Parents and Friends of Ludeman Center · 2016-09-23 · 2 Ludeman Center Administration Update, August 2016 Congratulations to Glenda Corbett. After serving seven years as Ludeman - [PDF Document] (2024)

Parents and Friends of Ludeman Center· 2016-09-23· 2 Ludeman Center Administration Update, August 2016 Congratulations to Glenda Corbett. After serving seven years as Ludeman - [PDF Document] (1)


Parents and Friends of Ludeman Center P.O. Box 754, Park Forest, Illinois 60466 [emailprotected]



** SUNDAY ** OCTOBER 30, 2016






The PFLC mission is to advocate for the rights of all the residents of Elisabeth Ludeman Developmental Center, to work with the Center towards quality of life enhancement, and to act as an all-volunteer support organization for the family members and friends of the residents.


Parents and Friends of Ludeman Center· 2016-09-23· 2 Ludeman Center Administration Update, August 2016 Congratulations to Glenda Corbett. After serving seven years as Ludeman - [PDF Document] (2)


Ludeman Center Administration Update, August 2016 Congratulations to Glenda Corbett. After serving seven years as Ludeman Center Director, Glenda has been promoted to the position of SODC Operations Region 1 Assistant Deputy Director

effective June 16, 2016. In her new role, Glenda will oversee the Ludeman, Kiley, and Fox Developmental Centers. She’ll be greatly missed in that capacity, but we are pleased that her main office will remain right here at Ludeman Center, Building 65. Christine McGee has been temporarily appointed as the Acting Center Director for Ludeman.

Reginald Booker has been temporarily appointed as the Acting Assistant Director for Ludeman.

Interviews are in process to name a permanent replacement as Ludeman Center Director.

Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Budget: Overtime is currently at 16.6% and we are continuing our efforts to

meet our OT Budget number of 10%. Staff Update: In an effort to reduce the staff overtime, on August 1st, a class of 39 Technicians started

training and have begun working in the homes as of September 4th.

Windows/Doors/Blinds/Roofing Project Update: Thanks to Donna Fanning from Senator Anthony

DeLuca’s office, roof replacements have been completed on 3 Houses using emergency special funding. As of August, Houses 12, 25, and 38 have new roofs. Houses 31 and 33 are also on the new roof list. The Windows, Doors, Blinds and other Roofing needs are awaiting the release of funds from the State of Illinois. The funds are ‘tied up’ in the State of Illinois Budget Crisis.

Café 64: Will be open for our Fall Fun Fest on September 24th. As a trial, Café 64 will be open on the 1st

Saturday of the month from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. as well as for special events. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to visit with your Ludeman family member, enjoy some of the available treats, as well as support the Ludeman residents that work at Café 64. Support this effort so it becomes a standard service Ludeman provides for the Ludeman families and residents.

Barber Shop: A barbershop is now on-campus in Building 63. Haircut appointments are between 9:30

a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Men’s appointments are on Tuesdays ($10.) and Thursdays are for Ladies’ ($10. - $40. depending on style).

Janitorial Program: An on-campus janitorial training program was started at the beginning of the year

in partnership with CTF. There are 3 program graduates already!

Laundry Program: Plans are in the works to partner with CTF for an on-campus laundry training


Event Tent: PFLC worked with the Ludeman administration and Engineering Department to purchase a

commercial-grade event tent to be used for PFLC and Ludeman outdoor events, as well as Special Olympics. Special thanks to Christine McGee, Mike Spicker & Glenda Corbett for all their help!

State Survey and Inspection News: The Ludeman Center underwent an Illinois Department of Public

Health (IDPH) Annual Certification Survey with Federal Partnership on May 3, 2016. The Center remains in substantial compliance with ICF/DD Regulations. There were 19 outstanding standard level tags cited. IDPH returned August 22nd – 30th and cleared 8 tags. A plan of correction is in progress for the remaining 11 tags. The Center remains in substantial compliance with ICF/DD Regulations as required by the IDPH and the Certification Survey with Federal Partnership. Because Ludeman is in compliance, the federal funding of approximately 50% of operating expenses remains intact. Maintaining certification is an extremely important measurement of the level of quality care and services we currently provide to the people with developmental disabilities residing at the Ludeman Center.

Parents and Friends of Ludeman Center· 2016-09-23· 2 Ludeman Center Administration Update, August 2016 Congratulations to Glenda Corbett. After serving seven years as Ludeman - [PDF Document] (3)




The Annual Holiday Nut Sale is easily Parents and Friends biggest fundraising effort of the year. The great thing about our fundraiser is that all the money raised will be used to enhance the quality of life for all the Ludeman residents and to advocate on their behalf. Our 2016 ‘Buy a Case, Sell a Case’ Kick-Off event will take place at our General Meeting on October 30th. Our goal is for everyone to try and purchase at least one case of nuts. You can give them as gifts or sell them to your family, old friends, new friends, co-workers, or members of your congregation. It’s a great way to inform those in your life about the Ludeman Center and the good work PFLC does. We really want to beat last year’s Nut Sale profit of just over $5,600. So please make every effort to include a generous nut purchase in your budget for this year. We look forward to seeing you at the General Meeting on October 30th and getting our fundraiser off to a rousing start.

Many Thanks, Nut Sale Drive Co-Chairs John Haley & Fred Flynn

The prices per box are as follows:

Cashews $14.00 Deluxe Mixed Nuts $13.00 Chocolate Covered Mixed Nuts $14.00 Frosted Pretzels $ 7.00 Holiday Sampler* $10.00 Chocolate Bridge Mix** $10.00

* Holiday Sampler is a divided box consisting of frosted pretzels, chocolate covered almonds,

Peppermint bark, & Georgia Nut’s version of M&M’s.

**Chocolate Bridge Mix is a delicious mix of chocolate covered peanuts, raisins & almonds, plus dark

chocolate covered vanilla crèmes and malted milk balls.

All products can be purchased individually or as cases (12 boxes to a case). Most importantly, all funds raised will be used to advocate for and enhance the quality of life for all people living at Ludeman. Please bring your checkbooks and participate.

2016 Tootsie Roll Drive Thanks to our PFLC Volunteers that will be collecting $$$$ for the Knights of Columbus annual Tootsie Roll Drive that benefits the Intellectually Disabled. A portion of the collection is donated to PFLC based on the number of volunteer collectors. This year’s volunteers are:

Alexis Pride, Committee Chairperson Fred Flynn Neil Sullivan Sheila Threlkeld Shirley Walters-Toliver Uyles Myles Angie Kaskey Ann Patellaro Lou Patellaro Lou Ann Patellaro

Parents and Friends of Ludeman Center· 2016-09-23· 2 Ludeman Center Administration Update, August 2016 Congratulations to Glenda Corbett. After serving seven years as Ludeman - [PDF Document] (4)


Thanks & Appreciation Go to…. There are folks to thank! Parents & Friends of Ludeman Center would not be what it is today – in reality it might not even be in existence - if not for the tireless work of a number of its longstanding board members. A few of them are transitioning a bit and we wanted to take a moment to acknowledge that and give them a huge thanks. They have been difference makers in the lives of Ludeman residents and the developmentally disabled throughout the state. Evelena Clark has served on the PFLC Board with great dedication for many years. Forever kindhearted and wise, Evelena lent a voice of reason that helped move us toward the right decision for the right reasons. Some of us on the board were privileged to receive a hand-knitted “Welcome to the Board” gift from Evelena; a hand-knitted tam to keep our heads warm for those winter board meetings. In recent years when it became difficult for Mrs. Clark to make it to Ludeman for PFLC board meetings, her children and grandchildren were always there to provide transportation that allowed her to continue to be present. Thanks for all you’ve given us, Evelena. Gayle Cooley and her husband, Bob, have served on the PFLC board since 1980. In their time on the board, they have served on endless committees and provided strong and steady leadership to our Parents & Friends group. For years they have been the key organizers of the Summer Gala and before that the Fall FunFest, as well. Gayle has decided to step down after serving as the PFLC Treasurer for the past 10 years. In that time, she has done more than just keep the books straight. Gayle has been a positive and wise voice as well as a sound financial steward of PFLC. Thank you for all you’ve done, Gayle & Bob! Mary Lou Sullivan and her husband Neil have served on the PFLC board for well over 20 years. Mary Lou after all this time has decided to step down from our board. Mary Lou has been on numerous committees and for many years was the editor (& chief writer) of the PFLC newsletter. She formally served as co-President of PFLC along with Neil for three years. Through her entire tenure, Mary Lou always brought a calming, impactful, and reasoned voice to the board table. We thank you, Mary Lou & Neil, for your exemplary service to Parents & Friends. Fred Flynn thankfully is remaining on as a board member, but this November he will be stepping down from his current role as Vice-President. Fred’s service to this organization has been unparalleled. Amazingly, Fred has served in the capacity of either PFLC President or Vice-President for the past 25 consecutive years. He has been one of the most influential, passionate, and informed voices speaking out on behalf of Ludeman residents. He has put in endless hours to make their lives better. He also hasn’t been able to park his car in the garage during the first half of winter for the last many years as he continues to co-chair & warehouse the PFLC Nut Drive! Thanks for everything, Fred! Fred, Evelena, Gayle & Bob, Mary Lou & Neil – you have inspired all of us and we will never be able to thank you enough!

John Haley & Sarah Ross PFLC President PFLC Corresponding Secretary

Parents and Friends of Ludeman Center· 2016-09-23· 2 Ludeman Center Administration Update, August 2016 Congratulations to Glenda Corbett. After serving seven years as Ludeman - [PDF Document] (5)


2016 VOR Washington, D.C. Conference Paul Keipert attended the June, 2016 VOR Conference and represented the PFLC organization. Paul partnered with Laurie Stengler. Laurie is on the board of IL-ADD and the Murray Parents Association. The Murray SODC (State Operated Development Center, Centralia, IL) was targeted for closure under then-Governor Quinn. Laurie also testified in the Federal lawsuit that helped prevent that from happening. Paul and his Illinois counterparts were able to meet with twenty Representatives and Senate office resources. The message they delivered was requesting that the Department of Justice (DOJ) as well as Health and Human Services (HHS) include in their language when they request closure of a facility that residents and guardians be notified. Also, the individual’s right to choice must be preserved based on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Olmstead Supreme Court decision. On the ‘Watch List’ for us is the Supported Decision Making (SDM) proposed by the United Nations (UN). This concept allows for individuals with limited decision making skills to enlist others for decision making support. The concern is that the ‘enlisted others’ will take their authority too far, and could potentially put our legal guardianship rights in jeopardy. What is most important is to begin hearings to re-authorize the ADA. VOR is prepared to dialog and provide statistics and instances of ADA and Olmstead violations. Paul and his Illinois counterparts delivered this message to our Illinois Federal Legislators. Thank you Paul for your volunteerism that supports the Developmentally Disabled community!

2016 Special Olympics The Illinois Special Olympics Regional competition was held in May on the Thornwood High School campus in South Holland, Illinois. Those who went on from there competed in the June Illinois Special Olympics State competition on the Illinois State University campus in Normal, Illinois. Fourteen Ludeman Special Olympians participated. The Ludeman Special Olympians won one gold metal, four silver medals and two bronze medals. Congratulations to all the Ludeman Special Olympians for their efforts and success! A special thanks goes out to the Chicago Cubs for their support of Ludeman Center in the Special Olympics. Cubs Care charities donated $500 that allowed for the purchase of Special Olympic uniforms. The Ludeman Special Olympians looked so professional in their new uniforms – Matching nylon jackets and pants, plus a t-shirt. The jackets were embroidered with each Olympian’s first name as well as ‘Ludeman Center’. Go Cubs!

New PFLC By-Laws and Constitution The PLFC Board of Directors recommended a sub-committee review our organization’s By-Laws and Constitution. The sub-committee reviewed, developed and proposed a significantly updated version to the Board. The key changes to the By-Laws and Constitution include updated language, inclusion of our mission statement, establishment of an emeritus board member status, updated Executive Officer and Board Member eligibility and responsibilities, established term limits on the office of President, as well as other miscellaneous updates. A membership vote on the revised By-Laws and Constitution is necessary for ratification of the new By-Laws and Constitution. It will be held at our October 30th General Meeting. If you would like to review the proposed changes to the PFLC By-Laws and Constitution in advance, they will be posted starting September 25th on our website, If you have difficulty accessing our website, we will upon request mail you a copy of the proposed changes.

Parents and Friends of Ludeman Center· 2016-09-23· 2 Ludeman Center Administration Update, August 2016 Congratulations to Glenda Corbett. After serving seven years as Ludeman - [PDF Document] (6)


Upcoming Events Supported By PFLC

Fall Fun Fest – September 24th at the Ludeman Center Grounds. Last year we had a great turnout of

family members who brought fun and energy to this special day for the residents and their families. We will have a 2-piece band, a Clown-Balloonist, and the horse-drawn wagon ride to entertain the Ludeman residents and family. Popcorn, Pop, and Ice Cream snacks will be provided. Thanks to the Ludeman Staff for their participation, support, and help so the Ludeman residents and family can enjoy the event. We hope to see you there to enjoy the day with your loved one. We welcome those interested in volunteering, too!

Winter Disc Jockey Dance – November 13th for the Ludeman residents in the Ludeman Center Gym,

Building 64, 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

6th Annual Christmas Dinner Party – Silver Lakes Country Club, Orland Park, Illinois December 14, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. Ludeman residents and their support staff attend this special off-campus event! If you wish to attend the event, contact the Ludeman Activity Department at 708-283-3107 for more information and cost for you to attend. December 22, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. This 2nd event is for the Ludeman residents who are unable to attend the Silver Lakes Christmas Party. An on-campus holiday dance party will take place at the Ludeman Center Gym, Building 64.

DID YOU KNOW? Website News – Amazon Smile Update – As of August, 2016 the Amazon Smile Program has donated $154.73 to our organization. Go to our website, and click on the Amazon Smile “Get Started” button and Amazon will donate to our organization with your every purchase! It’s easy, and does not add any additional charges to your order total. Visitors from Near and Far – So far in 2016, we’ve had 2,081 website visits.n 2015 there were 3,993 visits. If you haven’t used it yet, it is a great way to stay current with PFLC. Followers – Sign up to receive PFLC Updates! It’s easy – go to the website, and in the lower right corner click on “Follow” and enter your e-mail address. Also, if you provided an e-mail address when you sent in your membership dues, you’ll automatically be added to the website ‘Followers List’. You’ll get updates on new postings to the website. Just that easy!

Donations Donations are still needed to fund the various activities PFLC sponsors for the enjoyment of the residents. Your donations are always put to good use. A little help from many goes a long way! Active 2016/2017 Memberships $2,520.00 Protect Our Resident Fund 2016 $8.216.00

Your Money At Work – PFLC *** NEWS FLASH *** We hope to have the new Event Tent set up for the Fall Fun Fest!!!

Come and see your money at work: Purchase of a new 20 x 30 foot Outdoor Event Tent $2,619.15 Summer Gala $2,134.49

Volunteerism The 2016 Summer Gala was a great success because of the Ludeman staff, PFLC volunteers and so many of you. We had a great residential turnout as well as so many family and friends who came out for an enjoyable afternoon with their loved ones. Now, here’s the pitch - - if you are a sibling of a Ludeman resident, we’d like to hear from you! Currently, the PFLC Board is comprised of eleven siblings and thirteen parents. Our Board parents are a wealth of knowledge as well as role models for volunteering. Our Board siblings bring new ideas that can be incorporated into the long-standing efforts of the parents.

Parents and Friends of Ludeman Center· 2016-09-23· 2 Ludeman Center Administration Update, August 2016 Congratulations to Glenda Corbett. After serving seven years as Ludeman - [PDF Document] (7)


Fall General Meeting – PFLC Board Elections First, a special THANK YOU for the true spirit of volunteering to the following individuals. Their biographies display their willingness to share their passion, time, and talent that supports our organization’s mission. The following active PLFC members in good standing will be nominated at the Fall General Meeting.

Parents and Friends of Ludeman Center· 2016-09-23· 2 Ludeman Center Administration Update, August 2016 Congratulations to Glenda Corbett. After serving seven years as Ludeman - [PDF Document] (8)


Parents & Friends of Ludeman Center P.O. Box 754 Park Forest, IL 60466


Enjoy the Beautiful Fall Days - Come Out and Have Some Fun!

Come Out and Support PLFC Sponsored Events

September 16th – 17th Knights of Columbus - Tootsie Roll Drive September 24th Fall Fun Fest – Ludeman Center Grounds 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. October 30th PFLC Fall General Meeting – Building 64

Ludeman Center, 114 Orchard Dr., Park Forest, IL Refreshments 1:30 p.m. Meeting 2:00 p.m.

November 13th Winter Disc Jockey Dance – Ludeman, Building 64, 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. December 14th Silver Lakes Country Club Holiday Banquet, Orland Park, IL

Thank You for Your Continued Support! The Parents and Friends of Ludeman Center is a 501c (3) Non-Profit Organization All donations are tax deductible. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated. We accept money, time and talent.

Parents and Friends of Ludeman Center · 2016-09-23 · 2 Ludeman Center Administration Update, August 2016 Congratulations to Glenda Corbett. After serving seven years as Ludeman - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.