc' ernmen. unles, ,omc.hlng i, donc to Cash prizes were given by The $12 was taken from the Fleldmg store, Ille SIIIIIII/l'Y issul'S of thl' paper hllie I . r I f h break the grip of organized crime on Swa,thmo,ean '0 the winners and con- 123 Powclton a venue, on A p,il 24; Ih .. , ."''" un"m ",I , u f ,.min", ., Se.,.. 15.h. t hrcc It .. ra,y 'g ,ts 0 t c hold", of public office. ~f ,. Kirk ,olatlon pd,es in the fo'm of dog $15 from the Stull d,ug ,tore. Ralt,- ',. . 'contntuui.y wtll bc selected 'oludge .bc pledges himseff. if clected. to "cxercise biscuIts werc wven '0 all of the ent,ic,. more a venue. onc AI ay 5 •• nd $10 :rom i IV it/, II" hup, th., ~,.~Ir w,1I p,ize wi nnlt'" "ti, k under each c1 .. st- to .h. f u lie" degre~ the powcrs vested The show was ,ponsored by The the Holroyd d,ug store. 202 No,.h, fu/ i,,,/ined I. " ... ite ood "II ,,·/,.1 t/",· fication. 1m .hc office of D"'''ct Atto,ncy f~' Swarthmorean and Miss Mildred Rea-j Wycombe avenue, on IMb~y 11. }he are doillg dllriu9 1I1~ SII"/IIIer II/Ollt/IS. It is 110t necessary to designate that II tche enforcemlehn~, of all the laws of thiS . al 0 admitted ro) mg a urug l C;. II Mlllees tire /01-, '. ommonwea t . g'n, playground super.,so,.. men s G rrett ,oad and Lansdowne' T <c • • "~~ "norean . """ yon are weitin" y.0u, a,t,ele .. the The extcn. of o'ganized trimc and Although several dogs arrived too store at. M a I .10wlII!J pYl_e cOlltesl. . most emi>arrasslIlg experience of the Ii ts efforts to control those in puhlic . d h I' f . avenue III ay. I I L I . I I' I f tl _ ate to be re",stere t. tSt ° ent".. In each case the robberl" weco a,-, seaso". ct. tC lU' ges , c,~' c 0, 'em offi" have ntade thc po,t of Dist,ict was a~ !ollows: . . complished with the aid of revolvers, I An opportunity to earn a cash prize I ~el\'es whether your experlenc, e helOI.lgS Attorney one of the most important in PatrIcIa I, Enghsh bull te3r3r3i erN, enh- t h e po II' ce sal'd . I to II e IP YOIl 111 eet YOllr Sllllllner vaca- 111 the class ofr thIe m.o st em )arrasslIlg the county, he a.s .s erts. . ter.'d by Ralph Rhodes, of 0yt CraIg', sentence was hc.v! hccause 1 .ion ex ... n, .. i, offecod hy The Swarth- 0' the on?" en '. '''nmg. . "The offi~e i, no longer looked npon P,mcc'on avenue, Fo~ey: fox temer, of his previous re,o,d. TwtCe before I mo,can .hi, wcek to readers of tin, All .rltelc, must hc ~cnt to 'h, ed,- a, a trannng school fo, young I.w-entered by Geo'ge Colltn,: 406 Swar.h- hc had plcadcd guilty to larceny and i pa"er. to, he",,,,. the .u.ho, s ,orrec. ~'atne ym." he continu". "In many ca,,, more avcnue.. Sox, Belg .. n shcphcrd, had ,ervcd a tc,m in jail. He wa, aC-1 At last here i, a conte't whi,h you although "a~es w'.11 no. he publt,hcd the most ablc Judges arc quitting the entered by Btil .cleme~t, 201 Elm aye- quittcd I .. t March of the ,harge of i mov cu • ., ou a par w;tI, you, neighbors wi~h the arlteles ~f ,,,cc,ficd hy the be.~'h to 'erve in 'hi, eapad.y. nue; Pcppy, WteC hatred fox temer, taking par. in the holdup of the 800th- ,,,,j a good chance '0 win. wctters. Howeve~ d m"~. he '~mem- . The ,cason i, plain. In every ,n'ercd by Lee Thomas, ~f Swar.h- wyn Inn. "You have a very bad ,cp- In fact 1'he Swarthmorean i, oener- I he red that an arltele pubh,hed ~"h the 'htCkly populatcd center today. law­more Apar'ments. Shcp, m,xed breed, tat ion and you have enmeshed tltese I "roviding three con"st, so that correct nante of the autho, wtll carry lessncss i, bccomlng thc 'ulc. C,ime entered by David and Roland Ullman ~ther men; you are an outcast," de-, ftu~/ almost impmsible to lose. . mor~ weight with the judges than one is. orga~ized . t? an extent beyond the of 213 Har~ard avenue. deelarcd Judg, MacDadc. What have yon hcen doi" •• In, ,um- publ"h,d ove,. a p,n-namc. " wddc,t 'magmmg, of the average law- . Wo!f, pohce dog entered by Fran· Craig had no.hing to "Y. exccp. at mer? Review you, ex.,c,ien", in you, 1'h",e entenng .he c~m.tculto~, are abIdIng dtizen. Furthc,more, crimc is cts S'mon~ of 131 Ru'gcrs avenue. onc point to deny that hc had bcen . d if you have any (cxpc,iencc,) and asked to keep thctr "0"" as betef ~, hcmg linked up w;th men ;n h;gh puh. Scrap, esk'mo entered by Mary S~y. ", nning" with Tcddy Dix. who i, now :"'.n n 'ite up one of them fo, The possible .I.hough no exact ' •• acc Imnt lic office. Ou, very civilization de­dc" 51a Y~leaycnue, Rone~, w.'" se~ving a ten-year 'entencc in the S::~,rh,:orean. is set. pend, on thc in.cgri.y and vigilance hatred .t~mer, by C.rohn~ Eastern Penitentiary. Artieles may be on tbrec phm, of The prizes wllf be one dollar in cash of those ~ho h~vc the enfo,ce~lCnt of Underwood, 2fI4. D'ckmson avenuc, Cox was represen'cd by Atto,ney you, general ex ... ,icnces thl, ,ummer, to thc winne, in each divi'ion as well .he law '" thctr chargc. ThtS com­Robby, CTO .. breed, entered by Caro- John] Stetser Hedinger by Atto,ncy I My "'0" unu'ual cxpc,ience In thc as "veral honorable mcn';ou awards. bin .. ion of "iminals wi.h men iri pub­I"! e Far!c;, ~9 Hav~'ford avenue. Verno~ Stovc~ and . C'~ig had no ,u";mer of 1931. Send you, ,ommunicatlon, to "Ex- lic office mu't .b~ b,ought to an cnd. HIPPY, wire haIred terrle~, c. n~ered I •• by counsel. Assistant District Attorney 12M t embarrassing experience perience Editor," The Swarthmorean, The way to ella It IS through. the- bal-wrttn nue. .N.iD.., . "Ec~ntg lioshj ,is3e1t teRr,,v eenryte"rwed a ,vbe· yC' Wllfiam IK Itr aft, J,., rep,csented .hc.11 1 t. he ys ummom,e r 0 f 1931 • Swarthmore, Pa. 10' box." T..'.~ ~ '(Ccmtillll,d DII PGg, Six)' . . commonwea t • r I r

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\ ,4 t,• Swa.rth:nu.r:~ Oollege L lbrary ~rtbmore •. Pa. Vol. III, No. 31 DOG QUARANTINE I ENDS WITH SHOW I Hundreds of Children and ents Enter Canines in Exhibition Par- 35 DOGS PARTICIPATE Swarthmore's big dog show and par-I adl' marking Ihe end of the nineh' day - I dog quarantine was a howling success, i ~Iorc than thirly of the horough's fin-I cst canincs gathl'red with their maslcrs and mistresses on the grounds of the! Collcge avcnuc school building' at 2 0'-1 clock l\londay afternoon and voiced I hcir satisfaction at their regained I f reedolll, I The popularity of thc demonstration: was out of all proportion to what hac! been expected by thc promotors and" quarantine or no quarantine. an annual dog show and paradc will probahly be- : come a permancnt feature in Swarth- i more's summer play program, In the future, howcvcr. thc show will prob- I ably he held in the fall when tht'i weather is not so warm, i At fiflecn minutcs of two a half I dozen dogs were alrcady on the scellt: and in a few minutes arrivals wen i coming from eVerv direction acros~.: tile playground j)ehilld the high! school. Two, ' .. .' " -- ~----- -- - - ~------- - - Swarthmore, Pa., August 7, 1931 -- ~-- $2.50 Per Year Prize Winners I 'BEGIN NEW TRINITY CHURCH B~ILDING 111 thl' presell('l' l,f a large 11l11111ll'r "i llIell1hlTS and iriend~. work "n the III W hl1ildillg ior thl' Trillity Prolest­ant EpisCtlpal Church Wit, starteel 1111 ,TIII'"litl' l'\'el1ill~ {Ii this Wl'l·k, : :\ se~vit'l, was held 1111 thl' la\\,11 con­dUcIl'd 11\' thl' rl'ctor. thl' I~l'\', .I . .Iar­dell ClIl';lIher, ~I r. CUl'nther was a:.­sisttfl I", the I{n', Flt-tcher Clark ""Ill was tlt~, first ministl'r in charge oi Trinity ~rissill11 ill 1}(1)5. The tir~t SEVEN FILE FOR SCHOOL BOARD InterESt Evident in Four cies in School Board MONDAY LAST Vacan- DAY Petiliolls illr c,llldidatl''; illr school :',padl'iul oi earth was lifted hy \\'. I'oard alld 1IIII'ollgh ('ollllcil ill thl' Bor­B: lrkl'r Kl'ightlln, a 111('mhl'r o'j Ihe IIl1,gh of :-;\\'anhnlllf(' slarled III arri\'(' \'l"lry, :\Ir, I-'::I'ightlln has hl'l'n tn'as- at tltel:lll1l1ly ('lInl1ni.;,illlllT": llttice dur­lIrer IIi the chllf('h alld :t It'adll'f in the Sunda\' schllol since 181)8, i11l.! the pa.;t \\'t'l'k \\ith indication" Ihat I" ~J'hl' chairl11an lli Ihl' hl11' IcI '1 11g COI11- nh)rt' \I'ould arril'l' O\'l'r the wl'ek-l'nd IlItltl'{' anllollnced that the church "dor .. tht' dosing hOl1r Oil ~lllnday, I \\'ollld he rt'ady inr oc('upancy Ill·foft, The iour I'a('all('il'~ in the school the tir~t oi IIIl' vcar. :\1 a rl'celll ml'l't- b(lard Itan' attracled Ihe i:trgest 11 11111- ing- Ill' the \·l'sin'. :\, n, Chapin \\'a" her lli calldidall':', Pl'tit illl\:' arl' alft'ady l'I'clnl a \'l'Slrn;JaIl 10 succt'ell F, p, till'll illr ~l'\'t'n f(':.idl'lIb oi thl' I,,'roll~h Byerly wh" n·;ignl'C1. ~I ilton Howard alld l11ort' 10 cuml', Fussl'Il. J r .. was l'lcclt'd treasurer IIi The Sl'n'lI whose nallle;; \I ill appear 'the 1I1'\\' 'church huildin,g iUlld, Oil Ihe l~el'lIh!il"1l1 ballot at thl' I'rimar- The ('Olltrart ior the cnllslructilln {Ii il" lillie,s thn' wilhdraw ill the allllttl'd tl1l' fir,t ullit of the C(llllplt-Il' new' tilll\' ar,'. alpl;ahl'lically listed: church h11ildillg which will CllSt S-IO,O(lO (;l'orgl' F, Cllrsl', ~II Yak alTll1ll', I Shwa,a rItl lhl'mlI orIel't, to Clarke and J larn'y "i \\'illialll Cral'IIIt'\". ,L?2 Ilan-arcl an'- SlIlIday morlling. Ihert' will he a "lTn\'{' "j morllillg prayer at 11 0'­dock, :\11'. ClIl'lIther \lill pf(';]l'h, • • SLOPES OF UNDERPASS MA Y PROVE USEFUL IIl1e, I" l'. 11is'lllt" ')IH Sll'ath Ila\l'1I ,\n', Charles ,\. IJra\'", ')0.1 \\'e,tdall' an'- 1111", 1,,,lalld I .. 1,: .. t"lI . .!3'J I lickilh"l1 011'1'- IllIe, Big German Shepherd dogs drag­gillg their young mistrcsses across the lield, English hulls straining at their I THE DOG COMES INTO HIS OWN. Children of Swarthmore held tht' l'Xl'a\'alillg- oi the tlnderpass norlh leashes, beautiful collies barkin CT " a a dog show of their own. Nalley Arnl'l tage I'S hs o wn WI' th P a t Cj I" a 'oi till' railroad Ihal Swarthmoreans chorus to the skies, and a legion of B" ha\'e hel'l1 ahle to \'isualizl' how tht' It has 1101 IIl'ell ulltil rl'cl'ntly with I )"rllilty J Olll's. (,IIX Iltl .... thy i'ark an'. Day (~Ir", l!urd"l1 B,) :\orl h Cltl'sler l'llOtd, I ,\1 "s, 'It-rllerl I Salliord, 322 L'p IIntil yt',tlTday 1111 pl'liliolls hall hel'll lilt-d ior candidall''' "11 thl' Iklllll­natil' til'ket illr l·illter thl' "dlt'ol h"ard '''' h, ,rollgh ('oullci I. jolly little co*cker spaniels, SOIllC ar-: u 111lprO\'l'lI\enl WI 00' \\' Il'lI It IS C011l-fox tel'riel', "eclarcd the friendliest dog, while Edward retz uIS-. 'II I k I ., ri\'t'd ill limousille and were hroug-hl' plays Lassie, bl'O\'.'1l and white collie, largest entry plt'll'(1. o\'l'r to the reviewing sland by liveried ----- ,- This Wl'{'k it ht'Callle apparent that r.:1i'auITeurs, while others werc just I HEAVY SENTENCES BANKERS WARN OF S\\ arl hmore's unc1t-rJlass will appear in go~d natured muts hen I on picking a I FOR THREE MEN WORTHLESS CHECKS greater har11l0ny with Ihl' surrnund-tight with every other calline twice: 'ings hecausl' the t'nlire east sick l'xccpt Oi tltt' ahon' l'alldidatl'''' 1\, C. Dis'IIIi.' is 1111\1' SlT\'illg Oil thl' ~chool h"ard till­illg "111 all IIl1t'xpirt'd knll \\'hilt- ~Irs, JOIIl'~ is als .. a IIll'lIIher oj the board 1t,I\'illg h(,l'n apPllinll'd this ~1I111mL'; III C"lIlplel(' tltl' I'TIIl "i :\1 rs, \\', l'ars"l1 I,yall, J r, II " TI I II I I 'I'll" 1),,1,'1\\','11'" C,llllll\' Bankers 1\5_,1, hellealh tht' I~, j{, traeks alld thl' west 111l1e11l1r1 ) SIze, lere were a so a gooc Y 'fhe cases of the three I11l'n arrestl'l " , S '"I rl t ) f \\'I'r"~c l Ila,l'~r"c l t~r rl'c'r"s aull" I", 0 fl'I ceI' 1'1 lomas B alelnan 011 '.\ aIy SO'cla tH, ln rq)ort,, tl1'.1 t' ,'I II l'II(II'\,!'(!ll,a l side n.o. rth of the K R, will consist of wI" ,en' ",. an d ,meaI ". onnt',f, ,I, 27' " tI,,·v wm' ,,]annln, to hold UI' a u,lug ,I,,· "a",,· .. ,, ,-"w S, a"""·,, , 10,,, ,b('0:!"I1"t,ll nalh' ' 1s1(0'c"Id"l"'r0! 01sl "pwla'sl,! .1 'h, fool setter". : Swarthl1l~rc store were finally dispns- " J udglllg tIC dogs was a (I ICU t mat- l (I c,f last week whcn Judge :\Ihal , 'I I'fl' I I ~ hl'en c\t-irallding owners 01 propl'rty; of Ihe "llllll' will rise III kl'ep thl' l'arth rhl' "ther lin' candidatl's halt' all I"TII n'"idl'nh (II Swarthlllt'rl' illr a lIumhcr 01 year, and all Ita n' children attelldillg Ihl' I'll h Ii .. sclt""I" Oil Ihe pn''''111 tilll e . ter as t Il ey wcre not c I ass I ICu accor -, Duttoll Mac Dade sentenced I he le;!ckr ... 'fi ,. d 1)\, ]lassing worthless ch~'cks, ~ fr011\ slil lllil1" onlo thl' roadway nf tht, ing to brceds hut considered olle at a' to from 20 to 40 \'ears in thl' Eastl'rn '11i~ ~I{ thod of operalion IS 10 f('nt' IIIHler,pass, ,Thl' gradll:t,1 dl'"n'lIt, of tl' llle aDs t II CY iiIi e(I past. TIeI 'JU (I ges Penitl'nti,ary and h is two assi,tants a rl1011\ or al'art11ll'nt and off('r 10 pay the Silks 01 the I'ass \\'111 11\ake It a wI ere a\,'l' d ~r, UIri'c h, J llSt\'C l' 0 f ,t II e, frolll live tn- l\\'l'nty years ill tlll'_county 1\\'" \\'("'k','~ r"lltl' n alh'ancl', Ill' kn- more harmonious parI ,eotrf, 'll'gthlllt ' sur- , ( T:' I I Ofl " , roundings thall would, ' COII-ean', 'l'orgl' "!'l'SCO 11. an( letT' l)rison All thrl'e were fined $:>()() and I "I' \\'atkills of the Swarthmore Police., ~os'ls, ' i ders a dlt'ck !or apprOXllnale y IWln: crl'le wall, Oil all sidl's sllch as werl' ,\1 pn',elll 0111.1' tllrn' ]It'tili''lIs for l'alldid,lle' jor a, 11 101 II.\' I'acallcil's in !'"rollgh cOllncil had hlTII tilt·d. These 1\'1'1'" illr the I hrel' nll'lI Illl\\' ill council \\'how IlTllb ('xpire this .\'('011': Frank I~, j't'itzd. \\ h., is 1111\1' pn',idt'llt oj CUIIIl­cif. '1', 1-:, 11"S"'lIhrt1l'h, alld J. ,\rclter TUrtler. It i, said that I..-titioll s illr sn'­eral additiollal I'alldidall's '1I1 tht' Hl'­puhlican liekt'l will I", li1t-d hdtlre 4 "\'I,,,'k ~1"llda.\'. ') ( ' I) fJ k S I I I I t I II r nt 'In I re'llIt"" '1I·('t'sS:U',I' dirtTtly "PIH>,itt' lIlt' slort's r, ,eorgt' 1, H'c'lIIan. ,wart 1- \\'hen tl'lling Harry Craig, 2.~, of 132 t 1(' a11\{)1111 0 \(' l' ,( , I 1II0re I>lysI.C,la l1, was a Iso' 11 1 alteJl( Ia lice' 1)III('on a\'ellue, Essillgtoll, I hat he II I hal hl' he givell IIl l' IJ a Ia nCl' 1.1 1 ,'as I1 . along :-;0. Chl'skr road, , at the judges' hooth ill case there l11ust Sl'n'l' fr011\ 20 to 40 Yl'ars ill Iht" Thl' l11all is Ilot S(,l'lI again and 111: I There i, cOllsilit-rabk speelllatioll 111 ' " k Ihe horough as to what IISl' Ihe grassy shollid he ally casualties in the alter- E;hll'r11 Pellitentiar,\". Judge :\lhlTt I c11l'ck is rl'lurlll.d to the \'tctllll, mar-- "",,,,', ,ho..-. ChI, f of Por " .,. .J 0 I' " ll"" "" "ad )ade "I",,,,,,,, h- d,"" "",," I ,·d. ",,, A",,,,ut',. "sl"o'pne ,a; '"m "aIy, "ah Il'I ". Pl,l]t... . "'~,I. "a'n]y" ."S w"fa r,t1h0,-. Rogcri was also prcsl'snt tn aid ill ('cl l)all(II'ts' \\'ho roh ckit·n';l·lt·ss storl'- Xot only 1"'rsOllS ha\'ing apartllll'nh . I' En'nillg Pa\'l'lIIl'lIt dllh taklllg I It'lr separating any (IUarrl'lsolllc clogs, k"I'IIlTS at the ]loillt of a gllll, "~Il'n alld illrnislH'd rooms for n·lIt. hilt 'I ' ]HlSilions 11\0re f('sttully on t 11' gra"y As the dogs arrin'd they Wl'f(' r('g- 'II' \"'llr ('I;ls,s ollght 10 hI' I,ul away ior! II1tTdlanls alld slorl'kt'eptT" art' warll- , isterecJ along with th(' nal11(' of th('il 1I'I't:." 111·dart'(1 the fonrt. I,'d til ),l' n ry can'inl for Wh"111 t wy OWl\er, their hrt'l'd, ;]I\(I lIan\(', Thl'Y "\'1111 111"11 ar" ,\'t·lln\\,. wht'n YOII, cash chl'l'ks. The sail'si 1'0 ICY I 1<; -1"1"" IIi tht' lIIHI(Tpa,s Ihall I1 II1't'tlllg I, 'ill ir011l IIf the stOrt's as at preSl'lIL ,me tI",,, ,>amded p." t 10,'. jndg~, who 1' .. 1", gn"~" at , dd ,.,,,.' J,o" "I," I",,;' nn..., ,.. ",,,10 .-I,,'" b , .., """,g• . " I, T,1h0 'e" 1"I 10,,s,t, .,,a] u"t'h'0e1n t,i.c, " "rl ,.l llIlI ""r" 1]0,,W" t',\,'I''.r lalcr anllouncl'd tl\(' follow11lg W1I111('rS, sal'll IlllO C(lllrt, "and ii ,\'Ilil had kt'pt '1I1 hll\\'t'\'l'r plausibl .. theil story, , I T';",. a whIle ,olll,· OW"",] hy "I" ""n ",Igh' ]>a ,., he,'" I" ]",,,. ; .. 'lo,g a • • • w,." ] "'" k """ h .. , II". ". ", '" ,,] wIll ,\ petilioll lIamillg I la\ id l'lrich as a cIlldidall' I"r re-l'itTtioll a, jll,til'l' "I' thl' pt'an' Oil th,· l~t'l'u!'licaJl tickl'l has OIls .. hlTII lill'll. ('harle, ,\Jldt'" tlt(' .. thl'r ~wart lilli' I fl' just in' oj I h(' pl'al'(' whl'll in1l'rI i"\1 I'd la'l lIighl q id t ha t h,' had 111 It yet ,it'cidl'll wh .. t hl'r nr Ilot hl' \llIlIl') hl· a "alldidat(' illr n'-l'I"Clioll, curl'd all oplioll jllr Ihl' 1I,t' III I It· !o;. ". Rake< a"d ,ho",ed hy "a"ey ;"""'''00' ,.. tI,,· ,·1,·,,,1,' .-1m I,," .'It'" ('] ""'" ll,. 11 ,,,' "" m',', ,,,,,I n,' 'n ,. " gmh" ,Ig" 'I'e III "" "'" ,10,.1, K IL"ags. si,e10, " hr1o',w,'1I tI ieal"\( I dwogh.i ll' collie owned I r F <an k\ \'C oJx I. I2' '.g ,r,; ?EIo 1<ol,j- ". I",'.r.. ll,s,,,p,I l'; l'"''I' ,I"', . ", 115 "'n""''" "",,I]. wh .. 10 ,,,.,. "''''',. I" """'g,' a ",1 10]".. ,,] I, ,,", a"" hy ~Irs, ~r. JierhlTt Paul of Ogden Pal'rlkIn: ' Crai, g's 1;'(, sIIsIo rli' a.t e-s, • wen' SI'n. l to V)'IU'tO 11g Ul's, peLn, d'i-n, gh aInh'l ' rl'lplalrsnt l'd.l II"nl I al p .. hhlt." and adding S01l1,' '''gall a, an'" and showII hy Edward Brdz, the I ("""I;llll,''/ ,," /'"",' Si,'/ i thl' I"ollnly prislln for tallls oi tin' III Iargl'sl dog, tWl'nl\' \'l'ars, :\11 thn't' IIIl'lI \\Tr,' Patch. a fox terrier pup, OWIWc\ and lined $SO() ('ach, with ('osts. showl'd hy Kancy Armitage of South, Iklt'l'tin' Cl'org(' .. \. F"l'lIl'.\' told III CIll'st('r road, Ihe friendliest dog, tIll' trio's confession III rllhhin~ a rl"~­Flossie. a co*cker spaniel, oWllcd hy auranl at 3.m East Fiilh stn"'t, Ihls Arlhur Grcwer and showII hy Loui3 cil\'. of ahout $.H Oil :\pril I. alld Ihe IIal\. smalJ{'st clog, KI;opi g-rOCt'n', al TWl'nly-iourth alld Bull ~r olltana, all English hlll\ dog, Chl'stnllt sln'l~ls. ni $50 IlII ,\pril 22. n\\'nl'd h\" ~rrs, Alhert X, Garrett, Jr., Frank B, TilliS, Chiei oi Lan,;dllwn,' and sho"wn hy ~rarcia garrett, the police, said thl' Ylluth.; had ad1l1ittl'd IIglil'st dog, t hn'l' holdups ill I hal horough. ..\ hOllt Cash prizes wcre gin·n hy The $12 was takell frllm till' Fielding, ';IO~t" Swarthmorean to the winlll'rs and con- 123 Powt,lIlln aVl'llIlt', on .. \pnl _~: 'olalion priZes in thl' form 0 f cIo g $15 fro111 tIi l' .c.· Iu II II rug' ' I .. r l'~ 11,0 1111- hiscuils \\'I'rc gin'lI 10 all of Ihl'l'ntries, lIIore an'nut'. OIH' ~Iay .", and ::-10 ~rll11l The sho\\' was SI){lnSIlf('d hy The Ihe Jlolrn\'cl drug stOrt·. 202 :\orth Swarthmoreall alld ~r iss ~I ildrec\ Rea- \\'n'o11lhe' a\'l'1I1H', 011 "ay II. Thl' gall, playground snpl'rvisor. 'll1l:11 also admitit'd rnhhill~ a I (Irllg Although scveral clogs arri\'l'd too store al (;;]rrett road and Lalh( llwnl' a \'cnlle in ~I ay. lall' to he rcgistt'red the list of clltries (n each cast' lilt' r"hlll'ries \\erl' al'- waPsa tarsic ifao llIo, wEs:l lglish hull I('rria, ; ,. 'I I .ilh the 'lid of rn'"lnT'. CI1-' It111P Ir Il'l \~ I ' len'd h\' Halph Hhoc\l's, of 333 Xorlh t Il(', 1)(,1 I,fe sall t '1' \\'~' Ilt'~\'\' hl'l'allst' ' • • • ~ I ralg s ~l'll ('I .. t.' •• ~ n _ • I nncC\OIl ,H'('nUe, Foxq', fox tcrnl r., , I ' , r c'llr(1 Twil'" hdllrt. enten'c\ hy (', eorgl' Co II'm s", -I o)r .S' wart I 01 liS pn'\'IOIIS {' , 1- I I I I I I glll'll\' to hrl'en\' alld IIIOre a \'l'lltll', S' ox, BelgI'anI I I H' ta( P ea( ('( , ' , S H'P lere • ' I I I t II I'll J' '11'1 II" was al'- l'nlt-red hy Bill Cll'ment, 20) 1'..1 111 la( Sl'n'e( a t'rI ,. , 01\'('-' " ' I I ,t 'I' r'll oi Ihe I'harg,' III I . I' If' '111111l'( as ,\ ,I l IlIIC; '('ppy, wire" I laln'l of x terfler" k' I 1'1 tIl" 110111111 of IIII' llllllth- {'ntl'red lIy I.c(' I lomas, C' I ta 'lIIg par I , , 0 ,~\\'art 1- i I .. ,' Ila\'(' 'I \Tn' had rep' ' 'I I ) '\\'vn 1111. J 011, , , IIIOrt, Aparllll('nts. Slwp, nllXC( )n'CI, I '. • I 'OIl II~\'" ('1I111l'shl'cI thl"l' C'IIIt'f('c\ h\' l>a\'\(. 1 anc I I"' Il Ia lii I VII man utaI tlon ,III( '\ ~r.'. , ~II outelsl .. dl'- .. .. ot ]('r I1U'II; ,"olt CI t II I •• "I 2,13 lIan-,ard an'nlll', 'lit-dared JUII~t. ~radl;\(k . . \\ o~f, POh'l' dog ('II,Il'recl hy Fran- Craig had lIolhillg 1(1 say. I'XI'I'pt al "SIs SIIIIlIlIS of 1.11 I"utgt'rs avellU(', , I I II'II\' Ilnl I\(' had heen , \1 S one P0111 0 t,' , • Ic rap, l'SkllIlO l'nten'd h\' ,\ an' • lIy- , .. '.. 'III ','l'lllh' I )ix whll IS n"W 'r '1'" flIII1I11Ig \\,1 " . , ' 'I IT', 51.1 \ all' aVl'1I11l', \Olley, , wr lrc Sl'n'l,I Ig a I t'lI- \'('..~ r .' {'IIIl'nn' 111 Ihl' ~;l1rt'll Il'rril'r, l'nt(',rl'l~ II)' (aro III{' j':ashTII Pl'nitt'l;1 iar)" Il IIlh'f\\'ood, 204 J)lck11lSIlII a\'l'nUl' ; (" ." r"llr"S{'lItecl h,\' • I I C ox \\,Is ~ " I:"hhr, cross hrel'd, l'1I1t'r f {'( I n' aro- Johll J, Stl'lSl'f, I h'dillJ.{l'r hy I1 I1. {' Faries. ' 231) .I (aver ore an'lIue, \' St r ~IIII Craig- ,'ruol1 ~ t )V(' c. . I itpp.r, wire hain'd t('rrll'r, l'lIh'red hy, .1 '\ssl'slant District AlIorllt \' • ~ I)" 'lOUIIS{" .. ' , I I .... wrencll I\,Cllt of "',1) ,,1\'l'n'll'W a\'e" '(' \\"11' '-"raft Jr n'I,f('sl'ntel I II' :\ttortll'Y Attorm'y hacl 110 Make Your Sunlmer Vacation Pa)l; Write Your Experiences; Cash Prizes \""",' Tit,· S"'(/r///II1",.,·",, III liz,. I'IHY 3, ~I)' 1110:.t l'lllighll'llillg ('Xpl'neIlCl' ,,·ill/,·r-lilll,· is ,I ,.,· .. "r,r "f ;,·/tlll il,' 1',',;- in thl' slInl1l1l'r ,)1' l'jolL ,(,'111,,' '11',' c/oill!!. 1/", flld ,Ii,,1 ,.,1 11/,111.1' The :-;\\,arl hmort'all a,'lInH', Ihl' right .\'~"IIrIIrJ/l"/"""',; d" .,·It!" 111,'.1' ,"" ill ':~': I 10 I'uhli,h ally all,) all an icll" that arl' ,, ",",III,'/' ,,1 .1'0111,' lar d,sl,lIll 1'''/111, 11/'1.'" ,\ , I ,\!'tt'I' 1/", .1'1/111111,'1' i .... ol.· ... of l/r.· I'll!' • .,. 1111/.' 'llilal.h· a:. tlt('y a 1'1' rl'('t'1\ l'( . III 0)',' I / "II' ,111110/111'-1'''1.'11 I ,,' 0 J' ","'11"1,'/'" ,'I' :-;"1'1. J.~lh. Ihr ... · lilt'fary lights .. i tl\l' l'1l1ll11l1111it," Il'ill "l' ,eled .. d I .. judge th l. IH'izl' \\ ill 11 ill!,! arlicl .. 1I111it-r l'al'h c1assi- ~~"~ , Il'illl 11,.· 11,,1'" ,/r,,/ 11101',' 1""'1'1.· i,'11l tiea t illl!. I ••• KIRK CANDIDATE FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY III all "1"'11 Il'Ilt-r 10 thl' l{l'Pllhli,'all \'''1l'rs "i Ill'lawa1'<' (\'UIlI.\'. ill which hI' likl'lh til i:1'11ediet ,\ rllolc\ a II ]luhlic "ni('ial~ \l11C> "sdl illllll1ll1ill'" 1" cri1l1- illal,. 11"\\ard 1-':: irk, :\("dia attllnlt . .\', h,r,., alllltlHIII't'e1 hi, I'anclidaey i"r Ili,­Irict :\lIorll"y of tl1l' .. ollnly, f,·.·/ ;,,'-/il/"" 10 i",-i/,' """ 1.-11 ;,'/r,,1 IIr,'y fI),,' do;,,!! ,("1';/1.11 II,.· ,\'/IIlIlIl''r 1I/,."t1I~. rll.' S.,'flrl/IIlIO)',"1II ""1It/1I11(,·..- IIr,' ,,,/, lo;"i"!f I'ri~ .. ,'''/II,'sl: I'n'e1ictillg Ih,· (1"\\'lIiall "i the (~Il\'­lTlln ... 111 1I111,'"s ~"ml'lhing i.; dOIl(' to IIrl'ak Ih,' grip oi flrgallized criml' 1111 hohll'f' fli puhlic of/iel', \I r. K irl, pl"dg," hi1l1sdi. ii dn· ... cJ. III ""xl'rt'isl' t" tit" jull",1 e1,'gr.·l· the ]lll\\'t'rs n'st"d ill Ih,· "nin' Ili DistricI .. \ttllrlll'\' illr II i:. lI"t 1\ ..... ·";11'.1' III dl',igllalt' Ihal Cth(,l·I II"IlllIiIolfI(I'I(\,(II'aHll'lhI,t" fli all tIll' law" o'i this l'\I'(I1o1s1 1 a,n·m' ),warrli,l. .i "nigl lg.\'' oll'Xlr IHa'rrit(i,l .l. li'tt,· aosf IIhhll"' Tit" .. ('X1l'1I1 Ili (lrganized crimt' ... ncl I .... dlllrt.; til control I hilS!' ill puhli(' 'l·a,"11. 1.('1 I hl' jlulg,·~ ,It-ddt' ior Iht'111- onin' han' m,ull' Iht, I"ht oj Dislrict :\Il opportullity to "anl a Cis II pr IZl " ', ",h·,·s \\ ht'lht-r )Ollr l'Xpl'rit'IH't' 1"'longs ,\tl"rll",I' "ll,. 1.1' tll(' 111,,','t 1' 111 1)'lrl,'lllt I'll 10 Itt'lp \'1111 IlIlTt YOllr S1l1l111\l'r \'at'a- IiInr tIIhIeI' nrlioas"l lo'nfl itghhtl'l 'l1I1i1l,l"g1, t'nlharrassing Ihl'' 1'1" ')1111'1:"\' . hI' aSst'Ir ls, lillll t'XP':llSO is "fil'rt·" hy Thl' SII?rtl~- " II' ".til'" IS no ongtT I""ked UpOIl IlI0n'all lhi, WI'l'k 10 rl'adl'rs 01 III1S ,\11 articll's 111 11 sl Ill' "'nt 10 lh,· t'di- a, a Irainillg ,,'hool ior YOllllg law- 1':1)"'1', . lor hl'arillg the allthor's corn'ct nallll' .\'l'r,." II(' cllnlinlll's, "In many C,ht., .\1 i:t,1 hl'rl' i ... a clln"'sl wInch yIIII ,dlhollgh lIall\(', \\ill 11111 II(' pllhli~hl''' Ih,' 1II0st ahll' JII<lg •. s art. qllilling- lh\' 111"1 t'lIl<-r Oil a par I\ith your IH'ighh"rs \\ilh 11ll' artidl's ii :,pl'cili,'d hy till' IlI'nell to ,n\'{' in Ihis capacity, ' I I I I'll I\rilt-rs. Ilo\\'l'I'T il nllht h,· rl'IlII'lII- "Thl' rea SOli is Ill,lill, III ('\'''r y ' ' :d h;l\{' a g""" l'lanc(' 0 \I . , 111 i"c! Thl' ~\\'arlhlllor,'all i, gl'ller- I"Tl'd thaI all arlidt' pllhlished with the thickly poplllalt'd C"IlI'T to<la\,. la\\,­" 11'" pr"lidiug thr ... · c,mh·:.I, ", Ihat c,.rrt·cI Ilanll' "i Ihe aUlh"r will ('arry II''''IIl'''' is h,..-om:ng 1111' rllll', CrimI' 'I ' '11 t I 1Il"r,' lIl'i,"ht with Iht' jlldgl's than onl' is or"anizl'(1 to ;In "'."1"111 I)l'\'(lllcl tile i. i .. ;,1111", IlIIpo .'1 I I' .. list·.,.., ....., , \\'hal han' \'1111 l.lTn doing Ihis SIUII- Jlllhlislll'c1 fllTr a 1lI'lI'nallll', \\ ildl',l imaginillg, oi Ihl' a\'I'~ag(. la\\'- IlIt'r: I~l·\'it·\\ 'Ylll1r ('XIIlTit'Ill'l's ill YOllr Thll'l' l'lllI'ring thl' (, lIl11 lll·tilio n an' ahiding cilizl'l1. Fllrlht'rllllln', ('rilll e is miud ii lOll han' allY (l'XIH'ri"lll'I'S) anll asked 10 k,'l'p tltl'ir slorit's ,h hrid ,h ht'ing linkl'd 111' wilh 1111'11 in high pIIII_ hril'fly ~\Till' III' (lll,· oi thl'lII for The po"sihle allhllllgh 110 t'xacl 'pacl' limil li(' of/in'. Ollr \'l'ry civilization de­:-; warlhlllon·al1. i~ ,~I·I... ,Pt nd, Oil lhe integrily alld vigilant'" '\ t' '1· 111'1\' I)" 1111 Ihn·t' I·hasl·s of, I ht, PrlZ{'S \\'111 hI' 0111' dollar 111 cash oi Ihost, \\'h .. ha\'I' tht, l'l1i o .rll(S " ' .. I I'" II rn'l1ll'nt of r 'll "'lll'rl't'llt'I'" Ihi, snllln1t"r" III th{' \\ 1I111l'f III l'ae I 11\'ISlon as Wt' th,' la\\' in 1IIl'ir chargt', This 1'0111- I'our gl'nl', ,., , , , . ' I ~I I 11111 ... 1 1I1111'ual t'xpl'rit'I1l'l' ill tIll' as ~I'n'ral hOllorahll' IIIl'1I11011 a\\'ar<l~, hillalion III' ('filllinal~ with IIll'n in pul>- '1I1;I1;H'~ IIi I'}JJ. :-;l'nd your C01111111111il'atiolls to "Ex- lie "f/in' IIl1bl hl' brought to an l'Iul. ' , I l. ~I I' nlost t'lII larrasslIIg " I I lalll J'\ 4 • ., IIlIt', ~iJl, English s('tler, enlt'n'd )y I ' ' l\Iwt'alth .- (Con'inl/~d on Pag~ Sir) . (IImlll( , , I 'l'xl1I'rl'l'IIC" Il"I'I'l'III'(' F,llitor," Thc' Swarthlllon'an, ITh .. \\'a,,\,' to ('nd it is through thl' haI-ill t I 1(' 's Ul11ll1l'r 0 f )1).1') , II :-;warthmoft·. 1'01, 11.,t hox,

---------- Page 3 ----------

2 THE SWARTHMOREAN SWARTHMORE SCOUTS AT CAMP DELMONT Prize Winner Twenty-one Scouts from Swarth­more Troop three, have been and are still at Camp this summer. Fifteen re­turned last week from a two-week stay at Camp Delmont. Scoutmaster E. L. Terman spent two days in camp ADD-A­IHOWER TOYOUROLDIATHTVI A bathtub without a shower is out-of-date. And now, with _...J. the development of Add·a· Shower, a tub without a shower is inexcusable. Walls need not be marred nor plumbing disturbed-a couple of nute to tighten, a few screws to be driven ••• your bathroom is mod. emized. And the cost is small. You'll enjoy great benefits thill 6wnmerwlth Add-a-Sho""~r, . Woodward. Jackson & Black. Inc. Ledpr Photo Miss Marcia Garrett holding Bull Montana, English bulldog, ';ho re_ ceived first prize as the homeliest dog at the Dt;lg Show on Tuesday. "Monle" belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Albert N. Gap-ett, Jr. Dartmouth Ave. Swartb. 43 with the boys and Jack Mitchell, the meeting of council last night prevented sscnior patrol leader, is spending six the transacting of any business and an weeks therc as a junior officer. adjourned meeting will be held Mon­The sixteen Scouts at Delmont while day evening at which time bids for re­~ 1II111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111§ there won three C. D. emblems, four I moving a number of street intersection - - Junior A. R. C., three junior Life dips will be received. Any objections ==_ C, C, IT ~ IE 0 tl = Guard, two nature, and eight merit I to the proposed paving of certain _ badges. They passed thirteen second streets in the syndicate tract south of $5 class and three first class tests while Yale' avenue will also bc heard at CaU Swarth. 894 :::; two advanced to the second class rank. Monday's meeting. ffilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllffi Besides these honors, Jack Wic k- • • ham, James Anderson, Henry Well-, burn, George Wellburn, and Robert ~EW I.A~DSCAPING HOWARD KIRK Attorney-at-Law Valance from Troop 3 are in other O~ COLLEGEi CAMPUS camps making advanccs in Scouting. The sixteen Scouts at Camp Del· \Vhile no major improvements are mont were Robert Alleman, Edmund being made on the College campus this 14 South Ave. Media, Pa. ~nderson, Clifford Colesw~rthy, Wil- year a steady program of planting as Media 1717 Swarthmore 998 Hham CraemJer'k DMa>:ttoln IIGlhDson, Tel dd outlined in the landscaping plans of annum ac I C le 011 a I J I W' t . h' . d P , , 0 1n 15 cr IS e1l1g carnc on. art- Lange, JO.lm Murrell, Leonard Pe~k, icularly will this he noticable on the Allen Ralman, Robert. Shaw, Juh~s front campus with the fillin in of the Underwood Arnold VIC hover NIc1 I d' h' g \V '11k 'd R b W' ow grOUIl WIt (IIrt from the under- .) oop an 0 ert are. pass and the planting of new shrub- <It III II 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 II 111111 ~ BUILDER Artistic Homes Designed and Built to Meet Individual Needs , • bcry just north of the new parking COUNCIL WILL area at the railroad and in front of MEET MO~DA Y Worth Dormitories. The new plans for beautifying the Lack of a quorum at the scheduled grounds of the college have also re­sulted ill the laying out and planting of a large area of daliahs just north of the College avenue gate which will be in bloom this faU. CHAS. E. FISCHER 304 Dickinson Ave. ~ 111111 II 111111111111111111 II 11111111111111111111111111 II 1II111111111111~ A. M. ALLISON Electrician Thirty-two years experience, and I home-owner in this borough. 311 VASSAR AVENUE Swarlhmore 1160 One Day Last Week- A new car, driven leu than 100 miles, caught fire be­cause of a break in the gas line and burned completely. Not even a .pare tire was saved. The owner was pro­tected, a fire in.uranee policy such as Emmon. & Andes sell. Call Swarth­more 1600 for your. today. THE LOW PRICE OF THE FORD is something to think about because it means a~ imme­diate saving of many dollars-always an important con­sideration. But far more significant titan price alone is what you get for that price. When high quality is com­bined with low price, you may jnstly take pride in hav­ing found a most satisfactory llUrchase. That is why 80 many millions of motorists tbe world over say ••. "I'm glad I bought a Ford." Roadster 8430 Tudor Sedan • 8490 Phaeton 435 Sport Coupe • 500 Coupe • 490 Standard Sedan 590 De Luxe Road.!llcr 475 Victoria 580 De Luxe Coupe • 525 Convertible Cabriolet 595 De Luxe Tudor . 525 Town Sellan • 630 Dc l.ux~ Phaelon 580 De Luxe Sedan 630 Converlible Sedan. '640 All Price. F. O. B. Detro;. Edmond Steinman FORD SA.LES and SERVICE Providence Road at Bahimore Pike M.dia 1800 MEiDIA, PA. Renno\'atiolls are heing made in sev­eral of the buildings particularly the STANLEY WARNER THEATRES -CHESTER-Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday "I TA ICE THIS WOMA~" -with_ GARY COOPER CAROLE LOMBARD =--­Thuraday, Friday, Saturday Charlie Chan'. Latest Thriller "THEi BLACIC CAMEL" -with- WARNER OLAND STATE CHESTER. PA. Now Playing JOE E. BROWN In "BROAD Ml~DEiD" --- Starts Friday CONSTANCE BENNETT ID "THEi COMMO~ LAW" 'P/um~ -'--- Heating and Roofing P. M. BARROW Phone Swarthmore 82 Modernize your Bathroom at Low Cost. Reroof with Asbestos I.!;;;;==================-==;lfl Shingles. AUGUST 7. 1931 men's dormitory where Sect~on - B. is several of his trips to different groupS being almost entirely rebuilt. Each of Eskimos were made by airplane year the college plans to completely over _. country .which it would. haye rennovate one of the older sections of taken- mon,tit* :t9 traverse in" any other the men's dormitory. Last year sec- way:.". . ..... tioll A was repaired. Section E and F hf~mber5 of the FacuitY· Cl\lb of will be done over within the next two Swarthmore college and their families :years. attended a picnic given at Pitt-Wil-low. the farm of Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Pittinger near Oxford. DOGS Mr. and Mrs. Peter E, Told of 328 Park ave., announce the birth of a daughter, Patricia Ann, born Tuesday Aug. 4 at the Delaware County Hos­pital. A daughter, Miss Joan Elizabeth, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. \\fentzel of 307 Dartmouth avenue last Monday evening at Taylor Hospital. CLIPPING STRIPPING BOARDING Mr. Wentzel is service manager of \Ventzel Motors. Faraday Park Kennels I Mrs. Walter James of Yale avenue and daughter Janet are spending some time at Buck HiIJ where they will be joined this week-end by Mr. James. 203 Kedron Ave. Friends of Dr. J. Carson Ryan, Jr., report that he has been studying con. ditions among the natives in Alaska during the summer and is now return­ing to Washington. While in Alaska JAS. A. PILSON LIGHT AND POWER WIRING ELEcrRICAL CONTRACTOR 107 Sylvan Avenue Rutledge Can be reached at Sw. 1145 Swarth. 1441 SWOlrth. 239.w Morton, POl. FRED J. HARLEY Upholstering Emmons & Andes I BUILDERS Furniture Restoring Slip Covers Draperies Baltimore Pike Phone and Window Shades Riverview Ave. Sw. 1600 SWARTHMORE. PA. "The Golden Rule-Our Malta" ••• yy ••••••• ,.,.,yyy~.YY? +++++++++ '" + 111111111111«,+ II til I III 11111 + II U 1111 +++ SPECIAL Large first picking C;olden l3anta01 ~orn 35cadozen Special-3 days beginning Friday White Com at the market price Fresh picked every hour Also fresh picked lima beans and tomatoes 111111 MILLER'S 1rhe stand located in the cornfield 300 yards south of intersection of Chester Road and Providence Road tl.Jtl.IIJIJI4++II+t.~II.lttlllll. Own.,.ddp IF you',. "red of rooms and baths •••• and want something a IInl. more Ilk. home, then come to Hotel lafayette. YOU'll find us tucked away In the mOlt beautiful part of one of Atlantic Oty'" brooded avenues, IUlt 0 stap away from everything that'. anything In the World', Playground. Her.'s s.eluslon without snobbery. Her.'s beauty without austerity. , •• In a hotel os .odern a' 1930 •.•• with rates as mod •• , a, 1920. SpadOUI Iou~. rooms, a solarium ondsun..c:JecIt. Food that would dellghtan epfcure. Comfort. S.rvlc.. Quiet. All th ... are youn a, a gUM 01 E L AUGUST 7. 1931 THE SWARTHMOREAN ,r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------~j ft()SS I'I~IC 1rEiI.LS II To The I 01' VIRGI~ ISLA~DS Unemployment Forcing New 3 i 1/ Economic rehabilitation of the Virgin : REPUBLICAN VOTERS : Islands will be a long and difficult task, : I : T. Ross ,f Fink told a large group of Few if any elective offices in Dela- new department has been created by II Swarthmore residents at a meeting in : f Strath Ha\'cn Inn Tuesdav evening. ware oun y re ec IS mcrcaslIl • Problems on Directors of Poor C t fl t 't' . g pop the directors known as the Public ! 0 , ,\1 r. Fink. a former resident ~f Swartil- ulatiol1 and the present economic de- Service Department. This depart- I I more, returned last \\'cek from the Vir- pression more significantly than the ment is headed by ~frs. Elizabeth B. : DELAWARE COUNTY gin Islands, where he has been serving growing duties of the three Directors Cheyney who has been a director of ! as a school superdsor for the last two of the Poor. No longer may these of- the Poor for ten years. I years. fiees be regarded as political plums Last year more than 5,000 cases 1 I am a cancUdate for tbe ollice of Di.trict AttorDey. at tbe com_ During the course of his talk on the since the responsibilities· of .the di- were handled by this new department. ' ing Primary Election. ...' Islands he made no reference to the rectors have increased until the posi- This year it is estimated that the nurn- i The office of District Attorney is now one of the most import.. attacks which have been made this tions are now among the most arduous ber of cases will exceed 7500. Two i ant in the County. It is no longer looked upon as a training school \\'cek on Governor Paul Pearson, of tions art now among the most arduous trained social workers assist Mrs. , for yt;lung lawyers. In many places the most able Judges are quit- Swarthmore. He did, however, say that upon to fill. Cheyney in investigating these cases : ting the Bench, to serve in this capacity. President Hoover's reference to the It was relatively a few years ago and providing the assistance decided ,:: The reason I. S pIai'n : I n every t b ic kly popuI a te d centre today, Islands as a "poorl.ouse" ",hl'le un- that the sole responsibility of the Di- upon and approved by the three direc-lawles" ness is becoming the rule. Crime is organized to an extent ,doubted1), correct, nevertheless had not rectors of the Poor was looking after tors. I beyond the wildest. imagining" of the average law-abiding citizen. ,: becn kindly received by the natives and the County Home at Lima. Today In the first seven months of this I Furthermore, crime b being linked up with men in high pu.blic tl I was resented by them. this is only a portion of their work in year, the new department of the Di- I ollice. Sucb men are them.elve. committing a crime equal to tbat of' , • , • spite of the fact that the number of rectors of the Poor has aided 225 fam- ,:i Benedict Arnold, in selling protection to criminals, guaranteeing Ii 'I' 'I 'I . P d h inmates has increased from 80 to 234 ities. It is supporting 47 widows at I ., ISS 1\ ary 1\ arcla erry, aug ter I them immunity from the law. It is apparent to aU thinking men "I of Mr. and l\frs. Joseph A. Perry, of during the administration of two of the present time who are awaiting the J that if thia is allowed to continue, the result will be nothing less : : the Riverview Estates, and Mr. and the present board members. aid of the Mothers' Assistance Fund, : than the downfall of our Government. Our very civilization depends I d d' 'd' tl f d f bard : on the integrity and vigilance of those who have the enforcement ! )'frs. RObert Baird' Clothier, of During the past two .years, deman s ~n II~nprdovl IIld g .e h.uldn s. or hO _ I of law in their charge. \Vaynesboro, Va., have returned from on the board for public relief work in mg uu epen ent c I ren at om~s I Virginia and are visiting Mrs. Cloth- the county outside the Home have in- throughout the, county. Alre~dy thIS :i This condition-the combination of criminals with men in pab- ier's and Miss Perry's parents at their creased apace with the unemployment work has. entailed the expendIture of lie office - must be brought to an end. The way to end it, is through cottage in Cape May. situation. To meet these demands a $47,418 thiS year. . I the ballot box. I James J. Skelly, IS another veteran 'I,:' are Ivfe setleedc teind , tIh ew iollf feicxee rocfis eD itsot rtihcet Afutltloersnt edye gfroere tthhee epnofworecres mthenatt cDqiuraelcltjo' ra so ft otnhge aPs oMorr sw. hCoh ehyanse ys.e rvHede of all the law. of this Commonwealtb. I will endeavor to stamp out "It's Not the Start But the Finish That Cortnts" is president of the board at the present : crime of every nature, without regard to the standing qf the crim- . time and Isaiah M. Heyburn the third : inal, or the inOuencea be may bring to bear. I will make a .pecial Particularly wben your de.tination io Stratb Haven, and tbe deli- member, who is now completing his 'I effort to bring to the bar of Judice all-tboae engaged in wbat ia <iou •• pecial dinner at only 8Sc, $1.00 or $I.2S. first term of four years is, the secre- I commonly called graft - the corrupting of public officiala, and the CanfJeing on tbe erum. Tenni. and other sports tary. I buying and selling of immunity from the law. Dance - Saturday, August 8th. Still another task which consumes I: .. 1 uk the vote of every man and woman of Delaware County who All fFri.e nMd.. Soofh tehibel eIyn,n IcIloarcnUagalelym einnvt ited. tthioen tiamned ofc otmhem bitomaerndt iso fth ei nisnavnees tiagnad- I atands with me for these things. 1STRA T H H A V ENfeeble minded cases in this county. " A 1 I I HOWARD KIRK, The Inn With Personality An annual budget of $90,000 is avail- ',I. ugust , 93 Swarthmore, Pa. able for placing patients in the Elwyn :~-- Swarthmore, Pennsylvania Training school and other state insti- .... ------.. -.. -----.... ----.... -.. ----.. -..... ----.-----.. ------------------.. ----..... --.. ----..... -! •••••••• tutions. ---lnly One Day You have only ()ne day in which to inspect the most recently completed home, built by Emmons & Andes at Lapidea Hills, on Rose Valley road adjoining the Spring­haven Club. The Day Is SUNDAY August 9th 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. This home was sold before it was completed but through the courtesy of the purchaser it will be possible this Sunday for anyone to inspect the interior of this attractive residence which is to be occupied within the next few weeks. This home is typical of the residences which will be built by Emmons & Andes at Lapidea Hills. Ground will be broken next week for another home to be built for an undisclosed purchaser. Another lot to be improved by a modern dwelling was sold within the past few days. The opportunity to see the type of home to be built at Lapidea Hills may not come again. Be our guest between the hours of 10 A. M. and 6 P. M. and see for your­self the values in location and home construction now available in this beautiful development. EMMONS &1 ANDES Baltimore Pike and Riverview Road Sw.1600 101£ anyone thinks that be i n g a Director of the Poor is an honor­a r y office, h e j s mistaken," dc­clares !vIrs. Cheyney who may be found in the office' of the County Home near)y every day the year around. "The 'responsibilities of the directors are those of executives. Only a matron and a stewart are employed here in executive capacities and the I actual operation of the Home is car­ried on by the directors. During the past winter at least one member of the Board was at the Home every day and even now considering the amount of business we are forced to transact over week-ends and in the evenings, every member spends the equivalent of a fuU' working day -with problems (Conh'nued on Page Five] WEEK·END CRUISE S. S. MAJESTIC AUGUST 20 - $50 SWEENEY & CLYDE TRAVEL BUREAU 29 E. Fifth Street CHESTEft, PA. r---... ___ . ____________________________ _ ': Hot Weather Needs .. !, ,, Electric I : Fans 1 $3.75 up ! Iced Tea Glasses I Ice Picks Ice Cream Freezers Portable Showers for the Yard Rubber Hose and Nozzles Vacuum Bottles and Jugs Beverage Mixers Orange Reamers Fly Sprayers Fly Swattcrs Suplee's Store soum CHESTER RD. Swarthmo·re 105 ,I , " ----*---------- --.-------.. -.--*-------~ i I i ,

---------- Page 4 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 2 THE SWARTHMOREAN SWARTHMORE SCOUTS Prize Winner AUGUST 7. 1931 i lllen's dormitory where Section B. is! sen'ral of his trips to different groups : hl·jllg almost elltirely rebuilt. Each I of Eskimos wen: Ill.HIt: by airplane 'year the colkgl' planf; to complctdy I O\'cr country which it would have n'llllo\'alc tlltl' of the oider sections of I takt.'11 months to tran'rsc in any othl'f I the ll1l'll'S dormitory. Last year Sl'C- way. AT CAMP DELMONT 'l\n.'Ilt\'-lI11l' Scouts from S\\,<lfth­IIwn' T~Ol)P I hrl'l', h.we bet.·11 and are, still at Camp this Stll.llllll'r. Fiftl'('ll n.'-I tllrlH'd last \\'l'ek lr<llll a two~wet.·k i sta\' at Caml' Ih.'linont. Scolltmaster E. 'r.. Terman spellt two days ill camp' ------1 . lioll A was rcpain·d. ~l'ctinll E and r.~ )'lemlH'rs of the Faculty Cluh of I will be dOlle O\'(.'f wilhil1 thl' Ilext two Swarlhuwfe collc..'ge and their families y(.'ars. I attclldl'd :1 picn~C' gin'lI at Pitt-\\'i~­ADD'A­IHOWER TO YOUR OLD BATHTUB A hathtuh without a s11Owf'r is nut-of-,IOIle, Alltl uuw, wilh the dl~\'cJUPlllcl*t of Add-n­Shower, a tuh wititulIl a !Ohnwcr is incx(·u:-.ahlf'. ""ails nced not IH' nmrrl'll IIOf plUllIhill/! Ili:;tnrhcd-a ('flllple of lIuts to light,'n,:1 ft,W f'.(~r('w" to be driven. , , your balhrmull is lIJod- I~rnizt·fl. Ami the co"l is small, You'll enjoy great henefits thip SIIIII llll'r wi th A.I.I· .. ·SllIlw.·r. . Woodward. Jackson & Black. Inc. Dartmouth Ave. Swarth. 43 ~ 1111111111111 II III II 111111 II 111111 II II III II II II II II 1111111111 II II 1111111 rg Ledger l'hoto Miss Marcia Garrett holding Bull Montana. English bulldog~ "';'h~re_ ceived first prize as the homeliest dog at the Dog Show on Tuesday. uMonleu belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Albert N. Garrett, Jr. I---------------------~---------------------- Swarth. 1441 FRED J. HARLEY Iwith the IHlYS and Jack )'litchl'lI, tht' I ~st'liior patrol It·:\ckr. is slwllding ~IX \n't'ks thl'rl' as a junior onlCl'r. IlWl'tillg of cOllllcil last night pn'Ycntcd Upholstering tlH' transacting oi all\' husilll'SS and an I hi\\,. thl' larm pi ),1 r. and :\1 r'. O. ~. : I'ittillgn llL'<lI' ()xiord. DOGS CLIPPING STRIPPING BOARDING -~---- Faraday Park Kennels 203 Kedron Ave. Swarth, 2J9·", ~forton. P&l. Emmons & Andes BUILDERS adjnUI'lll'<1 1I1l'eting ,,:ill he held )'fon-) Furniture Restoring cla~· .nt'lling at which til11l' I.)icls for ~e-I I Baltimore Pike Il~O\'1llg. a llUlllhl'r. of strl'd IIltt.'~Sl'C~lOtll Slip Covers DrUI)crics d dips wlll ht, n'l'l'I\Td. ;\IlY ohJt't'tlons I an Phone ~ ()()n~IEgg i to thl', proposed ya,·inJ..[ oi ccrtain: 'Vindo\v Shades Riverview Ave. Sw. 1600 Tilt' :;.iXh:l'll Scouts at Delmont whik thl're won tlln'l' C. n. elllhl(~1I1S, ftlur JUl1inr A. I~. C'.. tlin'l' jUl1it)r Lift' Cl1~lrIt. two nature. and (·jght IlH'rit hadges, Tlwy passl'ci thirh-'('II S('l'onc! dass and thrn' lirst dass tcsts whill' S!rl'ds 111 tht, sYlllheall' tral't south of I SWARTHMORE. PA. l ;IIe 41 \'(' Illlt· will nlstl hI.' heard at ~I t)llda~··s IIlt'l·tillg, ! TT"T" .......... V .. ~'YVV"fVT'f".,TT.,. "The GaM" .. Ru/e-O"r 1110110" : == Call Stuarth. 894 § t\\"o advanced tn thl' s('(."oll(l <"lass rank. ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ II e, i,k, II,,· '" hono"" J ae k Wkk- -================~ I ham, Jaull's :\11(krsoll, t h-nry \\ (:11- NEW LANDSCAPING . e •• r - hnrn. Cmr",' ,,"<'''hum, '"111 Ilollert ON COLLEGE CAMPUS 'I \·nlallt'(· from TrOt)!> .) art' ill otht'r - :"TI': +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++":'i't" HOWARD KIRK call1ps making ~HlvalKt'S in Scouting, 1++ ++ Tht' Sixtt'l'll Scouts at Camp I)l'!- \\"hile no major imprnn'l1wnts aH~.:& SPECIAL :t. mont \\"l're I~ohl'rl Alll'IIl:lIl, Edmund lH'ing made nll tht· ColIl'gl' campus this i+ + :\lIdl'rsoll, ('lifJorel co*ks\\,orthy, \\'il- I ~ I' : + -It Attorney·at.Law 14 South Ave. Media, Pa. Media 1717 \'('ar a ste:u .\' ]Jrogr~ltll 01 II :Intlllg as + + liam Crat'!l\I'J', I>a\"toll CihsOll, Tl'(1 r + L fi t . kO + Swarthmore 998 Il-IallllutI1. Jal'k ).iitdlt'II, J) n 11 a I d. Ollt Illl'd .. ill t.hl' 1:11l(!st'api.ll~ plans oi; + arge rs pIC Ing + ~========~========~ Lange, John ~lllrn'l1. Lt'nn<lrel Pt'l'I~, }ohll \\ ISt~T IS ,hl'lIlg l'ar~lt'd on. Part-I:t G B C + ------ l_cularly \nll tillS Ill' lIotICahlt· PIl the I, ~ ld + Alkn I~ail1lal1, Unln'rt Sh~I\\" Jt1lil1~ -. 'T ~lIIl1l11l1l11I1II11I1I11I1I1I1I11II11I11I1lIllIllIllIllIlIlIllIlIlJIIIII~ tnm! t'amptls \.nth .the _Iilling ill of thl' + 0 en antam_ orrl ++ - L"nd~'n"(JI)(I, Arnold \'idlO\'t'r. :\id I ~ + + === BUILDER = ow grou1ld With dirt 11'011\ Ilw tlll<kr-, + + - ==== \YYllktlnp alld I~ohl'rt \\'<lH', pa ... s ;II\( I ,I 1\' p Iant'll lg 01~ Ill'W s II i'll I1 - '~T _~ "'i'" ~_--= _---=~: • ;: Iwry just Ilorth IIi tl1\' IIf'\\" parking :J; 35 d :j: Artistic Ilomes COUNCIL WILL "n'a at 111\' railruad and in frpnt of: + C a ozen + D(~si '''"eli (Ill(I nlliI I MEET MONDAY I \\'"o rth Dormitories. 1It' T :j:+ ~ ----____, 1 hl' 1l('W plan ... ior hl'autih·illg" thl' + , 10 Ille,,' I ~ ~ + :j: / . . / I N d I ,act,.;. 01~ a (I\ttlrtlill al I II t, Sl' Iw du I l'd ,,,roll 'I< '. "I ,I", c,o lle,",,: hav,: also re-, '~T Specl'al--3 days begl'nnl'ng Frl'day ", IVll 1111 ee S "'lIited 111 th\· laYlllg tlut and planting-' + .. ~ oi a largl' an'a (Ii dalialts ju..;;t I\()rth of::t Who C h kJ+ ..................... ~, 'he (,oll,:",~ a""'UK "'<I" which will 11<" + Ite orn at t e mar et price ~_I ill bloom this iall. :I: 0111) D(lY IJlISI "7, )I)k - l~t'1I1l0\'atioll'; are IIl'ing 1llack III St"'- =+ Fresh picked every hOllr ! eliAS. E. FISCHEl{ :~(H Di.,killSOIl A,·e. Sw. 335~W :r.1II1II1II1II1IJ11II1II1I1I1II1I1II1I1IJ1II1II1II1I1I11II1I11I1I1I1I1I1I1I~ A new car. d riven Ie •• t h an I (Tal (Ii tht' hllilding" partielilarh' thl' + A. lU. ALL ISO N EleClri"iun 100 ~ilc •• caught fire be- ~--~---~-------~~- + Also fresh picked lima beans and tomatoes :j: cause of a break ;n the gas:!: :j: ~:~ :::::ns~:::~i~~et;:; STANLEY WA-RNERTHEATRES t Ii i'll' :j: Thirty-two 'yl'ars ('xperiencc, and , home-owller in this horough, saved. The owner was pro- till,I + tected, a fire insurance t .1 :t: policy such as Enlmons &"'i'" + 311 VASSAR AVENUE Andes sell. Call Swarth- : + + ~ore 1600 for yours todayo i -CHESTER-:!: MILLER'S :j: ........................ I Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday .:1: :t: "I TA KE THIS WOMAN" ~ The stand located in the cornfield 300 yards south of :j: ~.~'\ I ·-w;th- + intersection of Chester Road and Providence Road t Swarthmore 1160 I GARY COOPER ~ THE LOW PRICE OF THE FORD CAROLE LOMBARD ':!: :j: il-'i l-"UIIH'lhin~ In think almnt hl'~'au!-!~' il IBn,:l:" ""1 i.nllw, Thursday. Fr;day, Saturday : t+++++++++++++++++++++++++~.+++++++++++++++++++++++++t dialt· l"l:i\'ill;,! of many dnllarM--.alwuYM an inlf.orlanl C'()II~ l"iiflt'ralin:I, But far murt' Mignifi(':I!lt .luI!] pri.:',:· alont· i!'l wh'll ~:UII g:f't for t!ull ftri"e, \\'hell hi~h '111t,lily h~ ,'alll­lIirwd with low l.ri'·I·~ you llIay jllHlly lak,· in ha\'. ill;! r(:II~HJ n II1m,1 1-'041t:!-'<f:u:-hH'Y pur"hmw. Thai j", ,,·h\" !-'tit IlIan\' Inil!ions of Il1oto.'j!'!l!'! IIii' w(n'ld U\'f'" !-'Oa\' • , , :"1'111 gla,,". hough I a Ford. <I., Uu;.tl .. ft'r PIIlI('luII (:UIIJl" • I)., I.UXI· UHllflsll'r nl' I.IIXI' (:UIIII(' • U.' 1.11:\1' TIHlur , UI' 1.11:\1' Ph'lI'luli SHO Tlldur s".i.:111 • ;&.:~5 SII"rl Cmll"- , , ... 90 Siamlani S"cl:1Il .... 7;'; Vic'luri .. 325 Cmn,'rlihlt, Cahrinl ... ~25 Tnwl1 SI,.luli • ~HO 1)(, LuxI' S('rbn (:UII\Nlil.I.· SI'dUIi. S(.· ... O ... 11 I·,;,·,· ... ,... O. II. IIt'Iroit Edmond Steinman FORI) .t;Af-E.t; (///(1 S/mVICE Prnvitlmu-e noml III Bultimore I'ike M.,.!;" 1800 MEnIA, I'A, S,H90 500 5 1)0 580 595 (.:10 (.:10 Charlie Chants Latest Thriller "THE BLACK CAMEL" -with­WARNER OLAND STATE CHESTER" PA. Now Playing JOE E_ BROWN on ""ROAD IVINDED" Starts Friday CONSTANCE BENNETT ;n "THE cOr.r.r,!ON LAW" I 7fumb...~ "'1 Heating and I Roofing P. M. BARROW Phone Swarthmore 82 Modernize your Bathroom at Low Cost. Reroof with Asbestos Shingles. frand:l. & Cop • Ownership Monogemen' If you're tired of rooms and balhs •.•• and wonl somelhing a little more like home. then come to Hotel Lafayette. You'll nnd us tucked Oway in the most beautiful pari af one of Atlontic City', braadest avenues. jusl a st.p cway from .... erything that'. anything in the World's Playground. Here's leclusion without snobbery. Here's beauly without aUlterity •••• in CI hot.1 as modern 01 1930 . , .• with rales as modest os 1920. Spacioul lounge ,ooms.o solarium and sun·deck. Food fhat would delighlan epicure. Comfort. Service, Quiet. All these are youn as 0 gU.I' 0' E L N.J. ~~ AUGUST 7. 1931 THE SWARTHMOREAN f--·--·-··--···--···---·--·----·-··---········-········-·-···--········--····--·-· .. rTROS~ FIN~li~k~INI:LA~DS Unemployment Forcing New : To The :. il i: Enllltllllic rehahilitation of the \·irgin Problems on 3 : REPUBLICAN VOTERS :. I slands will In' a long and diflicl1lt task, Directors 1 ! I!.I r '~', "'oss Fink ~llid .01 largt' gro.ulI ~)i! Fl'w if an\' dectin.' oOices in Oela-Inew <It p<lrtml'nt has ht'('n cH'<lted by : '1 ~\\,ilrthlllon' rt'sld"'llt" at a Illl·t't1llg- Ill: .', . .. ',... I. I' II', ' " ~'I . ,I II'· I '1'. I . I \\'ar~- (ollnl\· rdkct Its IIlCH·aSIIlj.! p('p_1 tht' din l till'.. ",]10\\ 11 .h t H It) IC . f I, ." r,t 1 .\\('[\ 1111 I1t· .. ( ,,\" t·\·l·(lIlll.!., " ! 0 'i' \lr. Fink.;1 it'!'IUt'" 1't'"idl'1l1 ;Ii S\\'anh- llIlalioll :l1ld till' Jln·~t·llt tTOnOlllic (ho- ~LT\'ict' Ih-p:trtlllt:nt. TI~i~ dlpart-of Poor ':' :. "'"re, r<"l"'",·" l'I>t we<'k ir"", 'he \'ir- ! ("e»ioo o"'n~ sigllilieallily 'hao the i 01<'11' i, h",ukd hy ~I rs, hh?"h"'h I;, ! DELAWARE COUNTY :1 .l:ill bl:t1ub. where he ha ... hel'n ~t'nillg! g-rowing dutil'S of tin' thn'l' Directors: Clre),lll'y ~dw has been a (hrt'Chlr of : : ;1<., a ~cho()1 sll/len'iStlr ior the last two !lIf the Ponr. Xo longt'r may these Of-I tire Pt)llr lor tt'll yl'ars. : : \'l'ar~. : fiet's he regarded as plliitical plums l.ast yt'ar 1110re than 5,000 cases ! I am a candidate for the office of District Attorney, at the com- i " I Juring tht' CtHlrSt' of hi:> talk 011 thc "inCl.' the H'~pnnsibilitil's ~li the d~- 'I ~:'l'~~ ~lalld! .. '(!. h:'·. ~hi,s ~ll'W .della~tlll(.tlt. : ing Primary Election. -': IsI;lIIds hI.' lll:t!k Iltl rl'il'rt'llce to the rcctt)rs haH' IIlcrcased untIl the pos.- Ihls ~t.'<lr It IS {stI11ldh'd tht: nUII1- : The office of District Attorney is now one of the most import. : a1taeks which han' ht'l'll made this t!nlls arl' !lOW amollg tht, illost arduous I' Ill'!'. oi casl'~ will l·xc(.'ed ~~~. '1'\\'0 : ant in the County. [t is no longer looked upon as a training school : ",t·l·k (III (;.)\·l'l'Il1)r 11<1111 I'l'arsun, oi tUIIIS art- now CllIlt)llg' tht' l1l()st antu{lus tralll('d SOCIal workers assist ::\Irs, I for young lawyers. In many places the most able Judges are quit- :1 ~\\'arlhnlnn_·. Ill' did, howt'H'r, say that! upon to fill. : CIll'YIH'.Y .il~ iun . .;tigati~lg'' C:lSCS i Hng the Bench, to serve in th;, capadty. :' i'r",i,k", 11""n'r', rd"r"u",' ,,, 'h", It wa, rd,,'ively a [ew years :1,,01 ",," pro)'l(lllig 'h" """"",e" ,kel(lv" I The reason is plain: In every thickly populated centre today, :1' J..lalJds a.; a "poOl'hnUSl'" whill' 1111- i that the ~oh' rl'sponsihility of, tht' .i>i-llIpnn and a)lpron'cl hy the thn'(' dln'c- : lawlessness is becoming the rule. Crime is organized to an extent !: d"II!'It'~lIy corn'ct, IIIl'verthl'll'ss had 1101: n·cttlr.; oi thl' POClr was lookltll-!' aiter I tors, : beyond the wildest imaginings of the average law~abiding citizen. ! !J~Tn kindly rl'cei\'('d hy till' nat in'" <11111 : th~' .(tlunty Iloll\~' at LiItl~L Tod;~,\' I III tht· lirst Sl'\'l'll months of this Ii Furthermore, crime is being linked up with men in high public :' was n'sc'lllt'd hy tht'lll, 'tIllS IS ollly a ptlrtHlIl of thl'lr \\'llrk 1111 year, thl', Ill'\\" dL'l'artllll'l~t oi, tl~e_ Di- 10' office. Such men are lhemselves committing a crime equal to that of I: e. • : ~l'jtc oi the fact that tlu' !lumher of i n'ctors til thl' Poor has '1Hlt'd 22~ lam- !! Benedict Arnold, in selling protection to criminals, guaranteeing Ii. ~Ii,,-,; ",I;lry ~Iart'ia Pnry, daughtl.."r: illtll.'llt,S ha~ incr.l'~~l·d ~rottl ~o to 23~i ilil's. It is :"uPPo,rting' -17 ~"i.d~I\\·s at •' tthh emt -fi mthm" unity IfI rom d the law. . It is ha pparenIt to° 11a lhl thinkhi ng men I:tli '\I r .,~ "',I .'\I ,'.S , I ()S"l JI 11 _.\. ,"l rr\'. t ,,':durllig thL' ;"UIUlIlilstratlOll 01 t\\'o 01 th• l' PH'Sl'llt tlIlllt' ""ho are a"altm1g0 theI I: thaa n It he dIoS wISn faa ll oowfe o urto G coovnetrinnmuee,n tt. Oe urre svue rt yW cIi viliez atnioont dinegp elnedsss III.I tht, Rin'r\'i("w Es-tatt's, and ~[r: <llId' tIll" pn'~l'l\t hoard mt'mhl'rs, I 31<1 I (~f thl' ."'I ,othl'rI s ;[\ SSlsIt ;:l,! lCl' I 'till<I . : on the integrity and vigilance of those who have the enforcement :.1 ),Its. I~oht,rt Bainl Clothier, of During thl' past two Yl'ars, dl'lllanc. ~ :\ll( IlsOPnl)\'l( illig t Iil' I .U1 I l( S or Iloan- : of law in their charge. \\·iI)'lleSllOrn, \-a" han' rl'tnrllcd from: on thl' l)(lanl for puhlic relief work III 1Ilg- (I (l'Pl'IH l'nt c 1I1( n'll at lOllll:S I ;:'1 \·ir.t.dllia ami an' \"isiting ",frs. Cloth-! thl' COllllh' llutside tilt' Home ha\"l~ ill-I throngitl1llt the. coullty. ;\lre.~dy thl~ : This condition-the combination of criminals with men in pub~ il'r's and. )'Ii,_"_'" Pnry';; pan'llts at tlldri C~t'as~d ailt~~l' with the 111ll'tnp lOYllll'lIt, ~\'ork ,h<ls .. till' l'xpelHhtnrl' 01 : lic office-must be brought to an end. The way to end it, is through, -'Il'(lftage III (apI..' ~Ia\'. . SItuation. 10 I1lt't.'t these delll<llHls a;~.J7AI~ tIll ... ~l'ar. , : the ballot box. • - I I Jame~ J. Sh'lIy. IS another "dl'rall ! If elected, 1 will exercise to the fullest degree the powers that ! i •••• I I •• eee .. e........... ....... ...•.... .......•. .... I>irl'Ctor oj the Poor \\'h~) has serH'd '. are vested in lhe office of District Attorney for the enforcement " leflually as IOllg as :\1 rs, Cheyney, I h· : cf all the laws of lhis Commonwealth. I will endeavor to stamp out :. "/t'ts IVIII lilt, Siurl But 1111' J;-';lI;sll TIltil (~Ol"'ls" I is pn'sidt'llt ni the hoard ;:It tht' pH'sent : crime of Every nature, without regard to the standir.g of the crim- : i .... . tillle' and Isaiah :\1, Hl'v!H1rn the third :: .I Da I, or t he 'm nu ences h e may bring to bear. I will make a special I: Particularly when your destination is Strath Haven, and the deli- I t!Il'1ll IH 'r, w I~ o I~ S now ~ cc~mp I l' t'm g Il i~S '. commonly called graft - the corrupting of public officials, and the., Canceing on the Crum. Tennis and other sports tary. : effort 10 bring to the bar of Justice all ,those engaged ir. what is : cious special dinner at only SSe, $1.00 or $1.25, flr.;t t{'rm ot fnur year" IS, tlil' ... l'cn'- b Od 11° f Dance _ Saturday, August 8th. ; uymg an se 109 0 immunity from the law.: ~till another task which consumes : : ' All friends of the Inn cordially invited. tlJt' time oi the hoanl i:-> the inH'~tiga- • , . I ask the vote of every man and woman of Delaware County who I F. M. Scheihle,",', i\lanugcmcnt I . I ~ [ . I : stands with me for the,. th.'ngs,: I tlOn alH COmn11ttllt'nt n Ilballl' all( ! HOWARD KIRK, ii TI I W'" P '" '\11 annual hu<igd (If ~()O,OOO is a\'ail-i: : i S T RAT H H A V EN: h'l'hle minded caSl'S ill this l'oUllty. I: August 1.1931 Swarthmore, Pa. : . Ie 1m f I er.'WIlUI Y. J1ahk for pl<lcing patients in the Eh,yn I:· I: 1 'sw:ll·tllluore, Pcnusyh'ullUI I Tr;~illil1g school and othl'r :;tatl' insti- ~-~-i-~·~i·i-i·~-~-i·-~-~·i·-~-~-~--i·~-~·-~·~-~·i-~-i·-~·~·~·~·~-i·~·~-~--~-~-i--~-i·~·-i·~·i·i·i-~--~'~'~"~'~.'~.~ '~'.~-~.~-'~'~-~.~'-~.~-~-'~'~ ~'.~.~.~.~.~.~•~. ~ .~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~•.~•~~ .~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~•.~•~ ~ .~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ I 'utt"",. "I f anYOlle thinks that he i 11 g a 1!J..T.ID.JMlUl'IllllV1JV1lQJ J1.ll1Dn -- nTTlT."... TJ:1T'" .... ;;~mrJJTr~"I'TTT ....... ~-= ---- rYTnn--n-n-n--.r'I"I"TT', \~~ I Din'ctor oi the PliOI' is 'm honor ... '---...--.,..,~~-..----.,..". ................. -....., ..... ~.....,..,.......,. ..... "'--~~ __ .:"V...!_~V~, ~-!.<~'~v~v...u..v~!..),~~'W..e..VjJ..Q!!;412!MIIWtQliY)J.R,Ug,U2ngm,!U,',~V~~y..u.'!""':..\{.I'"v_"~j , • _ ( '> a I' y ullin', h l' is mistake'n," dL'- I i dan's j,1 rs, Cheyney who mol\' be ~,' _~ found ill thl' o rii ct' - of the (\~tttlh' ------ ----~-- nly One Day You have only one day in which to inspect the most recently completed home. built by Emmons & Andes at Lapidea Hills, on Rose Valley road adjoining the Spring­haven Club. The Day Is SUNDAY August 9th 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. This home was sold before it was completed but through the courtesy of the purchaser it will be possible this Sunday for anyone to inspect the interior of this attractive residence which is to be occupied within the next few weeks. This home is typical of the residences which will be built by Emmons & Andes at Lapidea Hills. Ground will be broken next week for another home to be built for an undisclosed purchaser. Another lot to be improved by a modern dwelling was sold within the past few days. come The opportunity to see the type of home to be built at Lapidea Hills may not again. Be our guest between the hours of 10 A. M. and 6 P. M. and see for your-self the values development. in location and home construction now available in this beautiful HOllll' llt'<lrIy C\'ery day tht' Yl'a"r I. I I '''1'1 '1 ~I' ~ [I ). I ar011lH, Il' n'spnIlS')1 Itles 0 til' directors <Ire thOSl' oj executives, Only ~ ,a matron and a sll'\\'art an' emplo:\'l'd ,>, i here ill cxecuti\'l' capacities and the ~ actual operation of the Home is car- I rkd 011 hy thl' <iirl'ctors. During the past \\'inkr at least one Ill('mher of :: 'tht' BO<lr<i was at the HOUle ('Yen· tla\' and t"'l'll now considering the al~l()t1l1't !', of husincss Wl' art' forcl'd to transact p'·(·r w('l'k-('n<1s and in the l'H'nillgs. i t'Yl"r~' llll'lIlhl'r spt'luls the l'qtlivalent i IOi a ill]1 working day with prohll'ms ~ -----~-=~~=-~~~ ~ WEEK·END CRUISE S. S. MAJESTIC AUGUST 20 - $50 SWEENEY & CLYDE TRA VEL IllJUEAli 29 E. Fifth Slreet CHESTER, PA. >,-=--- =~-=-==~~=====I: Ii Hot Weather 11 Pnrlahlt· Needs 1/ Electric Fans $3.75 up I Shn"'('r~ Yurrl c ... · the Uuhl,,'r 110"" mHI Nozzl.,. \'''''ullln BouleR anrl Jug. nc\'c~ruge 1\lix«~r8 i~ EMMONS & ANDES il Bal timore Pike and Riverview Road Sw. 1600 I~i l>tBwnLliMli:lhLliiLilliJl1fIiMiLilllJ1iLilUi7W'hLlilLl11i:U~ll'llI1lll~~iLilru'~~r~@~@~li'll~l1 -'- ... _, -_ .. ,.. '------- -- - "-- - .. _"---- ----------- Jo'ly Swuth'r. Suplee's Store SOUTH CHESTER RI). I Swurlllll1or(' 105 i II~== ..... -...... =.= .. ----."~~

---------- Page 5 ----------

4 THBSWARTHMOREAN THE SW ARTHMOREAN Publiahed Every Friday at Swarthmore, P .. have been placed directtY·~-under thel. ~f the ~nnovatio~ meets ,,:~th. succe~sltorney. Considering the sentiment of "Street intersection" signs 011 Swarth- It IS possible that No Horn signs Wdll the County as expressed to me, and more avenue at Ogden avenue. Thi be placed at intersections where mo- considering the fact that it is the cus- Sf torists are accustomed to blowing their tom in this County for the District At-new idea is an effort on the part 0 horns. torney to have a second term in Office, AUGUST 7, 1931 Robert E. Sharples, Editor and Publisher the Department of Public Safety of , • e I have consented to become a candi. Borough Council to eliminate some of McCARTER TO RUN date" Phone Swarthmore 900 the noise in that particular neighbor- FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY hood of which Samuel D. Clyde has so I • Entered as Second Class matter, January 24,1929, at the Post Office at Swarth- frequently complained. .!I10re, Pa" under the Act of March 3. 1879. FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1931 f!J 1111 tlllIlIlIlIIlII tlllIlII tlllIlIlIlIIlIIl tlllIlIlIlI tlllII til til II tt 1I:.;s : ChurchNews Sun-Bath Warning subject. There are talks on the radio, through the winter months. by Alfred .Miss Hillborn, Publicity Director of McCann, Jr. The newspapers print the Community Health Society has a daily helps and suggestions; literature few additional words for parents: can be obtained free from Washington. "Ange1o Patri cautions parents D. C.; some of the pure food stores == -= iii 1111111 tlllIIl til til till 11111 III tlllIIlIlIIlIlIlI tllil tIIllIlIlIlIIlIIl h " THE SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HAS A WELCOME FOR ALL. against over doing the sun bath. It is give instruction. a fad now, but he says the effects of No one really wishing information exposure to the sun are not understood on thc feeding of children and adults fully even by physicians. nced be ignorant. Sometimes the re- STRANGEllS AND NEW COMERS ESPECIALLY INVITED. MORNING WOaBmp 11:00 Rev. Park Hays Miller, D.D., preaches SUfllmer Session of the Sunday School "Place the children's sand box so suIts of ignor2nce are tragic. Start at ten o'clock that it witl have partial shade at noon j the study of foods in the summer a home-made canopy or big umbrella months, the health-building period. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS will serve the purpose. Children will • I .. ' '·It Is a comely fashlon"to be glad; 10Y is p1a y I"n t h e h ot SUIl an d not k now t h atl CHURCH SCHOOL the .'ace we "y to_ G_od " -Jean Inge ow" they are exhausted" Crying and wake- CLOSING EXERCISES 11,00 A"M".!~!:''i'&!" ~~GW~~,p tn the fulness, and refusal to eat, or even MeetIng House. vomiting, sometimes follow. Young people especially wel- "fi f " h The closing evercises of the Daily I "Sunshine is a tern coree, Wit come. marvelous possibilities for healing. A Vacation Church School sponsored by WEDNESDAY little thought will give a child benefit j the churches of Swarthmore were held ,9''310n gA iMn ' Wtoh i2tt:3ie0r PH.Mou.s-Be.e wBolnxg luanncdh eQounl.l t­carelessness rna'" bring positive suf- in the Methodist Cl:turch last evening. fering." '" A processional of the pupils was All are cordially sIenrvviicteeds. to JoIn In these * * * followed by a salutation of the flags, American, Christian Temperancefl and Bible. A demonstration was given by What is "Vitamin C"? was asked lately. Vitamin C is found in orange and tomato juice and in some of the fresh vegetables such as turnips or cabbage. This element in food helps to keep the digestive tract in good con­dition, to fight colitis and other dis­orders. The Health Center sends nurses into homes every day, and they give some instructions as to proper diet, but have 1I0t the time to give detailed instruc­tion. However, mothers who arc awake to the importance of food as a regulator of health have many oppor­tunities to learn about this interesting CONCORD FRUIT FARM near Chester Heights announce. the following offer to Swarth­moreans. Afler August 10th. one dollar will buy two half hushel baskets of frujt, either apples or peaches. Thi. price is at the farm and good for the month of Aug­ust only. We are closed on Sun­days. N. S. Passmore the Kindergarten Department under the direction of Mrs. Wilbur Fricke assisted by Miss Elsie Pitman. I The Primary Department under the I direction of Mrs. Henry 1. Hoat and I Scripture recitations by the Inter­mediate Department under the direc­tion of Miss Jean Doctor. TRINITY CHURCH Protestant Episcopal Cnester Road and College Avenue Rector Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, S.T.M. A B'11 " I th J 8:JO A.M.-HOly Communion. • I) e game "as.glven)y e un-jll:OO A.M.-Morning Prayer and Sermon. lor and Intermedtatc departments. I Mrs. Mabel Hutchinson, who has been Mr. Guenther wtll preach superintendent of the Bible school, has had charge of the Junior Department. :Mrs. Jacob Mescitter has been direc­tor of music. SWARTHMORE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Lloyd P. Stevens, Mlnlster 9 :45 - Sunday School 11 :00 - Worship and Bennon "THE HOUSE REPAIRED" The Ark and animals made hy the hoys were presented to the Chester Hospital. Toys and banks made by the Chester Day Nursery. A check I was sent to the Seashore Home for Babies at Ocean City. 1------------_____ _ Certificates for attendance and work FIRST CHU~~~~rR9y.~l:.:~iiE SCIENTIST. A CORDIAL WELCOME AWAITS YOU accomplished were awarded. Park Avenue Below Har,'nrd The exercises closed with benedic­tion pronounced by the Rev. Lloyd P. Stevens pastor of the Methodist Church. • I "No Hom" Signs Signs bearing the words "No Horn" Services: 11:00 A.M.-Sunday School. 11:00 A.M.-Sunday Lesson-Sermon. . Wednesday evening meeting each week. 1 p. m. Rending room Ollen dally. except Sundays and holidays, 9:30 A.M. to 12;30 P.M.. during ,July and August. Vhurch edifice. All are cordially Invited to attend the -ervlcrs nnd lise the Reading Room. :gg 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 D11 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 iii II! II! 1i'!I '!; 'I! :III II' ~ =-- =- - , = = Conservative Policies Insure ~ - _ Sound Banking -== = - =- : By unanimous action of the Delaware County : == Badnkert~IAf ssohciation: on allnbd akfte~ SDePtlember Cl, 1931 an un 1 urt er notice, a an s III e aware ounty Mrs. Thomas Jackson of Park ave- All (Io u bt as t Owhe th er DI" stn "c t At_l " nue is the guest of Mr. . and 1frs. t orney \V·U· J If C t Id b Leonard Ashton at their summer I lam . \ ac ar er wou e I ,nc Part"s 'Ia'"'tc a can d IO d ate f or re-eI ec"tlO n, was dI' S- 10 ' , 1". pelled this week when the official --------________ _ formally announced that he will seek a second term. English FOR SALE Hybid Depbinium Cut Flowers "Heeding the importunities of a host Planla of friends and the requests of the great majority of native members of the bar of Delaware County, I have decided to become a candidate for re­election to the Office of District At-I THE MORRIS GARDENS 201 Sylvan Ave. Rutledge, P .. REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITIES SALE Several con6dentiallistings-wonderfullv attractive-both larle and Imall, at con. slderaie prices. Comfortable financing without charge. RENT Comfortable homes that will acquaint vou with the advantalel of living in Swarth. more. Priced $90 upward. Apartments at $65 upward. Dependable Information Without Insistent Persuasion WILLIAM E. WITHAM Alwavs Open Office: Swarthmore Crest Phone: Swarthmore 1000 ••••••••••••••• CALL 1896 FOR ELECTRICAL WORK OUR 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE -INSURES-SAFE INSTALLATIONS AND REPAIRS SwarthDlore Electric Shop 411 DARTMOUTH AVENUE "SHE'S A PRIZEI" Reliat.Ie 1.elp is 8uc1. a comfort} Employment bureaus are listed in t1.e Classified T Directory. TELEPHONE Pennsylvania Gas & Electric Co. Firat Lien and Refunding Mortgage 5% Gold Bonda Due March I, 1958 Free of Pennsylvania Four Mills Personal Property Tax . -~- _ .. _------ Price 93 and Interest to Yield About 5.50% Warren A. Tyson & Co. :: will pay 3% per annum on Savings Accounts. This step::; =__ is taken to enable the banks to continue giving the full- Delaware County RepresentatIve est protection to the funds entrusted to their care, and F. R. STEVENSON, Jr. Incorporated Investment Securities 1518 WALNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA 110 Pow-:Iton .Ave. Lansdowne, Pa. to permit them to maintain their policy of investing in ~;;;;;;;T;e;le;Ph;o;n;e ;;;M;ad;i80;;;n;64;7;4;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ _ high-grade securities. .~ This action is in accord with that taken by lead­When You Travel ing banking organizations and institutions throughout Delaware County Bankers Association === = Be Sure Your Valuables Are Safe From Theft Don't run the risk of leavingr them at home, even if you plan to be gone but a ~hort time_ Our Safe Deposit Vault oiler,. absolute protection from every menace. PRIVATB BOXBS FROM $3_00 I\. YBAR BULK STORAGE SPA2s FROM SOc' 'A'MON1;H " SwarthDlore National "Bank and Trust Company ;illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllil1II111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ffi 1.:._ _'_ "; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"- ;;~"; .'~ ;;;".e ;;;;"~;;!;'" ;;:~;"-,;;;:r"; ;'~ii~i"; ;;_;! ;;'h_"! ";;" ";;;l);;;r;;~_;;;~=i;;;lU!iii·_e;;;"1_9;;;04_"_';;;';;;;. ;=-=-;;;;;;;;;;;;J,I AUGUST 7, 1931 THE SWARTHMOREAN Work of Poor Directors Growing Each Year improvements to date have made the County Home at Lima a model insti­( Continued from Page Thru) tution of its type in Pennsylvania and relating to the Home or the Welfare the East. Likewise the work of the CLASSIFIED FOR RBNT Sold as the property of John ~es. Fieri Facias De Bonis EI. Terris mortgagor and Antonio Paparo, real 0Wllef. Conditions - $2SO.oo cash or check on day of sale; balance 1n certified ten days. June Term. 1031 5 No. 1018 . Department. Public Service Department organized ~:n~~~~~%r~eg!iI~~~ LevarI Facias "Every case brought to our atten~ to meet an emergency during an un- 1304. June Term. 1931 HAROLD L. ERVIN. Attorney. No. 77:: ikg-Innlng" at a point 011 tbe nortbeasterly side of llarker a\·cllue al the distance 01 one hundred 8e\'ell1y·six feet sou&heaa' from lobe t:uutlieaaterly side of the PhiladeJphia. and Chesler turnpike; thence by said aide of said Barker a,·enne suUlIt twenty-seven de~&, thirt}··eight minutes east fifty leet to 8 pomt; Iht·Ill,,· norlh sixty·two de&;"rl'e" I.wenty·twtJ minlllcs cast one bUlldred three leet to a puinl. Ull thc southwesterly side of fourteen foot wide alley; theuee by the same north I.wenty~ se'·en degrees thirty-elght minutes wesl. 1l.Uy It.>et to a point; theD(''O south siltty-two de~ grCl'$ twcnty·two minutes wesl. one hundred three feet 10 u poinl. in the northeasterly side v1 said Darker avenue being the place of bt·/{inlling. Deing 10& No. 51 all plan of RId. ley Park Association. tion is carefully investigated. We have usual period of unemployment has won =FQC:-:R=-=RE""NT=-R-oo-ms--b-Y-W-ee--:-k-o-,-m-o-n-thC-. All that certain lot or piece of ground accommodations here for a 1imited num- county and state-wide recognition. Board optional. Call Swarthmore 149. I with the bUildings and Improvements ber which means that every effort E'v"r;' year for the past" five years an thereon to be erected. Situate tn the Bor- must be made to care for sick and added.. step in the building program has FokRitc RhEenNeTtt-eA. p2 alr"tomoi:e:ons.t s.b a4 trho oamnsd. bkalttchh aennd- Soutagthe ooff D~eanrlb1yB,Y lvCaonulan.t ya nodf Ddeeslacwriabreed aancd-destitute aged people at their homes been taken begt"nn,"ng w,"th the bu,"ld,"ng ette. Garage. IngUs. Phone Swarthmore cording to a certaIn plan and survey before bringing them here. of a new power plant in 1926. In 19Z1 14:89. ethnegrienoefe rsm oafd eU pbpye r DDaamrboyn, F&a ..F doastteerd. ACulvgU- "It is not generally realized that 95· a new water supply systelll" ,,'as ,on. FOR ftENT-Two attractive housekeeping ust 18th. 1925. as follows, to wit; Situate f " h apartments. electrIc refrIgeration and a11 on, the northerly sIde of Berbro street per cent a our reSidents at t e Home stalled and the following year the conveniences. Albert N. Oarrett, Penny- (forty feet wtde) at the distance of thlrty-in "Lima are unable to do any work: Hospital for the Chronically III, one of packe, 4442 0' Swal"thmore 489" ~¥c:.~~~1he';1~:.~r~llft~rof~tt'i."'d"'f.tec!i'{':I:~ The ~ve per cen~ who are able to do the finest buildings on the grounds, FOR RENT-Apartments of various sizes. lng In front or breadth OD. the said Barbro anythmg help raise garden truck and I was erected. This building has fifty Furnished or unfurnished. Strictly prl- ~lJf~ i~x~it~t~e~~ d~~t~X~o~~~ar~~y t~:! do other work around the grounds and beds and is a model small hospital vate and modern. Oarage avallahle. tween parallel Hnes at right angles to the Iml)rO\'emenls consist and lrame house. 27x2-l :.!OxHI H. of two-story stu(.'\!o leet. Frame garage. b 'Id'n " I . Swarthmore 1110. tald Berbro street sixty-five feet to the UI I gs. n 1928 the new House for Colored middle of a certain proposed twelve teet As the latest step in the building People was erected and last year the }o~OR RENT--8mall apartment $25. Two wIde driveway whIch extends westwardly So:d as the l)toperty of Clarence W. Merritt. and Allnn L. MerrlU. f th C t H bOd "II """ I program 0 .e oun y orne, I ~ 'YI butldmg program mcluded a new sew- furronoismhse da.n Cd ablla tShw, aorrt homtho*rre s2e6p5a-r.Ja. te rooms, iInnttoo tahneo tshaeidr Fceorutartihn sptrroepeot saendd tweaesltvwe arfdeelyt soon be received for a new buddmg age disposal plant and a new dining . - - Wide driveway which extends southwardly t o h ouse age d coupI e s. Th"IS WI" II have room ·for m en. Work on the latest I FOR SALB Into the said Berbro street. Conditiolls--$250 ('ash or certified check f)1l day or sale; balatll'C in ten days. a capacity o~ twenty ~ouples. It will improvement, the Home for Aged then be pOSSible to brmg both a man Couples will begin soon. GEARY & RANKIN, Attorneys. Together with a free and common use. and his wife t~ live at the Home in- ,No ru'ither 'building for 1931 is plan­stead of breakmg up a couple when ned which~ made possible the elimina­neither are able: to work or find em- tion of the special building tax for the ptoyment. . poor in the county tax rate this year. .The completion of this new building This step was decided upon in view of wlIl !ll~rk the further advancement of the depression throughout the country a buddmg progr~m planned and begun and the desire of the directors to help FOR SALE-Eight pIece din'-g room suite. right, Uberty and privilege of the above Oak. finish. Bed D&JU. \'enport. Rea- mwaeynst iaonnded w dartievre wcoauyrss eass aatn adl l ftoirm epsa shsaegree-4 sonable . .relephone Swarthm.lre 1686. after forever, In common with the owners, :F:O::R:: :-S7A::LCE=--I-n= -F-l-o=r=id-a- :'e-.-t -:S-t7. :-C-l=O-U-d=. --c:o:-r--1I atebnuatnti tnsg athnedr eoonc.c upiers of· the premises ner bWlgalow. SIx ro",.1J.llii, Ltore rOJm an.:! bath. In good repair. Furnished. Lot 50" Improvements con.sist of two-story brick 150. $2000. Inglis. l--'Jlone SWarthmore 1489 .. house. 16x33 feet; porch front; basem*nt FierI Fudas No. 1201 JUlie Term, 1031 All Ihose four ce-rtaiu contib'"UOlls lots at" JliCL'l'S of ground. situate in the Towuship of LIJllcr Darby, COULlty of Delaware. State of l~cllutlyh aula. Bell1<:, la,s numbered 2U. 30. 31 and ;j~ 011 the plan of luts called "Drexul Hcight8," wbkh JIJall is of record ill 'be olliLe at tbe Hecordct" 01 Deeds in and for UeJaware t:Ollllty. ill Deed Book U·10. pa.e u::.u &c .. and tlll:!playcd ill Case No. 1 of plans, JJa:;c 1U. 6aid loIs being separately described us follows: during the early years of Mrs. Chey- keep down taxes. 11. ney's and 'Mt. Skelly's administration and aided by Mr. Heyburn when he became a member of the board" The RELEASE FILMS OF ----------________ I garage. FOR SALE-Two DIning room Bultes. Dav- Sold as the property of Leah Silverman. enport. 3 refrlgerotors and other odd pleccs. mortgagor, and Louis Berman, BUIlding Dishes. Call Swarthmore 1110. and Loan AssOCiation, real owners. Condlt10ns - $250.00 cash or certified RENT check on day of sale; balance In ten days. GAME SCENES S-room apartment. Third floor. I HAROLD L. ERVIN, Attorney. Lots No. 29 and No. 3U-Beginning' nt. a Iloint in the northwesterly side of Garrett road \as laid out on said Illan) Do (;oruer of Lot .No. :.!H on said plall a' the distan(.'tl: of twenty ant.! se"elltY'BIX olle-hwldretlths feet south forty·three degrees. for1y·fl\·c minutes west of all angle in said side of Garrett road. whkh aug-Ie is aity and· one·tellth leet south forW­~ hl'ce degrees forly·a"·e m.iuutel:! wesl. of the soJuthwcsterly side oi Morgan avenuo and ex. \CUUlIIg thence by flaid Lot Nu. 2M. north mlrty·two d('grecs eighteen minutes. west elghtY·eight feel and 1lve-tclllh~ tv a poilu. thenlc extending south JUtY-EICven dCb'Tcea lorty·two minutes west fifty feet tu a. palm. thence extending south thirty·two deb'TCes chrh. well minutes, ellst one hundred feet aud lunety­l\\ U oue-hundredths feet to a point 011 the lIonhwci:lterly side of Garrett roall. I.heuce ex. tcmlmg- alonl;" the same north forty-three de. :ltt·('S lorty·five minuto!! east fifty·oue feet and lIBY·l Wo one.hundr(''(.\lhs feet to the firB~ men. tIO.ll'tl {loillt and plal'e ot beginninG". FOR SALE Stone and frame dwelling. 6 bedrooms. Go"od location. J.arge lot. On hill. $14,000. Those who prefer to view Pennsyl­vania's wild life from the comfort of Hardwood floors. Hot water heal. LevarI FacIas No. 773 Janitor service---$50 per month. June Term. 1931 E. C. WALTON DRAWING OF JURORS FOR SEP'l'EMBER SESSIONS, 1931 Drawlhg of Jurors lor the September Term shall take place In Court Room No. 3, Court House, Media. at nine o'clock In the morning (9:00 A. M.) E. S. T .• Monday, August 17, 1931. By ORDER OF JURy BOARD W. ROGER FRONEFIELD, PresIdent Judge. ESTATE OF ESTHER McCORRISTON, late of the Borough at ColwYn, deceased. Letters of Administration on the above estate havIng been granted to the under­signed, all persons Indebted to the saId estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same wIthout delay to ' MEDIA-69TH ST. TRUS'l' CO., Or to their attorney. Media, Penna. HERBERT L. HUTCHINSON, 1st National Bank Bldg .• Darby, Pa_ H. C. WOOD Art Memorials BALTIMORE PIKE, FERNWOOD Madison 195-J All Cemeteries Since 1855 a chair in a theater that opportunity. ••• soon will have Mrs" Caleb E" Burchenal, of 415 Thayer road, has returned to her home in Swarthmore, from Richmond, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Reitzel arc expected back next week from a two 1 month stay in Europe. T. F. Conway RADIO SERVICE Phone Large garage. Heated in Win­ter. Station Square. $8 per month. CHAS. A. SMITH Phone Swarth_ 70S ATI'RACTIVE APARTMENT 110 Park Ave .• $'l5; large UVlng room; fire­place; dining room; kitchen; :2 bedrooms; modern bath; private heat control; :2 en­trances; enclosed porch; 2 store rooms. WM. S. BITTLE SlVa. ll1-J Day. Night ........ Swarth. 456 Swarth. 58 Notary Public Real Ertale BIDS' Sealed proposals will ·be received up to 8 P.M. E.n.S.T:. Thuraday, August 13th. 1931. by the Board of SChool Directors, SChool District of Swarthmore, at the School Dlstrlct Office,·HIgh School Bulld- 10$, for gradIng the College Avenue play fl~and laying a/iPlUllt PlaY.,court. The Boom reserves the right to reject any or all bids. -Plans and specifications may be had from Frank N. Sm1th. Stephen Girard BuildIng. PhUadelphla, Pa., or from the SchOOl DistrIct Office. DOROTHY D. JONES, Secretary. SHERIFF SALES NO. 2165 All that certaIn lot or piece of ground with the bUIldings and improvements thereen to be erected, situate In the Bor. ough at Darby, County of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania Bnd described ac­cording to a certain plan and survey there~ of made by Damon & Foster, civil engI­neers, of Upper Darby, Pa., dated August 18th. 1925, as follows. to wit: Situate on the northerly side 01 Bebro street (forty I·eet wide) at the distance of sixteen feet eastwardly from the easterly side of Fourth street (flfty feet wide). Containing In front or breadth on the ·said Berbro street six­teen feet ond extending of that width in length or depth northwardly between para­llel Hnes at right angles to the said Ber­bro street sixty-five fcet to the middle ot a certain proposed twelve feet wide drive­way which extends westwardly into the said Fourth street and eastwardly Into an­other certain proposed twelve feet wide driveway which extends southwardly Into the said Berbo street. Together wIth the free and common use, right, Uberty and privilege of the above mentioned driveways as and for passage­wAys · and water courses at aU times here­after forever, in common with the owners, tenants and occupiers of the premises abutting thereon. Improvements consist of two-story brick ghaoruasgee, . 16x33 feet. Porch front. Basem*nt Sold as the property of Leab Sllverman mortgagor and Louis Berman BuIlding and Loan Association. real OWners. CondItions - $250.00 cash or certIfied check on day of sale; baJance In ten days. HAROLD L. ERVIN. Attorney. Lot No. :.II-Beginning at a point in the 1l0rlh'.n!Slcrly side 01 Garrett road (as laid out Oil said 1)lali fortY-aile and 1Uly ollo-hund~ rcuBl!! lect wide) at tho distance 0;[ SCvcnty­l~ u alit.! twe1l\Y-cig-ht ollc-humlredths feel. suuthwc:;twardly Itom a point at angle therein ll!'au.1 1101111. of 8111>Ie being distance nny and olle-temb f(.oct southwestwardly lrom the t;OUlllweslcrly side of l\lorl;"an aVenue) (ae lrud uUI 011 plan fifty feet wide): thellCO extenillng' "orab thirty-t wo degrees. eighteen minutes, west OliO hUlldred 1eet and ninety·two olle. bumlredtbs tect to a point; thence extending south 'UU·-sc,·cn deb"n.'Cs lorty-,wO minutes, WCSI twenty·fi'·e feot 10 a Iloinl.: Ihelle" cx­tending- SOUth thirty·two degrees eighteen min_ UICli east. OIiC hundred oo\'cn aud thirteen ono­hUlillredlhs fect to a ]loillt in tho said north. westerly side of Garrt·tt road, and thence ex­tending aiullg the sallie north lorty·three de­I.' l"cCB, lorty·five minutes. east tweuty.five and !!c'·cnt)··six olle·hundredths feet to the first mentioned Iloillt and plaeo of beghUling. Lot No. :12. Beg-iuning at a poinl. In the Ilorthwesterly side of Garrett road (as hlid JOHN J. CAIN, out UII 6aid III an fortY'olle and fifty one. Sheriff. hundredlhs 1eet wide) al. the distance of -----------_______ Ilinety·eigbt anti four olle·hulldre(nhs feet - !:ioutliwest wardly from a point ef angle tberein THE NEW SHERIFF SALES lJ'aid l)olnt of angle being distance fifty and olle·tcnth feeL southwestwardly from the ------------------jsoulhwesterly side of l\lonran avenUe as laid CHEVROLET SIX NOW ON BISPLA. Y IN OlJB SHOWROOM We have an assortment of models of this new wonder car. Come in and leisurely look them over. See for yourself all the fine features. Let us take YOII for a drive in one. Slip behind the wheel and feel the quick smooth response of six cyliuder power. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Atlantic Refini1lg Co. 100% Gas and Oil Station U1Iited States Tires and Service Willard Batteries and Service Cars Stored "We also have some fine values in good used cars" All makes of cars repaired and our work is guaranteed. WENTZEL MOTORS 401 Dartmouth Avenue R. E" WENTZEL" Se~l1ice Manag~r . SWARTHMORE, PA. Swarth.596 WM. H. NEAL, JR. Sale. Manager Beginning at a point on the southeast~ erly side 01 Verdun avenue (fifty feet wide) a corner 01 lands of Dav1d Cooper and at the distance of one hundred two and eighteen one-hundredths teet measured southwestwardly from an Iron bolt mark­Ing the southwesterly corner of the said VerdUn avenue and Central avenue (sixty feet w1de); thence by said lands south twenty-one degrees. twenty-tour minutes and fifty-three seconds east, elghty- two and elghtY~five one-hUndredths feet to a stake, a comer of lands Of Ollbert and of A.ustln; thence by lands of said Austin. south sixty-eIght degrees thlrtY~five min­utes and seven seconds west, forty-five and five one-hundredths ·feet to a point. a cornor ot other lands of Henry Laughlin; thence by said lands north twenty-one de­grees twentY-four minutes and fifty-three seconds we3t, ninety-two and thirty-one one-hundredths feet to a point on the southeasterly side of the saId Verdun ave­nue; thence by the same. north eighty de­grees twenty-six mInutes and fifty flec. onds east, forty-six and three one-hun­gdirnenditnhgs . feet to the point or place of be­Improvements consist of one-story frame bungalow, 12x36 feet. Porcb front. One­story frame bungalow, 18x12 feet. Porch front. One-!>tory frame addition, 10x18 feet. Sold as the property of Henry Searles and Flanza Searles, his wtle, mortgagors and real o\J:ners with notice to terre ten­ants If any. SIIERIIo'F SALES Sheriff's Omee. Court House, Media, Pa. Salurday. AUg-ust 22. 1931 8:30 o'cloek A. M. (Eastern Standard Time) uut 011 IIlan fifty feet wide'; tbence extending north thirty·two degrees eighteen minutes, west ene hundred fIC,'eli nntl thirteen one­hUndredths feet to a paint, thence extending south flIty·seven degrecs forty·two minuLcs '~est,; t",'mty-five fect to a point. thence ex~ Jo'jeri Facias June Term, 1031 tcudlllg south thirty-two degrees eight.ean minutes. east one hundred thirteen and thirty. rUllr ollc·hundredths feet to a pOinL in the !'Iaicl nurthwesterly side of Garrett road and No. 1010 Ithen(c extending along the same nortb forty­three degrees forty·1lve minutea east twenty­fi\' 1! and seventy·six one.hundredths' feet to All that certain lot or piece of ground with Itfhinen infigr.s ' mentionCd point and plaeo of be. the bUildings and improvements thereon erect. I'd situatc in the Borough of Sharon Hill. Dela- . ~ndcr and subiect, however. to certain con­wnri! County. Pennsylvania; bounded u.od de. CIIlIOIiS and reBtrictieJls. seri bed a(.'(.oniing to a survey thereof made lor (>eorge M. Dun:iall. Jr., by Damon and Fuster. Civil Engineers. 3·30·25 and rev .• 84- ~;) as follows: Beginning- at a point all the northwesterly side of Marsball roatl (as laid oUI twenty.five Icet wide) whicb point ir;; south si%tY'ninc de. g-rees •. forty-nine minutes. west O:le hundred sixty·six l(.>et lrom Lhe point of intersection uf the northwesterly side of Marshall road wilh the southwcsterly line of Kenney avenue las laid oUI. fOMy feet wide} if extended to 8ald northwesterly siele of Marshall road. Con­taining in front or breatlth on sald Marshall road eighteen feet and extending of tbat width in length or depth northwestwardly between llarnJlel lines at right augles te said MarBhall road seventy·a,,·o fcc, to the southeasterly ri(thL of W'ly line at 'ho Baltimore and Ohio Uall. I"oad, IndudJng 011 the reOlr thereof tbe bed til a certain four feet wide alley. Improvements consist of &wo·story brick house, IHx4.0 leet; one'story frame adilillon. 4x-l feet: enclosed front porch. Im,Jroyements l"Ou8ist of two and one.haU story stOlle and stu('Co house. 32x58 feet; en. dused lrunt poreb; basem*nl. garq-e. Sold as the property of Nicholas Sgar-ro. CODflitions-S250.00 cash or certified check 011 day oC sale; balance in ten days. OEARY & RANKIN. AltOO'neY8. Fieri Facia'il No. 1225 June TerM. 1031 All that ('('rtaill lot er piero of ground with the buildiugs and imllrovemelUQ thereon erect­ed aituate in the Township of Haverford. County 01 Delawaro nnd State of Pennsylva. nla. and descrihed according to a plan &hereof made by Ovcr &: Tingley. Civil Engineers. 011 the 1:11h day ot October. A. D. 1026. a.mI revised on the 21st day 01 November. A. D. Conditions - $2SO.oo cash or certlfied U)27, as 101l0ws. 10 wit: check on day ot sale; bala!lcc In ten days. GEARY &:: RANKIN, Attorneys. Sold as the property of AlIred H. Me­Carnley. Levari Facias No. 315 June Term, 1931 CUhditiOH!I--,250.00 essh or certified cheelt on day of sale; balance in ten days. GEARY" RANKIN. Attorneys. Fieri Facias No. 1017 June Term. 1031 All that certain lot or piece of ground with the buildings and Improvemenu thereon erected. lYIng In the Township of U'fper Darby. County of Delaware. State a pennsr.lvanla, being lot No. 330 on a certain p an of lots called DreXel Heights, which said plan Is recorded In the omce for the recording of deeds In and fOr the County of Delaware at Media. In Plan Case 1, Page 10, and described as follows: Situate on the southeasterly sid" oJ! Taylor avenue (flfty feet wide) at the dis­tance of one hundred and fifty feet north­east from the northeast side of Drexel ave­nue (ftfty leet wide), containing In front or breadth northeast on the Hid "'Ide Of Taylor avenne twenty-five feet and extend­Ing ot that width In length or depth southeast between parallel lines at right angles to said Taylor avenue one hun­dred feet. The southwest line thereof ex­tending through the mIddle of a party Hne of the premtseel erected on thls ,lot and the premises erected on ·the lot ad. JoIning to the southWest. Ilcgillning- a& a point on the northeast side 01 Hollis road (forty-five feet wIde) at. the dislan(.'C of fivo hUndred and sixty-three anel lorty·three one·hundredtbs fect measured In a northwesterly dJrection aleog the various (ourscs or Hollis road from its Intersection with I~e northwest side of Eagle read; 'henco extcncllng In a northwesterly direction along the sllid northeasterly aide of HolUs road on Ihe, arc of a ctrclo curving to the Ie" wUb a radl1l1~ of two hundred and forty.five feet, the lire dl8tan<'e of fi1&Y'008 and &wonty.two one. hundredths feet to a potnt: then<'e extending north thlrly·two degrees thlrty.five minutes twenty !lerond8 east one hundred and fifty-two <aud lorly.tbr('e aile-hundredths lee' to 8 point.. thenec extending south tbirty·two degrees 81x~ leen minutes east ninety·six and three one~ hlllulredlhs fret to a point: then<'e extending' 80uth fI1ty degrees west ono hundred anlj twenty·nlno and &welve onc-hundredths leet tt? Iho first mpntloned point and place 01 be. ginning. lleKinning at a point on the northeast aide of sald Spruce street, lorly·four feel. north­w(' stward Irom the northwest llide of Seco~ld street, &roul"h of Darhy, thence extendinG' 1l0rthWCfltWanJly alonl' the said slds of Spruce street fourteen feet and tbence exlendibl' barth. castwanJly of thBt width between parallel linea at righl anglea to said Spruce street seventy_ I wo Iloet 10 8 point in a certaIn three feet , .. ·ide ol!ey. the northwest line and the ~outh. ell.~ line 118.881111" through the center 01 a party Under Bnd Aubjer t 10 cerlain ex:pfcS8 condi. SUbject to conditions and restrictiOns as In ·Deed Book P. No. 13. page 36, and Deed Boo~ P. No. 14, page 115. Improvements consist of two-story brick and stucco house. 18.39 feet; one-car block gal1'le. 12X18 feet. '. wall of the messuago hereby ('()nveycd and the 1 :jllns nnd bUilding restrictions. me~ull~e adjulning 011 the northwest and somheast. Impro\'pmellts consist of two and one.half rmprevemcn:s consist of I\\o·atory brick S!!a~Ulte) ' ps0t1o"n('he. anGda rlLroJruCr. rh1·c2axs1t 8h aflelOetO. , 28:1"30 feet. hou~. 14x36 leet, I~orch Iren&. 801d 8S lhe property of Jamea W. GUIUh and Mary n. GUstin. Condltioll8-'250.00 cash or ccJ'Ufted on day of sale: balanl'O in ten daya. O&\RY ... RANKIN; AUdrDeJ". check So:d as the property 01 Jacob D. Rambo. Conditiona---'260.00 ('ash or certified eheck on day of 8.'\Ic: balancc In ten days. E. I.EROY VAN RODEN, A.uornll7. JOHN J. O IN, Sheriff.

---------- Page 6 ----------

6 SWIMMING EVENTS AT MORTON POOL and Song win entertain. Also prizes will be gh'en for water tub races, water pole walking contests, and water baloon Morton Park Pool offers a new fea~ races. f N Billy James and his band, of the ture every SU~lday a ter~oon.. ext. WCAU Sunday .Morning Children's Sunday Art;r Bltong and his Chirrups, I Hour, will broadcast each \Vednesday famous radiO stars, and Ha~en 31l.d and Friday afternoon thru the private Johnson, of the Fox Theatre, III MUSIC I broadcasting system of the pool from • ______________ iiii~i'3 to 5 p. m. and on Sundays from 5 to ~ 8 p. 111. in a children's try-out hour open Low.Fare Excursions From Swarthmore DAILY $1 50 r Atlantic City I ~ Wildwood, Cape May $2 20 r Asbury Park, Ocean Grole I ~ Long Branch $3.45 NEW YORK Sundays August 9, 23; September 6, 20; also Labor Duy, September 7 53.45 BALTIMORE 53.95 WASHINGTON Sundays August 9, 23; September 6, 20; Optional Attractive Sightseeing Tours Morning ond afternoon tours in New York and Washington. SpeCial rates when tickets are purchased with rall tickets. Consult Agents. Pennsylvania Railroad to all talented children. The successful ones wi11 then be given an opportunity to broadca:st over \VCAU on Sunday morning in the Children's Hour. • I .. GIVES BEGONIA SLIPS An interesting feature of the Annual I Country Week picnic in Swarthmore I has been contributed each year for I the past three years by Mrs. Philip Marot. This yf!ar Mrs. Marot took nearly 600 slips of begonia which were distributed to the mothers. Many of them reported that the slips which Mrs. Marot ga\'c them last year were growing and that they wanted new slips for themselves and their neigh­bors. • Mrs. Earle H. Weltz, of College ave­nue, and her children, Robert Earle and Catherine Leanore Weltz, have re­turned from Bretton Woods, N. H., and Friendship, Me. Mr. 'Veltz, who l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Iws piethn t hsies vefarmali lwy.e erkestu rant eBd retott ohri sW hooomdes I r,ecently. MEDIA THEATRE DAILY MATINEE 2:30 PHONE MEDIA 1400 Saturday WARNER OLAND in "CHARLIE CHAN CARRIES ON" Monday and Tue.dar JACKIE (Skippy) COOPER in "YOUNG DONOVAN'S KID" WILI.IAM POWELL CAROLE LOMBARD in "LADIES MAN" SLIP COVERS DRAPERIES ANNA SCHALLES Ph~, Sw. 1225 Muhlenberg Ave. Rutledge GEORGE H. KEI.I.EY Electrician Repair work and new installations Phone Swa. 428.R '\-anitc Marble MEMORIALS Cemetery Work a Spec1alty Wm. J. Cartledge Est. 1843 No. Lansdowne Ave., Drezel HW, Pa. (OPpOSlte Arlington Cemeter,.) Summer Vacation And Tourist travel has started-and our house is filled up Virtually every nlght-and our dining rooms are well patronized too. at breakfast time. luncheon and at every dinner, with strangel"J:l as well as locaUtles- All this new business for a new "Inn" demonstrates the fact that there was a definite need for our service both locally and for the traveling publlc_ It Is with a lot of pleasure that we serve this public and make friends tor ourse[ ves and the town ot Medla- In addition to more than a hun­dred thousand dining room guests we have served since we opened. We have had almo!'Jt nine thoWland over night guests and we can truthfully say that we have made almost' 109.000 friends for "Media Inn" and Media- It any other effort. public or private. has done more to spread Medla's Good name throughout this whole country In a year we fall to know of It. and we hope that we are only starting In our work -to serve-- Thank You- The Pattons. P. S.-In addition to our service there has been over two hundred thousand pieces of printed matter distributed, each one seiling Media and Media Inn- The Pallons. THE .mtbia Inn Is Yours for Service Ballo. Pike at Provo Road Media 1280 Breakfast, 7 a. m. 3Se, SOc, 60e up Luncheon, I 1:30 n. m. SOc and 75e Specials Dinner, 5.30 'til 9 p. nt. Weekdays, $1.00 Sunday Dinner, 12 noon 'Iii 9 p. m., 81.25 "Cooked 10 Order" Service 7 B. m. unlil midnight • I I • II IIIII I .. J I I I I I I I I • IIII II I I 1+.4 II II I • I I • I II I I • III For a Pleasant Day's Recreation Take a Swim at Morton Park .e e Pool e. e Delaware County's Oldest Pool MORTON, PA. PURE SPRING WATER Water analyai. alwaya at tbe Pool for your inapection. BRING THE KIDDIES AND GIVE THEM A RADIO TRYOUT SUNDAY FEATURES: Billy Jam •• and hi. band broad ... b over our own hroadcaatinl' a,-atem (eacb Wedneaday and Friday, 3 to 5 p. m.) in connection witb a children'. tryout hour,S to 8 p. m. Succe .. ful one. will broadea.t: over WCAU on Sunday Morning Children'a Hour. Arty Bitong and hi. Chirrup. (famou. radio atara). Haaen & John.on of Fox Theatre - mu.ic and song. Water tub racea, water pole walkinl' contella, water balloon racea. Prizea will be awarded. Each Sunday - new and added attraction •• ADMISSION Week Day. - Cbildren 15. • . Sat., Sun. & HoUday. - Children 25c Suits to Hire - 25c Adult. ZSc : : Adult. so. EARL SMITH, THE SWARTHMORBAN Slopes of Underp .... . May Prove U.eful (Continu~d from Pdtle Ond "An Ideal American Home Commu­nity." If this is true it is only natural to expect that the grassy slopes of the underpass north of the R. R. will also be utilized with signs made of plants or pebbles similar to those which rail­roads (particularly the Rock Island) once used to designate the name of the town through which the passenger was passing at the moment. It might be appropriate for the col­lege to layout on its bank such words as: Swarthmore College-4'Mind the Light". The cast side of the bank wi11 probably be snatched up by some en­terprising coal merchant or retail store. Quarantine End, With Dog Show (Continued from Page 01le) AUGUST 7, 1931 Ginger, mixed breed, entered by Ann Durnall, 209 Garrett avenue; Flossy, co*cker spaniel. entered by Arthur Eldora Sproal, owned by cr. H. Effing, Grover, 214 Dickinsqn avenue. Lassie, collie, entered by Eddie Bretz, owned 230 Haverford avenue. Laddie, collie, by Mrs. M. Herberl Paul, 536 Ogden entered by Key Wood, 227 Swarth- avenue. Mr. Beans, Boston bull ter­more ave. rier, entered by Libby Garrett, 228 Mackey. Scotch tcnier, entered by Garrett ave. Bull Montana, English Gertrude Shobinger, 301 Swarthmore bull, entered by Marcia Garrett. Lady, avenuc. Trim, collie, entered by Nancy I English bull terrier, entered by Burt King, 29 College avenue. Jane, co*cker McKinnie, Jr., owned by Wilfred C. spaniel, entered by Martha Orr, 910 Ervin, Ogden ave. Zito, police dog, en­Mt. Holyoke Place. Patch, fox terrier, tered by John Copenhagen, 350 Vassar entered by Nancy Armitage, 410 South avenue. Brownie, mixed breed. owned Chester road. Tagalong, mixed breed, by O. J. Gilcreest, Skips, co*cker span­entered by WiJIiam Stericker, 540 Riv- iel. owned by Miss Pauline Durnall, erview avenue. Cocoa, co*cker spaniel, So. Chester rd. Duke. mixed breed, entered by Emily Smith, i17 Yale ave- entered by Phil Snyder, 226 Rutgers nue. avenue. THIS O~ THI§ HOT WATER keep. the housewife 'Joun, and r.~HIJ tLI-eJu,h unlo.el, tasils Certainly no woman does with· out instant hot water in her home because she doesn't want it! Woman·like, she sacrifices her strength, her time, and her looks, too ... just because she thinks she cannot afford this wonderful modern aid. To her, this offer is especially addressed. This low down­payment makes it possible to install an Automatic Gas Water Heater. immediately monthly payments that they are not of operation, too, .. __ • with so small felt. Cost is low! Special Su:.n:.ner Oller $ 00 Down installs an Autom.atie Gas Water Heater Years to Pay Choice of Ruud, zone, Stazhot Penfield heaters. Hot· and $75 and size up and according make. to Slightly high.. on th, Btu/gtt Plan Quick Hot Water 1 No waitinS. No lItairll.c1iUlbiq. tAli Our Suburban Stores PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY For any gas appliance, see your plumber, dealer, department store or lIS hartb~O!'e C~lege LU~;~s", I ~~!amor~. P&o. , Vol. III, No. 32 Swarthmore, Pa., August 14, 1931 Per Year Swarthmoreans Respond To Summer Experience Contest VISIT ALASKA The Swarthmore an this week pub- If yOll feel like having a new exper- lishes the first of the articles written iel1ce, visit our territory Alaska. You for the Summer Vacation Experellc~ ,viii feel well repaid for the four hot Contest announced last week. dirty days and nights of train riding For the benefit of those who did not across the continent in order to reach read of the oompetition last week may aS enaitntlce ,d afryo mcr uwishci.c h our boat sailcd on it be said that The Swarthmore an will offer cash prizes for the article de- "hc ooat follows the Inside Passage. scribing the most unusual experience of SOOI1 getting into Canadian waters, the the summer; the most embarrassing ex­Straits of Georgia and Queen Char- perience of the summer; and the most lotte Sound. It is like a smooth sea voy-enlightening experience of the summer. age with fir covered, snow capped The Swarthmorean assumes th~ mountains rising straight up from the water. At times we see islands, light right to publish any and aU·articies that houses, capes, logging camps, or water are suitable as they are ,r eceived. Ai-falls trickling down the side of a tcr Se()t. "l5th. three literary lights oi moulltain. the community will be selected to judge Ketchikan is our first Alaskan town, cthlaes sipfriiczaeti own.i nning article under each built along the water front and having strCf!ts and side walks of wood, as most It is not necessary to designatc that of the othcr towns. The main industry you are writing your article as thl! is salmon canning. They bring in the most embarrassing experience of the salmon by tll.c thousands, clean, chop season. Let the judges decide for them­can and stcam them. Nearly all the em- selves whether your experience belongs ployces arc Indians. Here we stop in to n the class of the most embarrassinl:t chat with old Chief Johnson, at one or the most enlightening. time a powerful chief in Alaska. In All artiles must be sellt to the edi­front of his lodge is a totem pole which tor bearing the author's correct name tells a story. although names will not be published After a few hours we are aboard with the articles if specified by the again and the next day see many ice- writers. However, it must be rem em­bergs which· is a sign we are nearing bered that an article published with the the 'l'aku Glacier, a river of ice 90 correct name of the author will carry miles long and a mile wide. The boat more weight with the judges than on~ stops beside the GI aC.l cr f or an Il our so (".blished avcr-:a .. ~~- '':'~. that we may marvel at its immensity The prizes will be one dollar in ca·sh and admire the lovely blue and green to the winner in each di,:ision as well colors of its peaks. as several honorable mention awards. At J llncau, a town of about 4000, we Send your communications to HExpe_ climb 542 steps up the mountain and I rience Editor," The Swarthmore an, (Continued Oil Page Two) Swarthmore, Pa. POLITICAL LEADERS SEEK UNIFIED REPUBLICAN FRONT IN COUNTY Slate of County Organization Announced With Plea For United Support of Regular Candidates Political 1cadeni of this county are wasting 110 time in appealing to the \'oters for S11(>I)ort of the candidates who have recch'ed the endorsem*nt of thL' Delaware County Republican Com­mittee. \Vith a national election in 19.12, the cOllnty Icaders are particularly desirolls that this fall's primaries show a unified U.epublican organization. Mr. Ma~Carter by the County Repuh­Jican Committee is based all the wide feeling that his efforts during the past four years merit another term as county prosecutor. FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORTS FEW CALLS Two field fires last Friday broke the summer calm of the Swarthmo're Fire department, the first on Benjamin West avenue and the second on Yale avenue just east of Cornell avenue. Bo~h were extinguished before any damage was done. The local fire company has enjoyed an unusually long' pcriod of calm this summer and is hoping for the good work to keep up. The water fight on the Fourth of July was by far the busiest occasion the firemen have had all sum­mer. , I • CHILDREN'S PARADE AT PLAYGROUND A parade of decorated dolt coaches, wagons, ·bicycles, tri-cycles, or what­have.:. you on wheds, will provide a morning: of entertainment -for the young­er generation of Swarthinoreans next :Monday morning beginning ~ at 10 o'clock. The program will be under the direc­tion of Miss Reagan of the Playground. At noon· all children whose parents have packed lunches will ~e taken to the Crum woods. • I • REPORT DESCRIBES SCHOOL FINANCES End of Fiscal Year July 6 Shows Healthy Condition of School Treasury PLAYGROUND PLANNED The financial report of the Swarth­more School district for the school year ending July 6. 1931 shows a decreased cost of operation and all increased return from: taxes. Forty thousand dollars from tax returns ,vas used for capital expentiituns. L' nco n1 e from t a xes amounted 10 $127.175.98 for Ihe year ending Jnly 1930 anel $139,269.76 for Ihe past year. The operation of the school system in­cluding the items of general control, in­struction, auxiliary agencies, operation of school plant, maintenance of school plant and fixed charges, cost $130.904.83 for the past year while the same items cost $136,321.71 for the previous year ending July, 1930. On account of the building program. howevcr, the year began with a balance of $163.242.06 lasl July, while Ihe balance at the end of the year was reduced to $47,137.61. Tuition pupils hrought in $20,454.31 last year, while. the previous year they had brought in only $17,000. COUNCIL ASKED TO AID BY-PASS ROAD PROJECT Plans For New Highway To Relieve Thru Traffic In Borough Now Before State Highway Department Plan,s for the by-pass road which is to I ent one as would b... nlXICssary very carry the greater share of' Swarthmore's shoTrtly• '11. d . he new road \VI contmue own through-traffic around the borough tn-I :"lichigan avenue through part of the stead of through its main street, have property of Fred Calvert at the end of reached their most progressive point ac- Park avenue and will then follow Little cording to reports of Ellwood B. Chap- Crum Creek into the unimproved el1~ of man and Cole E~ mmons, S wartI 1 - Harvar•d I aveIn du e Iwth'enre the b·bo rnoeuagthh morc residents who are working with the 1 dlUIl1PR "R oca et 'f w: ~r~~s e t State and the other parties concerned in ts,e h' • no ar eas o. e Pdrese~111 th . t wart more avenue crossmg an wt e~ Irn.u provcmen . b f ·1 cut across part of Riverview Farms Emmons appeared core counCI . fi II W dl d at th~ adjourncd meeting Monday evc- COtnl11g out lila y: 011 '?0 ~n ave~ue Il.I ng an d as k e d II 1a I Ih aI }I a dy crea Ie Ihe southh o"f th e BaltImo1re pIke mtersectIon right-of-way for the new road as a step atTII e sRwl.mmdlllE.? poo. ted t b f r in expediting its acceptance by the State Ie alroa !s rep.or . 0 'Iel avo.- an d 1't scar Iy comp Ie I1' 011. PIa" sfo Ihre able ito th'e pr o. ject slllhce It WI . permlt road arc now before the State Highway them to e lIn mate t e crossmg. at Department at Harrisburg and both Mr. Swarthmore avenue and at another pomt Emmons and Mr. Chapman expressed between Swarthmore and Morton. optimism that they would be approved. Co1Jegc avenue and the portion of Riv- Council took no action on the matter en'iew avenue which turns into Swarth­other than to instruct the borough sccre- more ave., near the R. R. crossing will tary to communicate with the residents be cut through into the new highway. of the borough through whose property The contract for eliminating several the road will run and see if they are intersection dips in Swarthmore was willing to grant a right of way without awarded at Monday night's meeting to damages. Michael Mahoney. \York on the two The proposed route of the road passes dips at Harvard and Rutgers avenue will through very little private property in hegin at once. the borough and Mr. Emmons points out The ordinances providing for the im­that from conferences he has already had provement of Benjamin West avenue with these property owners, he believes and several avenUes on the syndicate the borough will have practically no tract near the Rutgers avenue school damages to pay. were passed. Work all Rutgers avenue Present plans call for the road to be- between Park ave. and the new school gin near the Pure Oil station just south witl begin at once. of the Sproul viaduct on South Chester The Public Safety Department 'l""e­road. A new viaduct will be built commended that the fifty candle power acr'.lSS· the valley carrying the rDad in street lights along Park avenue be re­the direction of the castern end of the placed with 100 candle power lights horough where it will first strike bor- I)laced on mast arms extended out into ough property along Michigan avenue. the street beyond the trees. The ex- The state is said to favor the building periment will be tried on Park avenue of the new viaduct in-as-much as the between Yale and Dartmouth avenues present olle is too narrow for through- and if successful may result in increased traffic and a ncw and wider bridge will street lighting throughout the entire cost little more than w,dcning the prcs- borough. HEALTH SOCIETY REPORT FOR JULY A very busy month was reported by the nurses of the Community Health So­ciety during July. 477 visits were made, 416 of which were for nursing and 48 social service visits. Therc were 10 Sun­" Aunouncement of the candidates day calls and I first Aid. who will ha\'e the support of the reg­lliar Repuhlican organization was de­layed until the last possible moment", declared C. Edwin Hunter, chairman of thc County Republican Committee, "so that the best possible mcn might be se­lected. For the Republican nomination of Recorder of \VilIs, the County Organ­ization will support George E. Hill, prcsent incumbent, whose candidacy for re-eJection has been ad\'ocatcd by many lawyers and persons acquainted with the work he has been doing. '''iHiam T. Poore of Rutledge is the The annual report as· well as an analy­:; is of the incorne and expense dollar is as follows: . (C DntinfH:d on Page Sir) Organizalion's choice for Recorder. of FORMER RESIDENT Deeds. !\Ir. Poore has been an active OF BOROUGH DIES • I • In the Health Centers, there werc 51 return visits of regi5tcred bahies, and 15 Ilew bahies admitted. 3 school children were listcd to have tonsils removed at Taylor Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Burris \Vest and fam­ily and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fischer Illld daughter Jean arc spending the week at Highpoint, N. J. "'fhc s1ate as it now stands not only represents men particularly fitted for the positions they seck, but men who arc leaders in their respective commu­nities and who ha\'e always been staunch Repuhlicans. "\Vith a significant national election before the voters next year it is par­ticularly desirable that one or the re­sults of this fall'~ clection should bc the solidifying and huilding up of the I~epublican party in Delaware County," )'lr. Hunter added. III the endorsem*nt of Wi1liam Ram­sey of Chester as County Commissioner, the Repuhlican Organization is direct­ing into county otlice a man whose in­fluence has bcen fclt for many years not only in Delaware County but throughout the entire state of Penn­sylvania. As onc of the most experienced elect­ive officers available for the position hc seeks. Mr. Ramsey is expected to he a valuable factor in coordinating the different sections of thc county and continuing the progressive program of the past four years. The other Republican candidate en­dorsed hy the nepublican Committee for county commissioner is the present incumhent, Charles Drewes of Darby, Whose work .during the past administra­tion is said to have \VOII for him the recognition o( all who h~vc .. had any contact with··the commission·crs'· office. H.epllblican workers of ·ihe~~·c~.unty will also bencI.. every efforl Ihis fall~lo seCljre a large vo'te of confidence in \Viltiam llacCarter, ~Jr., as .• candidat~ ror rC·electipn as dislrict atto'ney~ L)ne of the most (liffieult ~nd strenuous posi­tions in :ih~ couhty: thc endo'rsem*nt of RepUblican worker for nearly forty years in the county and is 1I0W asso-ciated with the Register of 'Vilis office. Mrs. Catherine E. Andrews Gay, of For County 'l'reasl1rer, \Villiam 'Vorthing-ton, Ohio, formerly of 233 Dickel will have the support of the Cornell ~\'enl1e, Swarthmore, passed C oun I y R epu bl'I (;an Comm·,ltee. h,.-fr .a way lIurlllg" the m" onth of JulyI accordt - Dickel is from Haverford Township mg to a COT11I1lUIJICatlOll turne( o\'cr 0 I I' i Ig as a £ommis- I The Swarthmorean. \~ tcre }I~IIS nolw slehrY 'COU"IY office he ~frs. Gay had heen ill for more than SIOl1er. Ie on y 0 er . I f S II has ever held was that of chairman of a ycar. She was a r~slf ~l1t 0 ... war \- n I r Committee At more (or ten years. She served as the COUl~ty . ep~I}.lcan of the p~lice presidcnt of the \Voman's Cluh for one preset~t lC I.S C ~Irma~ d Township year and for two years as secretary committee 111 avc~ ~~ . previous to her term as prcsident. She where he has a large 0 oWlllg. had many friends in Swarthmore. Dr. S. R. Crotl~ers has beel~ slated as Mrs. Gay, who was horn at Ga1- Republican candidate for Director <?f lipolis, was graduated from 'VeJlesley the Poor to succeed James J. Skelly. College in 1901 and received her M. A. Dr. Crothers is ou the staff of t1!e degree at Ohio State University in Chester Hospital and is well.kno\'\O'n In 1903. From 1903 to 1906 she was an in­Chester and the western sectIOn o~ !he structor of chemistry at Ohio State. county where he has been a pr~ct1clng She was a past regent of Columbus physician for man~ years. Isa~ah M. Chapter, D. A. R., a memher of . the Heyburn, present lIIcunlbent, IS also Daughters of American COIOIllStS, being endorsed for another. ter.m. . Founders and Patriots, Daughters of 'I'he Republican Orgalllzation will the 'Var of 1812, General Society of support Dr. J. Evans Scheehle, present the Mayflower, Hug-cnot Society of incumbent, for the o~ce of Co.u~ty Pennsylvania, P. E. 0., Kappa Alpha Coroner. Dr. Scheehle IS a prachclIlg Theta and Sigma Xi sororities, and physician in Llanerch, H~verford T?wn- \Vorthington M. E .. Church. Mrs. Gay ship. He has a large Circle of fnends was an ex-president of the Facuhy and was appointed coroner to fulfill ~he \Voman's Club and of the Agricultural term of George Frankenfield who died Circle at Ohio State, and was pres i­last year. . dent of the 'Vorthing-ton I.ihrary John B. Hannum has no oPPOSt- Board. tion as Judge of the Orphans' Court Her hushand, Carl \V. Gay; a son, to succeed himself and meets the. str?ng Hayward A. Gay, a daughter, Lucy S. approval of the County Orgal1lzahon. Gay; her mother, Mrs. William H. 1 , Andrews, Sr., and a brother, \VilJiam Mrs. Gladys Hall Snyder and ~,er two sons Paul and Arthur are spendmg two wceks in Southwcst Harbor Mt. Desert, Maine, where they are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Lucas of Moylan.Rose Valley. H. Andrews, Jr., hath of Cleveland, survive. Funeral services will probably be held Wednesday morning. Burial will he in Mound Hill Cemetery, Gallipolis, loy S. E. Corbin, Worlhinglon. )'lrs. Eloise Ashton ha~l her month's vacation, and spent one week of it at­tending the school nurses session at the School of Social and Health \Vork, in Philadelphia. Miss Ruby Blin-Singer returned after a six weeks public health nursing course at the same school. Mrs. Mary Wood is now enjoying a vacation, and Miss Marker, snpervising IIUr$e, will leave on August 17th for two weeks. The social service work has lessened slightly; 24 orders of food were given out, 2 of clothing, 3 of medicine, and 2 of baby food. 15 families are being given milk and 19 Cluarts of milk are be­ing given out. • I • At Conference Among those att~nding the 51st annual sessions of the Northfield General Con­ference of Christian Workers, founded hy Dwight L. Moody the evangclist~ is Harriet B. Selfridge, 735 Yale avenue. Throughout the Conference, which be­gan August 1 and continucs to the 17th, about 3,000 people are present, attending the many addresses held daity. Special ministers' meetings are held in Sage Chapel al 9:00 anel again al IO:GO each moming for the 200 ministers at the Conference. These arc addressed hy Dr. John R. Hutton of I.ondon, ~ditor of the Brilish Weekly. Dr. James Moffatt of London, translator of Moffatt's New Testament, Dr. Campbell Morgan of Boston, and Dr. Charles Erdman of Princeton. These men also address the open meetings in the Auditorium. Homer Rodeheaver leads the singing and also teaches a course on the leader­ship in Christian music. The young people's meetings are being led by the Rev. Howard Morgan of Lexington, • • • ~(r. and 1[rs. J. W. Pod I. of 235 Dickinson avenue are spending the \ ... ·eek-end at Boston. • • • A-lrs. James Hornaday and children, of Dickinson avenue, have returned from a week's stay at Highpoint, N. J. • • • :Mr. and Mrs. \ViI1iam Haney have returned from a two weeks' motor trip to Canada. • • • Mr. and Mrs. D. Curry Armstrong and son James retnrned \Vedncsday from a motor vacation in and around Massachusetts. • • • Mr. J. 'Vallace Steigelman returned home from a two weeks' stay III camp at Mt. Gretna. • •• Mrs. H. De C. Hainilton, of Yale Ave., is spending August with her sis­ter, Mrs. Birdsal1, near Cleveland, Ohio. • • • Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Calverl, of 909 \Vestdale avenue, have a cottage at Birch Knolls, Cape Elizabeth, Maine, where they wiH he un tit September the 10th. Their SOil, \Villiam Calvert, is spending the summer in France but will join them in Maine during the first week in September. • • • Dr; and Mrs. William T. Ellis re­tllrncd Tuesday night from a five weeks' stay in Northctn Canada. At the same time Miss Margaret Amelia Ellis ended her trans-continental motor trip. • • • John Francis Miller is the victim of a severe case of ivy poisoning.

---------- Page 7 ----------

2 . THE SWARTHMOREAN I __' _M_'a_k_e _Y_ o_u_r_s_utn_,_m-;-er _v_ ,a_c_a_tion_' _,,_ p_a_'Y_; _,I' ,_ Write Your Experiences; Cash Prizes (Continued from Page One) of 1897 and '98 when t,he 'Klond\ke Gold are taken through the plant at the gold Rush was at its 1Ieight.;;.A, thar,time it, mines where O\'er 10,000 tons of or~ are had a ·population of: ne~rly 15,000 but reduced daily. This is the capitol of now th.e~e arc about only 400 residents. Alaska where the Governor lh'es. We YlSlte~ the Blanc~ard g~rde!1s, Tht'll ("otnt'5 Skagway, an Italian. whe-rt· dahh,as grow ~en IIlches III dla­name meaning "The HOIllt! of til" IlIleter, IJaUSICS three l!1chc~ acro~s, and Xorth \Vind." This dates from the days I sweet pea and nasturtium Vines SIX feet . high, at the foot of the snow capped ------,----'----- mountains. Swarthmore is known even 1-1389 SPE,CIAL JUBI'LEE ·OFFER ••• to all who purchase Frigidaire now I • • • up in far away Skagway, for when we mentioned coming frOl~l Ihere, Mrs, Blanchard remembered Mr. Elwood Chapman who had later sent her SOme of his dahlia roots. From Skagway there is a one day !.rail trip over White Pass to Lake Ben­nett, following along the trail of '98, passing over deep ravines and dashing streams. Lake Bennett was the place where the gold rushers stopped by thousands to build boats to go on up the Yukon niver. There is nothing left I except the station dining room and a decaying timber church. I Sitka is the most charming of the Alaskan tOWIIS, surrounded by snow capped mountains and a harbor dotted with little green islands. This was the old capital under Russian rule and has woolen socks, pants." the seat coated heavily with paraffinJ so that we could coast down the glacier. and I had snow down my neck and under-my·sMks. This Sliding is called "nature coasting." . On our way back to the Inn we stopped and went in an -ice cave. It is very dark and cold in this cavity in the ice. but where any light does come in it makes the ice a pretty light blue_ AUGUST 14, 1931 mountain than coming up ... We de­decided' that '. thi~ was, -a:n' extremely wor'th' while . a~d interestin'g trip, in spite of the steep mountain climbing necessary to get to Paradise Glacier. EDWARD THATCHER, 613 Ogden Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. The way ",,'as easier going down the I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ J.""."""" .. "",.",. I • T. F. Conway RADIO SERVICE Phone Day • .". .• Swarth. 456 Night • • • • Swarth. 58 Emmons & Andes !BUILDERS Baltimore 'Pike and Riverview Ave. Sw. 1600 SWARTHMORE, PA. """"'.T"."',."" ••• DOGS / ' more of interest on that account. The Russian cathedral stands at the end of the main strcet, where the Russian Beautiful hand-etched I Father with long hair and beard show­ed us relics, precious treasures and 'paintings brought from Moscow so long ago. In Sitka National Park have heen placed many old totem poles along First we crossed the flower carpeted valley ulltil we carne to the steep paths going up to a ridge called the switch-back. The paths wind on the side of J' AS A PILSON this steel) hiJI, which makes it very ....'. ~' . ..' ~L much easier to walk up. LIGHT ·AND POWER' ' When we finally got on top of this W I R I N G CLIPPING STRIPPING BOARDING Faraday Park Kennels Luncheon Set ridge, we got our first' good view of ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR the mountains of \Vashington and Ore-' 107 Sylvan Avenue Rutledge 203 Kedron Ave. in topaz Swarth. 239.w Morton, Pa. . the shady hemlock paths. \Vrangcll, OlIr next port contains many tot ellis in Iheir original settings, that is, placed beside the home. Each I carved figure means something in the lives or the makers or their famiHes. The most picturesque sight at each tOWIi is the row of Indian women on the wharf displaying· wares' made by themselves, spruce bark baskets, elk skin dolls, and hags and lI10cassins of hair seal with head trimming. Among gon. From here it was a very short walk above the timber line, where we stop­ped to rest and r.~fresh ourselves with the cold water of the glacial stream. \Ve were instructed by' the' guide to sit down in the snow and hold on to the legs of the person' in back of ·tis. \Vhen we were a1l ready the guide gave us a push. The hill ahead of us looked very steep to me while we were sliding down it. Near the bottom, we broke our hoJds, as a result we aU piled up in a heap on the snow. My hands were red from the cold snow i~;,c.;;Q;;be~~~~.;;hed;;a~t;S~w~.;1;1;.;5~~~;;;;;;~~;;;;;;~~;;;;;;~ "It's Not the Start But the Finish That COltnts" ParticullU'ly when your destination is Strath Haven, and the' deli:' cious special dinner at 'only 85c:~ $1.00 ot" $1.25. Canoeing on the Crum. Tennis and othet" sports Dance - Saturday, Augun 15th. All friends of the Inn cordially invited. F. M. Sclteibley, Mana~emenl STRATH HAVEN The Inn With Personality Swarthmore, Pennsylvania . As a fitting celebration of Frigid­ai: re's fifteenth anniversary, we 'have prepared an unusually inter­, estingprogram. J the attractions arc the curio shops, filled with carved ivory. baskets moc­assins and all sorts of Eskimo relics, Of course the tourists all find their way into these before the boat whistle blows I for departure . J ,fiesi<.les seeing' al1 these ullusual 51ghts 111 sllmlller, one can be cool. \Vc felt just right in our' 'winter coats, hut what a change back home I -----'------------ ,- II II III I 1.1 •• , I ••• I I II 1111. I II II I I II 11111111111'11 I I" Swarth. 1441 , Be DIU: guest. You will see a ,dramatic; demonstration of the , . enduring qualities of Frigidaire Porcelain. , You will also see how the 'Quickube Tray enables you to remove ice cubes at the touch of a finger-how the Cold Control makes possible a wider variety -of frozen desserts. And during this demonstration we are offering Frigidaire for a very small first payment-the bal­ance to suit your convenience. $10 Down EASY TERMS SPECIAL JUBILEE OFFER TO ALL WHO PURCHASE EDITH P. PAXSON, (Mrs.]. 'Varren Paxson), 219 Vassar ave_ * • • TIN PANTS It was my fortulle to be able to go to .Alaska this sui\uucr. Before "em­harking from Seattle 011 an Alaska ~tumlship Company liner we had ·a \"cry illh'rcsting day in Paradise VaJl~y in Uanier National Park. The most thrilling thing we did here was hiking to Paradise Glacier. The guides at Paradise Inl1 provided us with the c{luipmcl1t needed for this hike. This consisted of a khaki hat, a STANLEY WARNER THEATRES STATE NOlI' ShOlf)ing CONSTANCE BENNETT in "THE COMMON LA.W" FRED J. HARLR¥o UphoJstering: Furniture Restoring Slip Covers Draperies Window Shades "The Golden Rule--Our MOllo" SILVER BANTAM A new corn never before raised in the C3f;t 35c Golden Bantam, . . Extra Fancy & Regular MILLER'S The .tand located in the cornfield 300 yards 10lllh of inccneclion of Chcltet' Road and Providence Road A. M. ALLISON Electrician Thirty-two years experience,· and' I home-owner in this borough. 311 VASSAR AVENUE Swarthmore 1160 Monday, TUP-$day, Wednesday ~ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS ROBERT MONTGOMERY in "A. MA.N IN POSSESSION" Thur,tlay, Friday, Saturday BARBARA STANWYCK in "NIGHT NURSE" -wilh­liEN LYON CLARK GAIILE -BUILDER-Artistic Hom". Designed and Built to Meet Individual Need. CHAS. E. FISCHER 304 Dickinson Ave. ~ Sw.33S.W '"'111111111111""11 II 111111 II 11111111111111 II 111111111111111111111111111 rr. A specially designed IImcheoll sffllice 0/ S/Jarl/ing, hand.etched glassware in the new topaz color will he givellio al/ who purchase Fri8idllire dnrillg the }lIhilee. EO! 111111111111111" 11111111111111111111111111111110 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!! FRIGIDAIRE 7Jlum~'--= A General Motors Value GUARANTEED FOR 3 YEARS DELCHESTER UTILITIES CORP. 629 WELSH ST. CHESTER, PA. MEDIA REPRESENTATIVE CHARLES A. HIGGINS = 6 6ll~IB \) 0 ;1 ~ CaU Swarth. 894 § ffillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllil" """"I I """"""1 11111 UlI Iili HOWARD.KlRK Attorney-at-Law 14 South Ave. Media,. Pa. Media 1717 Swarthmore 998' e' Heating and Roofing P. M. BARROW Phone Swarthmore' 82 Modemi%e your Bathroom at Low Cost. Reroof with Aabesto. Shingles. ,:, ; For a Pleasant Day's Recreation Take a 'Swim-at 'MortonPatk _e • Pool:·- Delaware County's Oldest Pool MORTON, PA. PURE SPRING WATER ·Waler analysi. always at the Pool fot" yout" inspection. BRING THE KIDDIES AND GIVE THEM A RADIO TRYOUT Bill,. James give. a children's radio tryout each Wednesday and Friday, 3 to 5 P. M.,. and Sunday over our own broadcasting system. Succe .. ful ones will broadcast over W C A U on Sunday Morning Children's Hour • SUNDAY FEATURES: BilJy James and his Band. Arty Bitong and his Chirrups (famous radio slars). Presentation of prizes won Sunday. Other Special F eaturea Each Sunday - new and added attractions. ADMISSION Week Days - Children ISc •• Adults 25c Sat., Sun. & Holidays - Children 2Sc : : Adults SOc Suits to Hire - 25c EARL SMITH, Manager. Own_rlllip ManOSJemen, IF, you',. tfred of room. and baths •••• and want tomethlng a IIHI. more UII:. hom., then com. to Hotel lolay.tte. You'll flnd ... tucked away In th. most bMnitffuJ part of on. of Atlantic: Qty's broad ... GYflnu", lu.' a step away from everythlng thot', eaythlng In the World'. Playground. Here'. Ndullon wltflout . -bbery. H.r.·.· b.auty without au.terlty .••• In a hote' cq, .odern a. IP30 •••• with rat •• o. mode •• a. 1920. Spacious _.g. room., a solarium and IUn-d«k. food tho. would deUghtan epIan.. Comfort. Service. Qul.t. All th ... are yours al a gUMf 01 E L ~ " .~ " , .. ... ~ ,'" ., ,,~., '-" , ' .. , ... -:.: AUGUST 14, 1931 THE SWARTHMOREAN 3 HOLD UP BOX OFFICE AT HEDGEROW THEATRE held up the cashier and vanished with of it until after the play had ended, considered one of the leading organiza­$ 70, the evening's receipts, The rob- although State Troopers Pepple, Fisher tions of its kind in the country and has bery took place while a melo-drama and 11cBride, and State Detective A. sent many prominent actors and ac- A number of Swarthmore residents depicting the reformation of a crim- L. 1lcN"eal had sent out an alarm to tresses, among them Ann Harding, into noon of June 21, at the Greek Theater, Hollywood. when the Symphony Or­chestra played, a chorus of two hundred .sang, and five thousand people gathered were ,.m t h e aud l' ence a t th e H e d gerow inat was being cnacted on the stage. all nearby polce stations to watch for the theatrical and film world. to cheer the departing Caravan. Theatre Wednesday evening when So perfectly was the hold-up execut- the high-powered car in which the The theatre is Ia n old. stined m• ill, 1w hic1h three bandits entered the box office, Ic d that none of the audence was aware guTnhmee nc asmilaiedre, :tihfeisisr gMeatariwaany .P hillips. a hseacs tibocne no rfe mthaed e ecxdc,l usistiuvact eR o1s0c a Voanlele yy if;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~i~iii~~~jiiii~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j I I1lt'mbcr of a prominL'nt family and one section of ~loyJall. . Mrs. Haywood, of Pasadena, an out­standing woman of California, presided and after offering a prayer for peace, briefly stated the purpose of the cere­mony, and presented the only speaker of the day, Mrs. Sara Bard Field. Then followed a Pageant of Nations, ending with ten lovely young girls bringing in gigantic letters speiling PEACE. Kath­erine Devereux Blake offered a resolu­tion ior Complete and Universal Dis­armament to be sent to the President and this was unanimously carried. lof till: rt:pertnire group's leading ac- There arc about twenty players 1'1 @?\\IJ~rrn\\~/Ilb!l rl~~ I trcsses, stated that all the men were! the group, \'\.·hich is of the community 1.!....'!I1..5r.~ W If"U IJ IJ I.!.... wcll-dressed and each was about 21 type, and most of the members occupy SAN I ,....! SEAT years of age. msall cottages adjining the theatre. you The play being presented, "The Sot- \Vhen not engaged in the play being know it~ clean, itary Man," portrays the career of a presented, the members of the group TilE pure whire Ivory P,-ralin surface shows up even the tiniest piece of dusi. What a satisfaction to know Ihat one wipe makes the whole seat clean and san. ilary! E,-en the hinges are I'yralin. coaled, and that nleans no green. tat"nished melal 10 clean and l)ulish. Only $6.00 at this shop Thai's all we charge to sell and inslall Ihis last word in while seat perfection. And once in, you ho,'e a seat Ihul will beautify your bathroom for years. Guaranteed fh'c years. Lei us show you Ihe E,VERWHITE in "'our own home without obligation. Woodward, Jackson & Black, Inc. 333 DartlDoutb Ave. Swartb.43 crmnal who, after pursuing a life of act as ushers, stage hands, etc_, in the crime,' finally goes straight. In the theatre_ middle of the play, a hold-up is staged, with sham gunfire and the cries of the victim enlivening the proceedings. It was white this part of the drama was in progress that the real holdup was staged, leading the police to be­lic\- e that the entire affair was pre­I arranged with the real bandits taking ad"antage of the sham gun-play 011 the stage to shoot if necessary. The audience. the police pointed out. would helic\'e ally shots they heard were part of the play. I I • WILL EMPLOY SOCIAL WORKER Sara Bard Field presented to Hannah Clothier Hull National Chairman. a scroll symbolizing the W. 1. L. petition. She accepted the responsibility of the \Vith fall rapidly approching, Swartll- Caravan 10 a brief~ but probably the morcans jnterested in the weHare of 1In-most beautiful. speech she ever made. employed and unfortunate persons in The Hallelujah Chorus followed, and at this vicinity are expected to organize a the close, from below the stage, a flock campaign to provide a program of work of silver doves into the air with a lasting over the entire winter. whir. and as though symbolic of the It as been definitely arranged to em- ploy a social worker whose headquarters Caravan, circled about before turning will 'be in borough hall and who will home. The audience ~vas. spellbound by .sen"e the same fourteen square miles the . beauty ?f the clrd~g. doves, the The Hedgerow group of players is covered by the Community Health So- glOrIOUS m.usIC and the dIgllltr and s.ol-ciet . emn prOmIse of Mrs. Hull s c10smg O!JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!;, Y • , • words. 5' = The "car" decorated with fluttering S MICHAEL J. rv.or_n~onden,.n American flags at the head, and about its s ~ vI , o;.".l:' ... 0;. body banners in blue and orange inscrib- § M A H 0 N E Y ~ ed "World Disarmament." seemed eager I ~ = Editor "The SUJQrllunorcou/' to start. Dorothy Cook sat at the wheel, § General Contractor =- I am sure that many Swarthmoreans a symbol of young AmericaJ of courage E § will be interested in the following quota- and intelligence, just from Goucher, 5_ Excavating Cement Work §is tions from "Pax International" telling where she received highest honors, and 55 _ of an event in California in which one of while with us in California received 5 Private Drives Grading ;;;:;; our best known citizens took an honored news of the award of a scholarship in 55 Sewers Roadwork 55 part. The annual meeting of the Wom- Law at Columbia University. Her car § h . = ens International League for Peace and leads across the country-to the Presi- § P one MadIson 594 F:eedom met in Los Angeles and the dent, in the White House. at Washing-foill" IllIlIlIlIllIlIlIllIllIlIll""III""IIIIIIIIII""IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiF. clImax came on a perfect Sunday after- ton. Hundreds of Twelve cars were in the Caravan that started north, At Santa Barbara the M.ayor greeted them. and signed the pe­tition. At Palo Alto a great mass meet­ing and a welcome by the Mayor await­ed them. At Carmel a long line of cars met the Caravan on the edge of the town and escorted them to the Mayor. He too signed the petition. ••• silent sentinels ••• - .... - , protect suburban property --Insured Against Fire Loss for -- One Bill F IRE PLUGS in the SPRINGFIELD WATER SYSTEM, covering a 300 square mile territory in Delaware, Chester and Montgomery Coun­ties, are always ready to deliver an unlimited quantity of water for Fire Fighting Purposes -and always at a correct pressure. Constanty on guard, year in and year out, the Springfield Fire PIng System maintains a vigil I• on Dollars that NEVER FALTERS in protecting your home from devastating FIRE. The Alarm in the dead of night-fire engines dash to the scene of the blaze-hose lines are connected-and in a. fraction of a minute tons of water pouring on the conflagration that threatens-The Silent Sentinel has again sup­plied dependable protection, that crushes th6 power of FIRE. • • PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN Wl\.TER CO. At San Francisco Mayor Rossi wel­comed the Caravan at the City Hall. Mrs. Hull standing on the City Hall steps, told of the Women's International League's work for peace and freedom . Miss Blake thanked the Mayor, and ap­pealed to the people to sign the petition. 'rhe city band played the Star Spangled Banner. The Caravan will visit Sacramento, Reno, Carson City, and on across the country. Meetings will be held and pe­titions distributed all along the way. Juliet C. Kent. MEDIA THEATRE DAILY MATINEE 2:30 PHONE MEDIA 1400 Friday antI SafElrtlay WALLACE IIEERY "THE SECRET 6" !tlmlday antI TEle6tlay CONRAD NAGEL JOHN 1I0LES GENEVIEVE TOIIIN "SEED" Wednesday, Thur6day, Friday JANET GAYNOR WARNER IIAXTER "DADDY LONG LEGS" NOW IS THE TIME TO KILL JAPA.NESE BEETLES FOR NEXT SEASON Put arsenate of lead or Old Englisb Lawn Klenser 011 your laWll. Our spreader is at your disposal. SUPLEE'S STORE Soutl1 Chester Road Swa. 1250

---------- Page 8 ----------

4 THE SWARTHMORBAN AUGUST 14,.'1931 THE SW ARTHMOREAN Western Heavens. thrills us with a gtor-!;;:=================================i1 iOllS blaze of riotous color fades into sub-: . Publiahed Every 'Friday' at Swarthmore, P .. Robert E. Sharples, Editor and Publisher Phone Swarthmore 900 Entered as Second ·Class matter, January 24,1929, at the Post Office at Swarth~ lIlore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1931 tIe pastel tints and is gone--a lamentable waste of opportunity. only something to look at; no chance to make an abundance of sheckels that would buy us hours of bottled thrills to be had ior the mere pulling of a cork! Oh, yes, there may be a lew benighted Swarthmoreans who think they enjoy their sunsets undiluted, who arc fear­fully touchy about our landscapes, vistas, Greater Care of Trees Needed tree-arched avenues and such like. but, economics, elementary science, history well, they haven't just got the commer­and psychology. It is hoped that a cial instinct-no and never will. \Vith council finally recognizing that broader understanding 0 f industrial Seeing all this sunset stuff going to something must be done about the trees problems, a method for continued study waste, while smoking his favorite cigar on borough property along Swarth- in evening and the interest re- (name on request) and reading his fav­morc's streets, it is time that the tax suiting from new knowledge and new re- orite local weekly (you know, the payers pressed the subject farther and sour~es W!1l be gained by the students. Swarthmorean) our P?S chanced upon urged the creation of a tree commis-j An .mtenslve health p~ogram h~ ':teen the humorously intended suggestion of sio functioning through the borough earned on t~rough exammatl?ns ye editor (light summer reading) en­secretan' of some other paid borough al~ corre~hve gymnastlc~ and SWlm~ titled "On the Slopes (or slips) of the employe·c. " mmg, tennis 3.nd f~lk dancmg have been Underpass". "Seriously, that article 'Vithil1 a fcw hundred feet of bar· used t.o help In thiS progr~m. should not be taken humorously" quoth otlgh hall arc two trees on borough Va~lous forms of recreahon .have be~n our inventive P?S. "Why not slip ad­propcrt\" which ha,'e died compara- used m. the Summer SchO?l, With s~clal vertising on those slopes-what else are t ' I - n·c " recen tl ". 1N 0 one WI·1 1 d elly that emphaS" IS on the translatIOn of vario. us they goo<l for but to look at". "Twill they. sho•uld be removed and rep Ia ce d eExdp enetn' cesI IOta . spontfa neous . dIr a.m ta ticsI. rn'a. ke moineyt ohr e R . R. and br'111g witil new trees. At the last meeting of t' ~cad,ont~ lmovlcs °h especbl3 lOheres trade to the local sheckel shavers, and . . 0 10 U5 ria women ave cell 5 own anyone who don't like it can shut his coulIClI the borough secret~ry was 1O- each week throughout the summer. They eyes as he slips through the Slopes". structc·d to ~pend what might be nc- cover every phase of industry and worn- uYes wife, that sunset is pretty, ain't ccssary to tI~1II out a few trees on an- an's I)art in it. Two traditional events it"? But what a w~te. Now if you ~thcr street JIl the ~orough. ~~oblems have already been held a trade party to could use that red background for an ad like these ~r~ cOI~hnually anslllg and which every student comes dressed to you'd have something. Wouldn't it be a <lrc of suffiCient Importance to war· represent her trade and a peace festival wow 1 I'll say it would. But, by heck Local Phone Swarthmore 350. We will call for your car, repair it and return it as soon as possible. We use only genuine Ford parts. Our mechanics are trained on Ford repair work. We are open every day including Sunday and evenings on week·days. "White Flash" Gasoline and Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires and Tubes. All makes of cars washed and waxed. ••• DAILEY'S GARAGE AUTHORIZED So. Chester Rd. and Fairview Rd. Sw.350 rant careful attention. in which the students are dressed to rep~ and also Gee WHIZl An ideal It'll SUMMER SCH, OI IO L arensde nlto ltkh esiorn gosw on f ntahteisoen acliotiuenst.r iesD afnocrmes mNoa,k ew oeu rw ofonr'tt uhnaev. e Jtuos ts toaoyd liens Sofw acrotihn-.J ~""H""H"H"'H"'H""H"H"'H"'H""""H"'H""""H"H. .. t AT BRYN MAWR an interesting part of the evening. Na- more to spend it, either. Usten, dearie. CALL 1896 FOR tural science which includes trips to You know the way they shoot movies on ELECTRICAL.W.O;R'K nearby ,fields .and streams holds many the silver screen? Welt why not re- The Bryn Mawr Summer School for interested students. And nearly every verse the process and use that nice bright OUR 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE \Vol11en \Vorkers in Industry which op- clear evening will find a group of eager red sunset background for a screen for -INSURES-cited June 13 at Bryn .Mawr College for ppectators c1ustere(t arOWld the huge advertisentents?" an eight weeks' session has continued telescope the. stars. And that's the birth 01 an epoch mark- SAFE INSTALLATIONS AND REPAIRS thc interesting experiment begun eleven The work of the school this year. has I ing idea. h years ago when the first summer school heen under the direction 01 Miss Hilda' Editors Note: We are uoreliahly in- SwarthDlore Electric'S Op for industrial women was held on the Worthington Smith director of the formed that our inventive P?S has con- Bryn ~-[awr campus, Resident Summer School movement, and ducted success lui experiments fro m 411 DARTMOUTH AVENUE This year there are 112 students from Miss Harriet Ahlers, Andrew Biemiller, Clothier Memorial Tower during theli. ...................................................................... ... all parts of the United States. and from Mark Starr, Miss Effie Riley, Colston recent month. It probably explains the England, Denmark and Sweden. Their Warne, M.iss Glady.s Palmer, l,fiss ] reports of a ghost ill the Tower since nationalities include American, Swedish, Carter, M1SS Ellen Kennan, MISS Anita P?S confesses he found little difficulty Roumanian Russian, Polish, Lithuanian, Marburg, Miss Rosamond Tuve, Miss in scaling the tower hut, in hi') hysteria Austrian, Hungarian, Italian, German, Helen Herrmann and Walter Sassaman. of inventive creation forgot the passing Scotch, English and Danish. The great- , • • of time and got cold feet in negotiating cst numbers come from Pennsylvania .;z the descent. Ye editor let him out onc and New York-37 and 30, respectively; Corresponuence morning at 3:17 A.M.E.D.S.T. on condi- 15 from the New England States; 5 tion that the first announcement of the from Chicago, 5 from Washington and invention be made exclusively in The Colorado; 6 from the Middle West; 9 To tire Editor- S'Worthmorean. frolll the South; 2 come from England A brilliant new idea in advertising ef- P. S.-A frenzied call ,from our. j.I_n. and one each from Sweden and Den- feet has just been evolved by a prom- ventive P?S as wt go to l)reSS warns' '11s J1l~rk. AmollJ? t.he tra~e.s re~resen~ed I inent (?) Swarthmorean (nameless on that 110 more advertising space is avail-arc the foll.owlOg. Clothmg, S4 '. textile, requc..:;t) during the recent hot sllell. able-he has just sold the option for all 22; domestic and personal serVice, 10; . the blue sky in the West to a rising papcr, upholstery and tobacco, 3 each; I Dne to espeCIally favorable at mos· young shoe shine who is destined to leather, watches, ammunition, electrical pheric conditions (or is it meterologic) make his fortune in sunshine. cquipment amI' telephone operating, 2 Swarthmore is espccially favored by Na- Signed, ('ach; rubber, hardware, optical supplies, tUre with the most brilliant sunsets ill Simple Simon. lamflshades, food, arts and crafts, one suhurban Philadelphia-real' estate men each, and OIle is a worker in a union, please note this discovery tmt don't re- ~ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111":: - Church News - office. I 1 peat it. 111struction is given ill English com- BU,t what's the use of a picturesque position, literature. and public speaking,j sllnset, anyhow. It creeps softly into the HYes, we are selling Majestic Refrigerators in Swarthmore!" new Majesties have appeal­ed to as many housewives in Swarth..­more as else­where. Here is real econo­my, comfort, convenI• ence in an electric refrigerator. Majesties new low price is $169.50 F.O.B. up ~JII:STI: _ AUIO ~ORP. 314 EDGMONT AVENUE, CHESTER • • • For Swarthmore Sa!'!. and Sertlicc Call Sw. 445 = = ;; Ii 1111111111111111111111111111111; 111111111111111111111111111111111111111:; THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS "It is a comely to.shlon to be glad: lOY Is the grace we say to God."-Jean Inge ow. SUNDAY. AUGUST 9 11:00 A.M.-Meeting tor Worship In the Meetlng House. Young people especially wel­come. WEDNESDAY 9:30 A.M. to 2:30 P.M.-8ewlng and Qullt­Ing In Whittier House. Box luncheon. All arc cordially Invited to jOin In these servIces. SWARTHMORE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Lloyd P. Stevens. Minister 9 :45 - Sunday School 11 :0:) - Worship and Sermon Rev.· ClInton M. Cherry A CORDIAL WELCOME AWAITS YOU THE SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HAS A WELCOME FOR ALL. STRANGERS AND NEW COMERS ESPECIALLY INVITED. MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 Rev. Thomas R. GoOd, D. D., preache3 Summer Session of the SundBY School at ten o'clock TRINITY CHURCH Protestant Episcopal . Cnester' Road and College Avcnue Rector Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, S.T.M. 8:00 'A.M.-HolY Communion. 11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer and Sennon. Mr. Guenther will preach FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIIINTIST, OP SWARTHMORE . Park Avenue Below Harvard Services: 11:00 A.M.-Bunctay School. 11:00 A.M.-Bunday Lesaon.Sermon. Wednesday evening mp.etlng each week, 8 II. m. 'Readlng room open dally. except Sundays anct hOlldays, 9:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M., during JUly and August, Church ediftce. All are cordially invIted to attend tbe services and use the Reading Room. "'IT PR.OTECTS YOUl" In any emergency­tel.; Phonel The doctor, druggist. police and fu.e. Bghters are within easy reacl& by telephone. TELEPHONE Pennsylvania Gas & Electric Co. Firat Lien and Refunding Mortgage 5% Gold Bond. Due March I, 1958 Free of Pennsylvania Four Mills Personal Property Tax Price 93 and Interest to Yield About 5.50% Warren A. Tyson & Co. Incorporated I ntlestment Securities 1518 WALNUT STREET PHILADELPIDA Delaware County Representative F. R. STEVENSON, Jr. 110 Powehon Ave. Lansdowne, Pa. Telephone--Madioon 6474 Before You G'o Away take an hour for this important matter Are your finanda1 atrain in good order? Will your investments' be properly looked after? Have yon proteeled your valuables? ".your Will &S you WAnt it? II 'n,an I.our '"e can help you put Tour aDair. in'order II so ,hal you may /fO away ,.,lth a conlented mind. Swarthmore National Bank and· Trust. Company "SertJing·Swarthmore Since 1904" AUGUST 14,1931 ,LOCAL RESIDENT SWARTHMOREAN 5 FOILS HOLD-UP AIr. Kirk said that he thought the a corner of lands of DaVId Cooper and at boys were caddies at the Springhavell the distance of one hundred two and CI u b and h aving often picked them up SeiOgUhttehewne stwonared-lhyu fnrdormed tahns lifoene t bomlte amsuarrekd. Sold as the property of John Innes, Fieri Facias Dc Bonis Et Terris mortgagor and AntonIo Paparo, real owner. No. 1018 H d K• k I 218 Lit and taken them back to Chester he 11ad ing the SOUthwesterly comer of the saId owar Ir, 0 a ayet e ave- Verdun avenue and Central avenue (Sb:ty nue, l.:ledia, attorney, who is a Repub- decided to do so on this occasion. feet wIde); thence by said lands south Condlt1ons - $250.00 cash or certl11ed check On dsy of sale: balance In ten days. June Term, 1031 Betoinnillg' at a point ou the northeasterly side of Barker ,,,,enue at the distance ot one hundred seventy·six feet southeWl~ from 'he ooulheasterly side of the PhiladelpbJa and Chester turnpike: then<'e by said side of I&bl Barker avenue south twenty·seve-n degrees. thir~y-ei;ht minutes east finy feet to a poinl.: liean candidate for the office of Dis- atwnden tfyif-toyn·eth rdeeeg rseeecso, ntdws eenatyst-,f oeulgr hmtyi_n utwteos trl'ct Attorney, fo,'led tl,e attempt 01 DRAWING OP JUROBB FOR SEPrEMBER anta<lk elghtY·l1ve one·hundredths feet to a HAROLD L. ERVIN, Attorney. LeVari Facias No. 77; f b SESSIONS 1931 s e. a corner of lands ot Gilbert and of t I Id h ' If d I· DraWing of jurors lor the Se t b Austin; thence by lands of saId AUStin. our oys 0 10 up Imse an 115 Term shall take place In Court Ro~~m N~r ! south sixty-eight degrees thlrtY.five min. All that certain lot or piece of ground June Term, '1931 nephew, 'Villiam 'Vclsh, shortl" bc- 3. Court HOuse Media at nine O'clock i . i utes and seven seconds west, and with the bUlldlngs and Improvements I \ • the mornIng (9~OO AM) EST Mond n five one· hundredths teet to a point, a thereon to be erected. Situate in the Bor~ ore noon Vedllcsday. August 17 1931· . . . ", 8y. corner of other lands of Henry Laughlln; oogh of Darby, County of Delaware 'and Ihl'nw north aixty.two degrees twenty.twt) minutes east 0118 hundred three feet to a point un tho southwesterly side of lourteen loot WhItt alley: the-nce by the S8D1e north twenty. Sll"~n degrees thirtY"'8ig'ht minutes west 1Ut.,y feet to a point; thonea south sixty·two de­gl" ees twenty·two minutes west one hundred three feet to a point In the nortbeasterJ..y side of said Barker avenue being the J,daoo 01 IJegiuuing. Being lot No. 61 on plan of Rid. JE"Y Park ASSOCiation. The attempted hold-up took place at BY 'ORDER OF JURY BOARD thence by saId lands north de- State of Pennsylvania, and described ac. P'd d Cit w 'ROGER FRONEFIELD grees twenty-four minutes and fifty-three cording to a certaln plan and survey mr~:1 1~~~Ct~, ~~ Ches~;;~r Mrr~a~;'rkth::~ . Prestdent JUdge. ~'i,c:'_~~~b,.nlr.:;,~-::o a ~ln\h~-1~: ~~~~':'rsm~t'hp%r ~g~. ~.,~t:~ i~"i! his eighteell-year~old nephew were ESTATE OF ESTHER McCOBRISTON late snouuet;h ethaestnecrely b syI dteh eo fs atmhee, snaoidr thV eer1dJlu!hnt y advee.. ounst t1h8eth . n1o9r2t5h,e ralsy foslildoew so. ft oB ewrIbtr:o SIsttureaetet driving from Media to Chester. when of· the Borough ·of COlwyn, deceased. grees twenty·slx minutes and :ftlty sec. (forty feet Wide) at the distance of thlrty­two youths, apparently under twenty, esLtaettet ehrsa voinf gA bdemenin igsrtarnatteiodn. on the above onds east. forty·slx and three one-hun_ two feet eastwordly trom the easterly side to the under-·I dredths feet to the poInt or place of be. of Fourth street (flfty feet Wide), contaln-and dressed in white knickers, asked signed. all persons indebted to the said" ginning. Ing In front or breadth on the said Berbro estate are requested to make payment, and street sixteen feet Bnd extending of that for a lift. Mr. Kirk had drivell them those haVIng claims to present the same Improvements consist of. one-story frame wIdth In length or depth northwardly be- ImpJ"o"emenIS consist and frame house. 27x2! :.!0x18 ft. of t wo-story stUCl.'O feet. Frame garage. hardly more than fifty yards when wIthout delay to bungalow 12x36 feet Porch front. One tween parallel Unes at rIght angles to the they asked him to stop lor t,vo com- MEDlA·69TH ST. TRUST CO. story frame bungalow, 18x12 feet.' Porch sa:gd Berbro street &lxty-l1ve feet to the Sold as the Il!"Operty of Clarence 'V. Merrilt pal1io Wh th t t d . Or to their 'attorney. MedIa, Pemia. front. One-story frame addItion , 10xl8 feet . mw id e Ied roIvfe wa ayc erwtahiInch· p reoxpteonsedds· twweesltvwea r.<telleyt :md Anna L. Merri". ns. en e car s ar e up agam HF.:RBERT L., HUTCHINSON. I' Into the said Fourth street and eastwardly and had reached Chester road, Olle of 1st National Bank Bldg., Sold as the property of Henry Searles lnto another certaIn proposed.· twelve feet the youths leaned forward witl1 a pl'stol Darby, Pa. j an~ Flanza Searles, his wife. mortgagors wide driveway which extends southwardly ================== in his hand and ordered Mr. Kirk to - Ii aann ts rIefa aln yo.w ners with notice' to terre ten~, Into the said Berbro street. COliditiOtls--$250 cash or certified cbeck '.m day of· sale; baIull~e in ten days. GEARY & RANKIN. Attorneys. t t th • h HERIFF I Together with a free and common use urn a e rig t. S SALES Conditions - $250.00 cash at' certified rIght, liberty and privilege of the abOVe Thinking Quickly, instead of obey- , check on day of sale; balance In ten days. mentioned driveways as and lor paasage- • ! GEARy & RANKIN, Attorneys. ways and water courses at all times here. lUg the command, Mr. Kirk purposely SHERIFF'S SALE after forever. In common with the owners stalled 11is motor and pretended the tenants and occupIers of the premiseS Fieri F<Jdas No. 1201 JUlie Term. 1931 car Il a d ~one dead. The youths, appar- Of Rea I Esta t e Levari FacIas No. 3U abutting thereon. eutiy frightened, jumped out of the At the Sheriff's Omce, All those four certain contigUOUS lata or lIieccs of groulld. wtunte in tho Township 01 IJI)J)er Darby, County 01 Delaware. State ul peltu~l:lv:lnia. l:Ieing lots numbered 29, au. 31 and a..! all tbe JJJau of lots calloo "Drexel Heig-hts." whh:b phlll is of record ill 'be OUile of the Recohler of VL"Cds in and lor Delaware County, in Deed Book U·I0. page U:JU &e., and ilisplayed ill Case NO.1 of plaUB. aJ'sa bleo l1lo0w, ss:a id lois bcillg tiep&rnte!y descrilJctl car and after a hurried consultation Court House, Media. Pa. escaped by running across a field Ilear the Springhaven Club on Providence Saturday, August 29. 1931 road. 8 :30 o'clock a. m. (Eastern Standard Time) June Term. 1931 Improvements consist of two·story brIck ghaoruasgee,. 16x33 feet; porch front: basem*nt Sold as the property of Leah Silverman, mortgagor, and Louis Berman. BuUdlng and Loan Association, real owners. H. C. WOOD A.rt Memorials BALTIMORE PIKE, FERNWOOD Madison 195,J Levari FacIas December Tenn, 1929 All that certain lot or piece of grOUnd with the buildings and improvement.! thereon erected, lying In the Township of Upper Darby, County of Delaware, State of Penll£ylvanla, being lot No. 330 on a ccrtafn··Plan of lots caIled DreXel Heights. which said plan Is recorded In the Office No. 2165/ for the recording of deeds In and for the county of Delaware at Media, in Plan Case 1. Page 10, and descrJbed as follows: Conditions - $250.00 cash or certLDed check on day of sale; balance In ten days. HAROLD L. ERVIN, Attorney. Lots No. 29 and lSo. 30-Beginning at a point III the northwesterly !:Iide of Garren road las Iwd out un said vlau) a corner of Lo, .No. ~8 au said pl:w at the ilistauea 01 'wenty and SO\'enly-sl1l:; 0Ile·huudrt.-dth9 tee' south torty·tbree tJegrces. forty·nve minutes west of an aug-II: iu saId side 01 Garrett road. whk.'a alll:lo 19 fiHy and ollo·tellth fect south forty. lhn-c degrees 10rty·flvo miuutes wcst of tho SUUlhwclHcrly side of Morgall i.weuue and ex. luuUlUg thonco by said Lot No. ~H. north lOlrtY'lWo de~rCi.'s eighteen minute"". west (lIghty,clght leet and llvc·tenths to a pOint, 1111:u<..0 exu:.IlUlIIg south lilty,seven degrees lorly·l wo mll.lUtcs West fiily lect to a POIUt, lncllce ,exlendlllg south thirty·two degrees eigh. leell lJlIIIUIcH, east Olle hundred feet and ninety. All Cemelerie. Since 1855 ESTATE OF wn.r.rAM R, TANEY, late of Swarthmore, Penna" deceased. Letters Testamentary on the abOve estate have been granted to the undersigned, who requests all persons having claims or de­manrls against the Estate of the decedent to make known the Bame. and all pel'Bons Indebted to the decedent to make payment without delay. to ' SUSANNA H. TANEY, 320 N. Chester Road. Or to her attorney. ALBERT N. GARRETT 22B Garrett Avenue •• Swarthmore, Pa. SWarthmore, Pa. All that certain frame messuage and lot or pIece of land situate at Crozer Park Terrace, In the TOWUShlp of Chester In the County of Delaware and State of PennsYl­vania, bounded and descrIbed as follows: BegInning at a point on the SOl!theast_ erly side of Verdun avenue (fifty feet wIde) SLIP COVERS DRAPERIES ANNA SCHALLES Phone, Sw. 1225 Muhlenberg Ave. Rutledge - Situate· -on ··the·~southeasterly <sldL .>f Taylor avenue (fifty feet WIde) atlthe d1s~ tance of one hundred and flfty feet north~ east trom the northeast side of Drexel ave. nue (fifty feet WIde), containIng In front or breadth northeast on the saId: lIlde of Taylor avenue twenty-five feet and· extend. Ing of ... that Width In length or depth southeast between parallel lines at right angles to said Taylor avenue one hun­dred feet. The southwest line thereof ex­tending through the .mIddle of a party line of the premises . erected on ;thls lot and the premises erected on the', lot ad. joining to the southwest. Levari Facias No. 773 ~ubJect, to ,cop.dltlons and restrIctions as In Deed Book P. No. 13. page 136, and Deed Book P. No. 14. page 115. Improvements consist of two-story brIck and stucco house. 18x39 feet; one· car block garage. 12xl8 feet. . , June Term. 1931 All that certain lot or piece of ground with the buildings and Improvements thereon to be erected, situate In the Bor­ough at Darby. County of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania and described. ac. COrdIng to a certain plan and survey there­of made by Damon & Foster, ciVil engi_ neers, of Upper Darby, Pa .• dated August 18th. 1925, as follows, to wit: Situate on the northerly side of Bebro street (forty feet Wide) at the dIstance of sixteen feet eastwardly from the ea.sterly side of Fourth street (fifty feet Wide). Containing In front or breadth on the said' Berbro street slx~ teen feet and extendIng of ·that wIdth In length or depth northwardly between para­llel lines at right angles to the said Ber­bro street sixty-five ,feet to the middle of a certain proposed twelve feet wide drlve~ way 'which extends Westwardly into the said Fourth street and eastwardly into an~ other certaIn proposed twelve feet Wide drivewsy whiCh extends southwardly Into the said BeNlo street. Together with the free and common use right. liberty and privilege of the above meptloned driveways as and for passage­ways' and 'water courses at all times here_ after forever. In common with the OWners tenants and occupiers of the premiseS abutting thereon. Improvements consist of two·story brick ghaoruasgee. . 16x33 feet. Porch front. :-3asem*nt Sold as. the. property 01 Leah Silverman mortgagor and Louis Berman BuUdlng and Loan AssOCiation, real owners. Conditions - $250.00 cash or certified check on day of sale; balance In ten days. 1 wo oue-humircdthl:l feet to a point on the ttOnhweHterJy side of Garren road, theuce ex. lelu.1ll1g alom; the same norlh forty· three de. I>I"<..·CH lorty·n,·o minUle!; cal:ll filty·ollo feet aud IIHY'lWO one·hundredths leet '0 the first. men. 1I0.lL'u puint Gild place of bet;inning. Lot No. ':U-Beg-inning at 3. point in the 1I0rlhweblerly side oi GarreLL roatJ (as laid out on saId plan lorty,ollo and 1llly one.hullll. rcl*tba lL'Ct Wille) a .. tbo distance 01 seventy. I Wo aud twentY-eight Ono-hUlldredth8 feel. suuthwestwardly irolll a point of angle therein ~sald 1,0m" of angle beiug' distallL'O fifty and Olle·tenth iL'et SOllthwesLWQrllly from the ISOulhwel:llCrl)' side 01 Morgan avenue) .(as laut "Ul 011 1)1~1l fifly fcet. wide): thenco e%tending honh 1111rty-two degrue!:l. cighteen minutes, .... C!:iL olle hUIllJrctl k'Ct and ninety.two une. hUlIdredths leel to a poinl; thence extenWllg soulh lHty·eevcn dcl,'l'(.'C1S lorty.&wo minutes west twelUy.lh'e 1LOCt to a 1101nt; thence ex: LClldin~ souLh thirly·two degrees eighteen miu. Utcs Cillit, one bundred !;even and thirteen one. hundrelhbs feet to a ,)oint ill the said north. wl!6t.erly ludo of Garrett rand, and thcnce ex. tendlllg along the sallie norlh forty.UuC6 de. greet'!. fO~ty·ltve minulcs, eust twenty.five and IK:'VUI!t)"SIX·hundn:tltbs feet to the first mellllOlled. I)Olllt D.ud ))jace of beginning. Lot No. :1:!. Ucgillhillg" at a point in tho HAROLD L. ERVIN. Attorney. northwesterly sido of Garrell road (as laid alit un said plan. fortY,ollo llDd fifty one. _ JOHN J. CAIN. hundredths fect wJde) at tile distance of ______________Bh_ e_rl_ff. IIl1leIY'(m:ht and lour Ollc·hUlldredths feet SHERIFF SALES, SHERIPl!' SALES SherW'fj Offi('e. Court House. Media.. Pa. - suu~h ..... etllWal'llly from a IJOillt of auglo therein 'flUId ,)oint of angle beillg distauL'O nft,y and Learn what a difference, eyIindersma~e 8:30 o'clock A. J,{, (Easterll Standnrd Time) olllHcnlh fecI. SOUthweBtWnrdly from the SoUth ..... ester)y Bidc of Morgan avenUe 118 laid out on PI~n fifty fcct wide); tllence extending north thirty-two degrccs eighteen minutes wcst aile hundred sc,·eu and thirteen one: hUlldredths feel. to B point. Ihence extending s?lIth fifty·tic,·en degrectl forty.t wo minutes "CHt.; twml1y.five. lCCL to a ·poiut.· thence eJ[ • le!ldlllg' Boulh thirty·t ..... o degrees eJ.rhteen "UIIUtcS. cast one hundred thirteen and thirty. lo.ur one.bundredths feet to 3 point in the l!:IId lIorthwest~rJy 8ido 01 Garrett road and • Ihel1(e extending alollg the samo north torty. SIX Step out of any other low-priced ear into q Chev­rolet, and learn the difFerence sO; cylinders make. "Idle" the engine-and the whole car remains steady. Open the throttle-the power flows evenly. Accelerate-throttle down-go fifteen or' fifly­and this slD.oothness stays with you whatever you do. It's actuan" built into the motor-and objectionab1e vibration Dever even starts! Yet smaothness is only ODe oC many siz-cylinder advantages. There's greater quietness, because noisy vibration is gone. There's greater comfort, because built .. in smoothness doesn't tire you out. There's greater flexibility, because the power .. impulses of a six: overlap. And a six is much ea.ier to 1uuuJ/e/ If you raise the hOod. of a Chevrolet Dnd watch the enpne running so smoothly, you'll realize that sb: cylinders also mean greater dependability. ADd remember when you do-that no other C8I' is 8OeconOJDicaJ to Operate as the Chevrolet Sa. ,·in ·snwothness quietness flexibility handUng ease ,.iding eomfort dependability eeonomy long life T ..... nty beautiful models, at prices ranging/rom $47 S to '07 S AU prk .. J. o. b. Flint,. Mich. •• peclol ~pmene estI'G. Lot. d.iit7fJTed Price. and ea.a,y G. M. A. C. ferm •• NEW'CDE~OLET'SI~ WENTZEL MOTORS 401 Dartmouth Ave. Phone Swarth. 596 Swlll'thmore, ·'Pa. Jo'icri Jo'aclas June Tcrm, 1931 No. 1010 tbree degreos 10rtY·lIve minutes ewn twenty. fi,·o and Beventy·sb;; ono-hundredths' feel. to t!l(~ . tlr.n mentioned point and plaeo of boo All that .certain Jot or piece of ground with I:'JhlUng. the bUihlings and i~provcmellts thereon erect. ed tlUuate in tbe DorOUgh of Sharon HilI, Dela. ware County. PennSYlvania; bounded and de. Reribed 3(.'(ording to a survey thereof made for George II. Dunlap. Jr.. by Damon and Foster, Civil Engineers, 3·30·26 and rev., 84. :!5 as follows: . ~nder and subjcet. however, to certain can. dillontl autl l't"strictioos. Iml)ro"cRlellls ("Onslst of two and one.half siory stolle ami stucco house. 82x68 feel.; en. ('Iosed front Ilorch; bnacmcllt garage. Ikginlling at a point on tbe northwesterly shle o~ Marshall road (as laIli out twcnly-five reet wltle, ..... hic:h point is south Bixty.nioe do. g,recs. forty·nine minutes. West one hundred IIlxty·aix lcet from tho point of intersection of tho JlorthweSlerly side of Marshall road with the southwe8terly line- of Kenney avenue (as laid out forty feet wido) If extended to nor~hwcslerly sldo of Marshall road. Can. lallllng 1Q front or breadth on said ldarl3hall ~Oad eighleen feet and extending of that width III length or depth northwestwardly between Imrallel lincs at right angles to said Marshall road 8eventy·llve feet to the southeasterly right or w'\)' line of 'bo Baltimore and Ohio Rail. load, Induding on the rear'thereof the bed ,If a certain four ·fee .. ,wide alley. Sold as tbe prOI)crty ot NichOlas Sgnrro. Condition:r-$:!60.00 eash or cerU:fIcd On day of sale: balancoc in ten days. GEAI,y & RANKIN. Attorneys. check Fieri Fac:ls'l No. 1225 June Term, 1031 All ~hat certain lot or picce of i:1'ound with the h.U1ldingli and iRlI,rOVCmcllla thereon erect. ed fHtUi\le in the Township of Haverford C~unty of Delaware and State of Pennsylva: Ilia. and described a.-.. COnling '0 a plan thereof made ,by Over &: Tingley, CivH Entrinecrs. on the. 13th day of October. A. D. 1026. and reVised on Ibe 21st day of November A D J 027. as follows, to wit: • • . Iml,ro"cments consist of twO·story brick house. Uhi::4.0 feet;· one·stor,y frame addition Ix-l feet; e~closed front porch. ' Sold as tbe properly 01 Alfred H. Mc. Carnley. Cond1 tions-'250.00 cash or earUfied check 011 day of saloj balanco. in ten days. GEARY &: RANKIN, AUorne.vs. Fieri Facias No. 1017 June Term, 1031 Beginning' at a point on the northeast alJc 01 sald 8m ure street. fortY·four feet north. w('stward from tho northWest aide ot Seco:.Jd street, Borough of Darby, t.hence es:tendlng 1I0rthwcstwartlly alOntr the ,laid aido of Spruce 8treet fOllrteen reel. and thence cxtending north. eastwardly of Ihat width between parallel linea at right 8R1rl~ 10' Bald SpnlC8 ,.treet· &eventy. • wo fc.'Ct to a point in a oortaln three feel. ""Jill' alley. the north weaL Une and the south. e881 IJn~ IJIlR81ng lhrough the cenler of a party waH or thl' mC88Uage hereby conveyed and the meKiJUlllrC adjulnlng all the northwest and floulheast. Improvement8 consist of two·stOI7 brick hnll~. 14.-30 feet. Porch front. Sold ae the property of James W. GUStin and Mar)' D. Guatin. Degln,ning nt a point on the northeast Bide II~ Holhs road (torty·llvo feet Wide) at the distance of five hundred and slxty-tbree and lorly·lhree one.hundredths feet measured In n. northwestcrly direction along the various (ourses of HaUls road frbm its lutersectlon wHh the northwc!:lt aide of Eagle road: thence ex(end~ng . in a northwesterly direeuon along the sl'ud northeasterly side of 1101118 road on tho. arc of a circle curving to tho left with a rndlU~ of two hundred and fortY.five feet. the arc distance of fiUy·one and twenty. two one. hundredths feel. to a potnt: thcnco extending­north thlrty·two degreea thlrty.flve minules tWenty seconds eaet one hUndred and fifty.two alUl forty·thrce one·hundredths feet to a point. then('C ~rlending SOUlh thirty.two deffrees aiz: teon minutes east nlncty·slx and Ihreo one_ hundredths feet to B pOint: thcn('& extendin,. Roulh fifty degrees wcst ono hUndred an,1 twenty·nlnc anel twelve one.hundredths feet gtoln Othlnew .t lr:it mentioned nolnt and plaee of be. Undf'>r nnd 8ubje£t to <"Crtain eJlprcas eondi. :innfl nnd bulldln" restrictions. ImllrOVf'>meDlII conAist of two and one.half Ij~()ry stolle and roUgh.cnsl honae. 2GX30 feet, Slele porch. Garage, 12x18 feet. Condltlone-S250.00 ('38b or oortlfled on day of sale; balan<'e In ten daya. So:d Il8 Ihe property of Jacob D. Rambo. Conditione--'260.00 ('ash 0 .. certified check cheek on day of sale; balance in Len d ._._. ... GHARY Ir RANKIN, Attorney •. 2. LEROY VAN RODEN, Attorney. JORN J. CAIN, Sherlft'.

---------- Page 9 ----------

6 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR SCHOOL YEAR ENDING JULY 6, 1931. (ConlinNed from Page One) RECEIPTS 1. Balance on hand first Monday of July, 1930."""""".""" ,,$165.242,06 3, Interest "'" " , , , , " " ' , , ' " '" " , , " , " " , , " , , " " , , , , , , , , " , , 2.186,08 4. Sa1es of property, insurance adjustments, etc..................... 215.59 5, Taxes, property and per capita $132,812,75, delinquent $6,457,03" 139.269.78 6 State appropration .............................................. 22,845.18 7. Tuition Iloll-rl'siu(,llt pupils ...................................... 20,45.t25 8. All other sources ................................................ 1,277.37 PAYMENTS Total $349,490,31 A. General Control """"""""''''''''''''''''''''.''''.''.'' ,$ 5,033,57 B. Instruction """""""""'"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 94.271.53 C. Auxiliary Agencies ............................................. 4,310.39 D, Operation of School Plant ""'"''''''',."''''',,.,,'', .. ,''' 13.648.21 E. Maintenance of School ·PlanL",,,,,,,,,,,, ","""" " , , "" " 2.971.50 F. Fixed Charges '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''',. 10.639,63 G, Debt Service "'"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 15.292,02 If. Capital Outlay """"".,""""""'"'''''''''''''''''''''' 156.185,85 Total :f302.352.70 (Total operating expcnse does not include items G and H) Balance on hand for 1931,1932 $ 47,137,61 ASSETS School sites, buildings and c(luipment ............................... $608.609.00 Accounts Recch'able ............. , ..... ,............................. 646,50. Sinking Fund """""""""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1.323.\0 Balance in Treasury , ..... , ............ ,............................ 47,137.61 Total $657,716.21 Bonded Indebtedness LIABILITIES , " , , , , , , , , , , . , , . , " , , " " , " , • " • , , . " .. , . " • ,$307,500.00 DOLLAR ANALYSIS 1930.31 The incomc dollar for the past year was derivcd from the following sources in the· amounts indicated:-· Interest, 1.27'0; Sales of property, in­surance, .17"c; Taxes, 74.9%; State Ap­propriation, 12.270; Tuition non-resi­dents, 10.9%; All other courses, .7%. Total, 100,0'/c, CLASSIFIED LOST LOST-Two keys on key rin". Return to Swarthmo["('Rn Oftlce. FOR RBNT FOR RENT-Apartments. 4 rooms, bath and kitchenette. 2 rooms, bath and kitchen­ette. Garage. Inglis. Pbone Swarthmore 1489. FOR RENT-Two attractive housekeepIng apartments, electric refrigeration and all conveniences. Albert N. Garrett, Penny­packer 4442 or SwartbmQre 489. FOR RENT-Single roonls or enimite with Ilth'ate bath, furnitlhed in centrally lo~atcd ("mnfOtlable home. Swarthmol'(! 205.J. FOR SALB FOR SALE-In FlorIda at St. Cloud. Cor­ner bungal'.lW. Six rooms, store room and bath. In good repair. Furnished. Lot 50 x 150. $2000. l.ngl1s. Phone Swarthmore 1489. }o'Ou. SAl,E-PreSt'rve mcmcntos of dceeased IO\-cd onC14 in a mcmorial book. Memorial Dook COIllImny. :.! Terrat'e. nurralo, N. Y. WORK WANTED WORK \"'ANTED-Chnuffeur, colored, deslrcs lIolliliun. 'ViII do other work. Held laBt lIo;;itiun here for 10 years. RefcN!Jl(.'('s, Samuel WllsOll, :! Kenyon Ave. RENT apartment. Third floor. Hardwood floors. Hot water heat. JanilOl· serviee-$50 per month. Large garage. Heated in Win­ter. Station Square. $8 per month. CHAS. A. SMITH Phone Swurth. 705 ATIRACTIVE APARTJlIENT 110 Park Ave., $75; large HvIng room; Ore­lJlace; dining room; kitchen; 2 bedrooms; modern bath; private heat control; 2 en­trances; enclosed porch; 2 store rooms. WM. S. BlTILE Swa. 111-J Notary Public Real Estate FOR SALE Stone and frame dwelling. 6 bedrooms. Good location. Large 101. On hill. 814,000. E. C. WALTON Net Assets $350.216.21 It was spent as follows: Current ex­penses, 70.2%; Debt Service, 8.2%; Capital Outlay. 21.6%; 'rotal 100,00/0, The cllrrent expense dollar was spent as follows: General Control, 3.8%; In­struction, 72.1%; Auxiliary agencies, 3.3%; Operation, 10.4% i :Maintcnance, 2.3%; Fixed Chargcs, 8.1%. Total looM'r. , I • News Notes Dr, and l\lrs, Fred A, Brill of 114 Park avenue. Swarthmore. announce the engagement of their daughter Miss Mar­ian D. Brill to :Mr. Alden Howard of 319 Park avenue. SOil of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Howard of Worcester, Mas.s. Both Miss BrjIJ and },fr. Howard arc memhers of Plays and Players in Phila­delphia and the Savoy Opera Company and have taken prominent parts in pro­ductions of the Swarthmore Players' Club, • • • ~lrs. Sargent Walter and her daugh­ter Mrs. John E~ Fricke have returned after a month's visit with David Sargent IT'S TOO HOT to write on ad-thnt is 10 con­centrate on writing something Ihat you will read nnd @'et an idea out of that would bring you to the "MEDIA liVN" to cal a [neal 0'· sleep a night. And furthermore for the pnst Iwo weeks we hnve been too busy both days ond eve­nings to take core of folks who ote their dinners ond Junehes here, for it is more fun and more economical 10 cat here thon nt home, and 100, you don't know "-'hat you nrc going 10 cnl until you get here nnd order. Thnl's a break for the housekeeper and a hot weolher reJief-don't even Ihink aboul food at home­come here. Incidcnt]y-our dining room is usunlly breeze-swept -and cool. Now the "ad" is written, perhaps Ihere is a 1101 Wea­Iher idea in it for you. Thank you, The PatlonJ. The .mehia Inn Is Yours for Service The PaltonlJ Balto. Pike at Provo Road l\ledJa 1280 Good Food Cood Re.' ~ \9JrlPA1t '5¥lWllJ.@lifJW'W!h@\qIH'm, W0iil .. ", WI Wlll961¥.W Ml WI" n )!I.' liiiWili9Ai"'6"?If' )jill 1I!l1 'If REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITIES SALB Several confidcndalli.tlnKI-WOnderfully attractive-bolh larle and .mall. at can_ slderace price •• Comfortable financinl without char,c. RENT Comfortable bomel that will acquaint you with the advantages of lIv1na: in Swarth. marc. Prleed $90 upward. Apartmentl at $65 upward. Dependable Information Without Insistent Persuasion WILLIAM E. WITHAM Alway. Open Office: Swarthmore Crest Phone: Swarthmore 1000 THE SWARTHMOREAN Walter at his summer camp in the Rockies, fifty miles from Glenwood Springs, Colorado. One of the delight­ful experiences of the trip they report was a three days trip on horseback over the Continental Divide. • • • Mr, and Mrs, Frank N, Smith left this morning for Gloucester, llass. where they will spend a few weeks. • I I MANY CANDIDATES FOR FALL PRIMARIES Petitions for the following Democra­tic candidates have been filed at Media. Borough Council, Marcus I. Brock and James Bogardus. School Board, ·Mrs. Dorothy Day Joncs, Carl De Moll and R. C. Disque. !lagistrate, David Ul­rich constable Clifford M. Rumsey. Tuesday is the last day for the with­drawal of petitions at Media so that the slate of candidates will be complete by the middle of next week. ••• HEDGEROW THEATRE PREMIERE TONIGHT .- .... - AU,GPST H,. 1931 Saturday night, This 79th play to be Ginsburg will have the title role; Mi­added to the repertory concerns itself flam Phillips, \Villiam Price, Jean with ~n experim~nt "in the transference Swcidci. and Peggy Oliver complete the of personality between two you~g ~en cast of principals. The program for the in a university. The controversy which 'week includes two Lynn Riggs creations to be given on successive evenings. ·is still current in the psychiatric world Tonight's show at Hedgerow is the on the problem dealt with in I'Whirl- 1Iusselman comedy, "Merry-Go-Round." pool" promises to make this production i;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ of particular interest to the intellectually alert and expcrimental;. The roles of the two chief male protagonists will be in the hands of Irvin Poley and Walter Sheldon, while Helen Craig will enact the role of the girl who is loved by both and becomes the consequent victim of their psychic efforts. The play for Tuesday night will Oe Moliere's farce (with slapsticks), "The Physician in Spite of Himself", a high­light among the important comedies in CONCORD FRUIT , FARM near Chester Heights announces the following offer to Swarth­moreans. After August 10th, one dol1ar wi.ll huy two half bushel baskets of fruit, either apples or peaches. This price is at the farm and good for the month of Aug­ust only. We are closed on Sun­days. N. S. Passmore the history of the theatre. Edward ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~anite Marhle MEMORIALS A new play which has never before Cemetery Work a SpeCialty been produced, written by one Maurice Wm. J. Cartledge GEORGE H. KELLEY Electrician Jacques Valency, will be gi~en its pre-I Est. 1843 No. La.nsdowne Ave .• Drexel Hill. Pa. ,r_n ie_ r_e_ _a _t_ _t h_e_ _l f_e _d_g_e_r_o_'V_ _'r_ h_e_a_t_r_e _n _e_x_t~ _____(_ O_P_p__os_ tt_ e_ _A_ r_l L n_g~t~o~n~C~.~Dl~.~te~ry~) ____~ ~================================~ Repair work and new installations Phone Swa. 42B.R Family Dried • Your Washed, All ,In- one Laundry and Ironed Dayl Yes, this new ABC SPINNER does everything I A wrlngerle.. washer offered at the new low price of $129,50 (Slightly Higher on Budget Plan). Wa.hes, blues, rinses, starches, and dries for the line, Only S10 Down 78 Months to Pay Balance Irons Faster and Easier than Ordinary Iron PROCTOR lOOO-WAn AUTOMATIC IRON S150 Down S1aMonth Glides aver heavy damp clothes because of extra heat. Gives exact heat for every fabric - note dial I Chromium plated, Won't tarnish. $8,90 . , Ironing Finished in hillf the time . . . with this SIMPLEX IRONETTE Merely guide pieces with your hand. Does everything in the basket. $5 Down 78 Months to Pay Price $109,50 IS/ightly Mo .. on Budg •• Planl PIPING HOT WATER Puts Speed into WashdllY All the hat water the instant you want it, when you own this Auto­matic Gas Woter Heaterl Now 2 Years to Pay 575 lind Up (Slighty More on Budget Plan) PHILADELPHIA EI.ctrlc I.bor·savlrs •••• toll City and Suburban Stor •• EI.E£TRIf: C:OI"IPA""Y A Pioneer in Voluntarily Establishing Low Ral., for All EI.ctrlc Servlc. • '.4 l:r'W1 .. ~& 4011ege' 'f,1bru, .Sw. !artbm~e. Pa. ' Vol. III, No. 33 Swarthmore, Pa., August 21, 1931 $2.50 Per Year LAST DAY PAST husiness men who deal with school re­quirements. PLAYERS' CLUBHOUSE i BIDS RECEIVED FOR WITHDRAWING .,,-------,,--,-------=-= FOR PLAYERS' CLUB FROM PRIMARIES Six-Year School Board Terms Have Greatest Number of Candidates CORSE AND DRAVO FILE \Vith the last day past for candidates to withdraw from the Primary election, Swarthmoreans are now able to see the linc-up which will be before thcm at Swarthmore's first cxperience with the \'oting machine on Sept. 15. . Some critids.m of Mr. Eaton al10wing hlS name to be filed as a candidate has arisen because of his posibility of selling text books to the"' Swarthmore schools. This feeling i.s best answered by the statement of the present superintendent of schools who declares that Mr .. Eaton has never called at the local schools to sell a single book. Mr. Eaton admited this to be true and added that since mov­ing to Swarthmore he had llc,'er en­deavored to sell text books to the schools here. Mr. Eaton served as president of the Swarthmore Home and School As­sociation during the term of 1929 and 30 and has been one of the most active workers in the establishment of the Swarthmore Public Library. LITTLE THEATRE Directors Report Splendid Re­sponse to Appeal for Funds and Pledges iBREAK GROUND SOON I I The bids for the new hom~ of the I Players Club have all been received, but I the contract will not be awarded until . today or tomorrow of this week because the bids covering the sub-contract on electrical equipment for the auditorium The six year school board terms seem and stage had to be revised. to 11ave attracted the largest lIumber of candidates with the following residents of the borough filed 011 the Republican ticket. William Craemer Ifugh Denworth R. C. Disque Roland L, Eaton Dorothy Day Jones Elizabeth A, Leuders Of these candidates however, .Hugh Denworth declares that his name was filed without his authority and against hts wishes. Dorothy Day (Mrs. Gurdon R) Jones of North Chester road was appointed to the board to fill the unexpired term of 1Ir.s. W. ,Carson Ryan. Her qualifica­tions are largely those of a well educated person and a parent. Mrs. Jones is particularly interested in music and the Jones ensemble sponsored and trained by her gave a delightful program at one of the Home and School meetings last year. She comes of a family of educators, her father having becn a memher of the iaculty of Swarthmore College. Mrs. Jones has the endorsem*nt for reelection of Dr. Arthur Bassett, president of the board at this time, who feels that she is well qualified to serve. She has been a resident of Swarthmore her entire life. The Swarthmore Players' Club will begin work curly in SCl.lclIlher on their new cIuLhouse on Fuir\·icw road. CANDIDATES FILE FOR BORO COUNCIL LETTER SAYS PROPERTY VALUES TO IMPROVE As far as possible the awards will be made to· local bidders not only on the general, but on sub-contracts as well. The heightened interest in the progress of this new project was very evident at the meeting of the Board of Governors held last ),[onday. Twenty-eight new applications were received from the :\-1 embership Committee and more were reported on hand waiting for early ac­tion. A considerable number of these carne from residents of neighboring communities. For the three vacancies in borough I COlllmunications have been received I In addition many subscriptions and "r was unaware that my name had hren filcd until it was too late to with­draw," Mr. Denworth declared when in­terviewed last night, "and even if I were elected I shou1d be forced to resign im­mediately. I have no idea who insists on filing my name as a candidate for either the school hoard or horough council at each election without my knowledge." ~[rs, Elizabeth A, Mrs, Thomas If~ Leuders of 317 N. Princeton avenue is also a candidate for election to a six year term. council to he filled this fall, petitions ~ from apr a p edges were received for sums ranging In i n e n t Swarthmorean from several hundred dollars down. The for the RepUblican nominations have during the past week urging property fact that these were practically all vol­heen filed by Louis Cole Emmons. John holders ;:dong Chester road both north IIlltar)' was lIot only gratifying, but sur­E. Gensemer, T. E. Hessenbruch, Frank I and south of the H .. R. and particularly prising because at that time the new The other two RepUblican candidates are George Corse and Col. Chas. A. Dravo, who arc filed for the four year vacancy. More about the candidacy of Mrs. Leuders, Mr. Corse and Col. Dravo will be published later as at this writing Col. Dravo is abroad and Mr. Corse is out of town. On the Democratic ticket, Carl De Mo1l is without opposition for the four year term and Mr. Disque and Mrs. Jones are filed for six year terms. , I • All of the candidates for the school SCHOOLS OPEN hoard !)Ositions are Swarthmorean,.<i of high standing wJlOse willingness to serve I 011 the board is expected to hring out a large vote. THURS, SEPT. 10 Superintendent Says New Children Must Register Before Opening Day \Vi11iam Craemer who has resided in Swarthmore at the corner of Harvard and Haverford avenues for many years has always heen an active member of the Preshyt~rian Church here and is well known for his civic responsiveness in the City of Chester, He is treasurer of BUILDINGS RENOVATED the Sun Shipbuilding and Drydock Com-pany of Chester, is a past president of The Swarthmore Public Schools will the Chester Kiwanis Club and a director open 'fl1 lIrs( Ia y mortli'nSg," p.... t, 10 •., t of the Delaware County Chamher of Commerce, the \VcJ fare Federation of 8 :30. The two preceding days exam­Chester and viCinity, and the Spring- il1atiol1s will be given at the College haven Country Club. He has been active avenue lmilding for High School stu­ill the Home ;:1I1d School Association of dents who wish to remove conditions Swarthmore for several years and (Illr- secured last year and for new students jug the past year was chairman of the transferring to the Swarthmore schools. \Velfare committee of that organization. Frank l{. Morey, supcrvising princi-rr elected, Mr. Craemer's chief C011- pal of the Swarthmore schools, wishes trihution to the hoard would he along it emphasized that all children entering financial Jines sincc that is his business. the Swarthmore schools either for the In the Chester \Velfare Federation, the first time 01" from some other school Preshyterian Church and other organiza- district IIIUSt hl' registered before Sept. lions with which he has been associated. 10, so that their schedule may he ar­his work has usually been in thili de- ranged. The superintendent's oflice in lmrtment. As a parent of children at- the Col1cge avenue building is opell tending the Swarthmore schools he also If" I.•. s tl Ie parent a I V,l ewpO,I ltl . every (a.y or" registration puIr posI esf. J''- . C . I)I' sque, a Is o a cane II' d a t e f or a I All c1l1ldrell cnterIng the sc 100 s or !'ix year term, was influenced to seek rc- the first time l11ust also show vaccin­election by his friends who have follow- alion certificates. ed his work in thc hoard during the past 'rhe dividing line for the College avc­year as .~lIcc('ssor to Dr. Owen Shinn. nue building and the H.utgers avenue Mr. Disque has servc"d as treasurer of huilding will be from Park avenue the hoard and in this capacity has shown down Dartmouth to Lafayette, down an infinite amollnt of patience and care Cafayctte to Harvard and down Har­in halHlling financial details. He is vard to the Borough line. As before, known as a conservative member of the pupils ahove the sixth grade will all I)()ard anel during his hrief term as aUend classes in the College avenue treasurer has won the name of the building. "\Vatchdog of the School Treasury." As the opening date of school ap- As dean of Drexel Institute in Phita- l)roaches workmen who have heen ren­ ·delphia he is splendidly equipped to dis· ovating thc school buildings all sum­cms things from an up-to-date educa- mer have ahout completed their task.;. tor's standpoint. His continual contact The entire interior of the College ave­with school men inspires him to want lIue huilding has be-ell repainted a the very best for Swarthmore and his lighter color, Blackboards have been ~arnest work during the past year has resurfaced, windows in corner rooms ill the minds or his friends made him have been weathers tripped. repairs deserving of reelection. Although a have bcen made to thc roof and to memher of the Democratic party and a k candidate for election as a school direc- the floors of the huilding and dar tor on the Democratic ticket two years shades have heen instal1ed in the audi­ago. he is filed on both the Republican toriulI1 ~o that mOVi!lg pictures inay he and Democratic tickets this year. shown til the day hme. I~oland L. Eaton is another candidate Materials for the new grade school R. Reitzel, Burton Richards, and J.I in the vicinity of the Prep School not Financing Committee had not had time Archer Turner. I to dcspair of holding their properties to organize for its work of soliciting Frank R. Reitzel is president of! for residential purposcs. suhscriptions for thc remaining money council at the l)resent time and is R I Says thc communication: IIIn the to be raised. This committee held its candidate for re-election, as are AIr., controversy in rcgard to the grounds first mccti1lg with the Board of Gover­Hessenhruch, and J. Archer Turner. lof the Pfl'paratory School certain lIors On Thursday at thc home of Char- On the Democratic Ticket, pctitions ,·statements have been made which have les D. :Mitchell where proofs of the havc been filed for the following, II led residents in the vicinity to believe pledge cards were shown. These will be James Bogardus, Marcus L Brock, and that· Chester Road will c"cntually be- ready for we by the end of the week Louis Cole Emmons. come a husiness street and that it is Participating certificates of indebted- For Justicc of the Peacc, Republican I hardly worth while to hold their prop- ness are being printed to be delivered to petiti( h~v{" be"!l filed for J\{(\rris 1~ I ~"~';fr,:,. for r.'side-ntial nurpf'Sl'<:. Thi .. i" I all ~11embers subscribing ~o th.e building Smith, David Ulrich and Charles An-lllli~<!;ading, as there is no reason that' ft~nd ~vhich, thanks to the voluntary con­des. Mr. Ulrich and Mr. Andes scek I Ch..;stcr Road and adjoining streets tnbutlOns, now lacks less. than $5,000.00 reelection. A petition for only l\fr. Ul- i should not hecome most desirable resi- of the total amo~nt reqUired. rich is filed 011 the Democratic ticket. dcntial Ihorofares. The .deed of glf~ to the ground from . Petitions on the Republican ticket "The business district of Swarthmore Dr. VI.ctor. D. Siurcr has heen framed arc I'II e< I I or J olm Ragen' and Cli"f ford IS at present f ar Ia rger t Ilall' IS needed, aIn d fit hiS Wh ithk a fr'adme d f phottohg raph of R ulIlscy for constahle and for Ragen' 011 Iy Il aI f'IS hUI' I t up and scveral of tie . rIs t c etc' recf eivIeI Ia ter be recent a Io ne on the Democrati' c tI, cket I Ilese st'orie s howe remam. ed unoccupl. eu. ts pecI la mee mI g 0 f a I t le mcmh ers aIrI e -----~. .....- ---- . '1le'r1e ' '1 'I' I .. 0 lave a p ace a lonor on t e wa s IS no POSSI)I Ity t lat wlthll~ ~hc of the new club house. WATER CO. MODEL next ten years. or longc~ the relllaltll~g According to the promises of the bid- OF CRUM CREEK DAM half of the husllless section ~an he hUllt ders, the building will be ready for the up With stores: As. there IS. no ne;d fall program if ground is hroken before A detailed model of the gigantic Crnm fO.r the expansion. 01 the ~usllless UIS- September first as js no\V planned. Creck Reservoir 0 fthe Philadelphia tnct the ollly logical reasOn that can The Board of Governors has held sev­Suburban \Vater .co., in ~[arple Town-I he advanced. f{~r .placing the Prepara-jcral . mcetings. and numerous informal shop, '?e~~warc County,. wil] go on a tour I tory School III .It IS t~ prcyent the bond I meet.lIlgs of ItS commi!tees ha~e been of exlllhitloll soon, officl3ls of the \Vater holders from lIIcurnng a loss. rt.'(j1llred to keel) the project Illovmg rap­Company announced yesterday. .. .. \s to the future of Chester Road, idly towards its goat. All the members The model is an exact rc-production the Slate has made a survey for a hy- han: heen de\'oting a great deat of time of the huge engineering structure, which )lass highway, leaving the Sproul Road hoth during the day and ill the evenings hoh!s in reserve over 4,(}()O,OOO ga~lons of· Ill'ar Cn~1Il Creek and carrying the t~ furt1}er~lIg the ~lan.s and speeding ac­Sprt~ lgfleld for .the protectIon and I thrH trafhc hound for Philadelphia and ~Ion. .1 heir en~h.uslasm has heen spread­scrvlce of reSIdents 10 the 300 square the north and cast around the borough. IIlg slirpnsUlg results and Swarth­mile area in Del3!ware, Chester and Thl'se plans wne approved hy the local 1~lOre IS 1I0W as~ured of a fine, ~odern ~lontgol1lery <;ollntles. district engineer and are now only t ~Ittle th~atrc With adequate eqUIpment Tl}e re$erVOIr was huilt at a cost ex- awaiting the approval of the chief en- lor .a WIder range ?f plays, comfortable ccedll1g $2,500,000 and re(luired almost g-ineer at Harrisburg. The Countv s~atll1g acc~ml~lOdatlo.I1S, and a well vetl­two years . to . complete: It forms' the C0 ll111l'1 S.S' IOllers Il ave 'I' : tdated alHhtorlUIll WIth good acoustics. 1I1( Icated theIr largest arhficlal lake III c.1sterll Penn- \"',II'",,,,,coo t) 'I tl ' 't I" • I , , 400 f I I l'>:>" (au lIS proJec illl( It IS sIy valllIa. c'o verIl llg oveIr I acrIe sk () am. n ow I' l' f ore our It orougI C· 'I ANNUAL FLOWER 1 OUIICI rregu ar III slape, t Ie lUge a'c Illeas- "\V'tl I I '11' f' ' SHOW SE IIres a mile and a half at its widest pnint. I. I t Ie HII (1111{ 0 thiS hy-pa'>s . PT. 15 \Vater at the dal~' breast is scventy feet t\\"o-tllIrds of lhe trallic will he di-I deep. ~l"rted from Chester Hoad, so that there \Vith the annnal Flower Show of the The lIIodel shows hirds-eye views, in IS cn'ry reason that it should, in a Swarthmore \Voman's Club scheduled miniature, of the breast end of the <lam, fen: yea~s, hecome :J.gain the delightful for. Sept. 15, ~frs. A. R. Redgrave, 011 which Palmers Mill Road has heen reSidential thorofare that it was fif- chairman of the Garden Committee, is re·located, a detail of the spill-way be- teen years ago." urging exhibitors to decide what flowers yonel the (lam. a cross-section of the they arc going to enter and start giving masonary structure ami towl'r, and a ALBERT M. McVICKAR thelll .special attention. gelleral view of thc entire hocly of water, CA ID Plans are tmderway this year to makc showing variolls roadways that skirt its ND ATE FOR the show the largest ever and programs edges, CO. COMMISSIONER listing the owers lor which awards are It will he exhihited in the lobbies of to he offered may be secured from Mrs. hallking institutions, railway terminals, Alhert).r. McVickar, of Norwood Rcdgrave. and various merchandising establish- Relluhlican Candidate for the office of ments, throughont Springfield Water County Commissioner, states that the territory. ~lIo,.'it vital issue before the people, tooay, • I , IS the question of taxation On Real Es- Mr. and ~lrs. \Valter Giles, of Rut- tatc. gers a\'ellue, ha\'e as their guests ~Ir. Mr. McVickar, \vho is an Architect anci )'frs. \\'alter Christie, of Farming- and widely kno\\'n business man has tOil, COlln. been a resident of Delaware County for * * * the past 39 years, and, is reported to be ~fr. and "frs. Alec Lack(~y, of Cor- particularly (Jualified to fill this office nell avenue, are away on a motor trip owing to his wide knowledge of huildin~ ill the Catskill mountains. construction and architectural work. * * * During the past five years he ha,s heen Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Chaffee, of Real Estate Assessor for the Borough of Swarthmore a\'CIlUC, are at Lakt· gUIl- Norwood. • • Births Mr. and ~[rs. H. M. Jenkins, of the \Vest House, announce the birth of a daughter, Ellen Jenkins, on July 27. ~Ir. and Mrs. James Bogardus, of Cornell avcllue, annollnce the birth of a son, Edward Longstreth Rogardus, on Augus.t 17. whose service on the board would be unit just cast of the College avenue largely from the viewpoint of the educa- I huilding arc heginning to arrive and tor and the parent. As a salesman of the work is now above the ground with school text hooks over a widc area ftc steel to he put in position next week. allee, Kew Hampshire. Jf elected to the office of County Com- ,., ,., * missioner, Mr. McVickar will favor a :Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Merritt Hurtt, of Park avenue, annOUllce the hirth of a SOil, Crtlch Rrown Hurtt, on August IS, has an Opportunity to visit and o!>..<;crve .• " hundred of schools and colleges within it radius of a hundred miles of Phila­dclilhia. He is in constant contact with educators and lists among his personal friends hundreds of school superinten­denu, teachers, state school officials, and Donato Colafemina, tenor, and Edna Coates Colafcmina, violinist, have re­till'ned from Newport, R I., where thc}' gave a concert. Ifhe pianist was Eleanor Coatcs Farley, Mrs. Colarcmina's sister. )"fr. and Mrs. T. \V. Crossen and strictly business administration for the family have mo\'ed into the Allen home County and he wilt work for the hest Oll Garrett avenue. intcrests of the taxpayers. • * • ,., Mrs. Harry Harper, of Swarthmore Mr. and Mrs. 'I'. Harry Brown and Crest, will return to her home from hliss Mac Brown, of Cornell avenue, Ocean City, N. J" this evening. have left for Haston by hoat. Dr. Rurton Morley and Mrs. :Morley, or ~warthmore Crest, will leave in the ncar future for Alabama where Dr . Morley will enter on his duties as pro­fessor of economics at the University of Alabama.

---------- Page 10 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 6 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR SCHOOL YEAR ENDING JULY 6, 1931. (Col!tllll/('d from Page O,le) RECEIPTS lLtI.IJl(I' nil h.llld flr ... t )'lllIHI.l\ 01 .luI). JlJ.\() Inttfl'it $1 (,5,2·t? 0 ) .2 IX(H)S :--.l1l'i III PfllPlrt\, lIISUf.lIlll .Hi}lIstmlllh. ltl' 2155Y 1 :N.~('() ,s, .!2.g·r; 1 t-) 20 -t:;-t 23 T IXl .... 1'IllPlr\\ .1l1d Jllf l.IPlt,1 $U2.XUiS dlhn([tHllt $(,-l57m :-;.\ Itt .IP)lII']llllll1l1 Illtlle I 11 11 It~hllllt 1'1111tl ... \11 (ltlill ... UlIlll-' 1.277 17 PAYMENTS '1'01.11 $3-t9,49U 31 \ (~lIH f.d l'tllllfni 1: bl .. tnll1h'll l' \t1XJ!I.Ir\ \gtllll\ S P ()plI,lIltlll ot ~lh()I.1 1'1.1111 I \l.llIltlll,llIll til ~thllill PI.llIt I' Flxl(1 l'h,lrgl" (~ Ihbl :--tl\ht If l'.lIl1t.d (lutl.l\ S 5,033:17 9-1 271 :;3 -t,310 3CJ 1.1,(,-1821 2.Y7) "i() 1O.h19 ()3 1 ;;,292 02 ):if) V';:; g::; Tot,d $~02.352 7U ( I'nl.d 01'(,1.11 1Il~ l Xptll .. t dill e; lint 11ldu<i( lit IIh C ,\II(I II) ILd.l11Cl (Ill h,tlHI inr PHI-1932 $ -t7,U7 (II ASSETS ~dltH d "Iii.. hudllll1g" .11111 t qUIJlllll lIt \l(l'1111\-. J~l(t".lbll' ~1Il1~llIg hlllci 1l,11.IIl~l llI'ln.l"UI\ _ _ $()OS,609 (J() 646 j'J 1,32.l III 47,13761 LIABILITIES Total $657,71621 DOLLAR ANALYSIS 1930,31 . . .. ..$307,50000 :\d \ ..... l1'> $350.21621 , It \\ ole; "11tlll .IS f(lI1(1\\ S (Ul n'nt e.:x­The IIlUIllll <\1,11.11 'or Illl p.lst pt liSt e; 702',. Dlht Scen]Cl, R2(~, \\,1'> dlll\ul Irll11l tin hllln\\lIIg SlltlrClS OUtl.I\. 2U,' , • Tot.11 IOOW{- III thl .1I111)1111\-. 1IId\(,111.:I1 - Till lurrt:!lt lXlllllsl ".IS SPtllt IlIllll .. t. I 1,', ~,t1t ... III pfll{llr", J1I- .1'" 10110"'" etHl'r,1i Contfol. .1W~, 111- "ur.llllt. I', '1,IXl'" i-tl)', ~t.ltl· .\}>- struc:tlllll. 721'" \uxllI,ln .1g-CIlClCS, IJI·I"II.ltlllll. 122'. TUItIon IhHl-n..,i- 31/ " ()ptr,ltloll IO-t(,;: :"lalllhll.llln. rilllt.... lfI()(, \11 olhlr tllllrSlS. 7f,(! 2)' l'lxul ChanHs. ~ t(h 'J\.t.1I 11'l.lI. W() 0' , 1 100 0', CLASSIFIED I I • I ---, News Notes LOST 11)"'1-1\\,1 l;.'I.., 011 I" \ 1111 s\' 1I111IUol •• 1II (JIll •• I Dr .11](1 ),Ir ... FI{d .\ 13f111 III I1-t I'ark d\lllllC, S".lrtlllllOrl', ,UlIlOllllcce tltt HI lUlU to IlllI~'I!.!l'mlllt of tlu_'lr d.ltlghttr ~IJ,,!:> ~1.1r­______________ . ____ ll.Ul J) Bnll to ~Ir •• \ld(,11 lJo\\.trd 01 FOR RENT 1319 P.lrk aHIlUC, ~Oll of ).Ir ,mtl )'lr5. \rtlmr 1', l1o,\aru 01 \\'())Cl'stcf, ),1.1"" FOR RENT~AI.} Irtmcnt!; 4 ruums buth nnCl I Buth .:\ll'>s _ Brill and )'1, 110\\ ,mi .lrc kltcheuettc 2 rooms l).lth lind kltchcll- Illtlllhe.:r ... ul PI 1\ .... lIld PI,I\('fS III Phll.l- N tc Gllruge lug-lis Phone Swarthmore • HU9 dtlpll1.l .lIId the S.H 0) OIIl'r.1 (olllpall\ .lIld h,ne Llkcn prOlllllllllt )l.Irls 11l pfO­FOR RENT-T\~o attrnctl\c huusckecJllllg cluct!olb 01 till' S\\.lrthmorc PJa)Cf:S' Iljml tmentH electlle rcfrl~erntlOn and all , COIl\elli(,llcl'!> Alhert N Garrett P(,I111,- 1'-- hili. ll(l<:ker 4-1'12 or Swarthmore 489 I • • • I (lit HI--:\T_SIII_!1 r)(IIIlS 1)1 111~l1lll \\1\11 I \1 r:-. ~ Irgl'llt \V,llter and her d.ll1g-h- 1'11\ 11, hllh rill1U~Il('1 111 <.11\1111, It,,.,ltd hr )'Ir'" John I' l'lid~l: h,l\l nll1rn..:d • IInl"lllhl. h"rl)( :-:il\ IrtlLH)lIl' "iI •• J 1.1111.:1 .\ 1II11111h\ \hlt \\Ith 1).l\It! Sargcllt I r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;-;;;-;;;;;;;;~ ;-;R Sl\LE~lll Florida at St ClOUd Cor-I FOR SALE IIPr bUIlI-:",II'J\\ Six room.'> :-;tor(' loom and I hath In gO'Jd repair Furnished Lot 50 x 150 $2000 'n~l1s Phone S\\firUUllOl"e 1489 I -~------- -~-- - - - - , I lilt "'\11-)'1, .. ,11. 111<1111111',,- fIr .1t'I.L~('d 1',1 •• 1 'I!"~ In 1 IlL. mill I I] 1'00). )1111\011.1 It "d, t "IIII' .111 'I'. I I I" lIurr do i\ 'J WORK WANTED ".lItl, \\ \~I'I \)-(l!lIIfr1ur ,,,1"1 d dl""I(~ ,"~lIl'OII "Ill .1" '1111.1 \\orl, 1I.!01 11,,1 1 I 11 '11111110 r.,1 10 \t II.., Hlf'''Il<~~ "'IULt) I \\11.11 l\,lIl"lI \1' I HENT .l-rnn))l ap ... rtmt'nl. Thil'(1 fluor. IIlll'flnnu,1 flour!>;. IInl ualer heal. ,I Janiln)' "'«'." in'-~:;O 1)(''' ))HJlllh. i - I, Win, , Lm'~(' ~al·a;~w. lIt'alt'd in It'.·, ~1.lli()n ,Iot'lum·('. 88 munth. "c.' I I I CII \S, A, SMITH PhUl1t, S'HII·lh. 70.1 A'I rHAC II \I: AI'AIITlIIil'iT 110 I'trk he, $7';, large hung room, flrc­pi II e, dlllln!; foom. kitchen. 2 bedrooms; mudcrn h IIIl Ilfnate heat control; 2 en­t r.lJH:e~. l'IU ICJ~( d Ih,f( h; 2 store rooms. \UI, S. II1'1'rl.E Sn.l 1I1-J Renl Est,,'e I Fon SALE IT'S TOO HOT lu "rile·.111 .1I1-lh.11 .... In (un. t'('ntrnll' un "rill"", "ulIH'tlulI,U Ih.11 '011 "ill rl·.111 nml ~t'l .111 itI,·.1 Hul of Iholl nonltl hrin" ) nil In IIIl' "JII,IJIA IlVl\'" In ,'ul n nlt' •• 1 or ... I(·(·p 'l nigh •• And l'urtlu-rmurt' for th., 1.:lsl 1"0 ,,(·,·ks n,' h.n., hCl'n lou hilS) lmth d,n .... lIul t'"'' Ilin:-rs 10· ('ar(' of folk ... "110 .... ' tlH'ir dinJlt'r'" .lIld hllH,II('", lU'r('~ rur il i", IlInrl' flilt .lIul IllOr(' ('(·onomi('.li tn ('.11 Il('r(' limn "I hOIiIl', UlHI tuu, ~nll dnn't lUlU" \\I!UI 'UII .Irt· gniug In 1'.11 until )UII ~l'l IIt'r(' .lIul·r. TIMI'", .1 hr"ak fur lilt' hUll~(·kc·t·llt·r .tlltl u hot \\I',llh"r r('lit'f-doll~1 ('\t'll think ,IIJUu' rm,.) nl IWlIlt,­I UIlIt· h(·rl'. ) 11(' ill" II II '--0 II r II i n i n g rmlln i ... ""'",111, hrl',·z(,.S\,,'.,t -.lIul (·nol. Nun tI ... h.ur' i~ \\riltl'n. .II'rh.II'''' tlwr(' i~ n 1101 'V".I. tllt'r id,· •• in It fflr )011. ,UII, TIlt' /)(lItO'I", 'I'h,' I .. \ our ... rur S.'r,il't· Tltf' 1'"III1IU Hall... I'ik.· al Pro\" Uoml :'Ill dl,l I!HO REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITIES SALE Se, eral confidcniialll!;tinl:~-~\nndcr( ull. Illrrnctl\e-hnlh large an.! !.mall ••• 1 cun. ~Hlcrnte prrce!!_ Comfurtahlc IInanlJll1-: without dlar~e. RENT Com(orlahle Ilome!! .hat will 3('QU;lint )011 with the a"HmlagC~ <If lilling In Swarlh, more. Prieell $90 upward. Aparrmcnl!! at $65 upward. Depend •• hle In(orm.llion \Vithmll Insistent PcrslI.lsinn WILLIAM E. WITHAM Alwlllo" Open Office: Swarthmore Crest Phone: Swarthmore 1000 THE SWARTHMOREAN AUGUST 14. 1931 \V,llter at his 511mltl('f camp 1Il tlw S.ltuni.n IlIght. 'I Ius 79th play to he ]{od.:t"", hth 1I111..:s irolll nll'll\\o\ld .tdtkd to the n;pcrtor) concerns ItsC:! Spflllg..... ('olll! ,nil 1 (hlt" If the dl hght- iul lXPCflllll:l'i uf Iht tnp t Il C\ report \\ Ith .m \:xlll:rltl1cnt III the transfercl1c\: \\a" .1 thrn (1,4\s tflJl on hOf'ilh.u'k O\er u1 1H.:r::,01l.I11t) ueh\ct.:11 1\\0 )ooung 111'.;'11 the ('Olltll11llt.11 I>h IIh.' * • • :\lr and :\Ir ... Ff.l1Ik :N ~1ll1th Idt 111 .L lllll\CfSlt). '1 he conti 0\ crsy \\ Inch b ~tJlI curfent III the lIS) c111atric world \\ Ith III "\Vhirl- Gllbhur~ \\ III h,1\ (' the I1tle role; )'[i­f!. tlll J·htlhp.... \\ 1111,1111 Prlei." J(,,1I1 S\\udt I, ,111<1 I'q_:g) Oll\ef COllllllctc th.; c,bt ui IlfI1lUI',t1... '1 he Ilfogr.nll for th .... \\lI.J.: I!lLll1db h\ 0 I., 1111 HIggs creations tu Ill.: gnUI Oil ::>ucc(:s~l\e C\Clll1lgS • thIS 1II0f1l11l~ fllr Glollu ... h.r )'1.1"0;; \\htn tlll\ \\\1\ "p~11d.t il\\ \\tl'ks lill thte {lloblull dc,lIt \1 1"011l1 ... l ... tll Illike tillS ploductllJll til ll<lllH.:ulttf 1ll1t:fte ... t to the JIltdlcctuaIl) 'lonighfs show at lIedgerow IS t!le \lu ...... tlm,11I COlllc<i\, "\IClf)-Go-l{ollnd" •• I MANY CANDIDATES FOR FALL PRIMARIES <l1t:1 t aIHI CXpCllllH.'ntaL The rol..:s (,t tht: t\\U chid protagoll1sts wlil be I 1\lllltlll .. iur the tollo\\ltIg- lklllocra- III thl.' h,mds ot Inlll Pole) anti \Valter I lie l,l1ullti,Ih.'!> hi.lll filnt at ':\lcdla. SluJdoll, \\luh: l1ckn Cnng Will enact [ Borough COUIlCJi .:\larcl1" I Brock I thl rolt: ot thl: gIrl \\ ho IS lov('o h) I and J.\Illl:... JhH!dltlu" ~c,hool Board, buth .\lId hecomc!> the COIlSl:quent VICtllJl ),Ir .. 1)0rotl1\ 11,1\ TOlll's, elfl De .:\1011 1 I I IT dud l~ C 111 ... qm \1c1g-1 ... trale, 1).1\ It! UI-I III t H:lr 1l~)C: lie c, or1:;. • nch (o1I .. 1,llIll lIilionl l\l RU11lsc). I 1 he pl.l) for llu.'::>uay mght wIll llc CONconD FRUIT FARM near Chester Heights announces the following offer to Swarth­morcans. After August 10th, one dollar will buy two half bushel baskets of fruit, either apples 01' peaches. This price is at the farm and good for the month of Aug­' 1'IIl"'(1." Ie; the 1.lst d.l\ for tilt \\Ith- .\I41lterc· ... Lince (\\Itlt sl.lpstIcks), hlh~ ust only. We are closed on Sun­t1ra\\ t1 ot lldltluns ,It )'(~(h'l so th,lt the Ph) "ILI,1Il 11\ Spite 01 11lll1Sdf", a lugh- "lite (It ("IIl{I.Hl.lhs \\111 he complete h) llt~ht ,llllung- thl! Imporl.lIlt comedies JIl N. S. Passlllore thl 11lHldlc 01 \lext \Hl k Ihe III.,tun ot the theatre. Edward '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g days. HEDGEROW 'T~IEATRE I 't-an;.e Marble I,: PREMIERE TONIGHT I M E M 0 R I A L S GEORGE H. KELLEY - I Electrician .\ 111.:\\ 1'1.1\ \\hlch h.lS ne\cr before Cemetery Work a. Specla.lty hll'll llnxlucnl, \\ nttclI b) onc )..[auf1cc J.lcqUI:S \'.IIllIC\, \\!l1 be gl\ell Its prc- 1ll1t,;f": at thl.' lledgcfo\\ The.ltre IICXt WID. J. Cartledge Repair work and new installations Phone Swa. 428.R Est 1843 No Lansdo\'inc Ave. Drexel Hill, Pa (Opposite Arlington Cemetery) Family Dried • Your Laundry Washed, All In one and Ironed Dayl Yes, this new ABC SPINNER Joes everything! A wringerless washer offered at the new low price of $129.50 (SlIghtly Hlgh.r on Budget Plan). Walhes, blues, ,;nses, starches, and dries for the line. Only S10 Down 18 Months to Pay Balance Irons Faster anJ Easier than OrJinary Iron PROCTOR lOOO-WATT AUTOMATIC IRON $150 Down Glides over heavy damp clothes because of extra heat, Gives exact heat for every fabric - note dial I Chromium ploted. Won't tarnish. $8.90 • • Ironing FinisheJ in half the time , with this SIMPLEX IRONETTE Merely guide pieces with your hand. Does everything in the basket $5 Down 18 Months to Pay Price $109.50 {SlIghtly More on Buc1gel Pion) PIPING HOT WATER Puts SpeeJ into Washday All the hot water the instant you wont it, when you own this Auto­matic Gas Water Heater! Now 2 Years to Pay $75 and Up (Sllghty More on Budget Plan) PHILADELPHIA Electric 'abor·,avers •.•• , .11 (;Iy .nd Suburban Stores E __ E£TRI£ £OMPA~Y A Pioneer in Voluntauly Establishing low R.,., 101 All Electflc Service , ~~thmore Oollage Library Swarthmore. Pa. =======-~~--- - .\~~·,~'I~.=I=I=I:o' =_N~o~, ~3=3========;=========~=======~~:;;.;\\ .utluuorc, Pa., August 2 1 , 1931 , r $2.50 Per Year I LAST DAY PAST hl1-.lI1l.:-. ... mcn \\ho dc, II "lth "lholl! rc- ql1ll~IlI(llt .. FOR WITHDRAWING SOllll ctltICl-.1U oi :.\Ir I· Ihm .11lm\ Ill!.! 111 ... 11dlllc to hI.: hIul <Ie; a Lawit(latc h h df1"ll1 hlctlu~o.! !)f hI-. Pfl-.lhlhh (If ... t11111,.! FROM PRIMARIES Il'xt I",,'ks t~ thc' S"artlullorc schools '~Ii!Ug·-'=iL_-.C 00t L ~l'/ BIDS RECEIVED --;, --------;)f=~r1~-~;---c·;-·w FOR PLAYERS' CLUB 1 I 1111.. Illll1l~ I-. hlSt tlns\\Crec! 11\ the statcllll.:llt pi thl prt ... (nt "tlpt rlllllndl.:llt I "I "dlllol., \\ho dld.lrt .. ).Ir I cllntl Six-Year School Board Terms 1111" III \ t r ldllerl .It the IOlal school., to Have Greatest Number <;dl .1 ,,1Ilgk hook \1 r I ,111111 ddlHltlll o f C and lOad et s lilt... 10 hI: tfUl' ,lIul .Hlded .. 11l{'t 111. \_ 111L':- tl) S\\drthl1lort he h.ul IIt\ll ~II 111:.1\41ll·d to "lll tlXt h"nl~ ... tn the e;dlllol~ CORSE AND DRAVO FILE hen ~Ir 1:.,1011 senul ", I"t,'d,nt 0' I the ~\\al thnlOrl Ilome and Sl.:h(lol \,, _ \\ Ith the last d.I' "1.,1 lor l',llulu/atls ... nClatlOti (luflllg thc t('rm 01 1929 anti 30 t" \\Itlulra\\ from thl I)f111l.ln lllctl'lll 1'111<1 h,b IlClII OIlC 01 tIle 1Il0 .. t .lclnt ~\\.lrthm41ndlh .Ire 1)(1\\ .lh1e tn "ll' th~ I \\(III,ef .. in tilt: c ... tal.lll .... hnllnt nl till Il1l-llp \\ IlIt,, l \\1 II I Il 1''-"I'"r''-'-' Ihl'1Il Lt ~\\I )I rthm} OltI' 1'l1l1'lf1c l.lllI.lry. 'I IIrUII\ ).1\ 1.\ ro;; Cl1nl'lll H) lotH ... ..... \\.lfthmorc\ hr ... t (XPC11tlll:ce ,,]Ih thl 01 ~lIltI; (hlsttl n'eI" ".IS .Ippomlul to \"tlll~ 1ll,lthmc Oil !-'cpt 15. '111\ .. Ix \t,lr ..,chol)) ho,lr,1 tlfll1.. ~UI1l 1'1 h.l\c nltrclcll'd thl.: I.I1~l ... t 1I111lllHf .,1 • 'o1ll1d Ill ... \\ltll Iht 10110\\ lilt!"" n"ldtllh 'II the hor()lI~h lliul Oil Ihl HlllUlllll.11I t H kC't ,.' .~ .' ,L LITTLE THEATRE Directors Report Splendid Re­sponse to Appeal for Fund. and Pledges BREAK GROUND SOON 'I lil !rill ... 101 the.: I1C\\ !tOllh' of the PI.l\n .. (lull It I\C ,til h~cn rccl'l\-cd, but Iltt ClllllT,l\. t \\ III \lot hl ,I\\.!r<kd lllllli tlHII\ lIr 1II1I111111m II! till ... \\l!ck hecause tilt I"d ... C.!H I lilt!" Iht ~tth cOlltr,lct on lllllfh 11 lQtttPll1l1lt lor thl .1IH\!tonuliI .(1l11 ~I I.!t. 11.111 tf) h~ I ~ \ 1 .. C'd \~ I \I ,I" p ....... ,hll Ihl ,1\\,lnl .. \\ III ht, m.lIll 1'1 1"1 t1 Il1ddu .. lint 111lh Oil the ~'lllril hnl !Ill "ttll-lnl1tracb ,I-. \\1.:11 lilt lill!!.hlllHti 11ltln .. t II thl progree; ... III till ... 11\\\ lllllJLlI \\,IS \In l'\HIl'llt at "-lIhcllll (. r.ICIIll'r Illl IIItLi!ll-! III Ihl' nlldrd ot (~O\lrll(lfS Hugh DCI1\\"Ofth H C 11lsque L raton tht· 111I,lnl to IIll thc lI11l xptrul t\ nn 01 \Ir.., \\ ('.lr"01l R\dtl ller (lualthc.l­tl'll\.., arc largci) those Ilf a \\cll (duc Itul jllle;llll .llId I parcnt ).[r-. 10lllS I-. P,lrtll1llal h II1te.:re"tul 111 1l11l'>ll lIlil thl [I,nt., l1\sL'lI1hlc spll1\ .. nr(:fl ,11111 tramed 11\ h(r g I\l .1 dll1,.dltful )l1()L:rdm .It nne.: 01 th~ 11ol1li.' .1Ilt! SdJ(lol lllt'tlll.~ ... 1.1,,1 \C Ir Sht C()llll'~ of .! f.1I1l1h 01 e.:lhl(,ltj)r~. hl'r Idillci hl\11l!,. h,,:clI 01 Il1l1111Hr oj thl 11dUlih of S"artitmorc College. Mrs III\' ""in.lrlhnwrt· l'l.t\(·r .. " Cluh \\ill h(';dn '\I)f k 1.lrh In ""i( ph'I1IIU'1 till Ilu'ir 11('" ('11111111'''''1 un 1'.111\1\ u ro ... I. lId,] II ... t \loll(l.l\ 1\\(III\-tl,.dlt He\\ .tJlpllldllllll~ \\lrl Icccl\tCII trolll thc \ll11lhtr"luJl ('Olllll]lthl: and more \\crc 1) orotlh I )a\ TnllC'O;: Tljllrltd 'HI hllld \\,L1tl!l~ hl1 ldrl\ ac-l. hzahclh \ [,cl1(lu:-> CANDIDATES FILE '1111(.., hI ... thl cndl)rSl.:llIllit tOt rCllectlon (II Dr \rthm B.I"'Sltt. prce..,lIlt:nt 01 tlll hI) tnl ,It th", tillll. \\hl) let! ... th,11 .,11C h Of Ih~sl' c:.l1uitd,lte... hO\\l\lr. IIl1gh \\t11 qllliTflui to S(f\l ~hl h.!s hUll a FOR BORO COUNCIL LETTER SAYS PROPERTY VALUES TO IMPROVE (11)n \ tOIl"ld":llhlt 1lI1!llhlf 01 the.:sc , ,11111 11111ll I e"Hk lit... 1 I I I1lIg'hhorlllg 1)(I1\\Olth IIe.:dlrc ... thcll I" .. 1l.Ulll \\a... 1 n"ldt:l1t 01 ~\\,Ifthm{)fe her llltift III I ,'1 tIll tllltl \.H:.llllllS 111 l)lInlu!~h Illld \\ltltollt hI ... 1lIti1llrll\ 111(1 'U.!:,Ull~1 ~Ir.., 1'IIZ,lhlth \ \In 'lhmnas III Ill .. \\I"h~" 1I1J1IHII to hl hlllfl till-. 1.111 Pltltllllh Iludlr ... 01 Hi:,\ I'tl111lloll d\llllll' 1.. I "[ \\,1'> lIlla'\,lrC tll.11 '11. '1,'"" 1",,1 1(11 lh, 1~ll'tl1rhl.1Il 1101l111l.ttIOl1-. 1.1\l " ,11~ll .\ l,llldl(l,ltL· IOf l!t:ctt.111 to .1 e;IX lalH fdul unit! It \\,1" 11111 1.11,' to \\'tl,- \l,lr tettll b'(ll /ill(ll)\ I (11Il-. Cnll llI1111(111~ [ohn h.I"" \Ir J)l'I1\\orth {llc1.IIl(1 \\hl'lI "\' I I 'I J (,llhtllll.:r. I I Ik""lllhnHh l'I,l1Ik \llql ahllllt tlIl C.IIH\(:"\(\ 01 .1 I~ II' I' I I' I' I I I !ll\\C\\(t1 I.I .. t 1l1!!.ht "and (\l'n tI I \\lrl I I ,:\1 l' I l'l 11 11 \ \llli"\ 'Urtll1l \U 1111 ... Ill( I I 1 I I I I l.:IH d... f or"'l' ,\I\( ;1 _rl\O '~1 \Idlll I urlll:r (tdu .. 111\1 d I( IOftef til Ilqgn 1111- hI P1111i1~hlfl 1.ltlf.hat Ihh\\ntlll,! Col I I I' I' I I IllUll1llh I 11,l\l'llO !flc.1 \\"0 l!IS1"b fill I)ra\!) h .ti)fO.11I and \rr (or-.e '" ollt l, '1111, \ \lltZt h 1'fl. .... II'lIt III him!.! 111\ n.Ulll ,h I lllldlll.11l 101 t:lthu II 'I1 1\\ II tl'lIlHII It 1h\ Illl"lot tll111 ,11111 h I 1111 .. (hllol hOIHI Of h(Jllll1~h ('ollllcd It 0\1 thl' i>e.:IlIIlCratlc ticket. C.lrl I)t 1.l1lrhd.!1I 1"1 n I.I(llll'n .I'" .lIt :\11 (ll11 ,1(lt1fI" \\llh"111 111\ klll)\\luI~I" \11111 1'1 \\ltlUlttt OPIHlSlthlJ\ 1111 t111: 1(1111 111 .... I11hllllll .11\11 J \rIIHl- 'IUrlltt 'I III otlllr 1\\0 I~LJlt11dlllll CII](1I(1:1t( ... \~.II tl.:11I1 ,HId ':\fl J)lstjllC .md \li.. 011 IIH Ihlll(l1l1111 11Ikll pdlthlll'- III Ct.,r..!. c Cnr"c .111(1 Col Ch", \ _I 'J1il" .Ifl fl1u I 101 O;;]X \l:.1r ltrtliS 11•1 \ I ht III tll U I I "1 til L 1'1I11 .\\ ,Ilt!• [)r.l\lI. "h" Irl hiuI lor tht IUIII \eafl • 1.11111 ... J:lIg.lnhl". \I.11l11 ... 1 1:lllll, a11d \ '1("\11('\. \11 III tilt: c.Ulclld Itt ... lor thl I)olnl 1 'Sllu)] .. In S\\.lrllll11rI1C I'h fI) 111!!.h ~llIldll1..! \\ IlIht \\ Illl11glll"~ tt. Sl'1 \i.: III Ihl: ho,11 £! IS cxpcctl'11 til hfll1:,.: Ollt 1 111'.!:l \ok I \\'1111:1111 C'rolllIllf \\iJo 11 I" n· ... 141l<1 111 S\\aflilmore at tht' corm I of If.lI\ Inl Ill£! lIaHflllfil .I\Cnl1l·~ lor 111.111\ \(.If" 11 I-. .Ii\\ 1\., hUll III .Itlnl llIllllhlr 41i thl [lll~fr\hf1.1\1 (,IHlfdl Inll .Illtl J-. \\tll 11111\\1\ f'lr Ill ... {1\ll 1'~lhl\hl\llll'''~ 111 sn;'OOLS OPEN TUURS, SEPT. 1.llut ... C,I\· 1,1ll1ll0ns ""1 hl.,llIt III lill 1\ III.:. I{\ puhlit:all , • If I. I, 1 1 1 I! \ I 1 1 1 ~ ! I' ]0 1 ""1111111 1).I\ld l hilI! .11111 lharlls \n- Iill .. \11 {lrHh .Illd \11 \lIdl" ~lll, I n~l,lIl\l1l \ I'ltltll1ll 'Of (ll1h \11 CI­Illh I'> hlld (Ill tlu Ih1ll.Hf.lltl tllklt Superintendent Says New Children I Must Register Bdore I 11(/111,'11 .. (111 11u l~tPllhlli.1Ii II( kl:l If( Iril d !tIl 101111 I~ .. gl rI llld lltll'1rt! 1~I111hl. \ 1"1 lllll'>t.lhlt .11\(1 it)1 1~ •• glll ·1'J1il (,11 Ihl 1)lllllltl.llll tllJ~ll Open:ng Day 'hl (11\ ot ClllSlCf lit I .. tll,I"lInf lil BUILDINGS RENOVATED' :; • Q Ihe Sllll SJllJlllllIidl1l~ ,Iml Ilndl)lk COlli _______ _ JlPl\ "I (hl .. t,r. h.1 l)ht pn"llltnt 0\ Ihl ~\\.1flhl1lllll I'llbl11 ~\htl.ll ... ,,!III ! WATER CO, MODEL OF CRUM CREEK DAM Illl (11I,,1t1 k1\\.11l1~ (lull .1Ilt! ,I dl1llt()J "l'lll Thl1 .. dl\ IIlnrlllllg, :-::l)lt ItJ .It II Ihl fltll\\,lll l',,"nl\ (hlllllllr III \ dtl.ltlullil',dll III Ihl t!1~dnlll ll11111 ll'll11l1trlt. thl' \\tlt.ln Ildl1allt1n 01 t-) 10 Till t\\11 prtlul11lg d.n" I.X.I1)I- lIlt" 1~1"\I\l)lr n 1Ih, 1'll11.lIldphli (!tc ... ltr .lI1d \1Cl1111\. ,\tid till SJlr11l~ l11dtl'III" \\ill III gl\tll ,Lt tilt C"lkgt: Sllilllrhlll \\",Lltr (r. 11\ \1.lrph 1'.\\11 111\lllC"lIl1ln tluh If I hl .. hl:lll Itlnl .I\llllll IJlllldlllg 101 111gh ;--lliool ... tll ~h'IJI 1>,1.1\\ III ('llllIIt\ \\tll!!.I)(lll 11"111 II til( II.)1l1l l11d :-.dllll,1 \ ..... oUIIIOIl III titllh \\111) \\ .... h to IllllO\l 1011dltI01]'" I( l:\lntrllll11l ~'~11I. nlllllt!"'!l1 lilt \\ 1111 "0" Irlhll11lrt Inr sl\tlll \llr .. ,111<1 l!tll "'\1111ld 1.1~1 \ .!Ill! t,)] IlL\\ stulllllt'> t.'11lPlll\ 11l11.llIlIlU! \l~tlldl\ 111~ thl p.l ... t )l'lr " .... (/talrlll,llllll Ihl tr.II .... ltfllllg t,) Ihl ;;'\\lrtll11)lIll "th,,,)!" Ihl 1111 ,Ill I I ... III IXlll II'l'llJd,HII'l1 \\lll.lrt IOlllllllttu' III Ihll nl!.!.J1l1z.111011 1·1.lnk I{ \1('ll\ ... 1l]ltl\ .... lIlg 111111l1-1'11 lill hll~1: (l1g11hlrlll~ ~lll1(llIll \\111,11 II dldtd \Ir ('rllllllr'.., (Ilitt Ul1I- p.t! III tIl< S\\ IrtIHII"\( .. tll(HI]." \\I ... hl" Il Id ... 11\ n"l\\( 11\11 -tIMIIIOO,) _t1],'1l~ oj 111'1111"11 1,,1111 h •• ud \\'llIld hI ,"OIl~ II LIIIJlIl.hIZld 111 It .tlllhlldflll llltlllllg "'"f11l:!lllld \\ II(r I(lr Ilh 1'1'11111'111 11Id 111.11)(111 hilt" "IIlQ Ih.11 I-. III" hl1"1111~" Iht :-;\\.111111111111 "'ilillld ... lltJllr !tIl tIll "ll\ll< .11 n ... II!1nh l\l thl ,lUI .. "lIltl (1) tl., ("lll .. lIl \\111111 hdlrllllJll Ihl 111 ... t tllill I'r Inllli ""11\1. .,lIl tl .,11I1 11' I 11IIl <in I 111 l)tel.l.\.trt {.11("1r1 .llld j'll"l'\hlllll (Inl1t11 .lIul "Ihll ('I,.!IIIIZ:t d"'11UI 1111 I-. ! I" Iq~l .. hl,d hll'lfl ~q'l \1"111,,111Ihl\ l'llllnllt., '1\" \\,Ih \\Iulh lil hi'" IIt:t:1I ;t~sOCJ.ltcd, III. "II Iltll 111111 ~illldllll 1111\ hI .11 I IIIl Il"\I~\lllr" '" Jl\IlIt II I I"~t I.X-IllS \\ork Ii.h u .. "dh hllll 111 Iht.. til 1.1I1!..:"11 I 11 1 I 1 II llllltil ,_ "UIlOIlt) .mil l1qll1l1d .dlll,,..,1 II "111111111l111 III .. ,' HI. 111 1 J11111l11! \ ... 1 II.lfllll ,,\ (ll1ldflll 11- I \. II I II 1\\" \( tr ... III t'llIlpldl It I "rlll" tIll 1111tllll~ I 1\ I) q .. :'1 .1\\ 11111 Hili lIll:" I'> ·'P( 11 I I I I tlit S\\ Irl'lTll"lt "{!JII"I,, 11l' I)..,n I t1.!l~1 Irtl11l11 I~l III ll,lllll 1't1111 Ir-. lIlt ".1111\1,11 \I\\\)lllllil l\\n ,11\ 1.11 rtgl .. ll 1111111 purp,I .. ,... ,,\ I \ 11\1.1 I"\lldl!.. !I\II -t' "".\t,l,1.., 1",1 1~ l l)bqlH. ,d .... ".1 llnduj.ltl' IOf I \11 l hd"l \ 11 I. IIll I IIlg thl "'1 hp"l ... Itll I 111!!.1I I 11 111 ""I lIP, 1I1 \ 1l l1,.!1. I II , Il't \'" ' \llr tlllll \\ I ... lllillllllld 1,1 ~Itk It lilt l1r ... t lllIli III1 .... t ll"'1 .. h,I\\ \.lIelll 1111." 11l111I . Iud I hdl .It 11 1\ld ~t ]1111111 ,I(\tl"l In hI .. lIillld .. \\h .. 11.1\1 flllhl\\- 1111111 I.UIl!Jldll'" \\ Iltr .It till dllll 11ft 1..,1 h "'\llll\ Il(1 I I h .. \\fllk Illlhl !ro.lrt! 1111111l,! Ihl pa ... 1 I III !\1\ld1l1g IlIll J"1 till (1I111.~' .1\' dt(]l H Ir.l ... ~11l'l',s"'l/r to lit <hHlI ~hll1l\ Hill JHl1ldl11g"" .\1111 tIll h'utg""lr" l\lllt.l Jill Il1',]11 "ll<l,," 1"ld~ll. \Il\\~ '11 \11 1)1''IlIl hI'> .. uHd , ... In.l"'lIltr.1I IHlddlllg \\111 III 11(1111 1',l1k .t\lIlUt 1111111111111 ,,' till 111(1..,1 111d "I llil dLlll Ih. 1"'lld .ItHIItI thi" 11]llIlI\ hi .... 1111\\11 11.1\\11 Illll!1hll1lli 1.1 1..II,J\\ttl. d.I\\lI III \\l1llh l'd11111 .. \1111 I~ Id Il)'" !I(llI III 11l11l111l 1 1I1l1111 II (JI pIIllllt( .lIlil t In I 111\tlh I .. I 1.11 \.1f11 \1111 dl'\\ll 11.11- Il IlIl II,d I lid 111 III Ihl ~Jlrll \\ \\ "l- 111 hll1l11 11l ,! Jllt.llhltl ill 1.111 .. ffl h \.1It! ", Ihl Il'I"ugh 1111l \ .. h,I.lll \I'lld Illl dUll I <tl'''''~IIII'1 '11 tIll (Olll11l11111l III 11\ ... h.I\' Illlil rUll\lll I r"m I ]I r I III 1 III 1\ t S\\ lrthll1Qfl.l11 dllll1ll! 1111 1'1,,1 \·I.,k Illglllg pfll\lllt\ h"Jd,r .. 111'11t! lhl ... ltr r(l,ullHllh IlllTth I! 111 thl '1Il1ll1\ pi tIll Illd P Irtlllll,trl\ I'll]l ~lh\llli 1'IlIIlItI1l!tll'" In dlJrlltl(lll m,l1l\ "ulhLrtptIOIl ... and phll!.!;t .. \\lll Il((I\((1 Inl o;;lllIl<; r,IIIg"IIlg" 1111111 .... (\<.1 tI hUlIdl{d doll If.., (\0\\11 Thc lId thll Iht~l \\lIl prHIH.t1I\ ,til \01- '11 t Lr_\ \\,h lint null ,.!r,ltll\IIIg"". hut sur­Jrll~ I11-,: htlll'''l .II th,lt t11l1e the Ilew I 1l'lllllll!.. l"1111111lIu.: h.ul 1I0t h 1(\ tllllt' III d''''\,.lll (II h"ldlll1,.!"" l11t1l jJltlplrll .. 111 (jf~.11l1/l I"r 1t .. '\nrk 01 soltcltmg 1." Il"l.h1l11t1 \1111"1)-..1... ~l1lhlllJlII()11-. I(,r thl fllll.11I1mg moncy :--,\\ .. 111, I (11111 IIti 11]( ltltlll In tilt 11 hl 1,I1~id 11th l.l'lIIIlJlttl·l' hdll its ilojlI111\ll"'\ 111 llg.ud ,., Ihl gnlllll<i"IIII .... t 1l1llllll-! \\llh Ihl I~()ald of Cover­' II tIll 1'lll'lIil<ll\ ;-':11,,1 ttltllllll"I ... lJlllllIll .. dl\.ltth .. ho llll"()tCh,lr_ ... t,illllhll!.., !JI\l Illill m,ld .. \\huh h.l\l Il" I) \11tlhllJ \\hul' llrut)is of the ltd 1t"llh'l!~ 111 till \1\11111\ t(l Inill\l.:lplll!'l i,lld ... \\tll ~llIl\\n '1IIl"'C \\111 hI.: 111.11 t"h, ... I'l I~II.HI \\111 1\~IIIU.llh Ill' Ill''' 101 II~( I" tilt: (lId 01 tht: \\eek 1.'111\ .I Ill .. ll1l,,'" ... 11(11 .11111 Ih.ll It 1.... 1',lrlllijlltlll,.{ (l'rllllLII(~ ()j IIldehtccI-I, II dh \\ III til \\ 111lt ") hllill lhur [H (1)- 11,..... Irt [Illll~ j1fllllul to hl (!cll\'l'fl'd to Ill' "ll1111 111/11) 'Ih!~ I ill 1lJlllllllr ...... lIh~lnll\lI.,.! to Ihe htiliding- 1111' ldlll_ .h tllli t h Ih' n 1 ... I'll tholl 1'11ul \\111,11 th,l1Ik~ 10 tht: \;llllnl.!" COIl­(' h ..,hl k"ld Iud .1(11111l111lL:"" .. tlllh tl1illltllllle; llll\\ I.lll.:... ll'~'" th,\1I $:;,00000 .. h, IIld II " II'l1l111l 111",,1 dl ... l1.tllh 1\ q "I Ihe t,,111 ,111101l!lt reqlllrul d,lItlti l!llll( I Ill' dtul 01 ~lIt 10 thl' groulld from I III 11·1"1111 ..... 1I1-.Illlt 111 ...,\\ IlthJ\\!ll( 111 \ lit Ir /) SI11Ili h .... hUll framcd h II ]llt"llIl I.n 1.11J.!11 lil.1I11" l1lldld lilt! till., \\llh ,I Ir.IIlHrl phnt(]!..\raph 01 I'l'h Il 11i I-. II111lt up Llld ... 1 \l r,il It Illl JJI"t dllLk l"eccl\ecl after the recent III, I ""ql(~ 111\1 1I.1111111ld 1111.11 ll1l'lI d 11!!ll t-. 110 1,,,,, ... 11,,111\ til It \\tth11l tlil.: "Jll( I Ii IlIld11l~ 01 dl thl mUlIht f:. art' II' 11 1\1 a pI LtC IJ! h. 11'lr "II thl "all~ IIf Illt III \\ c11l1. h()n~\ \tl1Jld,lIg- to Ihl Jlr'IIIH~I" ,)1 the IlHI­iI. I "'. lIlt huild!l1..! \\ III III n'ad\ for tIll' 1111 JrI.I~I.t11111 L.iPHlill h hl0k.\l 11(lore 1<>1 IIH t:\jJ.111-.1"11 .. 1 Illl lrn"111~ ... " dh- "'lplllllhu 111 ... t I'" I-. 11Ih\ pl<1l1l1ul tllll 111. ,'l" J,'I!H.d II.hllll 111lt l.1l1 1111 1:'lar~1 01 C"\tlllllr" h,I'> l!lld "C\'- 11,;0.;1 lIlt \. l\ ... , 1 ].'l1g, 1 tIll 111l11111111t-! 1 lil ,1 tilt ],\1 .. 01\ ..... "ll th'll I 111 III Imilt IIp \\llll ..,lrl\,.. \ .. llHII I-. lIu BlU! III I!hdlhld 1,'1 pl.ltll1L! lill l'l(p,lr.1 11\ .... tLI .. lllll II h t,) \lll.\\llt thl hll1111 11,ltlll" 11"111 11)(11I11I1~ I I,,,,, \" 10 tlh 11111111 .01 (1l\:.lll 1~(I'\d Ihl '-'t 11 hI" .1 .. HI \( \ 1111 I In III .. .., hl!.!II\\.!\ h.i\ll1g thl SIII"111 1~"1I1 1l,.11 ll11111 (ll I" <llld 1.111 \ 1II~ thl 1[1111 tl Iltll 11'1111<1 /"1 I'hd 111.1\11111 lild lit 11(11111 Iwll hI I1fftllld l11l IJuf"ugll j Ill ... \ I" III .. \\, II 1]'1'1"\1" 11\ 1111 1(11 il 1/111111 .111~lIllll II!!I ,Ill. tl,,\\ I'llh 1\\ Illlil\.! Ilh 11'1',,,\" .. 1 tlil dllll ll\­..., 111111 .ll II II 1 hhllll.! Illl lOllllt\ ~'1I11111~~" 11(1 ... Il l\, 11Idlldlld Ihllr "011111.,111 .. ,, I'l .Ild 11th \Jl")ul IIl1llt b 11 '\I II 1,'1. "Ill l'I'I'llIgit ("'UlIcaI \\ 11i1 Ih. 1I1111dl1),.! "I IIII'> 1)\ 1M ~ 1\\" Iho1d~ 1,1 Ih !I.IUII \\111 bt IiI \,I!ld 11"111 t lJ,,,lll 1~llld lJ Ihll thll h 1\~I\ 11.1",'11 It ... ll,,,dd, 111 I I. \\ \, 11 h~11 111' .Ig 111\ lil, (tlitgiltltd 1' .. 1.)11111.11 11l"I,olI11 thll II \\ I ... hi. I, ,II \ I 11" I~' I --~ .. ~,...--- (1 t1 1II1tl1ll!,.! .. 11111 111I1I1,r'lh 11111)rm,li lllullll-'~ .1) It-. l"1111111111(" hl\c ilct:11 II j11111 I I" 1.'111 lilt 111<1Jttl lIlo\l1lg"" r.1p­Idl\ t'I\\ Inl.., II .. !!.,,11 \11 Iht Illllllhl'rs h 1\ I hUll til \ntlllg ,I tll't! oi timl' h'lh d111ill-:" till d,l\ 111" III Ihl.: l\!llll1g ... I., 11I1lhlllll!! Ihl pi In .. ,lilt! "iltllillg" al'- 111111 111111 .11thtJ-.l.l"m hl~ hllH "pflad- 111_ \\ III "llfpn"'l1l,..:- n ... nlt-. ,mil ~\\arth- 11 "II b 11"\\ "'''llIlt! 1)1 ,I Illlt 1l1!1dll"n IlIll, Illl l ll1' \\ llh .1dlQIt ttl lqUlPIll(,llt 1,'1 I \\H[lr 111J!!.1 1,1 pl.l' .... i,'lllloftahll' "1.ltnk 1(("111111IHllll'11l<; Ilhl ,I \\(11 \l!l­Id Iltd 1IIIIIt''IlIlIl1 \'lIlt g'fll(l IlOt\ .. tlC'" • ANNUAL FLOWER SHOW SEPT. 15 1!1"\\11 h I t,m"ln.atl\l IIhllllllr 01 till pupil ... Ih'\l I hI.: "lxlll ,.,llIll "dl ,til b· ll t! I III I <lmll1.! Ill" Ilrhi hrtn .h dllllld ,1.1 .. ", ... 111 till lll1lg"l .1\(Hlit III t"mlf h.l .... \\"11 lilt 1I11llt' 'II Ih.· ]Holdl11g \\.II,hd"!.!!Jt Illl ~lllo()1 Tnnsllry" \ ... Ihl 111'~~"'lll\ .. Irllttlll, .11111 I \\ll .\1111 " ALBERT M. McVICKAR _1111111 \1(\\ 1)1 lilt lllln 1,,<1\ ,>1 \\II.r CANDIDATE FOR ,h"\\ll'" \\11I\h IlIld\\I\ ... thlt ~klll lb CO. COMMISSIONER \\ 11" tlH 11l1l11 11 11"\\ll ~lto" 01 tilt '-..\\ 11111I1I<JIl \\ ,1111 111'.., l'llIlr ~t hlilulcci 1"1 :--;1 pI I; \Ir ... \ I~ l~l'(il!r.I\t., I11IJ1I1l.11l .,1 till (~Irdlll (OHlllllttt(', I:. 111 .... "l_ lxlll1'11"I'" 1,1 (illidl \\ tlll\\l'rs 11l\\ .Ill !.!')IIl..., to tnltl .1lIi1 ~t.lrt gl\illg" Iltlll1 "'1" 1111 dtltlltl01l IIIH 11l1I!.! dill 01 ... \ !t1l,,1 .1)) \ .... l>rt,\\1 111 .. llllIk 111 l'lnll dlll/hll Ilt 1'1 "pltlJll,dh iIJll11111ld 1<. dl-. jll".lIlll .. \\Orl-1l1lll \\ho il 1\( IlIllI n 11- ,'\.lIl1lg Ihl ... \ h."d 1III1Id1lI~ .... tli ... tlll\· 11111 h.I\1 I"PIII 1'llIlplltld tlllir l.t~k. 1[11 tl1lltl 1111tr10r I't thl {.,,Jhg..: .1\1.:- 11\11 hll1ldlllg h:I'" III 1.\1 Il.:ll.11llkd 1 In..:--lllli ,tlltlf Hl.u khll.lrd ... h.l\! hUll t( .. urI.u(d. \\tlltill\\" 111 ,.lllIlr 1110111-. il.l\( hl(l1 \\l.ll1l1l:-.tlll'\II(1 IlJl.1I1., h t\1. bll tl 111.ult I" III 10111 .\lId 10 Ihl tllI<., " 10\ 111\ 111111dlllg .111£1 dellk ... h.L1!." h.l\ ( lrl I 11 l11'>l.tlll (I 111 tIll <1l11h 1t'111I1Il "'11 1lI1~'I11g \lIlllIl .... 111.1\ ill .. hll\\l1 111 IIlI d.l) t\JlIt I II ll1-. 11 I. until f\\ 1\ tIll ... \ l 11 to mdkc Ihl .. h. 1\\ thl IIl~c .... I l\lr .md pr.lqf.llIIs L""II1l,.! IhL <I\\ll ... 101 \"lIl h ,I\\.IH .... arc II \\111 III I,hdllltd 111 Inl I"I,]II'~ .>1 I" In Irll(tlil 1lIl\ ht "lillnd tfOIl1 :..rrs Illll1.;1l1,.! 111~llIlIllqll .... 1111\\.1\ Itlllll!lI1" \111111\.111'1 \H1" II 01.\0,1. \\<11)( III'U}";,1 \1. (11~ ... 11111\~ .. 110111 .111 IIp·t,, d:1h lCIII(,1 I"· ... "ll1l1l)1l1l1lt JII'> (1IIItIl111.11 lllllt.ut \\111! ... {IiII<,1 1IIill 11h!l1n .. 11111\ to \\.IllI tltl' Hr\ lll .. t i.ll ~\\.lrtlllll()n' I1HI 111" I 11 III "I \\ 011. d1Trtllg tIll p 1,,1 \l \I h., ... I) tht 11111111 .. of Ill ... ffilTHI ... 1II'/lIl' hllll dl~ll\l1lg- 01 ndcctloll \1thllll!.dl a I) h lll1lt r 'II till IJtm.llllltt palh and I ,IIHllIilh I()r t lu 1 tOil .\'> 01 "i honl ,!Jrl l' I"r 1111 till Ihlllmr.111< tllktt 1\\0 Hlr ... I,.!;) hc I-. tdul 011 hf,lh Ill( Hl pII!.lll 111 11ld 1>lllllltr.ltll tllklh tillS \1,lr 1{.llall,1 I. I·.ttnn 1 .... IlHIIIHf tandul.ltL 1\11""1 ~lf\ltl Oil tIle IUllrll \\olll() ht.: 1t1!.!th Irlllll tIll \ll\\polllt 1)1 1111' ldllt I 1'1 .md Ih, p.lnnl \.,.1 ... t11 ... 1Il.11l IIi 'IIHII,I !txt h""k ... O\lr .1 \\/,1, .lIt.l III hI .. ,Ill IlpJlortlllll1\ til ,1 ... 1t .111,] 01, .. , 1 \ t j l1 11l1lt(d nl ~thl)ols .1Il~1 lolll').{l ... \\llhm I r Idm" 01 .L 11IIIltIrl (I Illlh ... 01 1'1111.1- ~1,IJlll1a 111'1'1 111 tl'" ... tant tOllt.1l1 \\lth ,<lilt Ilot~ ,l1ld 11,,1 ... :lIHollg h .... J1tr ... on:11 Ir '1l11s IHllHlreds of school slillcrilllln. dlllb, tc.u:hcrs, slate school oOlcials. ,lIul \I 011111.1),., Inl 1111 lit \\ gr.ull "I h",,1 111111- )'I'>t l,hl 01 th( ('"lIl,!.!! ,L\(IlUl Il1l1ldlllg .L1l IHgllllIlllg 10 .lrr1\l .111(( 1111 \\IIr1~ h lln\\ .dl(l\1 Ih( grllllild \\Itll "II I I It, Itl 1'111 11l PU:>.lthlll III xt \\l (k illd \.111111h tJllllhllldl .. ,l' .... , .. 111111 .. 11· l~l"1l1,Jll111 lllHl1d.11t: IlIl IIII jdl1u 01 IIllnJ ... 1111.'lI.!h"lIt ... jfllll .... llld \\ III r t "Ill II) t "lllnl1"~I"llll, ~llt, ... Ihll till.: • I I 11111101\ 111'1 ... 1 \lld 1"""11\ !lllof..: Ihl filOpll l ..d .I), Births • I • '" Ihl ']11, ... /10\1 III t.IX 111.11\ "11 I~l t1 J.~. \1, \11 Illd \11" \\ dill (,I]." ,II I~\lt 1.lh 11111 \11 ... II ~I 'lllktih nl thl' .!ll" 1\111111 I1 1\l.h 1I1 (11 ;.:1\< ... 1. ..'\ I I .'1I1 .'I\1 \ IltL.. .lf \\h'l h .111 \rdlltul \\ I 'I 11"ll~. 11111<11"", tl" I". tl, ,'I ,I rill I \1 I" \\ 1I1 11 llIl l~l1t ul I 1111111l1.!- 111d \\lIIl l\ 1.;\1<1\\\1 hll'>l1l("., 1ll,IIl hI'>,11"11",·1 t111 1'11.11 IllllK.l l1~ "" 11.1. _'7 I, I l''''l' hllll.tfl"'ldLllt"l 1>t!1\\IH ('<lIl1lb 1(11 Ih, phI \1) \1 lr .. IIld, 1-. fijl'lll<d 10 III Ilkl\ HI ttll· Jllllhllllll\ 1J1ItllhHJ to Iill 11th .,nlll. 1)(11 1\1'l1ll .(Il 1\\.1\ "II 1111<1)"111'1' "\\IIi!.; II hh \\lIll !-.;ll.I\\!ul,.,1 01 1'llIldl1l": 11 Iltl l II ... k1l11lh)ll1l11111~ IllhIIWll"1I .\llt! .lrlhltl'ltlll.tI ,,{Jlk 1)1I111l~ 1111 IJ.I~I II\l }1.1I ... II( h.t:-. het:1I \1, 11ld \11" \ II ( \lr Illd \11 .. (HI II l11111. I "I I\l tI 1 ... 1 lit \ ...... (., ... Ilr lor thl' I:'lnlllgh oi :--,\\ IrliJlll.'1 I. .1\ I Il1l1 .Irl II I 11~, ~1111- \"1 \\ ..u t! ti'l I. \ 1\\ 1I1tIIJhl1l1 I \Ir Ilid \11" \\ 1111111\ h I\~ 1lI"\1 t! mIl' Ill( 11111\11<1 In lIlt .1/lll1 'll (\1]1111\ l'ol1l- 111l'"I"IILr ~If \1(\ Ilk,1I \\111 ia\('1" .1 1", .. ,11 .11111 "\1lllh "11 ... llIl ...... ulmlllbllll1.111 I .. r Ihl \11 !lui \11 .. 1.lll1l~ 11\ lit 11 1\ 111111 •• 11111(111)( I ~"11 I d,\ 1111 I ()11~"11 till \11":;11 .. 1 17 g"g.lrtlll .... ill Ihl hlrlh 01 .1 \11 .tli11 \11-. 'illillil \I,lfltt IIl1rll. "I 1'111, 1\ 11111, 1111)1111111( 1111 ),11111 01 1 'lIlI. l',d, I) 1:1<I\\1l 1111111. Oil \t1l';thl I; 1).'11.11,1 l'ldllllllllll 1\111>1 lIul )·.dll.1 I,ll <,.!l1111 .I\lllih \lhll 11'1111 ,llllll1h .11111 lit \\111 \\or)..: tOf Ihl' Ill ... t 1)1 1:1111.111 \IIIIIl\ ,11111 ~If'" ).rorll'\ l11l1n ... l ..... 1 Ihl {.IXjI,l)l·t... 'll 0..;".111hl11.'11 l r(~1 \\111 h.I\1 III t1~: lll.llt" <. .. 1.111111111.1. \IIIhll1 .. I, h 1\1 n 10111t" InUIl :\1\\]1(111 I~ 1.\\IHrl 111t\ \II~ I..!.I\I .11111Hlrl I III \.1.1111 .... 1 \\.hl·h.lllllr (fl~l. t 1I.lll" 1·.lrll \. ~I f ... (ol.llllIIllI.L·:>. ... 1 ... lt r j, h I 111 111I f\ Il.u\!! r, 1.1 '" Irll1111.II' \\Ill Iltnrll to hlr hOIllt: from (11\. ~ J. tId:. e\l'l1l11g. III 11111 lutllli lor \1 "I Ull •• "Iun' I)r \II 111<1 \11... 11111\ 1:11I\\1l.llId \l1111t\ \\tlltlll(rlllllll ... f1l1lil' .... h(lfn_ \1", ... \J" 1:111\\11. <II tOllHII .1\\lIl1t, II~""I III l<.1111111lh .... LI thl LlII\l'rslt) hl\1 1111 I"f I:o ... to\l h) 111111 ,"I \1.lh.tllI,1

---------- Page 11 ----------

2 Sharples, of Graystone Hall, West Chester, at their summer home on Grenell Island. • • * THE SWARTHMOREAN Robert 'f. Bail'. of CorneH avenue. for the past wec k. * * • and Mrs.-Robert C. Glenn 011 Yale ave­nue, Mr. Giddings is connected with the Provident Trust Co. of Philadelphia. AUGUST 21, 1931 ter, Mrs. Sterling E. Smith and two children will return with them for a visit in Swarthmore. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Alger. of Park 3\"cllue, have had as their guests for the past week, :a.lrs. Henry Hallin and son Henry, Jr., and Ed lleiscnhelder, of York, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Davis and family, of Amherst avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Lange, of Baltimore Pike, went to Stone Harbor on Monday for a two weeks' stay. Later Mr. and i\Irs. Dads will motor to \Visconsin. ~lrs. Fred W. Patterson, of College avenue. entertained at tea Tuesday afternoon. * • • Mr. and Mrs. George Schobenger. of Swarthmore avenue, have entertained • • * Miss lfary LaMar for the past week. Mrs. T. Lawton Slaugh, of North * * * Chester road, returned last Friday from D R d \V It f WI 'tt' * • • Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Valentine and family, from Rywood, have moved into the Bierman property on Strath Haven ave. * * * 1-1394 ONLY A FEW • • • ~1 rs. T. E. Hessellbruch returned Thursday from a "isit to Ocean City. * * • i\l rs. Leonard A. Peck and children left Monday for Cape Cod where they wjlJ rl'main until the first of September. • * • Dr. J. Howard Smith and family, of a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Soule PI ean ay~on a ers, 0 11 .Ier f N I CI t d h d ' ace, and hiS three sons are leavlllg a J. art lIes er roa w 0 arc spen - f ,. I,~§~~§~§~§~§~~~~~~ I.I lg the summer at PI.i lC' Orchard, C"on1n. sDo otn 'to r ad tChIr e. e weeks motor tnp to * * * e rOI an llc*a go*. * ""' ••• ".".'.'f~"" •••••••• •- -y Mr. and ,Mrs. Leonard Ledoux and son arrived in Swarthmore 011 Wed­nesday. They motored from Florida and will spend a month visiting Mr. Ledoux's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ledoux. of Walnut Lane. and Mrs. Ledoux's mother, Mrs. T. Downs, Jr., of \Vayne avenue, Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. \Vol. DUllcan, of Yale avenue, are spending a few weeks in the Adirondacks. • * * Emmons & Andes BUILDERS M·iss, Margaret Allen, who is office secretary of the Community Health Baltimore Pike Center, is at \Vildwood, N. J., for a and . Phone DAYS MORE TO Yale Avenue, wellt to Dingman's Ferry on Tuesday for a week's "isit with Mrs. Smith's brother, Col. Charles Blunt. • • * The John B. \Vest and Charles • • • Mr. \\farren Marshall, of Swarth­more and Yale avenues, IS spending a few days in Boston. _k • • * R- - A I Ivervlew ve. Sw. 1600 Mr. and' Mrs. A. P. Patterson, ofl SWARTHMORE, PA. GET THIS FREE LUNCHEON 5 ET, Frigidaire Jubilee drawing to a close COME IN TODAY NOW YOU CAN OWN A FRIGIDAIRE-ONLY $10 Down Don't miss this opportunity! In celebration of Frigidaire's fifteenth birthday we are giving away ahsoilitely free a handsome Luncheon Set to every purchaser of Frigidaire. There are more than twenty pieces in this valuable serv­ice. All are specially de­signed, hand-etched and in the popular new topaz color. Hundreds of people every­where have taken advantage of this offer. And now, only a few days remain for you to get your set. Frigidaire's Jubilee is drawing to a close. August 31st is the last day of this offer. Do come in. FRIGIDAIRE A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE GUARANTleED FOR 3 YEARS DELCHESTER UTILITIES CORP. 629 WELSH ST. CHESTER, PA. MEDIA REPRESENTATIVE CHARLES A. HIGGINS Fischer families returned Saturday from a vacation spent at High Point, New Jersey. • • • :Mrs. Stanley MacMillan went to Stone Harhor 011 Saturday for a week's \·isit. • • • 1fr. and Mrs. \Villiam Hanny, ofYalc avcnue, will havc Mr. and Mrs. Don Gardcll as week-end guests. Mr. and ),1 rs. Garden have just returned from a thrcc years' stay in Bangkok, Siam, where Mr. Garden edited the Daily M ail sponsored by the King of Siam. • * • Mr. and Mrs. Franklin C. Ellis and daughter, of Rochester, N. Y., are com­ing the last of August for a two weeks' \'isit with Dr. and Mrs. Wi11iam T. Ellis, of \\'alnut Lanc. • • • :Mrs. Roland G. E. Ulhnall, of Har­\' anl avenue, entertained the Summer bridge dub at luncheon and cards Tuesday. * •• Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall, of Lin­coln avenuc, left \Vednesday for \Val­Iingfort!, Vermont, where they win spetJd a fcw \veeks. . • * • i\1rs. E. A. Jenkins, of North Chester road, is spending tell days as the guest of Mrs. Alina T. Spcakman, at Buck Hills. • • • * • • Park avenue; have motored to North ", •••• ,., •• t""."".".,,'f?n Adams, M'ass., for a week. Their daugh- Mr. Albert N. Garrett and son, Cas­per Garrett, left Wednesday night to join their family at East Harwick, Cape Cod, Mass. • • * Mrs. Philip H. Jewett and family, of Kcnyon a venue, are at Hyannis, Mass., for a few weeks. Mr. Jewett re­turned home Sunday. • • • T. F. Conway RADIO SERVICE Phone Day - - - - Swarth. 456 Night - - - - Swarth. 58 1I.liss Charlotte Vegors, of Sacra- JAS A PILSO'N mento, California, is the guest of Mrs. " " . .." •. ": . Walter R. Flood, of Swarthmore,. fOI LIGHT AND POWER. two weeks. The engagement of Miss W I R I N G Vegors to George G. Flood was an- 'ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Iloullced by Mrs. Vegon when both DOGS CLIPPING STRIPPING BOARDING Faraday Park Kennels 203 Kedron Ave. Swarth. 239.w Morton, Pa. families were sojourning at Colorado 107 ;Sylvan Avenue Rutledge I Springs last season. The wedding will ~H;Ca~n~be~;r~ea~C~h;.~d~a;t~S~w~·dl~1~4~S~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ take place in Swarthmore during the ~ early part of September, and probably will be held in the historic old Leip~r Church. Further announcement con­cerning the wedding will be made at a later date. • •• At uri ella Cianci, leading soprano of the New York Grand Opera Company will given an operative recital Wed­nesday, Aug. 26. at Avalon, N. J. • * • Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Giddings and two childrcn have moved from Pitts­hurgh to Swarthmore and are living in the house formerly occupied by Mr. "II's Nolthe Start But the Finish That Counts" Particularly when your destination is Strath Haven, and the cious -apecial-dinner at only SSc, $1.00 -or $1.25. Canoeing on the' Crum. T ennia and ather sports Dance - Saturday, August 15th. AU friends of the Inn cordially invited. F. M. ScheibJey, l\lunol(CmCnl STRATH HAVEN The Inn With Personali'y Swarlhmore, Pennsylvania deli- • Mrs. 11 ackinnon Ettis, of Bryn :Mawr, has returned from a three weeks' visit '''----T_T ________ T ___ .--. WI' tl1 Il cr parents at I") Iug Il amton, N' ew I --.Lux,V. ..Y .. .... _.i.Y ... lJ..L.Wi.L.L..L. .... \W. ....J .. .......... York. 1 SUMMER TR;4VEL ~1 •• II'lttllllllllllllllll++lllllllllaIIIIIIIIJIII··i For a Pleasant Day's " .*' * Means heavy Iraflic on Recreation Take a Swim at .)'Irs. LH~7.1C h. DcArmand and Ml.<;s I the highways. Is your LlIlrla De~~ll1and, of Park a\,cllue, aTe ear insured for Iiabil .. at Ocean City for sc\'cral wceks. .1 I * * * 1 y, ,property ,( aruage, collision, fire, Ihefl, and plale glaBs? If nol, call Emmons & Andes al Swarlhmore 1600. They · .... iIl 8celhal you arc prolcClcd. Dr. \Villiam 1'. Ellis and 11.1 rs. Ellis arc entertaining Dr. and AI rs. Mc­Clan han, of Germantowll, this week­Clld. Dr. ),1 cClanahalJ is vice-president of the Men's College at Cairo, Egypt, and is home Oil furlough. • • • Mr. ami 1\[ rs. Gcorge Han'rford place, Tcturned a two weeks' vacation at COIIIl. • • • Da\'issoll, of Sunday frolll Ncw Haven, Miss Mary Dudley, of Topeka, Kaa­sns, is visiting Chautauqua friends in Swarthmore. • * • :i\f rs. Dean H. ParkeT and chilclren, of North PTincetoll avenue, have re­turned for a week or two from Bay Shore, Long Islal1d. where they ha\"c beell spcnding the slimmer. • • • Mr. and Mrs. \Valter DurnalJ, of Garrett aVelltle, havc returned from spendillg a fe\\' days in Vermont. • • • Swarlh. 1441 FRED J. HARLEY Upholstering Furniture Restoring Slip Covers Draperies Window Shades "The Golden Rule--Our Motto" A.M. ALL ISO N :Miss Betty TayloT, of Eleclrician lIue, is spending a \\'eek ~cw Jersey. Kenyoll ave-at La\'allette, Thirty-two yc-ars experience, home-owner in this borough. and a • • • Mr. \Vitlis :M arshall, of Swarthmore and Yale aV(~1l11eS, spent last wcek.end 011 his hoat at Chesapcake Bay. • • • i\f rs. C. K. Alger, of Park avenue, has had as her guest the past week Miss Hdel1 AlgeT, her niece, from Plainville, Con II. • • • Mrs. Oscar Gilcrcest, of Swarthmore a\'eJlue, entertained at bridge as a sur­prise hirthday party for At r. Gilcreest Oil Tuesday evening. • • • :\(~. John M. Criley, of Tcrra ('cia, Florula, has heen the guest of his daughter and son-in-law, :M r. and Mrs. El!"""III""""II"""lIl1JRlIIIlII"III11I1I1111I1I11111"""IIIJ11IE (} (} IT ~ IE \) \) ;;;1 CaU Swarth. 894 ffi 1111" III """ 111111111" RI "111"1111 III III"" III"""" "" I IIIJ11if.! HOWARD KIRK Attorney-at-Law 14 South Ave. Media, PL MedI. 1717 Swarthmore 998 311 VASSAR AVENUE Swarthmore 1160 -----.:..::..::...::..:..:.=---- ~~ III""""""""""" "" " "" "" III""""""" "" """ 111111 §~ §BUILDER~ Arlistic Homes = ~ Designed and Built ~ = to Meet ;;;_- Individual Needs ~- CHA8.E. FISCHER ~- = 304 Dickin80n Ave. == _ ·Sw. 33S·W ;;; liii"""""IIII11""""III""""III11"""IIIII11II11I11II11I1"III~ 'P.. /um ___ .~ Heating and Roofing P. M. BARROW Phone Swarthmore 82 Modernhe your Bathroom at Low Cost. Reroof with Asbestos Shingle-. Morton Park .e e Pool :. Delaware County's Oldest MORTON, PA. Pool PURE SPRING WATER 'Water alway. at the Pool for your inspection. BRING THE KIDDIES AND GIVE. THEM A RADIO 'tRYOUT Billy James gives a children's radio tryout each Wednesday and Friday, 3 to 5 P. M., and Sunday over our own broadcasting syate.n. Successful ones will broadcast over W C A U on Sunday Morning Children'. Hour. SUNDAY FEATURES: Billy James and his Band. . Arty Bitong and his Chirrup. (famous radio stars). Other Special Feature. Each Sunday - new and added aUraclion •• ADMISSION Week -Days - Children lSc .• Sat., Sun. & Holiday. - Children 25c Suita to Hire-25c Adult. 25. .• Adults SOc EARL SMITH, Manager. Ownenhlp Monog.ment I, you·,. tired of rooms and baths •••• and want IOrMthlng a little more Ilk. hom., then com. to HaN' Lafoy.He. You·JI ftnd u, tvded Clway in the most beautiful part of ana of Atlantic City" avenue" lust a step awoy from evarythlng that', anything In the World's Playground. Here's '8(luslon without snobbery. Hera's beauty without austerity •••• In a holel a. .aodem o. 1930 •••• with rote. a. mod .. t 01-1920. Spacious leunge rooms, a solarium and Food that would detlghtan ......... CoMfort. Service. Qul.t. All th ... are yours os 0 guest of E L . N.J. + AUGUST 21, 1931 News Notes ~rr. and h.1rs. Louis Cole Emmons and Cole Emmons, accompanied by Mrs. Frank Lemon left h.fonday by motor for Cape Vincent, N. Y. • •• Mrs. AIl>ert H. Osterman, of 130 Rut­gers avenue, recently entertained at a swimming paTty, lUllchl'on and hTidgt' at the Springhaven C1uh. • * • Mrs. \Vallace M. McCurdy and daughtcr Emily, of Ogden and Thayer roads, have recently returned from Lake Sunapee, New Hamllshire. • • • ~Ir. and Mrs. \Villiam n. Bullock, of 515 Cedar Lane, arc entertaining Mrs. Bttllock's sister, ~[iss Byrd :Michaux, of Richmond, Va. • • • ).(r. and }'Irs. Clarence G. Myers, of Dickinson a\'entll'. ha\·e returned from East Hardwick, Cape Cod, M ass., where they have been vacationing for several weeks. • * • ~Ir. and Mrs. Paul Freedley, of Swarthmorc avenuc, arc on a motor trip thru the New England states. They will visit 1\.1 r. Freedley's parents in East Dorset, Vt. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sharpless, for­merh' of Lansclowllc, wil1 occupy one of the ·apartments at 112 Park antllle ahout SeptembeT L • I • AUTO CLUB TELLS OF WHITE I\lOUNTAINS The picturesque \Vhite Mountains in New Hampshire is one of New Eng­land's most popular vacation centers and its wealth of scenic beauty, historic background and excellent highways a~­tract throngs of tourists each year. "Through this delightful summer playground regioll the Keystone Auto­mobile Club has outlined an ideal motor vacation journey that Can be covered in appToximate!y 1117 miles", says Howard J. Gallagher, manager of the Chester brandl of the club. From Chester the tour leads north- THE SWARTHMOREAN through the Lake Winnepesaune district, The Weirs, Meredith and Holderness be­ing passed to Plymouth. the southern gateway to the White ),fountains. salesmen. To the millions of people of this kind life insurance offers a safe and profitable placc for investments of sav­ings. Any policy in any company pro­vides for repayment of more than is paid in-and it has been more than SO years since there has been a loss to policyholders from failure of a legal reserve company. Northward the same national highway leads through the heart of the pictures­que mountain,s where such scenic won­ders as Kinsmans Notch in the Lost River section, Franconia Notch. The Fhttne and the Old Mall of the Mount­ains can be seen on the way to Twin .Mountains. From the Jatter point scores of scenic side trips can be made includ­ing Bretton Woodsl Mt. Washington and fascinating portions of tlie va:;t Presi­dential ran,!!e. From Twin Mountains State Route 18 is used through Glen and Crawford Notch to Gorham. From this point side trips can be made eastward through the lake district of Maine or northward to the Canadian border, via Dixville Notch, the most attractive of the group. The homeward journey leads west­ward from Gorham over U. S. Route 2 through St. Johnsbury and Montpelier to Burlingtoll, Vt.; where Lake Champlain can be crossed to Ausable Chasm. From here U. S. H.oute 9 can be followed southward and connects with highways used on the outbound trip which can be followcd homeward. ---... ~,~.~-- INSURANCE AIDS SAVING, FACTS SHOW It is an interesting fact that but three cents out of each dollar saved by the American pCOI)le is used for life in­surance while seven-eighths of aU moncy on the average, left by men when thcy die comes from life insur­ance policies. ....:-..:..... ......, ~-- LEGAL POINTS OF VALUE TO MOTORISTS (Inquiries respecting points of the law may be addressed to the editor. Thc answers wilt appear in subsequent issues.) One of the most valuable rights P0f;­sesscd by motorists in Pennsylvania is, strangely enough, but little understood to a great many motor vehicle owners. It is the provision for waiver of hear­ing in sUlIlmary prosecutions. More than any other single factor, according to the Keystone Automobile Club, this provision has been responsi­ble for the virtual extinction of "fining mills". which flourished throughout the State prior to 1923. At the Legislative session in that year, the Club proposed the wah'cr amendment, which has been incorporated in the motor law ever since, insuring an absolute square deal to accused motorists if they have the I forethought to employ it. Fear of being taken into court and their improper practices exposed cau'i­cd "fining 'squires" to give up the lu­crative business of making a living at the expense of motorists. Only occa-I ~1"5" 1II11111111 "III 111111111 """11"1111""1111 "111111"11"""" 11!Jl1 ~, I Media Laundry, Inc. ~ Fundamentally the function of life against want brought on by the death of the wage carner. It is likewise al) investmcnt of the highest caliber. This is particularly true in the case of per­sons of limited means who lack facili~ tics for obtaining reliable, disinterested advice on investments, and who, con­sequently, are in danger of capitulating, to thc blandishments of shady stock § §§ ; i:~~::;".. Ii = =1 3 sionaIJy in reccnt years has any 'squire I vision of the law and have the facts enjoyed this distinction. and then only of the prosecution brought before a for a short period. 1 judge. Any motorist charged with violating. ~o motorist in this State need pay any of the summary provisions of the an unwarranted fine. The legal wea­Code Illay waive summary hearing be- pon of wah'cr of hearing is available to fore a magistrate or justice of the him in c,,"ery summary case. The pro­peace and give bond, in a sum eqUal! cccding is simple. All he nced say to to double the amount of the finc and i the magistratc upon his appearance is: costs that might be imposed, for ap- I "I wai\'c a hearing." The magistrate pearancc for trial before a judge of a has no alternative but to grant the court of record. waiver and accept the bail. or course, nothing is to be gained by H, however, the motorist fails to waiver of hearing if the motorist feels! waive hearing and pays the fine impos­that the charge against him is just. But; cd, he may have the case reviewed by when the motorist is of the belief that; the court on appeal, and if the verdkt he is unjustly accused, he should by I of the magistrate is upset. the court all means take advantage of this pro- wilt order the fine and costs returned. The Reasons Swarthmore People are Buying Majestic Electric Refrigerators ward over state route 320 through ~';:~~i'i-~~~-~~~~~~~~;;~ Swarthmore, Broomall and Ithan to r STANL.Ey WARNER THEATRES :: -Finished Laundry Services- i : 5111""""""""" 11111"""" "" " "11"" " " """ """""" III iii. . i Easily accessible cold control-General appearance-Porcelain interior fired on Armco sheet iron-Easy to clean under­Rustproof hinges and double acting latch-Convenient defrosting switch·­Sanitary glass drip pan-Free circulation of cold air in cooling chambe:r-Conven­ient flat top-Made by a successful man­ufacturer of a well known radio-And, costs less than 6c a day to operate. Radnor where the state highway is met and followed through Gulph Mills to U. S. Route 122. Here a right turn carries the travelers through Bridgeport, Nor­ri:: otowll, 1-fontgollleryville and Doyles­town to New Hope where the Delav,,·arc Ri\'er is crossed to Lambertville. From this point the same highway leads through Flemington to White House where the state highway is encountered and followed to Bedminster. Here state route 32 is met and follow­ed to Morristown where another state highway intersects and leads through Boonton, Mountain View and Pompton to Suffern. From hcre New York State Route 17 is followed to Sloatsburg where a right turn into the beautiful Seven Lake..'> Drive leads to the Bear ~follntaill Bridge spanning the Hudson Ri\'cr to Peekskill. STATE _ CHESTER N OJD Playing MARIE DRESSLER POLLY MORAN in "POLITICS" Alomla,., Tlle:ulay, Wet/llest/ay RICHARD DlX in "THE PUBUC DEFENDER" NOW IS THE TIME TO KILL JAPANESE BEETLES FOR NEXT SEASON Put arsenate of lead or Old English Lawn Klenser on your lawn. Our spt·eader is al your disposal. The new low price for a Majestic Electric Refrigerator is $169.50 and up. CJI.t:STI:R BADIO CORP. 314 EDGMONT AVENUE, CHESTER Eastward over U. S. Route 6 the tour Thursda,., Frilla,., Sutur,lay SUPLEE'S STORE South Chesler Road Swa. 1250 • • • continues through Danbury to Hartford "CONFESSIONS OF where a left turn into U. S. Route 5 car- A CO.ED" ries the travelers northward through de- For Swarthmore Sales and Service FROM lIER DIARY U~~I~rt~SOfiliecoo~ct~tR~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ er Valley. Springfield, Greenfield, Brat- Ueboro and BeIlows Falls are passed en­route to Charlestown, N. H. Here a right turn into .'>tate route 11 leads over a winding CDurse thTOugh Claremont and nast the shores of Lake Sunapee to Laccuia at \V innisquam Lake in the heart of an alluring resort section. From here U. S. Route 3 is followed Call Sw. 445 MEDIA THEATRE DAILY MATINEE 2:30 PHONE MEDIA 1400 Fritlay JANET GAYNOR WARNER BAXTER "DADDY LONG LEGS" Sa'urday KEN ~IAYNARD "FIGHTING THRU" Montla,. ami Tllesday MITZI GREEN JACKIE SEARL "THE FORBIDDEN ADVENTURE" W t>tlneJtday WIU.IAM HAINES "JUST A GIGOLO" TO THE TAXPAYERS OF DELAWARE WATCH YOUR STEP! Don't be campaI•g n fooled by I•S ACT the NO • Politicians. The 348, approved VOTE for real June COUNTY I• ssue I• n 26, 1931. ALBERT M. McVICKAR REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE For COUNTY COMMISSIONER Primary Election, September 15th. this

---------- Page 12 ----------

4 THE SW ARTHMOREAN Published Every Friday at Swarthmore Pa Robert E ~harple. Eddor and Publisher Poe S art} ore 900 2~ 19><) a tl e Po t Offi e at SartI FRIDA) AUGUST 21 1931 Make Wnte Your Your Chautauqua Summer Vacatwn Experzences; Cash Pay; Pnzes Ha g J st returned fran our ccks aeat a v h the a d of I str ck Old F rst N ght celebrat ng th nst tut on s 57th ann versary If every t .0 Mr 0 e who th nks we are all too soph st 1 0 d s p oduct and see g you w sl Da t to t tl of the r most n erest ng ex ce 1 1 ere v t1 tell you ours chllrning fro Ca d vaN agara I s ggested e I nt p Chautau N v "0 k All ) I fe I ve re ce e I ca Is f 0 n tl at place each per SOl: leg there fo a I ffc ent reason \Ve 10 atcd t 0 t1 e nap fou d the lake adtle tie to \Vecametoalgh e fence and I u dreds of automob les parked a 0 g tl e 0 s de of t vh ch iVe catcd In th s country could go there he vouI! soon kno I{ tI at housands are Just nterested educat on and cultural tl ngs as t1 c fo efathers were The) had tI ree roll calls the first as for all those to s and who had been there last year and almost sol dly they arose then 1929 and a fe w sat down and so tl e leader vent clear back to 1874 a d tI ere iVere st It 15 standmg THE SWARTHMOREAN were all g v ng for this was the annual meetIng After the program we wandered around the grounds found a park I ght ed w th Japanese 1anterns and young couples here and there Just as we find around our own college campus Also on the g.-ounds we sa 1{ a placard an nouncmg a dance n a nearby place and while they d d not sell tobacco In any form on the gro Dds e d d see Dumer o 5 me sn ok b Also sa IV g rls 1 all the latest fash ons thus p OVUlg they are qu te 1 beral m oded Classes of all sorts are held and there are such speakers as Mrs Thomas Ed son Dr V ncent who for years ~as the head of the Rocker feller Foundat 0 a 1 assoc ate ed tor of the Ne v York T mes the best of mus c ans n fact the leaders of all I nes head classes there AI da Wdsoff Hanny , ... The Race Sir Thomas L pton s recent race w th A er ca s cup defender held the sport g terest of all Amer ca wI cn these famous ,} ad ts raced each other but tl at race faded Ito ns g ficance n co npar son v th the mportant a d thr II ng race staged at Seas de Park N J Barnegat Bay on Saturday afternoo R valry a d fever sh mtens ty had bur cd for days before and the race was a culm natton of threats and boasts of the super or ty and seamansh p of t 0 of the finest crews tl at ever sailed AUGUST 21, 1931 Local Service Phone Swarthmore 350 We Will call for your car repair It and return It as soon as pOSSible We use only genume Ford parts Our mechamcs are tramed on Ford repair work We are open every day evenmgs on week days mdudmg Sunday and White Flash Gasohne and Firestone Gum Dipped Tires and Tubes All makes of cars washed and waxed • • • DAILEY'S GARAGE AUTHORIZED So Chester Rd and Fairview Rd Sw 350 u oce t J tl 0 gl t neant people had cone Jwt for tic dav \Ve drove by h ng the to vn and found oursel es vafte lot to t1 e countr) T r ed 1 a d came back a d the same An amus ng th ng to the wnter iVa tl at at first fam es arose then the ch 1 dren sat do n and the parents would s t do va} car he r se aga Most had n ssed anI) three or fo r seasons out of tl e fifty seven Then roll call by na to s and about fiftee ;vere there then states and rna e vere f om Pennsytvan a tha Ne v York I ch was second FIVe thousand people vere seated n the am ph theater a d that alo C iVas a pretty s ght no eJ I ad to be raJ:;cd and all present "ere asked to see f they had a dollar b II tI e pocket then asked to before tI e ~lnd In th s rae ng course I~*~.~'''''''~'~'''''''.'~'~''''''''., ••~ .~. ........~ .~. .........~ .~. ...........~ .. ...........~ .~.~. ......~ .~.. ........~ .~.. ........~ . Promptly at 2 P M when the start g appe ed at U e 0 her end of the I e t1 en the rna of th party saw a I ck stat a ke I ousc tl t vo gates I aU t gl tty 51 ut I e asked a garage rna 0 a perso got nto the to N \Ve erc I rected to t1 e gate \VI e e approac1 cd t m raculously Ole cd ad ve got half iVa n I en ve ere stoppe 1- ~c ex pia ed our v sh to s t tl e to a d tl e gatema assured s t1 at ve vere velcome a d tl at the r etl ad as a dollar each a d a pc m 1 for tl car to enter a d sta) only long e a g:l to get r d of our I aggage when tl e ca n ust be taken 0 tts de thf I a c rs vere pe ttc I Hage a I to t d at effect 1{as 1 andc I )0 g man s uug onto oa I He I a I a I st of \y, tlacc on hs 1st loaded a d the my I usba d and took I t-can )0 a mag ne abo t that t1 ousands of currency be ng ave]? It va take up and rna Ie tva askets full then a salute to the persons vi 0 I ad passed on dur ng the past J car a sal te v th tI e hand kerch ef brougl t .s10 vly up to arms length held a seco d and lowcred all do vn In un son v tl the leader a othcr rnpress v s gl t also the r salute to a fam ty of tl ree vho I ad Just lonated a I eaut ful nc v 1 brary bu Id g I shall never for get five tlo sa I vi te I an Ikercl cf e cnte ta nmcnts I g of mo ey wh ch e s gave the s gnal to get away the Barl a a B and the Copy Cat got u der vay Th Barbara B took the lead am d tl e cheers of the sport th rsty fans who , ere fortunate enough to be on hand 51 outs of encouragement and adVice re t he otherw se peaceful bay TI e ~alty expcr enced crew of the Barbara B were at their respect vc posts a d do ng yeoman duty Sk pper ] n Bro ~n that master sea n an 1 ad he wheel 31 d h s first mate D cky Bro ~n tended to such deta Is as center board With Lou s Good er as ballast Head ng up nto tl e wmd however can e tl e Copy Cat w th tI at well k 0 vn spo ts lov ng Cather ne Fussell command Bes des tend ng sheet a d steer ng I er tr m craft 51 e gave orders to I cr experle ced crew com pr sed of Sarah Fussell and Jack Corse Slo Iy I t surely the Copy Cat t UJ t) peal fel ne fash on on r a lve sary a d at the tUrn as they al out was a good lengtl ahead II t tl e figl t I ad Just begun and I strctcJ tI C} botl sa led and o q arter g ven or asked (COlI' 1Ju~d on Pagl Su) ;;9111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111 ChurchNews ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I t':UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS IWWIIS"Ii5I~!'\hlQ'i rt~¢ THE RELIOIOUR ~OCIETY OF FRIENDS b'Q I...S Irl. W~ lrU 1.1 IJ b May we ourselves be those who he p to 5 A N I - 5 EAT make this war d progress YOU know d"s clean SUNDAY 11 00 A M Meeting fa Worsh p n the TilE pure white Ivory Pyrnhn surface shows up even the tin lest I Icee of dusl What sallslaet on to know thai one w pc makes the whole seal clean Dnd san lIory Even the h nges are Pyraltn coaled and that Ineans no green tarnished metal to clean on I pol sh Only $6.00 at this shop Th t s II \\c ch rgc 10 Hell un I nslall tlus last wor I In while scat I ~rlcel OJ An I once In yo have a i\cat that w II beautify your I alhr I r )car1t Guaranteed fiv ycars Let us show you the EVERWIIITE n vour own home w thout obi gatlon Woodward, Jackson & Blpck, Inc. 333 Dartmouth Ave Swarth 43 FRIENDS' CENTRAL Country Day School On City Line Overbrook 87th Year 9th Month 15 1931 Long known as one at Philadelphia s outstanding schools Excellent taculty and equipment PrOY des education who csome rec eat on and supervised sports tor boys and g r II trom kindergarten to eo I",e Campus ot 18 acres equipped w th athlet c fie ds and p aygrounds for pup Is ot var OUll agee Conven ent bus serv ce COLLEGE PREPARATORY KINDERGARTEN COUNTRY DAY PLAN Wr e or telephone /0 catalog or v s t school FRIENDS CENTRAL SCHOOL BARCI AY L JONES Ph D Prlnelpal Meet ng House Young people espec a y weI come WEDNESDAY 930 AM to 230 PM-Sew ng and Qullt ng n Wh ttler House Box luncheon A I B e cord a Iy iov ted to Join n these se v ces SWARTHMORE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Loyd P Btevens M nis er 9 45 Sunday Schoo 11 00 Worship and Sermon Rev J D C Honna A CORDIAL WELCOME AWAITS YOU THE SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HAS A WELCOME FOR ALL STRANGERS AND NEW COMERS ESPEOIALLY INVITED MORNING WORSHIP 11 00 Rev Char es S Davies D D peaches Summer Session of the Sunday School at ten 0 clock TRINITY CHURCH Protestant Episcopal Cnester Road and College Avenue Rector Rev J Jarden Guenther S T M 8 00 A M Holy CommUnion 11 00 A M -Mom ng Prayer and Sermon Mr Guenther Wi I peach PIRST CHURCH OP CHRIST SCIENTIST OP SWARTHMORE Park Avenue Below Harva d Services 11 00 A M ---8unday Sohool 11 00 AM ---Bun day LessOn Sermon Wednesday even nK meeting week 8 p m Read og room open da! y except Sundays and holidays 9 30 A ld to 12 30 PM during July and Aug 18t ChUrch edifice All are cordially Invited to attend tbe services and uae the Reading Room CALL 1896 FOR ELECTRICAL WORK OUR 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE -INSURES-SAFE INSTALLATIONS AND REPAIRS SwarthlDore Electric Shop 411 DARTMOUTH AVENUE "THE WINDOW'S :BROKENI" In household emergen­Cles depend on your telephone It summons IUd and expert sJdll WltL. least po ... hle delay. TELEPHONE 6'1 Pennsylvania Gas & Electric Co. Fll"st Lien and Refundmg Mortgage 5% Gold Bond. Due March I, 1958 Free of Pennsylvanla Four Mllls Personal Property Tax Pnce 93 and Interest to Y,eld About 550% Warren A. Tyson & Co. Incorporated Intlestment Sec*nties 1518 WALNUT STREET PHILADELPmA Delaware County Representative F R STEVENSON Jr 110 Powelton Ave Lansdowne Po Telcphone--Madl8on 6474 Before You Go take an hour for thIS Important matter Away Are your financial affairs n good order? Will your mveatments be properly looked after? Have )'on protected your valuables? Is your Will 08 you want u? II In an hour '(le can help you put your aBarra In order II 110 ".at YOiI may go a.oay .o.h a con'ented nllnd SwarthlDore National Bank and Trust COlDpany "Serving Swarthmore Since 1904" AUGUST 21, 1931 THE SWARTHMOREAN s Gillespie and Co. Reports Two Sales re::eBnd ordained by the author ty of s tie of Westdale Avenue (as hereinafter estab Ished of the width of fifty feet) thence crossIng same by the same course Fifty feet to a POlnt n the Southerly side thereof thence stl I South five degrees five minutes West the distance of Pour bun dred feet to the North side of 8tl'ath Baven Avenue as hereinafter established of the width of fifty feet) thence cross ng same by the same course F Ity feet to the Souther y s de thereat thence South fiVe degrees five m nutes West the distance of E even hundred th ty two and th rty five one h nd cdths c to a poln n th No theas e 5 de ot Le pe e Road at he d stance of Three hundred n ne y and e ghty s x one hundredths feet measured Boutheastwa dly along sa d s de of Le per v e Road f am the Easter y side of Corne SECTION 1 That Benjamin West Avenue ~etween S..varthtuore Avenue and PrInceton sbv':eln ue In the Borough at Swarthmore be Improved by the setting of curbs an repaving of the cartway, In accordance dred twenty three and one tenth teet I thereto by a unlfo m ascend ng grade to thence still EastWardly as aforesa d by a the new Northweste y curb co ner of unlto m descending grade the dLstance at Scnoo Lane and St ath Haven Avenue at Three hundred eighty five feet to an e e an e evst on of One hundred sixteen and vat on of One hundred twenty feet thence seven tenths feet st 1 Eastward y as aforesaid by a uni Easterly Curb lIne Beg nnlng at the new fa m descending grade to the new North No t.lleas~r y CurD corner of t:5cnoo Lane easterly curb corner of School Lane and and W&itda e Avenue each street havmg Westda e Avenue at an e evat on of One 6 ctewaJ,It Ber ps 01 Twelve and one halt hundred th rteen and one tenth feet ee at on e evat on of One hundred thu week the sale of two more homes on fwo rtthh the spec ftcatlons here natte set the G llesp e tract cast of South Ches ter road Of the four houses completed earl c tl e year G esp e & Co have SECTION 2 That the cu bs sha be granite or othe Buleab e stone as may be d ected by the Highway Comtn ee and mus co 0 m 0 he pee Bo ough P fia on Southerly Curb Line Beginning at the teen anu one tentn 1eet above the Bar new Southeaster y cu b corne of Corne ou~n uatun exte d ng the ce South five n d Wes da e A en es at an e evat 0 of 0 e ti m U We t n 0 g a ne o e u d we tyee and fi e e a11d fl en 15 ect f 0 n the EllSt oM tI a d v 11 break ground early SECTION 3 That the ca tway sha be repaved as of the width of twenty two 22 feet w th standa d macadam finished With penetratIon to a toto depth of ntne inches in accordance w th spec flca tons to be fUrnished by the Borough En g neer and approved by the H ghway Com mlttee fee abo c he Bo ough Datum extend ng y pope ty Inc 0 Schoo Lane Dnd Fa thence South e ghty four degrees fifty five 8 e the e 0 by a un 10 m ascending grade minute East at the distance of Twe ve to the new Southeaster y curb corner 01 and five tenths feet f am the Southerly ::Ochoa Lone and Stmth Haven Avenue at P operty ne and paral el thereto by a an e evat on of One hundred sixteen and un 0 m descending grade to the new Be en tenths feet ext week for a other stone and frame Colo al house to be ready for occu A enue va Ie} th s fall The Easter y s de thereof beg nn ng at a point in the Souther y s de of Ya e A enue at the distance of F tty feet measured Eastward y from the new Southwesterly eo ne of Ya e and Rutgers Avenues afore sa d extend ng thence South five degrees five m nutes West E ght hundred s xty seven and s xty one one hundredths feet to the No ther y s de at Westdale Avenue here nafter estab lshcd thence cross og the same by the some course Fifty feet to the Souther y 5 de the cot thence South nvc degrees five m nutes West the distance of Four hundred feet; to the Northerly B de ot Strnth Haven Avenue (here nafter estab lshed) the ce cross ng same by the Bame course F fty feet to the Souther y B de thereof thence South five degrees .fi e m nutes West the dlstance of Eleven hun d ed se enty four and eleven one hun d edths feet to a po nt n the Northeasterly South ~este y curb co ne of Rutgers and We tdale avenues at an elevat on of One SECTION 6 That the portion of Rutgers hund ed twenty two and two tenths feet Avenue he e naoo e d~cr1bed ly ng oe hence crossing the ca tway of Rutgers tween Ya e Avenue and the Southerly S de A enue by the same course al1d by a fiat 01 Strath Haven Avenue that port on ot grade to the new Southeasterly curb corller west<1a e Avenue y ng between OorDe of Rutgers and Westdale Avenues at an A enue and the Weste ly s de of Rutgers e e atlon of One hund ed twenty two and A cnue and that po t on of St 8th Ha en two ten lIs feet thence st I Eastward 'I as li. e ue y ng oetween va nel Avenue and afo esn d by a unlfo m ascenlllng grade ne Weswr y 6 de 01 Rutgers Avenue sha the distance of One hundred twenty feet be improveu fo thwlth by the Borough of to an e evat on of One hundred twenty t)wa tumo e In accoraance with the 11 es th ee Rod one tenth feet thence st I East aud. g ades b.e eby estabUs ed by the wa d y as aforesaId by a un form de g ad ng the eof to the Iu 1 w dth 01 FlIty scend ng grade the d stance of Three hun eet by ne pav og at the cartway of the d ed e gi y fl e feet to ao elevat on of w dth of rwenty nve feet and by the set One hundred tWenty feet tl ence st II t ng of curbs n accordance w th the spec Eastward y by B unlto m descend ug grade 11ca ons here nafter set 10 h 11 a nou c ng these t vo most recent sales e arc glad to report that they are both to people vho now hve n Swartl n are declares George G lles p pres dent of G I1esp e and Co Th s makes t pOSSible for us to cont nue 0 say that we have sold every house bu It on our tract to someone who has prev ously I ved m Swarthmore farther d s ant than Chester SECTION 4 That a contract fa sa d work sha I be awarded afte due adve tlse ment according to law to the lowest re spooslb e bidder who sha I g ve a bOnd wIth su ety to be approved by Councll In the sum of l00C! of the amount of the can t act for the faithful pe to mance the eof and an add tonal bond n a like sum con d toned to pay for a I work abo tua ch nery and mater ala used n sa d opera t on as requ ed by the Bo ough Code The house at the orth vest corner of Strath Have ave ue and Cornell avel ue I as been sold to Dav d Mc Can of Cornell avenue It s a stone farmhouse type d veil I g conta nmg four bedrooms and three baths SECTION 5 Upon the complet on of the wo k and the &see ta nment of the cost the cof assessment sha be made Upon he abutt ng p opert es to two th rds of the cost of nstal ng sa d eu bs equally acco d ng to the foot frontage by the aor ougb Engineer as prov ded by the Act of Assemb y May 4 1927 known as the Bar ough Code Such assessment sha not be charged w th nterest if pa d w thlu th rty days afte such assessment has been made a tl any such assessment remaining unpa d thirty days from the t me sa d assessment has been made sha} draw Inte es Rt the ate of six per cent pe annUm f om the date the wo k is completed and f not paid wIth n five months afte comp et on at the work the proper Borough ornc als may cause 1 ens to be D. ed ago nst the var ous p opert es for their 8Sse5Sments w th ac ru ng Interest which I ens shall beR lnte est at the rate of s x pe cent per annum and the enti e amount to getbe with nterest the eon sha be m med ately due and payable and may be collected In such manne as prov ded by aw The remalnde ot the cost at said LIn p ovements v zone th rd ot the cost of a d curbs and the entire cost ot repaving the cartway shal be pil. d by the Bo ough of S va thmo e de of Le pe v e Road as atoresa d to the new Southweste Iy curb corner of Schoo Lane and Westda e Avenue at an e e at on of one hund ed th teen and fl e tcn hs feet SECTION 7 That the curbs ahal be g an te and shall confo m wIth the pres en Bo ougn Speclficat ons as furn shed by he Bo ough l!.; g nee and H ghway Com m ttee Sa d Rutgers Avenue be ng he eby opeL cd of the width of F rty feet 4 Strath Haven The otl er house 5 located at 621 Un vers ty Place and vas sold to Gorge W DeForest who now res des at Ogde avenue It s of br ck and fran e construct 0 1 conta g four bedrooms a d thrte batl s The oIDc al grades of. RutgeJ;S Avenue are he eby established In accordance w th curb nes wIth sldewa k str ps of Twelve and fi e tenths feet as follows Westerly cu b line Beglnn ng at the new Southwester y cu b co ner Of Yale and Rutgers Avenue Ii dewalk strip of Yale A enue be ng Se en Rnd fi e tenths feet at an eJevat on ot One hundred seventeen and s x tenths feet above the Borough Datum extendIng thence South five de g ees five m nutes West on a line paral e to the Westerly side of said Rutgers A ven ue and at the distance of Twe ve and five tenths feet therefrom by a uniform de scend ng g ade the distance of Four hUn d ed five feet to an e evat on of One hun d ed fourtee and eIght tenths feet thence Boutl ward y as ato csald by a uniform ascend ng grade to the new Northwesterly cu b corne of Rutgers and Westdale Ave nues at an e evat on at One hund ed twenty one and nine tenths feet thence Southwa d y c oss ng the cartway ot West do e Avenue by a unlto m ascending g ade to the new Southweste y curb corner of sa d Rutgers and Westda e Avenues at an e e at on at One hund cd twenty two and two tenths feet thence st II SouthWard y as aforesa d by a un form ascendlng grade t3 the new Northweste y cu b corner of Rutgers and Strath Haven Avenues at an e evat on of One hund ed twenty eight and two tenth feet thence c ass ng the cart way ot Strath Maven Avenue on a flat grade to the new Southweste y curb co ner of Strath Haven and Rutgers Avenues at an e evat on of One hundred twenty eight and two tenths feet thence atl] Southward y M aforesaid by a un torm descend ng grade to the new Northwesterly curb co ne of Rutgers Avenue and Le per ville Road at an elevat on at One hund ed six een and four tentbs feet The th rd house of t1 e group sold by G Ilesp e & Co Vi as purcl ased by Rus sell PI I ps and s no ~ oecup ed by the ow ers Our g tl e sumn er G tlesp e & Co I ro oted a very successful project n tI form of a playground for the eh 1 <.Ire of fan hes I v ng a the G llesp e Tract A vacant lot some d stanrc fran tl loses vas fe ced off a d prov d d tI play equ pme t A fUI d vas ra sed a ong the res dents whose cI Idre used the playgrou d and a exper enced llaygrou d d rector was e nlloyed to take charge of tl e day s act v ties IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF DELAWARE COUNTY PENNA No 1716 June Te m 1931 Notice 16 hereby g ven that an app iea t on w I be made to the above Court on Friday September 11 1931 at 900 0 co*ck A M ~aste n Standa d T me 10 OJ o co*ck A M Day ght SavIng Time unde the co porat on Act of 1874 of the Com non wea th of Pennsylvan a and the sup plements and runendments thereto for the charte of an Intended corpo aUon to be ca led THE PLAYERS CLUB OF SWARTH MORE the character and Object of whh;:h s to associate the amateur listr onle ta ent p ayw ights and mus cans of the community for the advancement and pro duct on of amateur theatricals mus ea enterta nments social ond lte ary deve op ment and for these purposes to have and possess and enjoy a the r ghts benefits and p tv leges ot the said Act of Assemb y and Its supp ements and amendments The proposed charte is now on file In the Prothonotary s omce V GILPIN ROBINSON J KIRK McCURDY Med a Pa SolicItors ESTATE OF WILLIAM R TANEY late of Swa th no e Penna deceased Letters Testamenta y on the above estate ha e been granted to the unders gned who equests a persons hov ng c nlms or de manos aga nst the Estate of the deceden to make known the same and a persons ndebted to the decedent to make payment w thout delay to SUSANNA H TANEY 320 N Cheste Road Or to her attorney ALBERT N GARRE'IT 228 Garrett Avenue Swarthmore Pa Swa thmo e Po. ESTATE OF ESTHER McCORRISTON ate of the Bo ough of Colwyn deceased Letters of Adm nist at on on the above estate hav ng been g anted to the under s gned a I persons ndebted to the said estate a e equestcd to make payment and those hav ng c a IDS to present the same w tho t deay to MEDIA 69TH ST TRUST CO o Med a Penna to the r atto ney HERBERT L HUTCHINSON 1st Notlona Bank B dg Da by Po ORDINANCE NO 330 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING for the set t ng ot curbs and the repav ng at the cart Way of BenJam n West Avenue between Swn thmo e Avenue and Pr neeton Avenue n the Borough of Swarthmo e Pennsy an a and p ov d ng for the assessment and co ect on of two tb rcls of the cost a d eXpen es at sett ng sa d curbs tram the nbutt ng P operty owners and the pay ment ot the balance at the work by the Borough WHEREAS h therto Benjam n West Ave n ue between Swa thmo e and Pr nee ton A enue was duly accepted as an Improved st eet of the Borough by resolution passed Apr 2 1913 and the Borough now desirea. SECTION 6 In addlt on to or n eu of the fi ng of a municipal en for any un paid asses! n ents the Borough may at It opt on br ng an act on of assumps t fo the an ount thereof together with nterest o tomey s fees a d costs as above set fa th SECTION 7 That payments of sa d as SeB!.ments 0 on account the eof sha be mllde to the Borough Secretary to be turn ed ave to the Borough Treasure and all moneys ecelved from sa d assessments sha be depos ted In the account known as the General Fund SECTION 8 That should t become nec eSl:a y to file a en a lens a bring suit for any unpa d assessment a costs the e of as wall as the Atto ney s tee shall be paid by the party or pa t es own ng the properties against wh ch the iens are filed a act 0 has bee brought Easterly curb line Beg nnlng at the ew Southeastc y cwb corner of Ya e and Rut gers Avenues at an e evat on or One hun d ed sE'venteen and th ee tenths feet above the Borough Datum thence extending South five d.egrces five m nutes West par a el to the Ewite ly side of Rutgers Avenue and at the d stance of Twe e and five tenths feet thercf om by a un form de cendlng g sde tI e dlatance of Four hun dred. five fcet to an elevat on of One hu dred fourteen and six tenths teet thence atl Southerwa dly as aforesa d to the new Northeaster y curb corner of Rutgers and Westda e Avenues at an elevation of One hUnd ed twenty one and n ne tenths feet thence by the same course and cross ng the cartway of sa d Westdale Avenue by a un form ascend ng grade to the new Southenste Iy curb corne of sa d Rutgers and Westda e A enues at an e evat on of One hund ed twenty two and two tenths feet thence Southwardly as aforesa d by a un form ascending g ade to the new Northeaster y curb co ner ot Rutgers and St ath Have Avenues at an e evat on of One hundred twenty e ght and two tenths feet thence by the same course and cross Ing the ca tway at St ath Haven Avenue by a tiat grade to the new SOiltheaste y curb corner or sa d Strath Haven and Rut gers Avenues at an e evatlon of One hUn SECTION 9 That any 0 d nan e 0 pa t of 0 d nance confl ct ng w h the p ov s ons of this 0 dlnance be and the is hereby repea ed so far as the affects th s Ordinance Pa.sacd this Tenth day of AugWlt A D 1931 L CASHTON Act ng Pres dent of Cauncll Attest ALBERT N GARRE'IT JR Appro ed Aug 13th W R LANDIS Burgess Bo ough Secre ary 1931 ORDINANCE NO 329 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE OPENING OF RUTGERS AVENUE FROM YALE AVENUE SOUTHWARDLY TO LEIPERVILLE ROAD WESTDALE AVE NUE EASTWAQDLY FROM CORNELL AVENUE TO THE 2ASTERLY SIDE OF SCHOOL LANE STa.ATH HAVEN AVE NUE EASTWARDLY FROM CORNELL AVENUE TO THE EASTERLY SIDE OF SCHOOL LANE AND SCHOOL LANE BE TWEEN WESTDALE AVENUE AND STRATH HAVEN AVENUE AS PUBLIC STREETS OR IDOHWAYS OF THE BOR OUOH OF SWARTHMORE FSTABLISH ING THE LINES AND GRADES THERE OF PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVE MENT OF RUTGERS AVENUE BETWEEN YALE AVENUE AND THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF STRATH HAVEN AVENUE OF WES'IDALE AVENUE FROM CORNELL AVENUE TO THE WESTERLY SIDE OF RUTGERS AVENUE AND STRATH HAVEN AVENUE FROM CORNELL AVE NUE TO THE WESTERLY SIDE OF RUT OEas AVENUE BY THE GRADING OF THE SAME SETTINO OF CURBS AND PAVING OF CARTWAYS AUTHORIZING THE PROPER BOROUGH OFFICIALS TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY CON TRACTS TO EFFECT THE SAME AND PROVIDING FOR THE ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF TWO THIRDS OF THE COST AND EXPENSE THEREOF FROM CERTAIN ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS AND THE ENTIRE COST AND EXPENSE THEREOF FROM PROPERTY OWNERS MENTIONED IN CERTAIN CONTRACTS BETWEEN THE BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE AND PRANK N SMITH ET AL AND THE SCHOOL DIS TRICT OF THE BOROUGH OF SWARTH MORE RESERVING TO THE BOROUGH ALL RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES TO COL LECT AND RECEIVE ADDITIONAL PRO PORTIONS OF SAID COST OF SAID 1M PROVEMENTS UNDER SAID CON TRACl'S AND DECLARING THAT IT IS NOT FEASIBLE TO REQUEST STATE OR COUNTY AID FOR SAID IMPROVE MENTS d ed twenty e ght and two tenths teet thence Southward y as aro esa d by a un fa m df!!3;cendlng grade to thc new Northeaster y curb corner of Le pe v c Road and Rutgers Avenue at an e e at a or One hund ed a xteen and one tenth feet SECTION 3 Westdale Avenue The olfic al nes of Wcstda e Avenue between Corne Avenue and School Lane a e hereby cstab Ushed at fa ows The Northerly s de the eat beg nn nc at a po nt n the Eaate y s de of Cornel Ave nue at the distance of Two hundred s xty seven and thirty e ght one hundredths fcct measured South five degrees five m n utes West rom an angle in sa d Easte y .sIde of said Come I Avenue which sa d angle Is at the distance measu ed a ong the Baste y s de of Corne Avenue South two degrees e even m nutes West the distance at S x hundred fifteen and five one hun dredths feet from the Sout.heaster y corne at Yale and Cornell Avenues each F tty feet W de extend ng thence South e ghty four deg ees fitty five minutes East tho distance of Three hundred feet to the new Northweste y corner of Rutgers and West dale Avenues (CIS here mlbove cstab ished thence by the same course and c ass ng the bed of sa d Rutgers Avenue the d stan eo Fifty feet to the new Northeaste y corne of Rutgers and Westda e Avenues the ct' Sou h e ghty four deg ees fifty five m n utes East the dlatance of E ght hundred fifty feet to a po nt n the Easterly s de of Schoo Lane as he e nafter established) SECTIO~ 5 School Lane The offie a lInes of Schoo Lane between Westda e and Rutgers Avenues arc he eby estab shed as fa ows-t Oh econd t on and repave the cartways e eof and whe eas curbs were not so acC'epted and the Borough now des res to nsta I tI e same and to assess the owners of abutting p operty fo two th rda of the cost of such curbs n acco dance with practice h therto tollowed with respect to uch Improvements NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Counc of Swa thmore Bo ough and It s hereby en acted and 0 da ned by the author ty of the name The Southe y s de thereot beg nn ng at a po nt n t e Easte y a de of Co nell Avenue at the dlstan-ce of Fifty feet South five degrees ftlle m nutes West from the new Northeasterly co ne of Westda e and Corne Avenues as he e nabove estab 11shed and descrIbed extending thence South e ghty four degrees fifty five m n utes East the distance of Three hund ed feet to the new Southwester y co ner of Westda e and Rutgers Avenues thence c 0S6 ng the same by the same course the distance of Fifty teet to the new South easter y co ne at sa d Rutgers and West da e Avenues thence South eighty tour deg ecs fifty five m nutes East the dlatance of Eight hundred feet to a po nt In the Weate y side of School Lane The Weste y side thereat beglnn nc at R po nt n the Sou the y s de of Westda e Avenue at the d tnnce of E ght hundred feet measu ed Eastwa dly a ong the South erly s de of Westda e Avenue as he en above estab Lqhed) f am the Southea.ste y corner of Rutgers A enue and Westda e Avenue as he e nabove estab shed ex tend ng thence Sou h five degrees five m n utes West the d stance of Four hund ed feet to a po nt on the No therly s de of S ath Haven Avenue at the d stance of E ght hundred feet measured Ea! twardly along he Northerly s de thereot t am the Ea..qte y s de at Rutgers A venue The Easter y side thereot beginning at R po nt in the Northerly side or Westdale Avenue at the d stance at E ght hund ed fifty feet measured Eastwardly along sa d Be IT ORDAINED by the Council ot the Dorough of Swarthmore and It Is he eby H C WOOD Art Memorials nALTIMORE liKE FERNWOOD Mal8onl95J A" Ce e'erlc. SIRee 1855 SLIP COVERS DRAPERIES ANNA SCHALLES Phone Sw 1225 Muhlenberg Ave. Rutledge SECTION 1 The Bo ough of Swarthmore hereby ordains Rutgers A enue South ward y from Yale Avenup. to the North easterly side of Le perv e Road Westda e Avenue rrom Co ne Avenue Eastward y to the Easter y s de of Schoo Lane Strath Haven Avenue Eastward y from Cornell Avenue to the Easterly s de ot School Lane and School Lane Southward y f om the Norther y side of Westda e Avenue to the Souther y side of 8trath Haven Avenue as p bl c st eets or h ghways at the Borough at Swarthmore with the 1 nes and grades et fa th In Sections 2 3 4 and 5 he eot SECTION 2 Rutgers Avenue The offic al nes of R !gers Aven e between Yale Ave nue and I.e r.erv lie Road are hereby estab ahed as fol ows - The Westerly s do thereof beg nnlng at a po nt In the So thor y 1'1 do at Yale Ave nue (ftfty feet w de) at the dlstance of Three hundred torty seven and seven one hundredths feet ed Eastwa d ya ong the So therly a de of Ye.l0 Avenue from t5 Intersection with the Easterly a de of Cor nell Avenue (fltty teet wide) extending thence Bouth five degrees five minutes West E ght hundred sixty nine and twenty flve one hundredths teet to the Northerly Sa d Westda e Avenue be ng hereby open ed of the w dth of Fifty feet The ornc a grades of Westda e Avenue are hereby estab Ished In acco dance w th cu b nes w th s dewalk str ps of Twe ve and five tenths feet as to ows Northerly Curb Line Beg nn ng at the new Northeaste Iy curb corner of Cornel and Westdale Avenues at an e evatlon ot One hundred twenty seven and two tenths t et above the Borough Datum thence ex tend ng South eighty tour deg eas fifty five minutes East at the dl8tance of Twelve and five tenths feet from the North er y s de ot said Westda e Avenue and par aile thereto by a uniform descend ng grade to the new No thwesterly curb cor ner of Westdale and Rutgers Avenues at an e evatlon of One hund ed twenty one and n ne tenths teet thence Eastward y 88 atoresaid cross ng sa d Rumers Avenue by a flat grade to the new Jr(ortheasterly curb comer ot Rutgers and Westdale Ave n Cl'I; at an e evatlon or One hundred twenty one and n he tenths teet thence Eastward y as atoresald by a un fonn as condlng grade tho dl8tance of One hundred twenty feet to an e evatlon of One hun de thereot from the Northeaster y corne ot Westda e and Rutgers Avenues extend ng thence South five degrees five min tes West the distance of F ve hundred feet to a. po nt In the Souther y side of Strath Uaven Avenue wh ch is at the distance r. easured Eastward y along said side the e at of E ght hUndred fifty feet from the Southeasterly comer of Strath Ha en and Rutgers Avenues SaId School Lane being hereby opened ot the w dth of F tty feet The omcial grades of S(':hool Lane are he eby estab shed In accordance w th cu b I nes w th s dewalk strlp.'J at Twelve and five tenths teet a.e fol owe _ Wester y Curb line Beginning at the new Southweste y curb corner of sa d Sehoo Lane and Westdale Avenue (the s dewalk &t ps of both Westdale Avenue Rnd School Lane being Twelve and one ha f feet n w dth) at an elevation ot One hundred thirteen and five tenths feet above the Borough Datum extend ng thence South five degrees five minutes West at the dtstance ot Twelve and five tenths teet from the Westerly property line of the said School Lane and para el SECTION 8 That the ca tway aha be I aved as of the w dth of Twen y five teet w t standa d macadam finished with pen etrotio aspha t to the to al depth of n ne ncbes In accordance wIth the speciflca ortS to be furn shed by the Bo ough En g nee and approved by the H ghway Com nttee SECTION 11 The prope Bo ougl oftlclals a e he e y autho zed and d ec ed to s gn a y a d al co tra ts and otne documents ne essary to Rccomp sh II d elIcc a 01 the mp ovcme ts he eln prov ded SECTION 14 That except as he e nafter men oned two th ds ot e cost of sa d mp ovements Inc ud ng denta costs such as adve tislng ord nance ecord ng eng neer s and so Ic to s fees sha be as essed upon the abutting pope t es equa l accord ng to the foot f ontage by the Bor ough Eng neer w prov ded by the Act of Assembly of May 4th 1927 P L 519 known as the Borough Code and supp ements the eta As to all ands abutt g on sa d mp a emen ts be ong ng to the pa t es ment oned In the agreement between the Bo ough ot Swarthmo e and Frank N Sm th et a referred to In Sect on 12 here of such add t anal assessments shares parts a po Uo s at the cost cf sa d m p ovements as may be Just fied nnd wa an ted by the te ms the eof sha be added to the asse.;.sments 8ga nst sa d lands of the said F ank N Srn th et al OS he e ment oned and the Bo ough ornc a s aha nelude such addlt ana assessments w thi a d as a pa t of the amo nts ot any eru; wh ch may be fi cd nga nst said lands n the e ent of defau t be ng made In the payment herea! by any ot tl e part c: ment 0 ed n said ag eement with the same fo ce nnd effect as though a separate pet t on unde Sect on 1712 of the Bo ouct Code of 1927 and ts supp ements had been du y presented by two th cis at th p operty owners abutting sa d Imp ove menta agree ng to pay tor the ent c cost of sa d mprovements as we as any de fic ency rei It nC f om equ tab E: deduc tons f any t am co ne ota et from the owners of the abutting p opert os That such ru;scssments shal not be charged w th n te est f pa d wIthin th ty days atter the comp etlon of the wo k and any ch assessmenbt r~ma nlng unpa d th rty days from the date the work s completed ha d aw nte est at the rate ot s x per cent per an m from the date the wo k Is comp eted and t not paid w th 0 five months f om the complet on ot the wo k the p oper Bo ough officials shat cause I ens to be fI ed aga nst the va ous proper testa t e r assessments w th accru ng In tercst to be computed f om the date aa d work was comp eted wh ch ens sha br.a Inntne remst at the rate of six ne Cf'nt per SECTION 14 That shou d t becomc necessary to fi e a 1 en or liens a I costs thereat as we I as an attorney s tee at five pe cent on the amount of t e debt shall be pa d by the party or parties own ng the p operties aga nst which the ens ft e fi ed SECTION 15 Nothing he eln contained hal be construed to mpalr the r ght of he Bo ough at Swarthmo e to col cot the lSSes.sments or shares of the cost of said mp ovements by act on of assumpsit or In lny othe manner war an ed by law SECTION 16 That any ord nanee or part :If ordinance conflict ng with the provisions ot this 0 dinanee be and the same shere by repea cd so far as the same affects th s Dl'dlnancc r~rED th s Tenth day of August A D L CASHTON (Sea) Acting Pres dent ot Co ncll Attest ALBERT N GARRETT JR Approved A lit 13th 193porough Secretary W R LANDIS Burgess

---------- Page 13 ----------

6 ~ south sixty-eight degrees thlrty-five mm- Vacation Expenences utes and seven seconds west, forty-five and ___ ---'._ five one-hundredths feet to a POint, a • .) corner of other landS of Henry Laughlln: (Colltilllu:J from I aye /'Ollr I thence by said lands north twenty-one de- 'rhe skill of the crew and the fleet-I grees twenty-four minutes and fifty-three f II "Copy Cat" were too much seconds west, ninety-two and thirtY-0h0e ness 0 Ie .. one-hundredths feet to a point on t e for the heavier sea going "Barbara B southeasterly side of the said Verdun ave-however, and as t h e \V·l re was reac he.d gnrueee"s thtwenecnet yb-syi xth em sianmutee,s n oarntdh efiigfthyt y sdeec-- a great shout of victory rent the atr onds east. forty-six and three one-hun- as the "co py C a I" ",a s declared the d~Irennditnhgs. feet to the point or place of ba-winner. \\'hat a crew! \\'hat a race! \Vhat a day! . Improvements consist of one-story frame slllp! What a! bungalow. 12x36 feet. Porch front. One­Reported by George Corse. i story frame bungalow. 18x12 feet. Porch I front. One-story frame addition, 10x1S feet. CLASSIFIED FOUND FOUND-Watch on Park Ave. In front or the A. & P. store. Call at Swarthmorean Office and Identify same. FOR RENT FOR RENT-Two attractive housekeeping apartments. electric refri~erat1on and all conveniences. Albert N. Unrrett, Penny­packer 4442 or Swarthmore 489. FOR SALB FOR SALE-Best top soil in the country tor sale. Call Daniel Menefee, Sw. 13BO. FOR SALE-Bids wlll be received for a Mnjestic Console Radio, Can be seen at The l~arker Arcade. 23 South Chester Rd. WORK WANTED WORK WANTED-Man and wife desire a job in private famtly. Reference and ex­perienced. 1706 W. 7th St., Chester. Phone :'.-49-14. RENT 5-1'ooln UI)Urtlnent. Thirfl floor. Hardwood floors. Hot waler heat. Junitor service-S50 l)cr Inontb. Large garage. Healed ler. Sialion Square. 111onth. in Win .. S8 per CHAS. A. SMITH Phone Swarlh. 705 ATTRACTIVE AI'ARUIENT 110 Park Ave., $75; large living room; fire­place; dining room; kitchen; 2 bedrooms: modern bath; private hcat control; 2 en­trances; enclosed porch; 2 store rooms. WM. S. IIITTLE SWll. 111-J Notary Public Real Esrale FOR SALE Slone and frame dwelling. 6 bedrooms. Good location. Large lot. On hill. $14,000. E. C. WALTON ~\UYERTISEMt::NT FOn. BIDS fii,)" will he n,('()ived hy til!' 1I03rd nr Sdlllu) Hin!lionl, S{hool Di!!tril'l or SW;lrlh· ilion'. at Ihl' Sdwul Oi"lricl ollilc. Collc;.:"l! ;\1111 PrilH"('(on A,'pnuI'M, lip to H I'. ~I. I t:.D.S.1'.) Thnr,.;day, St'Jlh.'mh(·r 10. lfl:n, fflr till' ill!;tallatinn of halh·rk·s ami dmrg-illg Ilalll'l for all l'llI('rg-I'IW,\' li:.rhtin;: 1'}'l'h'm, Sp." ,'kaliulhl Illill' h(! !-il" tII'l'd frolll Dean R. C. Hh"llie. l.lrl'xf'l Im'titull', PhilalielJ,hia. I'a .. or from till! Sdlfl!IJ Dil'tl·i(·t OfJI,"('. The 110:11'11 l'{'Jo'I'1'\'l'!> Ihe ri::ill 10 rejcH all}, Rlld 1111 hill". DOHOTIIY D .• IONgS. SHERIFF SALES SHERIFF'S SALE Of Real R'ltate At the Sherlff's Office, Court House, Media. Pa. Snturday, August 29, 1931 B :30 o'clock n. m. (Eastern Standard Time) Le\'llrl Faclns December Term. 1929 S"(·1't'1ar:1'. No. 2165 All that certain frnme messuage and lot or pIece at Jand situate at Crozer Park Terrace, In the Township of Chester In the County of Delaware and State at PennsyJ­Hl. llia. bounded and described as follows; BCBinning at a point on the sontheast-l erly side of Verdun avenue (fifty feet wide) a corner of lands of David Cooper and at the distance of one hundred two and eighteen one-hundredths feet measured ~outhwestwardly from an Iron bolt mark­Ing the southwesterly corner of the said Verdun avenue and Central avenue (sixty feet wide); thence by said lands south twenty-one degrees, twenty-four minutes and fifty-three seconds east. eighty- two and eighty-five one-hundredths teet to a st.nke, a corner ot lands or Gilbert and of Austin: thence by lands oi said Austin. Sold as the property of Henry Searles aud Flanza Searles, his wife, mortgagors and real owners wlth notice to terre ten­ants if any. Cond1tlons - $250.00 cash or certlfled check on day of sale; balance In ten days. GEARY & RANKIN, Attorneys. Levari Facias No. 315 June Tenn, 1931 All that certain lot or piece of ground with the buildings and Improvemen~ thereon erected, lying In the Township of Upper Darby, County of Delaware, State of Pennsylvania, being lot No. 330 on a certain plan of lots called Dreitel Heights, which said plan is recorded In the office for the recording of deeds in and for the County of Delaware at Media. In Plan Case I, Page 10. and described as follows: Situate on the southeasterly sldt. ..)f Taylor avenue (fifty feet wide) at the dis­ttlnce of one hundred and fifty feet north­east from the northeast side of Drexel ave­nue (fifty feet Wide), containing in front or breadth northeast on the said side of Taylor avenue twenty-five feet and extend­Ing of that width In length or depth southeast between parallel lines at right angles to said Taylor avenue one hun­dred feet. The southwest Une thereof ex­tending through the middle of a party line of the premises erected on this lot and the premises erected on the lot ad­Joining to the southwest. Subject to conditions and restrictions as In Deed Book P. No. 13. page 36, and Deed Book P. No. 14, page 115. Improvements consist of two-story brick and stucco house, lax3D feet; one-cur biock garage. 12x18 fcet. Sold as the property of John Innes. mortgagor and Antonio Paparo. real owner. Conditions - $250.00 cash or certified check all day of sale; balance In ten days. HAROLD L. ERVIN, Attorney. Levari Facias No. 77~ June Term, 1931 All that certain lot or piece of ground with the buildings and Improvements thereon to be erected. Situate In the Bor­ough of Darby. County of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania, and described ac· cording to a certain plan and aurveJ thereof made by Damon & Foster, civil engineers of Upper Darby. Pa .. dated Aug­ust 18th. 1925. as follows, to wit: Situate on the northerly side of Berbro street (forty feet wide) at the distance of thirty­two feet eastwlJ,rdly from the easterly side of Fourth street (fifty feet wide), contain­ing In front or breadth on t.he said Berbro street sixteen fcct and extending of that width In length or depth northwardly be­tween parallel lI.nes at right angles to the said Berbro street sixty-five feet to the middle of a certain proposed twelve, feet wide driveway which extends westwardly IT'S TOO HOT to write un ud-thnt is to con­centrale on writing something 1114)1 \'011 will rend and get an itfe.ll 'out of thnt would bring YOII to the "MEDIA INN" to eat a meal or sleep a night. And furthermore for the IUlst two weeks we have been too husy both days nnd eve­nings to take cure of folks ",·lto nte their dinners ami lultches here, for it is Inore fun and more eeononlieal to eat here than at home, and 100, you don't know what you nr(~ going to cut unlil you get here nnd order. That's a break foro thc hOllsckcc}ler and n hot weather rl.'lief--don't even think aLout food lit home-­('" ollle here. Incidently--o·.lr dining room i!!l usually hrecze-swept -ami cool. Now thc "ad" is written, perhaps there is n 1I0t Wea­ther ideu in it foro you. Thank you, The PallOn&. The Is Yours for Service The Pallons Balto. Pike at Provo Road Media 1280 Goml Foot' Gootl Re., REAL ESTATE WANTED Please call "SWARTHMORE ONE THOUSAND" im. mediately if you are willing to rent or sell your home. I have several responsible families who wish to locate in Swarthmore at once. Dcpendable Information Without Pcrsistant Persu38ion WILLIAM E. WITHAM Alway. Open Office: Swarthmore Crest Phone: Swarthmore 1000 THE SWARTHMORBAN AUGUST 21, 19~1 Into the said Fourth street and eastwardly cording to a certat.n plan and survey there-r mentioned driveways as andallfotlmrpassah ge­Itt of made by Damon &; Foster, civil engl- ways and water courses at es ere~ into another certain proposed twe ve ee neers of Ulpper Darby. Pa., dated August atter forever, In common with the owners. wide driveway which extends 1Bth '1925 as follows to wit: Situate on' tenants and occupiers of the premises Into the said Berbro street. the 'northerly side of Bebro street (forty abutting thereon. h f d on use teet wide) at the distance of sixteen feet . Together wit a ree an comm , eastwardly from the easterly side of Fourth Improvements consIst of two-story brick ~~~~'Io~~~rtari:~:a;:.rl:!le:~d O~o:h~~:~ street (fifty feet wide). Containtng In front house. 16x.33 feet. Porch front. Basem*nlO wna ys and water courses at all times here- or breadth on the said Berb~ tstr~~~:~ garage. rorever in common with the owners, teen feet and extending of taw ~ne:nts and occupiers of the premlses length or depth northwardly between para- Sold as the property of Leah Silverman lIel lines at right angles to the said Bel'- mortgagor and Louis Berman Building and abutting thereon. I bra street sixty-five feet to the middle of a Loan Association, real owners. 1m rovements consist of two-story brick certain proposed twelve feet wide drlve-h ous ~" 16x33 feet· porch front; basem*nt swaaiyd Fwohuircthh setxreteent dasn dw eeastswtwaradrdlyly IInnttoo Bthne- Condltlons-$2S• .0 0 cash or certified garage. other certain proposed twelve feet wide check on da.y of sale; balance tn ten days. Sold as the property or Leah Sl.lverman, driveway which extends southwardly Into mortgagor, and Louis Berman, Bul.ldlng the said Berbo street. and Loan Association, resl owners. Together with the free and common use. Conditions - $250.00 cash or certified right. Uberty and privilege of the above check on day or sale; balance in ten days. HAROLD L. ERVIN, Attorney. \-anite Marble Levari Facias No. 773 MEMORIALS June Term. 1931 Cemetery Work a Specialty HAROLD L. ERVIN, Attorney. JOHN J. CAIN. Sheriff. GEORGE H. KET J .EY Electrician All that certain lot or llece of ground with the buildings an improvements thereon to be erected. situate in the Bor­ough of Darby. County of Delaware and State of pennsyh'anla and described ac- WID. J. Cartledge Est. 1843 No. Lanadowne Ave., Drexel Hili. Fa. (Opposite Arllngton Cemetery) Repair work and new installations Phone Swa. 4Z8·R ~ j){aid , , • but Perfect Company Meals thanks to her Electric Range and Electric Refrigerator ~IS company dinner didn't mean sweltering hours in the kitchen for the happy hostess. She merely placed her meat and vegetable dishes in the electric oven after lunch ••• set the timer to turn the heat on and off at an appointed time. In the electric refrigerator were the salad and dessert she had fixed in the morning. Her whole afternoon was free to rest and beautify, and arrange the table. All she had to do was to serve a delicious dinner when the guests arrived. Electric Ranges $10 Down 2 Years to Pay Installed, (Und..- Slandard Condirions) Choice of 5 Famous Makes Automatic AII .. Porcelain Models $108.35 and up according to size and make (Slightly MOT< on the Budget Plan) Electric Refrigerators Down 2 Years to Pay FRIGIDAIRE GENERAL ELECTRIC WELSBACH $201.50 and up according to size and make (Slightly More on ,he B,u/get Plan) Come in and see both PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY I " . .~ore. Pit.. '. " . . , Vol. III, No. 34 Swarthmore, Pa., August 28, 1931 $2.50 Per Year PITMAN ATTACKS POLICE LUXURIES BERMUDA P-RAISED AS Baseball Season LET CONTRACT . SUMMER V ACA TION SPOT Closes Labor Day FOR PLAYHOUSE Extravagance m Police Depart. ment to be Platform of Local Democrats The interest of S",'arthmoreans ill I his time and there is so much of a the vacation contest continues with an pleasurable sort to be done that he does­article this week about Bermuda. n't worry about vegetables-home grown Anyone who has spent a pleasant or otherwise. With Labor Day drawing near, large crowds are expected to turn out for the final baH games of the community team. On Tuesday of next week the Swarth­more boys meet the Rutledge team in a twilight game at 6 :30 and on Thursday the game will be with the Function Club of Philadelphia, Ground for Players' Club to be Broken Next Week CALLS FOR ECONOMY John H. Pitman, chairman of the Delaware County Democratic Com­mittee, and leader of his party in Swarthmore released a thunderbolt at the present Republican borough au­ministration this week when he declared that his party candidates would make a determined fight for election on a platform of reorganization of the bor­ough police force. and in"teresting summer IS asked to It's hot of course but that isn't a de. cnter this contest which closes Sept. terrent either. Just stand in the shade 15. The author, who writes of what is of some ncarby wall or under a portico judged to be the Illost interesting ex- and th~ fresh and cool ~ea bre~e o~s~t.s periellce, the most embarrassing ex- I any ~Jscomfort. You Just can t dlshke I)cricncc, and the most cnlightening anyth.IDg about Bermuda .. experience will each receive a cash ~llIs ·sulmmBer hasdPer~~ltted at new I ex- The final games of the season will be on Labor Day. the following Monday, when the club will meet the Keystone Arlisans of Philadelphia at 10 A, M, and Crowthers Bros. of Chester at 3 in the afternoon. NEW MEMBERS ADDED The general contract for the erection of the new home of the Players Club has been let 10 the F. V. Wa r r e n Construction Company, whose president is a resident of Swarth­more and a member of the Club. Mr. Warren's company was the lowest bid­der, pri,z e f I II penence 0 ermu a VISI ors- rave on 0 a {o ar. -C d .. I' h F .~~--~ .. ,~.------- " . a great ,unar crU1smg mer, teran- AI~ a-:llcles W!1l he conSidered for conia. The ship is so large that it does pul?hcatlon. It. 15 not n~ccssary that not go to the dock -in Hamilton ~d the articles be published bearlOg the nam~ traveler has the experience of getting to of the author, although the author shore aboard a small steamer after trans­must sign his name 1I1 sending his fer of passengers ·and baggage just out­contribution to the editor. side the harbor. It makes for some de- NEW BOARD OF In a statement to the Swarthmorean, Mr. Pitman said; ASSESSORS NAMED ·The contractor is already at work ar­ranging for equipment to· be moved to the site on Fairview Road so that work "We are carrying along an investi­may start promptly and the construction gation now which will show that the tax payers of the borough are having their money wasted to gratify the per­sonal whims of a few Republican office holders. There is no morc sense of our police force requiring the servic-a:s of eight men at the present time, than there would be of establishing a plain clothes squad in the borough. lay for the handling of baggage must be , .. d upl icated for the Customs inspection at you It look. m vall~ for a Bermuda the dock. Howevcr, there is the pleas­OUlOn when you are In Bermuda. Oh, ant recollection of the trip aboard the there .are such v~getab~e~ but ~exas has liner. as a compensation. Swarthmore Men Seek Positions to be Filled Soon Field schedule may be maintained. Mr. Charles D. Mitchell, chairman of the building committee. stated that ground would be broken next week with gone mto the omon ralsmg busl!1css and Bermuda is well organized for the the Berm.uda product ha~ langUIshed. visitor. Everything is for the vacation- APPOINT WORKERS SOON fitting ceremony to celebrate the begin­ning of the realizalion of Ihe long cher­But omons mean nothmg to the sum- ist and he soon adapt;s himself to the ished hopes and plans of so many of the mer sojourner. He has plenty to occupy (Continucd on Page Five) Delaware county's new board oi members. The first three spadefuls of SEEK RIGHT OF WAY assessors and for the revision of ground will be turned up by Dr. Shirer, "The borough's department of public taxes was announced Monday morl)- donor of the lot; Thomas W. Andrew, safety IS spending money with reck­less abandon on police equipment and FOR NEW HIGHWAY SCHOOL BOARD CANDIDATES QUIET . treasurer and the fir.'it signer of a pledge ing by Harry M. Birney, Jr., preSI- and Mrs. Clarence Hannum, whose dent of the boa,rd of county commi:i~ check for a substantial sum was the first devices for the police station which a sioners. The board will organize and one received, if all of these can and are peaceful little community like this has no need for. "Furthermore, the Democratic can­didates for council promise if elected that they will do all in their power to change the attitude of the p["cscnt po­lice force. Wc have no need here oC a force of eight men to regulate our OWI1 people to the point of persecution. \Ve want police officers who will make our living ill Swarthmore more pleas­alit and not hide around corners wait­ing for us to accidentally park a fe!IV inches ·over a white line so that they can tag our cars. Letters have been sent to all of the prop(."rty owners within the borough whose property will be touched upon by the new by-pass roadway which the state proposes to build just cast of Swarthmore. The letters announce that a map of the proposed roadway may be seen at the borough hall and suggests that property owners affected stop and sec it. The situation in Republican circles start work at their headquarters in the willing to participate. remained much the same this week. Few county court house this week. In spite of the fact that some members of. the candidates for school board posts The three men who have been ap- of the newly formed financing rom. which provide the most interestng part pointed by the county commissioners mittee have not yet returned from their of the election are in town and are not vacations and that a large proportion of expected to return until next week. to serve four-year tcrms are James the Club's membership are still out of The article promised by The S'luartil- J. Skelly, of Upper Providence. who town, Mr. Andrew reports that checks mor{'au last week pointing out the merits I has resigned as a director of the poor and pledges are coming in every day of some of the other candidates for the after having served ten years; John Among the first to be received were two school board wilt lie delayed another StRndring, veteran councilman of subscriptions from the two youngest week, in-as-mluch as all of them are DarBy whose home is at 925 Maio thespians, David Ulrich Ullman and slill out of lo';'n. Last week The S" .. r'''- 'D b d Ad I h J Kr k Roland G, E, Ullman. Jr" who took part morean described the qualities of Wit- street. ar y, an 0 p . In a, in the May production of Mrs. Myers Jiam C. ('..rae~er, R. C. Disque, Roland .a real estate as::;essor of 36 . North play, UDeath Calls For Margin," which L. Eaton, and Mrs. Gurdon B. Jones as I..YUH 'boulevard, Upper Darby. will start it's professional rehearsals in school board candidates on the Republi- Offices for the new board will be a few days. The boys hearing their par can ticket seeking election to six year established ncar the new quarters of ents discussing their own subscription terms. the county commissioners where they i~antl a~~e~ if tJ:tey also might share .in "We want police officers who arc instructed to treat our wives with the courtesy that they deserve and not as if they were the wives of criminals who come down to shop with the in­tention of flaunting disrespect in the face of the law. "The present members of the force arc not to blame, since they are merely working under the instructions of the burgess and the chairman of public safety. Their superiors arc continually At the last meeting of council, the borough secretary was instructed to lind out how the different property oWlIers 'ill the route of the new high· way reacted to the proposal that they dedicate their land. It is pointed out that in most instances the presence of the proposed road will greatly increase the value of the property through which it passes. The subject will be taken up at the: next meeting of council ncxt 1.'hurs· day. I I. PUBLIC LIBRARY ADDS NEW BOOKS forcing them to do things which they Books recently added to the Swarth-know are unfair and unjust. more Public· Library arc "Path of the "Our candidates are sure of Homin King", by John Buchan; "Travels III at ion at the Primaries and then we Alaska", by John )'{uir; "Road Back", expect to start a vigorous campaign by E. M. H,emarque; "\Vhite Bird Fly­for their election at the general elec.- ing", by B. S. AldriCh; "Shortest Night", by G. B. Stern; "Shadows on the Rock", hy \Villa Cather; "Sixth Journey", by A, G. Ro.'unan; "Kindled Flame", by Marg­aret Pedler; "Thcre's Been Murder Done", by K. T. Knoblock. tion. "For borough council three candi­dates have heen filed, all of them pledged to do their utmost to improve police conditions Hl the borough if electcd. "Sun at the Front", by Edith \Vhar­tOil; "Three Soldiers", by John Dos Pas­" Marcus L. Brock, 317 North Ches- sos; "Business Forecasting", by Lewis tcr road, has been a resident of H. Hancy; "Ends of the Earth", by R. Swarthmore for more than ten years. C. Andrcws; "Primary School", by A. He IS an attorney and is greatly in- E. Moore; "Little Citizens", by }"fyra teres ted III borough affairs. His SOil Kelley; "Romany of the Snows", by has been minority inspector IJl the Gilbert Parker; "Stray Leaves from northern precinct for several terms. Strange Literature", hy L a f cad i 0 "Another Democratic candidate for Hearn; "Lord of the \Vard", by Benson j council is James Bogardus, of Cornell "1.011C \VoU", by L. J. Vance; "Amer­avenue. Mr. Bogardus is an instructor iean lihrary as.o;ociation's", Children's Li­lli political science at the University hrary Yearbook." of Penusylvania. He graduated fr0111 "G cor g e Washington Bicentennial Committee Papers", for program. Swarthmore College and also taught Juvenile books include, "Spice and the there for a few years. He is well vers- Devil's Cave". by A. n. He\\."es i "Long ed on economics of borough govern- Defence", by F. Donauer; "Swallows ment and if elected will make a splen~ and Amazons", hy Arthur Ransome; did councilman. "Pinocchio III America", by Angels "Couis Cole Emmons is the Demo~ Patri; "Round the \Vorld with the Chil­cratic candidate for the third vacancy clren", by F. G. Carpenter; "Rhymes of ill horough council. Mr. Emmons IS Childhood", hy J. \V. Riley; "J...ittle Girl vigorollsly opposed to prescnt methods in Old New Orleans", hy A. M. Douglas, of the police force, and will make that and i4Famous Men of Modern Times", his main platform in seeking election. by J. H. H.~a::a:.:r.:e::n:... ~ ... ___ _ "For the school board, the Democratic ' I I party JS b4cking R. C Disque. whose The marriage of M iss Charlotte A. merits are such that he was recently Vegors. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben­jamin Vegors, of Sacramento. Catif­apl) ointed to fill an unexpired term ornia, and George G. Flood, son of Afr. andl ri s ueing supporled on. bol.h k the Rf e- an d '{ W II R FI " of Swarlh- l\ rs. a er . 00..." .,11 ) Ical~ and Democratic tiC cts or morc, will take place in the old Leiper ~c-electlOn. Mrs. Dorothy. Day J.on .. ~s Church, Fairview Road, Swarthmore, at IS also filed as a democratic candidate! 11:00 A, M" Thursday, September 3, for re-election to the school board. 1931. . Articles bearing on the candidacy of will at once take over the work of e F tyu fS nancmg. I' , f Mrs. Thomas H. T....euders, also filed as a or _ our new app lcahons or mcm candidate for a SIX year term, and hearing appeals which were former- bership have been passed on by the board George Corse and Co1. Charles Dravo. Iy presented before the county com- within the past week, showing that the candidates a four year term, will be missioners. building program has -stirred up cnthusi published next week.· Sinee the appointment of the board asm and the hope that applicants will no • , , of three head assessors, interest has longer have to see their names linger on Named for Jury Duty increased throughout the county in the the waiting list sometimes as long as two apilointment of field officers. years. Residents of Swarthmore who have Each community has its aspi!'ants The architects' color sketch of the been drawn to serve on juries during the to these jobs which it is said will pay building is now on exhibition in the win October term of the Delaware County a salary of $1000 a year. dow of Buchner's Toggery Shop on Park Court during week of October 5 are \Vhcthcr Swarthmore will consist of Ave. Ross T. Fink, William W. Matos, W. E. one entire district or be combined S. Temple; week of October 13: Frank • I , STREET IMPROVEMENTS CONTINUE IN BORO E. Williams and Edith Shinn; week of with some other district is not known October 19, Grace Beaver, Chester Rob- but several residents of the borough erts, J. Passmore Cheyney and William arc said to be seeking the appoint- H. Watson' week of October 26 Louis mcnt. \-Vork 011 the elimination of the \\'~heelock. ' 'I Among the names being mentioned thank-you-mam (depression in the I , • are Frank L. Gettz, assessor for r street [or drainage purposes) at the }'fr. and :\Irs. William Hanney, of 1191 Swarthmore at the present time, Jacob inlersection of Harvard and Rutgers Yale avenue, entertained informally on F. ?\f(:sciltcr, of 318 Dickinson avcnuc .avcnues is expected to begin next Sunday evening at their home when their and Herbert 'r. Bassett, of 500 North week. hHchacl :Mahoney and Co. (If guests were .Mr. and Mrs. D. Garden, Chester road. Lansdowne will do the job, rt'Centiy of Slam; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thc appointments wiII probably bt: Curbing has been placed along Ru~ Israel and Mr. and Mrs. R<?bert E. made shortly after the primaries. gers avellue between Park avenue Sharples, of Thornbury townslup. (Clmtinlfed on Page F()ur) and \Vestdalc avenue and will be set SENATOR McCLURE CALLS FOR UNIFIED REPUBLICAN PARTY next week. The paving of the street is to be completed within the next month. This work is also being done by Mahoney and Co. The paving of Benjamin West ave nue between Princeton and Swarth t more avenues is expected to begin on Senator John J. McClure in a statc- of satisfaction in being called upon to I Monday. The contract for this job ment to the press today extoll~d the announce for the Party here a ticket has been let 10 J ames Hanna and SOil harmony within the RepUblican ranks which fully justifies the suffrage of all! of Chester. Hanna and Son have also this fall and prophesied a united party those who have the interest of the just completed the cutting back of the for the State Primaries for Presidential .county and Party at heart. radius of Dartmouth and Lafayette Electors next Spring. IIFor Judge of lhe Orphans' Court- aVenues. u.Me£?bers of the Regular Republi.can ~onorable John B. Hannum heads the . The next meeting of borough coun Party tn Delaware County arc pOSSibly ticket. ell is scheduled for Thursday Sept J late in making an announcement of the "Judge Hannum, prior to his elevation ' . candidates they feel should be supported to the bench. was for many years an by the Republicans of Delaware County able. dependable, and trustworthy prac­at the coming Primaries," said Senator titioner, at the Delaware County Bar, McClure. "This has been due in some and has always been a man of the high­degree to the absence of members of the est honor. This sl.lOdard established by organization dudng the summer but to a him has been maintained and not relax­larger degree: to the cordial feeling ex- cd in the admil}istration of his office as isting among the Republicans throughout Judge for the'last ten years. His abil­the County. ity, industry, expedition, and fairness in .. , County Awards Bond Issue H. M, Bytlesby and Company, of Philadelphia, were the highest bidders for $1.000.000 worth of bonds sold by the County Commissioners yesterday. They offered a premium of $23.270 for the bond issue, in addition to accrued interest. The third candidate filed for the four Formai invitations arc not ·being is­year term IS Carl De hioH, who ap- sued, but friends and relatives of the pears to be one of the most desirable bride and groom are invited to attend the candidates 011 either slate. ~[r. Dc Moll ceremony. is an archHect whose building and en­gineering knowledge would prove of inestimable ·value to the local school • • • Mrs, Roherl J., Coales. of 200 Har· \'ard avenuc, entertained a luncheon and bridge club at her home on Wednesday. "Frequently, candidates for the var- the management and disposition of all ions offices have personally conferred matters before him is unsurpassed in the and many have withdrawn, so that in entire State. Judge Hannum is most several instances but one candidate re- properly unopposed and accepted for a mains for an office, thus presenting a second term. harmonious condition in the county, "George E. Hill, of Drexel HiIJ, Up­which indicates the success of the ticket per Darby, is a candidate for a second Ihis Fatl and a uniled parly al Ihe Siale term as Regisler of Witts and Clerk of Primaries for Presidential Electors next the Orphans' Court of this County and Spring, unopposed. Other bidders were Brown Brothers and Harris; Delaware County Trust Company, Chase, Harris and Forbes Delaware Counly National Bank, Ed ward B, Smilh. Media Sixty-ninth St, Trusl Company, and the Chester-Cam district." flI, therefore, feel a pardonable degree (COl".".,." CHI PIIII_ TAr,,) bridge Bank and Trust Company.

---------- Page 14 ----------

2 THE SWARTHMOREAN AUGUST 28, 1931 partment of New York University. Mr. Mitchell was formerly with the Bartol .Professor Scudder comes from Yale University to teach in the English de­partment at Swarthmore College. AUDITORS ANNUAL REPORT Mr. Leonard C. Ashton, of Elm ave­nue left Thursday to join his family in Paris, Maine. Mr. and Mrs. Ashton and family will return home on September 9. • • * Captain of police, John Rogcri, Mrs. l{ogcri and family will leave next week for a motor trjp thru New England. ••• Mr. and Mrs. A. C. G. Mitchell of Vassar avenue are leaving September 1 for New York City where Mr. Mitchell will be connected with the Physics de- HOWARD KIRK Attorney-at-Law 14 South Ave. Media, Pa. Media 1717 Swarthmore 998 ""111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 'E _ 66ll~IE\)\) CaU Swarth. 894 ~ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~ NOW Foundation. . • • • .Miss Ruth Kurtzhalz of Park avenue returned yesterday from -Camp Wihikoei, Northfield, Mass. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. James and daughter :Margaret left last Saturday for an extended motor trip in Canada. • * • 11r. and Mrs. Albert N. Garrett and family returned Friday from their sum­mer home at East Harwich, Cape Cod. • • * Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Meschter of Dick-inson avenue are leaving next week for Lake Memphremagog, Newport, Ve r­mont where they will spend the week­end. Their daughter Miss Kathryn Me.schter who has been spending the summer there will return with them. • • • Mrs. Jacob Meschter returned Wedw nesday from hIt. Pocono, where she was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mitchel of UmliYcrsity Place. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thorpe and children of Dickinson Ave. will return tomorrow from Cape May Point where they have been spending a month. • • • Mrs. Edwin A. Yamall of Kenyon avenue returned on August 10 from visw iting in New England, • • • Mr. and Mrs. Irving Gill have moved from 235 Kenyon avenue to the Naisby house at 410 Harvard avenue. * • • * * • Dr. and Mrs. R. S. McClenahan of Cairo, Egypt. were guests of Dr. and Mrs. William T. Ellis last week. Dr. McClenahan is the Dean of the Amer­ican University at Cairo. • * • SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE DELAWARE COUNTY, STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA for the SCHOOL YEAR ENDING JULY 6, 1931 TAXATION On Saturday Dr. Ellis and Dr. Mc- ================================ C1enahan went fishing down on the Sus- A88eesed valuation of taxable properly 14.8;11.015.00. Number of mills levied. 27. Number assessed with per capita tax. 1859. Rate of per capita tax, 13.00. quehanna river, ·Mr. and Mrs. *A m*b r*os e Van Alen of Park ave. will spend September at Ocean City. Mr. and Mrs.* W*i ll*ia m Blaisdell of Washington, D. C. are spending the sum­mer in Swarthmore. Mrs. Blaisdell was formerly Miss Barbara Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Russell of Hillborn avew nue have returned from a motor trip in Canada and New England. Mr. and Mrs. Russell will move to Rose Valley Amount of School Tax AmoUD"L levied (face of duplicate) ••.••••••••• ArldlUona to duplicale ••••••••.••••.•••.••••• Penalties ••.•....••••.•.....••.•.••...... Total amount of tax ••.•••.••.••.•.••.•••• Exonerations •. _ •.......•.......•••••••••• Entered WI liens or returned •••.•••••.•.•.•• Net. amount of 1930 lax collected .••.•••••••• (Uncollected 207.00) (Per Capita 201.60) (Property 5.40) RECEIPTS Balance on hand July 10 ...••• Interest •.•..•••.••.••••••. Sa.:es of property. inSUrance. etc. Taxes ............ 132.812.75 163.242.06 2.180.08 216.69 Delinquent ....•..... 6,467.03 early next month. 139.260.78 State Appropriation .,....... 22.845.18 * • * Tuition non·resident pUpils •• 20.454.26 Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Brill, Jr. of All other sources............ 1.277.37 Swarthmore and Yale avenues are mov- Per Capita &,077.00 6.00 115.35 5,UD8.3D 711.00 3.10 4,781.70 Property 130.707.40 Bl.10 2.045.06 132,833.65 4,707.20 128,031.05 CURRENT EXPENSES G ... eraI Control (A) Clerk to School Board .....• Treasurer ............•....• AUorney ..•••.•••••••••••. Tax Collectors ••.....••...• Auditors ................•.. Other expenses .••••••.••• ,. Total 136.284.40 87.10 2,160.41 138,532.00 711.00 4.800.3.G 132.81:!.76 1.200.00 360.00 615.14 1.507.73 133.00 1,227.70 m. g to FI owert own next T ues da y. ====T~O~'~.I~.~.~.~.~.~..~.~ .~.~.~..~.~ .~.~.~3~';U~.'~";0~.3~'~~====T;D~t;al~'~'e;m~(;A~)~.~..~.~ .~.~.~.~~6;.O~3~3~.5~7 • * • Mr. and Mrs. F. Don Price of Yale Inolru.tion._(, ~ B~)=_ ___________________________________________~ ~~ avenue entertained at supper and Bridge Salaries o! principals ...........................•..............•....... 6,200.00 . h h' Salaries of teachers .....••..•.•••••••.•...•......• - . • • • • • • • • • • . • • • . • • . 81.820.86 Tuesday evenmg w en t elr guests were Textbook!;! ••••..•..••......•.•.••..•..•...••....•••••••••••••••••.••. 2,763.b6 Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clarke, Mr. and Supplic9 used. In inslruction............................................. 3.340.40 Mrs, Charles Maas, Mr. and Mrs. Amw Attending tcachers' institute ........•................••................. 7377~ .. 030" brose Van Alen, Mr. and Mrs. David Other expenses .•........•.. " ••..•.•............••.••.....•..•....... ____ ~_'-.:. McCahan, Mr. and Mrs. Lindley ·Peel, Total Item (B) ............................................ ,..... 94.271.63 Operation (D) Wages of janitors •.••••••.•• of Rutledge, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Sharples of Thornton, Miss Mildred __- -==-;:; is the· time to fight the Bond and Miss Cornelia Van Alen. Librariea. .•.. ........ ..... 740.46 Japanese beetle. We have the chemicals that will ritl your garden and lawn of these pests for .ncxt year. * * * Promotion of health .•..... _ . 695.10 Mrs. Philip H. Jewett and family 01 'fro and Mrs. Arthur Shanklin and 8 Kenyon avenue h ave retume d f rom a fam.U ily of Amherst avenue spent last Other cxpensell ••...•...•.•• __2_,07_4. _ 3 Fuel ..................•.. Water. light and power ••..••• Janitors' supplies .•...••... 6.903.66 2.603.fJ4 2.744.00 1,IUO.06 ., SUPLEE'S STORE So. Chester Rd. Swnrth. 1250 Other expeuses ............ . 238.55 vacation at Hyannis, Mass. week at Stone Harbor. * * * * • * ==~T~o;;;."'~;;"~e;;m::;(~C~).~.~ .~.~.~..~. ~ ==';;.;31;0;.;3U~~~:=~":,D~.a;;I=';';'m~;(D~).~.; .;.;.;;.;.' ~,,;'3;;.:;;0;48;.=2~1 Miss Pauline Dumall has recovered :Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lodge and famw Maintenance (E) Fixed Charges (F) from her recent illness and has returned ily of Oberlin avenue are at Stone Harw ===-'--'----------,c: to Il er h ome at 239 K enyon avenue. bar for two weeks. Repairs of build.m gs ....... . 1.304.23 • • * • • * Upkeep of grounds.......... 711.11 Mr. and ].,-!rs. David McCahan and Mr. and Mrs. William D. Wermouth Repairs aod replacements of State Retirement Board .•••.• Rents .••.••......•...••••• Insurance :- 2.713.07 025.00 fami1y of Cornell avenue are I eav.m g and family have returned from spending epqluumiJlbminegn t •o•f •b•e•a•t•. •l•ig.h•t. .a.n..d next week to spend the month of Sepw, a month at Ocean City. tember at Ocean City. * * * 324.50 Fire .................... 1,753.66 607.3.", Other ...............••.. 1.10.24 Other expellscs .•.•••.......•- ---::--:3-c4.2;:6: Other eXIICIl8C!I ••••••••••••• 5,100.77 Of furnltum ••••••••••••. * • • ••• ·"n ........ ".' ............. " Bonnie Donneley, daughter of Mrs. :Marie Donneley of Yale avenue has rew urned from camp . aveMnru.e aanrde Mdrrisv.i nFg. tDo oSn trPoruidcseb uorfg Ythalies =-=~_T~o.~ . _'~a-l~-~"~'n~'~(E~)~ .~.~.~..~.; ;.~.=::=;~2§'"~7~'~."~0~~~~T~o~'~n'~"='~m~'~F~)~.~.:.=.= .=.=.=.=='=0=."="="=.0=" week-end to get their daughters Nancy ______ -':D>JE":B':'..'T.-::S~E~R~V~IC~E:...:A:N..:D:...:C~A~P~I~T~A~L~O~U~T~LA~~Y=------_ Emmons & Andes • • • and Joy who have been at Spruce Wood (G) Capital Outlay (H) BUILDERS Baltimore Pike Phone Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Badger and daugh­ter, Margaret Ann of Springfield townw ship are moving into the house on Swarthmore avenue where Mr. and Mrs. George DeForest have been living. • • • and Riverview Ave. Sw. 1600 SWARTHMORE, PA. •· .• ·· ... · •• ~·.· ....... 4. Mrs. Arthur W. Kent, John and Con­stance: Kent of Elm a~enue have moved to the Swarthmore apartments on South Chester road. They have rented their house to Professor and Mrs. Townsend Scudder, 3rd, of New Haven, Conn. our Appoin~men~ as -Au~horized Dealers of Battle Creek Sanitarium Health Foods WEARE glad to announce that we are able to offer our customers the famous Battle Creek Sanitarium Health Foods. These foods have helped thou­sands of people to gain better health and to keep fit. They are in use daily in thousands of the finest homes in this country and abroad. Besides foods for keeping well folks fit there are regulating foods. slenderizing foods, weight building foods, diabetic foods and foods for acid stomach. Ask for descriptive literature. foods for Health and Happiness •.. Health Is coupled with happinefOS. Eat right and you will feel bet­ter and have a greater capacity for enjoying life. These foods will help you to balance your diet. and you will like them. camp. SUMMER TRAVEL Means heavy traffic on the highways. Is your ear insured for liabil­ity, properly damage, collision, fire, theft, amI plate glass? If not, call Emmons & Andes at Swarthmore 1600, They will sec that you are protected. Swarlh. 1441 FRED J. HARLEY Upholstering Furniture Restoring Slip Covers Draperies Window Shades "The Golden Rule-Ollr Motto" A. M. ALL ISO N Electrician Thirty-two years experience, and a home-owllcr ill this horough. 311 VASSAR AVENUE Swarthmore 1160 ----- ~ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~ : BUILDER = ~ Artislic Homea § = ;=_ Desig~:d M': Built _ -- Individual Need. -- - - Debt Servi.e Redemlltion I)f bonds from cur-rent funds .. _ •.•.•.•••..• Payments of sinking fund •••• Payments of intctCst. on bonds Total Item (G) ......•. 3,000.00 10.382.GO 1,000.52 10,202.02 New Groundll ••••••.•.•.••• New buildings ..•......•. _ . Alterations of old buildings •• Equipment for new buildings: Heat. light and plbg •••••• Furniture ••••••••••••••. Othcr ••••.•.••..••••••.. Added Equillment for old Bldga: Heat. light and pIbg ••.••• Furniture ••••.•••••••••. Other ••••••.•.•••....•.. Totl~1 Itt'm (II) ....••.• SUMMARY Total l'CCCipts ••••.•• , •••••••••.••••.••••.••••••.••....•... (Items A-F) •••.••••.•••.•.••.•••.•.•••••....•.... Total payments (Items G-II) ..••••••.•••••.••......••.....• Total ••••....•••••.• , .•• _ •..••..••.....•.•.. _ .... 1:10.874.83 171.477.87 BnJa.nce on band (school year 111. ••. -11), ..• ) •...••••• , ...•.........••••• SINKING FUND REPORT Balance on hand July 7, 1030 Rcc'd during yenr from current 8.106.00 funtls _,................. 10,382.00 Rec'd from inlerest.......... 170.80 --:-::--= Total receipts .. ,....... 18.740.35 ASSETS Paid out to redeem bomb .••• Paid nut in interest on bOnds .. DahuH."c In fUlld July 0, 1031 •• LIABILITIES 20.447.31 82,96U.39 1,480.51 20,350.03 4.338.37 0,211.03 008.97 2,763.1::10 1,1120.45 160,185.85 3;19.400.31 302,352.70 47.137.61 6,000.00 12.420.35 1.323,10 School Mitl'S, buildings and --- equipment ...•...•.••.••. Accounts recelva.ble ...•.•.•. Sinking fund •..•.........• Balance in treasury ........ . Total ....•••.•.....••• 008,600.00 046.60 1,323.10 47,137.01 057.716.21 I Bonded indebtedness .•....•.• 307.riOO.00 Tutal ••••••...••••.••. 307.600.00 'Ve hereby certify that we have examined the above accounts and find them correct.. and that the securities or the officers of the board are i.n lu"C.."Ordan<.'C with law. ADJ:". 12. 1931. WM. R. MAIN. s. W. JOHNSON, WALLACE M. M<.oCun,ny. Auditors. MARTEL BROS. I:: CHAS. E. FISCHER - Ownenhlp Manoeemen' So. Chester Road Swarthmore 761 and 762 Particularly when your de.tination ia Strath Haven, and the cioua ,pecial dinner at only S5c, $1.00 or $1.25. Canoeing on the Crum. Tennis and other sports Dance - Saturday, Auguat 15th. All friend. of the Inn cordially invited. F. l\I. S(!heibley, Management STRATH HAVEN The Inn W;,h Per.onali,,, Swarlhmore, Pennsylvania deli- == 304 Dickinson Ave. == ~ Sw.335-W _ !ffi 1l1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ii! 'P/um~~ N Roofing P. M. BARROW Phone Swarthmore 82 Modernize your Bathroom at Low Cost. Reroof with Asbestos Shingles. If you'''' tfred of room. and baths •••• and want something a IIHI. mor. Ilk. home, then came to HONI Lafayetr.. You'll end .. tucted away In the most beautiful part of one of Atlantic ely', broad •• t o.,.nu •• , iUlt a ,tep away from e.,.rythlng that'a ~hln" In the World', Play;round. Here'. Melu.lon without _bbery. H.r.', beauty without ousterlty •••• In a hONI as Mdem 01 1930 •••• with ra ... at mod .. t Cd 1920. Spado_ -..oe rooms, a IOlarium andlun-deck. Food that would d.Ughtoa " .. Co.rort. Strvlc.. Qul.t. All th ... aN yours 01 a Quell'" E L AUGUST 1931 THE SWARTHMOREAN 3 News Notes The Reverend A .. F. l\~cGarrah, Mrs. I here but through the entire nation, due partment for the benefit and aid of the the administration of the business affairs McGarrah and famtly wlll return after to Prohibition and its associated viola- unfortunates of our County, the keen the County. Labor day from Grove City, Penna. tions. has been more difficult and requirw judgment and interested supervision "William T. Ramsey, a former Mayor Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd M. Bellas of • * • iog than at any time in its history. Our which a man of this type is so able and of the City of .Chester, and previously, a Moore alUlounce the birth of a son, Aug- Mrs. Caleb E. ~urchenal, o[ 4lS Thay- vastly growing population in this active sure to give. member of the Legislature, is also a ust ZI. er road, entertamed the Summertime industrial section, with its influx of and "William T. Poore, of Rutledge, is a candidate. Mr. Ramsey is eminently fit- ~~UiiiiiiiUiiMiiiiiiiiiiUiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ I ;;~~~r:cI~Ub at her home Tuesday. The constantly changing personnel, has placed candidate for Recorder of Deeds. Mr. ted for the place. His contacts. frater­£ t are Mrs. Roland G. E. UlI- a burden upon the District Attorney's Poore has been active all his life as a oal. social, and political; his knowledge Swa. 761 and 762 MARTEL BROS. SWISS BROOKFIELD BUTTER 36c lb. Franklin Granulated SUGAR 48c 10 lb. bag DELMONTE MAXWELL HOUSE BOSCUL COFFEE 35c lb. 3 for $1 Use- OLD ENGLISH WAX Paste or Liquid JOHNSON'S WAX Paste or Liquid on your floors aud fnrniture Rent onr Electric Waxing Machine Suplee's Store so. CHESTER RD. Sworth. 1250 man, Mrs. Robert Bair, Mrs. :Milton office which ~Ir. ]"facCarter has met Republican for the benefit of the """"of the needs and requirements of the Bryant, Mrs. 'Villiarn Bullock, 1~rs. with fairness, firmness, and unusual in- through ,County and State, and he bears County; and his good judgment and George F. Corse, Mrs. B. 'V. Coil illS. dustry and judgment. His record for a most enviable record as a citizen and fit him for the place; he and Mr . 1\-frs. John H. Fawcet~, Mrs. Ellwood investigation and proper conviction of I Party worker and his recognition as a Drewes will assure the County an ad­Garret, Mrs. Harold G~lffill. Mrs. Sewell] those charged with crime is admirable, candidate for' this office is particularly ministration of its affairs which will be \V. Hodge, 1~rs. E. Leroy Mercer, hIrs. and in the Glen Mills, Gibson, Schmidt deserved, admirable. Harry L. Miller. Mrs. John Mar-shalt, murder and other important cases equals uThe candidates for County Commisw "Dr. J. Evans Scheehle is a candi~ate Mrs. Frank N. Smith, Mrs ..... Elric S. the standard established by his eminent sioner are Charles H. Drewes and Wil- for Coroner, Dr. Scheehle was appomt- Sprout, Mrs. \ViIliam W. Turner and predecessors, Judge Schaffer, Judge liam T. Ramsey. cd by Governor Fisher to succeed George Mrs. Charles G. *T h•a tc*her. .Hannu m, and Judge MacDade. As a B. Frankenfield, and his insight, fairness, testimonial to his fidelity, he has received "Mr. Drewes is a candidate for a sec- and expedition in the conduct of all Mr. a nd M rsH. .·E. Starbuc k , f 219 I ond term, and his conduct of the office S th I ft W d d 0 f the endorsem*nt of substantial y every has been of that character which s h ouI d ,'"vest,'gat,'ons and those duties relative war more avenue, e e ncs ay or iawyer at the Delaware County Bar, and the Coroner's Office has been unsur- Cape May, New Jersey. should receive the vote of every fair- warrant his reelection. He has been • *. * minded citizen in the County. faithfu1, conscientious, and economical in h"lSsed. Mrs. Fred A. Brl1I. Jr., of Swarth- "He is opposed as a candidate by one m~re and Yale avenue entcrtained at member of the De1aware County Bar bndge Thursday afternoon. whose admission to that Bar is quite rew * * • cent and rather juvenile. This is the. ~fiss Anne Cawley of Sistersville, usual condition when a District Attorney I West Virginia was the gUt.'.St of Mr. is a candidate for a second term, hew and ~Irs. Edward Told on :Monday. cause those who oppose him are right-I • * • fully preparing themselves with the hope 1o.Hss Frances Maxwell who is connect- of success four years hence and desire ed with the department of labor and that the public shall have them in mind industry at Harrisburg spent Sunday at that time for the place. calIing on friends in Swarthmore. "For Directors of the Poor-Isaiah • • • M. HeybuMl, of Concord Township, is I Dr. William E. Bohn of New York seeking a second term, and his success City and Miss Edith Robertson of \Vil· and interest to manage this office war­mington called on Swarthmore friends rants the strong approval of the Repub­last Thursday. * • • licans of the County. Dr. S. R. Crothers of Chester is his running mate, to suc­Mr. and :Mrs. Richard B. Warren are cecd James J. Skelley. Dr. Crothers, a receiving congratulations on the birth of former Mayor of Chester and one of the twin daughters at the Crozer I-IQSpital ahlest medical practitioners in our 011 August 19th. Mrs. Warren will be County, assures this fast growing de­remembered by her many Swarthmore friends as the former Miss Sabina Grzybowski. • • • Announcement has been made by H. W. Holter, Registrar that Bucknell Uni­versity, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania has ac­cepted the application for entrance of Miss Ann Ward Orr, daughter of A-Ir. Mrs. Adrian V. B. Orr of 910 Mt. Holyoke Place. Miss Orr was graduated from -the Swarthmore High School with the class of 1931. She will enter the Liberal Arts course at Bucknell. Freshmen week opens Wednesday, September 9. • • • \Vooster College will open Sept. 14 for the sixty-fifth year. Among thc Fresh­man students will be Miss Elizabeth H. Bonsall, of 222 Cornell avenue. • • McClure Call. for Party Unity IT'S TOO HOT to write an ad-that is 10 con­centrate on writing something thot you will read and get an idea out of that would bring you to the "MEDIA INN" 10 eot a meal or sleep a night •. And furthermore for the past two weeks we have heen too busy both daya and eve­nings to take care of folks who atc their dinners and lunches here, for it is more fun and more economlesl to cnt here than at home, and too, you don't know what yon are going to eat until you g~t here· and order. . . FORCED DRAFT • IS necessary I• n any efficient electric refrigerator. Majestic Electric Refrigerators have a special fan to create this forced draft to chill the copper cooling coils. Swarthmore people realize that feature and many others make this the . Majestic Refrigerator like its brother, the Majestic Radio, a leader in its field. (Continued from Pogt! Drle) :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~il canudItid ahteas fboere nt hitsh eo ffcicues tao ms ectoon d actecromrd, but were this not so, it would be a mis- STA take to displace Mr. Hill, whose dili- Tliat'8 a break Cor the housekeeper and B hot weather relief-don't even think about food at home-­come here. Incidently--o.~r dining room is usually breeze-swept -and cool. ,Even with this special fan, the cost to operate this marvelous electric refriger­ator is less than 6 cents a day. S T A T E gence, courtesy, and high administrative attributes should again be placed at the CHESTER service of the citizens of this County. NOlO ShOlfJ;ng "William Dickel, of Haverford Townw "DIRIGIBLE" ship, is a candidate to succeed Hugh B. -with- Hayes as County Treasurer, and is like- JACK HOLT wise unopposed. RALPH GRAVES "Mr. Dickel, a long time rcsident and FAY WRAY present Commissioner of Haverford Eve. 7-9 Township, now aspires to enlarge his activity. His knowledge obtained in the Mats. 1-3 Monday, Tuesllay, Wednesday RUTH CHATTERTON in "THE MAGNIFICENT LIE" Thursday, Fr;tlay, Saturtlay BARBARA STANWYCK administration of the affairs this up-to-date and progressivc town­shou1d be of real advantage when I al>plied to the County at large. uWilliam J. UacCarter, Jr .• is a candi­datc to succeed himself as District At­torney. Mr, MacCartcr is finishing his first term in this office and is entit1ed to a second. He came to the office at a time when its administration not on1y Now the "ad" js written, perhaps there is a Hot Wea­ther idea in it for you. Thank you, The Patlon •• The Is Yours for Service The Patton. Balto. Pike at Provo Road MedIa 1280 Good Food Good Re.' The new low price for a Majestic Electric Refrigerator is $169.50 and up. CJl.ESTER RADIO CORPORATIO. 314 EDGMONT AVENUE, CHESTER • • • For Swarthmore Sales and Service Call Sw. 445.W in her greatest dramatic triumph "THE MIRACLE WOMAN" TO THE TAXPAYERS OF DELAWARE COUNTY Mots. 1-3 7-9 MEDIA THEATRE DAILY MATINEE 2:30 PHONE MEDIA 1400 Saturday Charlie Ruggles "The Girl Habit" Monda,. and Bebe Daniels "The Maltese Falcon" Wedne.da,. Marion Davies "Five and Ten" VOTE for ALBERT M. Me VICKAR REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE For COUNTY COMMISSIONER Who will work for a reduction in every Real Estate Assess .. ment in Delaware County to correspond with present day values. Primary Election, September 15th.

---------- Page 15 ----------

4 THE SW ARTHMOREAN Published Every Friday at Swarlhmore. Pa. Robert E. SharpIe •• Editor and Publisher Phone Swarthmore 900 : THE SWARTHMOREAN I In view of the criticism which has fol­lowed the present board during the past few years, it behooves the voters to get out and work for candidates in whon; they have coufidence or keep (Iuiet 3ftcr the election is o\'cr. ; I Cl NEW BOARD OF ASSESSORS NAMED Entered as Second Class matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post Office at Swarth-more, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. (CQ,:tilUfCd fTom Page One) ... T ., I Although )'lr. Bj~Il.l'Y has met. ,c\ 1- IUD.'\.):, AUGUS I 28, 1931 great deal of opposItion frolll poittl-cians and the present elective assess~ Old Man Apathy be doil1~ far more g~d for yourself and I ors, he has favored the new arrangc­your neighbor, and, III the long run, for ment for some time and has added his the country at large, than you can ever , , . In an address before a meeting of the I . d· . I I· I th weight to brll1g about its passage m {O as an 111 IVI( ua In olle 0 e more l~egular Republi~al1 org~niz?tion work- 'important' elections. The local e1cction I the legislature. ers recently, ASSistant DIstTict Attorney is the one that is really important" \Yhere already tried in Pennsylva- \\'ilIiam R. Toni made one remark . '. C I' d I A . W I lI.C I I was l)artl.c u Ia r IY .s.l gm· fi cant. I . ThiS st.ate.m ent on thc part of the As- ilia the ounty ~oar 0 sscssors "At a pre.s ·l· d e lIt·I a I eI cc tl·O n, "hC s a·1d , 51stadl1t 'D IStTIict' A ttorIneyf cfan stanI d some has beell a great success and has re- "there is generally a banner vote, And POll ermg. t IS re~ ood or t lOught. suited in equalizing assessments in all yet the people stay away from the polls IOn:ll:,ote Itlllcans httle al1flOug hhunpdre~s parts of the county to a degree of I I I · Th I· I 0 ml Ions 13t arc cast or t e reSl- . aPt a . I octa I e erchtotnl.' f e Ief ectt lon 0 tl a (Ie n t f tl U·t d St t \' I jairn(!ss lIe\'er before realIzed, 0 IC 111 e a es. ct a most I . . corCmSmI( uenn it· laiSn 1w hiec hI any e ec upon Ie lb'I Luzerne county where the plan was 'Oll live. \Vhethcr every. ma~ .all{ woman or oy or. glr I· , one man o) r anot l ler I.S} Cl etc de , your I oca I twl ho r.sI I eligiblIe tto' votIe makes 'a tnp to first adopted tell yea' rs ago has been municipality will go all just the same, Ie po s on c c~ Ion (ay: . 10lle of the leaders 111 the movement I · .: II w lell conSIdered III With the few hun- . . with problems staring it in the face and lOne v"Ot~ nugl~t s~\,lIIg an election which finally resulted in the passag~ I {. emandmg Iex·pe·rt attentioI n. TI he 'rca y (Ir ed so f a I oca I eIect·to n. Y et peopIe lof the neccssary• legisl.atIon at the last Important t 11I1g IS to e cct t Ie proper I I I tl I . h scssion of the State LegIslature bl · fIi . I I .; are rn C{ ly apa ly, ant stav at orne. . omwenn ctoom pmuu nIiCt y0. ce rig It tere 111'. you.r T I ley secl,'l t f i I I . \Vhile the lllcmhcrs of the newtv- o. orget co~np et~ y t lat It .' WIll make lttle difference 111 theIr person- cn:atul board arc appomted for four "It is not infrequent that local c1ec- al life whether one man or another be~ vcars the state hill also gives the tio~~s are WOIl or loslt by allmarglrin of half comes. President. They certa~n~y d~n't ~Olllll:issiollcrs authority to remove a ~ozen votes or eS,S. on y two or recognIze the fact that the Adm1l11stratlon three persons more had come to the of the local community is far more vital any member of the board should they pO.lls, the elltire fl1tllr~ of the cOIll"",~nity to them, indi\'idually and collective!)', find sufficicnt reason to do so. might be changed. 1 wo or three votes than all other offices that might be voted are almost insignificant in a Presidential UpOII. campaign. But in a local campaign SW3rthmore is faced with a sigllifi-every voter has a sacred obligation as a cant election this fall, particularly re- ________________ _ citizen to express hi3 views at the 1)0115. garding school directors. Four new PATENTS-Sell your Invention or patent CLASSIFIED E•I e ct the proper local officers, and you'Il members of the board are to-be chosen. theb yS eecxohnidb itIinntge rnyoatuiro nmaol dPeal teonr t dErxapWosInltgJ. oan,t ----------",----------- -------- '" IlIlllllllllllllllllll II IIlIll II III II 1II1I111111Il1l1l1Il1l1Il11II1l1II1I ~ ChurchNews : ;;; 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllIllIlllllllllllilIlIIIllIIIIIIIlllllllllllll iii TRINITY CHURCH Protestant Eplscopal Cnester Road and College Avenue Rector Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, S.T.M. SWARTHMORE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Lloyd P. Stevens, Minister 9 :45 - Sunday School 11:00-Worshlp and Sermon Rev. F, A. Tyson A CORDIAL WELCOME AWAITS YOU THE SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HAS A WELCOME FOR ALL. Sept. 14 to 27, Chicago. Thousands of man­ufacturers and patent buyers wlll Inspect new devices And patents for marketing. Rates $1 per day for 14 days, entitling you to 14 feet. If you have no model. draWing or descrIption wlll do. Send for free pam~ phlet If you have time. If not, send $14 with description and drawings and we will look after your pntent interests. B. Hamtl­t: m Edison. Managing Director. Interna­tional l'atent Exposition. Merchandise ~Iart, Chicago. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Full size wardrvbe trunk for $15.00. Call Swarthmore 265-J. FOR SALE-In Florida at St. Cloud. Cor- Postal Rate Increase AUGUST 28, 1931 fraction thereof and 10 cents for each additional ounce or fraction thereof. Commencing September I, 1931, the * * * rate of postage on letters for dispatch to Commencing September 1, 1931, the Canada and Newfoundland (including international rates of pnstage will be ap­Labrador) by the ordinary mean will be plicable to. letters and post cards mailed 3 cents for each ounce or fraction there-I III .the U!llted States. a~d addressed for of, and the ratc on single post cards will deltvery m Great ~rJtalO and Northern be 2 cents. J reland, and the ITish Free State; that Commencing on the same date, the rate (postage pillS fcc for air mail service) applicable to air mail articles for Canada and Newfoundland (including Labra­dar) will be 6 cents for the first ounce or I is, the rate on letters will be 5 cents for the first ounce or fraction thereof and three cents for each additional ounce or fraction thereof, and the rate on single post cards wilt be 3 cents. V. S. Pownall. SERVICE FOR YOUR Thoroughly trained Ford mecl18nies will put your car ill the best of condition. Let us inspect it regularly, grease it and change the oil. Weare ollen every day including Sunday and eveniugs on wee~-days. Phone Swarthmore 350 8mI we will call for your car today. • • • DAILEY'S GARAGE AUTHORIZED So. Chester Rd. and Fairview Rd. Sw.350 8:00 A.M.-HOly Communion. 11:00 A,M.-Mornlng Prayer and Sermon. STRANGERS AND NEW COMERS ESPECIALLY INVITED. MORNING WORSHIP 11 :00 Rev, Courtney H. Fenn, D.O .. preaches Summer SessIon or the Sunday School u.t ten o'clock ner bungnlow. Six rooms, store room and bath. In good repair. Furnished. Lot 50 x 150, $2000, Ingl1s. Phone SWarthmore 1489.! _ Better Let Us Fix It­and save your temper Mr. Guenther will preach FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST, THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS OF SWARTHMORE Park Avenue Below Harvard Where God Is not, Peace cannot come: Where peace Is not, God caHnot come. ServlcPos: 11 :00 A. M.-Sundoy School. 11:00 A. M.--8unday Les!;Oll-Sermon, Wednesday e\'enlng meeting each week. S p. m. Reading room open dally, except Sundays and holldays, 1 P. M. to 4 P, M., ChUrch edifice. SUNDAY 11:00 A. M.-·Meetlng for Worship In the Meeting House WEDNESDAY 9:30 A, M. to 2:30 P. M . ..........sewlng and Qullt­Ing In Whittier House. Box luncheon. All are cordially Invited to attend the All nre cordially Invited to join in these services and use the Reading Room. services. F'OR SALE-Real Ba.rgaln! Ruther than ship a. $750.00 Player-Plano to the fac­tory, will sell for balance on lease $121, In­cluding rolls, bench and deth·ery. W1l1 ac­cept $5 or $6 a month without Interest to reJiable party. You get the benefit of all money paid by the original cUstomer. WrIte E. M. Koontz. 1306 Chestnut St., Philo.. FOR SALE--Peaches, yellow nnd white free-stone, EI Rnncho Orchards. J. Gordon Fetterman, Providence road one mile north or Rose Tree HUnt Club ncar Media. Get your peache;; ond see the llew lake at the ~nmc tlme. _I FOR RENT i~ij~i~~~jiij~~~~~~~~~iiiii~iii~i~iiii~~~~~~~fi I FOaRpa rRtmEeNnTts-,T ewleoc taritct rarecftriivgee rahtoiuosne koe.nedp ianlgl kl£!t)1.IgniW:19IllWIMMIJRSiMijM·'MJ}\!pb?'jlQll.wtWlIMIW1;!QIIMIMliQI,lwif}L'i'QI.IQ1IMi+Q1!I,QIi!:}AIWIf convenlenccs. Albert N. Garrett, Penny-packer 4442 or Swarthmore 489. TOO MUCH INSURANCE? r·uN. RENT-Private home has comfortable rooms at reasonable price". 218 Cornell Ave. Call Swarthmore 265-J. FOR RENT-Attractlve four room RPart-1 mcnt. Rent S30. A. C. WOOd. 227 Swarth­more Ave. Phone Swarthmore 514-J. No use fooling around with a furnace that won't work. Proh­aLly nothing much is wrong­but it causes you a lot of dis­comfort. We can fix it in a few minutes - and save you weeks of discomfort and irri­tation. Call us and our man will be up immediately. Woodward, Jackson & Black, Inc. 333 Dartmouth Ave. Why overburden your budget with excessive insurance? Many homes are over insured for amounts that cannot be collected in case of loss. Consult your agent now to insure readjustment in line with present values. WILLIAM E. WITHAM Real Estate and Insurance Dcpcndahlc Information Without Pc-rsistent Persuasion kitchenette. 2 room:1, bath and kitchen- FOR RENT-Apartment3. 4 rooms. bath and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cttc, Garage. InGliS. Phone Swarthmore 1489. FOR'--R-E-N-T--F-'-"-"-L-'h-C-d--w-o-m--'-n-.-,c-n-m- I heated priVate apartment. centraJly lo­cated. Kitchen privilege. Phone Swarth­More 1611. Office: Swarthmore Crest Phone: Swarthmore 1000 HELP WANTED AlwavsOpen HELP WANTED-Wanted white girl, House-i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:: I work and cooklllp;. EKperiellced. Rcfer-lmf: myfitfrr,!jr..aoi"'\t:raMmw:fir(fI'j'K'ji,tiylrt{t'rNbHl:miitdMitIMi:mil,7'j':;-l\iI16t:,&t:mt:m,!r(imn:r~ ("lce";. Sleep out. Swarthmore 436-W. HELP WANTED-Wanted. Housekeeper, re­spon: 1lble, mature, kind and pleasant, for t.wo ladles. one old. In Jive ronm u.partment. State snlary expected. Address box 4, ,~J.lJiMIEB:~RNIE! [~ l!JI, DISPENSING OPTICIANS U., mila CHESTNUT ST.. PHILADELPH IA. Specialists in the making and fitting of Eyeglasses and Spectacles. JOSEPH E. HAINES, President. FRIENDS' CENTRAL Country Day School On City Line, Overbrook. 87th Year, 9th Month, IS, 1931 Long known as one ot PhiladelPhia's outstanding schools. Exccllent faculty and equipment. Provides education. wholesome recreation and supervised sports for boys and girls trom kindergarten to coJlcg~. Campus at 18 acres eCqounivpepneIde nwt ibtUhR astehrlveitciec. fields and playgrounds for pupils of various ages. COLLEGE PREPARATORY KINDERGARTEN COUNTRY DAY PLAN Swarthmore, Pa. RENT 5-room apartmenl. Third floor. Hardwood floors. Hot waleI' heat. I Janitor service-$50 per monlh'l Large garage. Healed in Win. IeI'. Sialion Square. $8 per I )nooth. CHAS. A. SMITH Phone Swarth. 705 FOR RENT BY THE YEAR Six furnished houses SIOO and up E. C. WALTON AI'ARTMEN1'S $37 mo. 44 l\Iorlon Ave., nenr RUI­INlge. 5 rOOllll'l, hUlh ami garage. 110t I waler nml henl furnh;I)(~d. Newly dee­oralcd. l'o!'lscMsion lit once n('or I'.H.R •. WM. S. IIITTI.E Pennsylvania Gas & Electric Co. First Lien and Refunding Mortgage 5% Gold Bond. Due March I, 1958 Free of Pennsylvania Four Mills Personal Property Tax Price 93 and Interest to Yield About 5.50% Warren A. Tyson & Co. Incorporated Investment Securities 1518 WALNUT STREET PHILADELPIDA Delaware County Representative F. R. STEVENSON, Jr. 110 Powelton Ave. Lansdowne, Po. Tclephonc--l\olodison 6474 Customers First! The success of the HSwarthmore National" hilS been mode pos­bihle largely through the loyal palronage of ils customers. Every rule and regulnlioh for the conduct of this bank protects lhe funds of dc[)osilors above all other considerations. Swarthrn.ore National Bank and Trust Company "Servillg Swarthmore Since 1904" Write or telephone lor catalog, or visit school FRIENDS' CENTRAL SCHOOL BARCLA.Y L. JONES, Ph. D., Principal Nolary Public Real Eslnte 11 ______________________________ ;;;;;;;;; Swa. ll1-J .. AUGUST 28, 1931 TEll S OF TRIP TIlE SWARTIlMOREAN TO BURMUDA FOR PR,IZE CONTEST of tea and cakes. The pageant was evi- Fortunately our little party had gone dently a carefully prepared historic pre- into a tent to be served and we escaped sentation. Particularly impressive was a any real soaking. Soon we were in the reproduction Of a famous trial for midst of a throng that crowded every (CDN,iN",,' /rlIfII Pdf' 0,.,) witchery. The players-all Bermudian, available dry spot. . rules of the road-keep to the left-and -wII erde imbued withh t he. s.e riousness of it And then the sun shone again. It is h I h h a au ~ere sympat etIc 111 performance. that way in Bermuda. We were all troa tht ere staeecpt tp riacte s ef omr ucsatr rgiaog ea froidoet,s , poary, Then raint began. ht o fahll .. d The perform- happy, cven tho..'ic who seemed bedrag-struggle along upon a hired bicycle. It ~nee wen .on WIt ?ut In ranee. Peop1e I gled beyond benefit of anything but dry I I In the audience raised umbr~llas or tried: cleaning. \Vltat ho-and the pageant ooked a ittte laborious pushing a bi-· to get under trees shettermg Some of' went 011. ),[any didn't return to the am­cycle weighing 25 or 30 pounds up a hill !hc ~n~hcs. But nobody left. You let phitheatre and those who did could find awnudl dI sdtiidll nriodte tar yw thoe edli.s cover whether I It ram In Bermuda. no dry scats. But the interest was not CALL 1896 FOR ELECTRICAL WORK OUR 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE -INSURES-SAFE INSTALLATIONS AND REPAIRS Swarthlnore Electric Shop 411 DARTMOUTH AVENUE 5 Surf bathing is ideal at the beaches Then .the sun .shone again and the pag~ so keen and when a new shower threat-and what with sight-seeing, sailing, e.a nt continued. Again rain fell-this ened, we went back to the boat. 1-.'4.. ..~ .~..".. ....~ .~• •"• .......~ .~• •H•. ~.~. ..". ........~. • •"• .......~ . ..". .........~ • •"• ......~. .".. .....~ • •"• .......~ • •H• .....~ . da ncing, the playing of golf, croquet or time. more copiously. The players were It was not so bad as we went back. tennis, time passes quickly. Howcver, I gb ettInhg their costumes pretty well soaked After a time the moon came out glori-deCI' de d t h at I was not going to miss an "t t ere was no faltering. It really was ously. We arrived at Hamilton under a event over which all the Bermudians suggestive of a splendid discipline. And beautiful moon. Streets were dry and were more or less excited and so it was ttihme e.p ageant was very interesting all the oWf e raleianr nthede reth. at there hadn't been a sign arranged that our party should go from . the Langton, just outside Hamilton, to The intermission. That was the time . Bermuda gets you. It is.a re~ vaca- St. Georges, 12 miles distant, for the St. for sociability. And the elite of St. lion land where you may hve leisurely, Georges pageant, arrangcd for the after- Georgf',S was there in attractive costume, where the automobile and the bil} b~rd noon of July 28. to serve the thirsty. The British band are absent and where even when It rams, The day was extremely hot but a spec- from the barracks lent a festive air nobody cares. ial boat was announced to leave Hal1;1il- playing lustily, People, not very wei ton for St. Georges and we were aboard from the recent showers, were enjoying Herman L. Dieck half an hour before the .starting time. It the d~1ightfuI fete with its ice cream, ______________ _ was a treat to see the holiday crowd. sandWiches and cake. Tables were Many were negroes and they were dress- everywhere. And they were attractive ed in sport togs-brass buttons,. white with shining silver and smart napery. shoes, Panama. hats and linens. We And the heavens opened. There was­couldn't forget· that it was hot. But be~ n't time to do anything except run. The low-we sat on the upper deck in the band left instruments, seeking shelter Princeton and College aves. T. F. Conway RADIO SERVICE Phone sun-colored people crowded into a cabin under a tree or a tent. The ladies in I Day......... Swarth. 456 that had a few thairs and that had every their summer finery were drenched. I Night. _ • _ Swarth. S8 window closed. No one seemed to be Linen suits clung to men and hats wcre __ -" _____________ _ much disturbed by the heat. unrecognizable. . J N As we left the harbor there was a de- \Vhat a sorry spectacle was presented I AS A PILSO lightful breeze. We felt sure that the by the tables. ,Cakes and sandwiches I •• trip would continue to be cool. But the were just soppy masses; tea pots kept LIGHT AND POWER breeze soon died down and then the overflowing with rain and milk pitchers W I R I N G wilting sun made us wish lor the Lang- became springs 01 chalk-like fluid. What ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR "THOUSANDS USE ITI" Look in the elas­silled Telephone Directory. In a jilfy it'll tell you "WHERE to Buy It:' TEL E P HONE ton that we could see on a hilltop as we happened to the sugar it is difficult to 107 Sylvan Avenue Rutledge I passed. say. Call be rcaehed at Sw. 1145 There had to be some relief. It came. 1 __________________ '-________________ -'-__________________________________ _ Clouds gathered and a quartcr of an '10 hour before we arrived at 5t Georges. everybody was forced to cover by a pelt­ing rain. It was hard on finery. Then St. Georges. And as the boat docked the rain stopped and the SUIl shone. We had half an hour before the . pageant was to begin. So we did a bit of roaming around the historic town­with the result that We were too late to see the beginning of the pageant. It was a well arranged event, with seats set up in a natural amphitheatre in the beautiful grounds of the old Govern­ment House and with many attractive tables on ncar-by lawns for the serving ADVERTISElrlENT FOR BIDS Bids will be rcoclvctl by. tIte Board of School Directors. School District of Swarth. more. at tho School District omcc, Gollclro and Prillf. .' Cton Avenucs, UII to 8 P. M. (E.D.S.T.) Thursday.. September 10, 1031. {or the illRtalla\ion 01 hatterIes and cbarginG" panel lor an emergency lighting- 8ystem. Specifications may be secured from Dean R. C. Dil:lQue. Drexel Institute, Philadelphia. l'a., or from the School Distrid Offire. The Board rcscr\'es tho ris-ht to rejed ally and all bids. DOROTHY D. JONES. Secretary. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNA. No. 1716, June Term. 1931. Notice Is hereby given that an applica­tion will be made to the above Court on PrJtlay. September 11, 1931, at 9:00 o'clock .A. M., Eastern Standard Time (JO:OJ o'clock A. M. Dayllght Saving TIme) under the "corporation Act of 1874." of the Com­' mOnwealth of Pennsylvania, and the sup­plements and amendments thereto for the charter of an Intended corporation to be caUed "THE PLAYERS CLUB OFSWARTH­MORE", the character and object or which Is to associate the amateur histrIonic tal­ent.. playwrIghts and musicIans of the community for the advancement a.'ld pro­duction of amateur theatricals, musical entertainments, social and literary develop­ment, and for these purposes to have and POSSeas and enjoy all the rights, benefits and r,rlvlleges of the said Act of Assembly and ts supplements aDd amendments. The proposed charter Is now on file In the Prothonotary's oIDce. V. GILPIN ROBINSON, J. KIRK McCURDY, Media. Pa., Solicitors, EsTATE OF WILLIAM R. TANEY. late of Swarthmore, Penna., deceased. Letters Testamentary on the above estate have been granted to the undersigned. who requests all persons having claims or de­manrts against the Estate of the decedent to make known the same. and all personR Indebted to the decedent to make payment, without delay. to SUSANNA H. TANEY, 320 N. Chester Road. Or to her attorney, ALBERT N. GARRETT, 228 Garrett Avenue. Swarthmore. Fa, Swarthmore. Pa. ESTATE OF ESTHER McCORRISTON. late of the Borough ot Colwyn, deceased. Letters of Administration on the above estate having been granted to the under· Signed, aU persons Indebted to the saId estate Bre requested to make payment, and those haVing claims to present the same without delay to MEDIA-69TH ST. TRUST CO .. Media, Penna. Or to their attorney. H!:RBERT L. HUTCHINSON, 1st National Bank Bldg., Darby. Fa. H. C. WOOD A.rt Memorials BALTIMORE PIKE, FERNWOOD Madison 195-J All Cemeleriu Since 1855 SLIP COVERS DRAPERIES ANNA SCHALLES Phone, Sw. 1225 Muhlenberg Ave. Rutledge Continuous Laboratory Analyses Insures the SAFETY of PUUE SPRINGFIELD WATEU EVERY drop of Springfield Water you drink is protected by an elaborate system of laboratory checking that detects and eliminates the slightest impurities. A small army of chemists are con­stantly engaged in making minute analyses of water samples daily, tak­en from hundreds of points along the vast distributing system. The health of . a great community covering over 300 square miles in Delaware, Chester and Montgomery Counties, depends· upon -their ability to detect the slightest impurities in water in both its raw and finished state. We, therefore, have spared no ex­penses in organizing a laboratory checking system that knows no equal. Each filter plant has its own labora­tory and chemist, where constant tests are made, and later checked in a central laboratory that makes hun­dreds of thousands of water exami­nations annually to make Springfield Water SAFE . ,. ,... . BE­YOND DOUBT. PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER CO.

---------- Page 16 ----------

\ I ! I . I I. I 6 Under-fed Children Mis 5 Annie Hillborn, Publicity Chairman of the Health Society, has a 'few words to publish regarding a vital problem. "This winter's experience with underfed children brings the Health Society face to face with rick­ets and tuberculosis symptoms. The evident question, then, is to dis­cover a way for determining what children are infected and whether the infection has already progressed to the active stage. Do not be afraid of physical examinations, provide opportunities. up with care. tests and of Our schools Follow these Dr. Mary Barnard, of Columbia University, N ew York City, says: "the best way to detect Tuberculosis in small children is by means of X-Ray of the chest, and tuberculin tests, follow­ing a thorough physical examination." ••• Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Mitchell and their daughter, Miss Doreen Mitchell, of Avondale road, Wallingford, who have been visiting at Buck Hill Falls, Eagles Mere, Cape May, and Avalon, N. J., have returned tother home. * * * Mrs. Martha Blessing, of Elm avenue, who has been spending several months in Kentucky, has returned. * * * Mrs. Walter R. Shoemaker, of River-view road and Mrs. S. M. Dodd, of Swarthmore avenue, have returned from a motor trip to Massachusetts. SHERU"F SALES SHERIFF SALES of Real Estate at the Sheriff's Omce Court House, Media, Pennsylvania Saturday, September 19. 1931 8:30 o'clock A. M. Conditions - $250.00 cash or certUl~ check on day of sale: balance In ten. days. E. LEROY VAN RODEN, Attorney. Fieri Facias No. 1599 June Term, 1931 All that certain lot or piece of ground with the messuage or tenement thereon erected: situate at the northeast comer of Kent road and Sansom street, In the 1'ownshlp of Upper Darby. County of Del­aware and State of Pennsylvania. Contain­Ing In front or breadth on the said Kent road forty feet and extending of that width In length or depth eastward between par­aUel lines at right angles to the said Kent roau. the south Une thereot being along the north side of Sansom street, seventy­seven feet six Inches. Undt'r and subject. however, to certain bulldlng restrictiOns and aIso subject to the payment of a certain mortgage debt or principal sum of six thousand flve hun­dred dollars. Improvements consist of two-story con­crete block and frame house, 18x48 feet. Enclosed porch. Stucco garage, 9x18 feet. Sold as the property of Calvin T. Dur­gin, and Myrtle F. Durgin. hIs wlte. Conditions - $250.00 cash or certified check on day of sale: balance In ten days . E. LEROY VAN RODEN, Attorney. Fieri Facias No. 1708 June Term. 1931 All that certain lot or piece of ground with the messuage or tenement thereon erected. situate on the northwestwardly side of Chester Turnpike at the distance of one hundred and nineteen feet measured southwestwardly from Knowles avenue, of the Borough of Glenolden, In the County of Delaware and State ot Pennsylvania. Containing In front along the said Chester Turnpike. one hundred and nineteen and eighty-nine one-hundredths feet and ex­tending In depth northwestwardly between parallel lines at right angles to the said Chester Turnpike. two hundred feet. being Lots No. 34 and 35. Section C, plan of Llanwellyn, recorded In B. number 6, page 604. Under and subject to certain Iestrlc­tlons recorded. In Deed Book B. number 8. page 538. Under and subject to the pay­ment of a certain mortgage debt or prin­cipal sum of seventy-five hundred dollars with Interest thereon as the same shall from time to time become due and payable. Improvements consIst of two and one-half story stucco house, 36x27 feet. En­closed front porch. Side porch. Brick and stucco garage. 18x18 teet. One-story frame barn. 18x30 feet. Sold as the property of Hamllton J. Farrell. Conditions - $250.00 cash or certified Eastern Standard Time check on day of sale: balance In ten days. Fieri Facias No. 1506 ROBERT B. GREER. Attorney. June Term, 1931 Fieri Facias All that certain lot or piece' of land, being known and designated as lot num- June Term, 1931 No. 1748 bered twenty-one (21) on a certain plan of High School Tract. recorded In the All that certain lot or piece of land with olfice lor the recording of deeds, &c.. In', the messuage thereon erected. situate on and for Delaware County. Pa., in (Case the southerly side of Henderson avenue No.2), page 11. and described as follows: two hundred feet westwardly from Mc­Beginning at the pOint of Intersection of Cormick avenue. In the Borough of Ridley the southeasterly Une of Dupont street Park, In the County of Delaware, State of with the northeasterly Une of Chestnut Pennsylvania. containing In front mea­street. at High School Tract. In the Bor-I sured thence westwardly along the said ough of RIdley Park In the County of Del- Henderson avenue fifty feet and extending aware and State of Pennsylvania: mea- In depth southwardly continuing the same sured thence northeastwardly along the width between parallel lines at right angles said southeasterly Une of Dupont street to the said Henderson avenue one hundred forty teet; thence at a right angle south- fifty feet to a twenty feet wide alley. eastwardly one hundred feet; thence at a right angle southwestwardly forty' feet to the aforementioned northeasterly line of Chestnut street: thence northwestwardly along the said line one hundred feet to the point and place of beginning. Together with the right and use of said alley In common with the owners of other lands abutting thereon. No Improvements. Vacant lot. Sold as the property of Harvey E. Sewell Under and subject to the payment of a certain first mortgage debt or prinCipal sum of four thousand dollars with Interest thereon. and Lola M. Sewell. his wife. Improvements conslRt of two-story stucco ~~~~~~~~~ I THEINGLENEUK I I takes pleasure in offering I ~ a new servI.c e ~~ beginning September first ~ • • • • I • • • Delicious Dinners attractively packed delivered to your own home Meat or Chicken perfectly cookeq. plen ty of fresh vegetables Coffee in hot thermos bottles Delicious pie or ice cream •••• • • • • • The charm of your own home at the dinner hour without the expense of a maid or the trouble of cooking and marketing, Just call Swarthmore 69 THE SWARTHMORBAN house, 30%24 feet. One-atory frame addl­tion, 8x20 feet. Frame garage, 16%24 feet. Sold as the property of John H. G. Blrt­. well and Mary A. Blrtwell, his wife. Conditions - $250.00 . cash or certified check on· day of sale, balance In ten days. ROBERT B. GREER, Attorney. JOHN J. CAIN. Sheri1f. ~te Marble MEMORIALS Cemetery Work a Speclalty Wm.J. Cartledge Est. 1843 No. Lansdowne Ave., Drexel HIll, Pa. (Opposite Arlington cemetery) -.fbi Jt) AUGUST 28, 1931 GEORGE H.I(ElJ.EY Blectrician Repair work and new installations Phone SWL ·42S.R &uiet 10_ l/ouJi. dag. · . J;L[CTUICALLY Save Your Time and Good Looks with Electric Labor-Savers, Tool This Fast-Cooking Porcelain-Enamel ELECTRIC RANGE Makes Your Whole Afternoon Freel Rush home from your bridge or leave just at the exciting part of a movie? Not when you own an el~ctric rangel It cooks a perfect dinner while you're out. A timer turns the heat on and off. Simple, economical and truly wonderfull S10 0 installs It in your leitchen own ready to un:1 You Have 2 Years to Pay '108.35 and Up-(Cloak Ext,a)-Accordlns to 51 .. alld Make Installed under Standard Conditions 'Sligh"y Higher on Budge' P/anl el=========================================================-. Price s8.90 Nah: Dial Giving Exact Heat for Each Fabric There Are Definite Reasons Why This PROCTOR 1000 .. WATT IRON Irons Faster Glides over damp, heavy .linens and garments because of the greater heat units. Gives you the exact heat for Ironing every type of fabric. No waiting for the iron to cool off or heat up. This is the iron all the magazines are writing aboutl In chromium plate, and a marvell S150 s . Down • •• 1 a Mont~ .e========~===============================================. 7·Tube Superheteradyne PHILCO HIGHBOY Only '65.75 Complzte with Tubes (Slightly More on Budget Plan) S7 Down ~. for either of these ... 1932 PHILCaS (Left) A handsome 7·tube Highboy done In American Walnut and Maple. With Pentode Power Tube ••• Tone Control " • Static Modifier and that remark­able PhUco tone and distance. (Rig"') The Lazyboy ••• something en. tirely new I Usa as an exquisite end tabl •••• and tune In from the top without .tirring from your chair. The new 7-Tube PHILCO LAZYBOY Only $69.50 Complete with Tube. IS/lgh"y Mora on Budg_' PIanI PHILADELPHIA All Our City and SuburbanStorel ... Telephone, Write or Come inl E--E£TRIt: '£O,"PA~Y A Pionee, In Vol­untarily Establish. Ing Low R .. te. for All Electric Servin.

The Swarthmorean, 1931-08 | TriCollege Libraries Digital Collections (2024)


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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.